General Files
- CNAF 9/09 Folder : Rodolfo Contreras 2010
- CNAF 9/10 Folder : Interns: Barbara Croom 2006-2009
- CNAF 9/11 Folder : Claudette Derdaele 2004-2005
- CNAF 9/12 Folder : Pam Folse 2001-2009
- CNAF 9/13 Folder : Giel, John 2009
- CNAF 9/14 Folder : Rosie Hernandez 2011-2012
- CNAF 9/15 Folder : Timothy Johnston
- CNAF 9/16 Folder : Jenny Knoll 2004-2007
- CNAF 9/17 Folder : Norbert Maduzia 2012
- CNAF 9/18 Folder : Ricardo Martin 2012
- CNAF 9/19 Folder : Bernadette McMasters 2009
- CNAF 9/20 Folder : Thomas Metzger 2011
- CNAF 9/21 Folder : Rick Reed 2012
- CNAF 9/22 Folder : Patrick Sibley 2008
- CNAF 9/23 Folder : Ivan Tou 2009-2011
- CNAF 9/24 Folder : Ricardo Valdez
- CNAF 9/25 Folder : Wearsch, Ron 2012
- CNAF 9/26 Folder : Steve Wilbricht 2009
- CNAF 9/27 Folder : Stephen Wilbricht 2011
- CNAF 9/28 Folder : Post Convocations - Evaluations 2000-2003
- CNAF 9/29 Folder : Canadian Event - 2001
- CNAF 9/30 Folder : National Directory for Catechesis 2000-2005
- CNAF 9/31 Folder : African American 1992-2002
- CNAF 9/32 Folder : Inculturation 1999-2005
- CNAF 9/33 Folder : Ambassadors of Christ 2003-2005
- CNAF 9/34 Folder : Printed Material 1987-1989
- CNAF 9/ Series : CARA Report 2000-2013
- CNAF 9/35 Folder : Report on the RCIA
- CNAF 9/36 Folder : CARA - Special Report - CARA Report 2000-2007
- CNAF 9/37 Folder : The CARA Report 2008-2013
- CNAF 9-10/ Series : Dissertations on Initiation 1983-2008
- CNAF 9/38 Folder : Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - An Annotated Bibliography 1983
- CNAF 9/39 Folder : Toward a More Effective Implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults / by Gerald H. Galipeau 1999/0521
- CNAF 9/40 Folder : The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults: Continuity in Spirit and Culture / by Kathleen Dorsey Bellow 1997/07
- CNAF 9/41 Folder : Liturgical Catechesis / by Rev. James B. Dunning 1993/07
- CNAF 9/42 Folder : Christiane Brusselmans Bridge Builder and Visionary of the Contemporary Liturgical Movement / by Marian A. Zimmerman, RSM 1987/0811
- CNAF 9/43 Folder : Think Tank on African American Perspectives of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults 1995/04
- CNAF 9/44 Folder : Priests' Compensation in 2005 - Church Personnel Issues 2005/10
- CNAF 9/45 Folder : Pontificium Athenaeum Sancti Anselmi De Urbe Pontificium Institutum Liturgicum 1997
- CNAF 9/46 Folder : Conversion and Adult Initiation: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Experience and Rite 1979
- CNAF 9/47 Folder : A Mystagogical Reflection Process for a Liturgical Assembly / by Sheila O'Dea 1995
- CNAF 9/48 Folder : The Process of Discernment in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 2000
- CNAF 10/01 Folder : Formation for Mission: Catechesis in "The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults" / by Magdalene Karecki 1995/11
- CNAF 10/02 Folder : Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 1988
- CNAF 10/03 Folder : Book of the Elect 1985
- CNAF 10/04 Folder : Catechumenate and Affirmer / Uncatechized Rites Compared
- CNAF 10/05 Folder : Convocation 2008
- CNAF 11-13/ Series : Oversized Material
- CNAF 11/01 Item : Banner
- CNAF 11/02 Item : Picture Scrapbook
- CNAF 11/03 Item : The Book of the Names of the Dead
- CNAF 11/04 Item : Framed Picture of Rev. James B. Dunning
In Celebration of God's Life With Us In Rev. James B. Dunning 1937/0526 - 1995/0916
- CNAF 12/01 Item : Framed Picture of Christiane Brusselmans
In Celebration of God's Life With Us In Christiane Brusselmans 1930/1101 - 1991/1029
- CNAF 12/02 Item : Framed Picture of Rev. James B. Dunning
- CNAF 12/03 Item : Framed Poem - Receive the Sign of the Cross
- CNAF 13/01 Item : Framed Tribute to James Dunning 1992/10
Christian Initiation
- ANAF : North American Forum on the Catechumenate: Audio-Visual Material
- ANAF Group : NAFC Videos (1 linear foot)
- ANAF 49852-49859 V8 : Rural Symposium: Defining and Discerning Rural Culture, Gary Burkhart, etc. 1997/03
- ANAF 49860-49861 VH : Rev. James B. Dunning ca 1995
- ANAF 49862 VH : OCIA: Liturgical Catechesis [part 3 only] 1992/0123
- ANAF 49863-49865 VH : OCIA: Liturgical Catechesis with Rev. Dunning, Rev. Neumann, Sr. O'Shea 1992/0114-28
- ANAF 49866-49868 Group : North American Forum on the Catechumenate 1992/1015-17
- ANAF 49866 VH : Celebration Festival, Minneapolis, MN 1992/1015
- ANAF 49867 VH : Reign, Role, Reality: Assessing the Implementation of the OCIA - J. Michael Joncas 1992/1016
- ANAF 49868 VH : The Future Taking Shape - Diana Hayes, Stephen Klineberg, Michael Warren 1992/1017
- ANAF 49869-49872 VH : Leadership Conference with Pat Brennan, James Dunning, Ray East, John Butler 1994/0801-04
- ANAF 49873-49878 VH : Consultation: Liturgical Catechism with Fragomeni, Kelly and others 1991/1117-19
- ANAF 49879 VH : East Coast Conference for Religious Education: Rev. James Dunning - Professional Update: RCIA 1992
- ANAF 49880-49881 VH : New Ways of Being Church, Intercontinental Symposium on the Local Church, St. Trudo Abbey, Bruges, Belgium [2 copies] 1985/06
- ANAF 49882 VH : Church '85 - RCIA and the Parish, Rev. Philip Murnion 1985/0425
- ANAF 49883 VH : North American Forum Convocation: Rev. Aidan Kavanagh - Critical issues in the Growth of the RCIA in North America 1980s
- ANAF 49884 VH : Don Neumann - The Catechumenate for Children 1991
- ANAF 49885 VH : Eintauchen in das Licht von Ostern, Erwachsene Feiern Ihren Weg Zur Taufe [Deutsches Liturgisches Institut][PAL] no date
- ANAF 49886-49887 CD : NA Forum, Mystagogy Webinar with Ron Oakham [live] 2010/0622
- ANAF 49888-49889 CD : NA Forum, Mystagogy Webinar with Ron Oakham [pre-recorded] 2010/0618
- ANAF 49890 DVD : Ron Oakham 2012/0124
- ANAF 49891 DVD : Michael Clay Webinar, Making Christian Initiation Rural and Small Town Friendly 2012/0530
- ANAF 49892-49893 CD : David Haas - Creating Good [2 copies] 1989
- ANAF 49894-49936 Group : 5th International Convocation: Handling on What We Have Received from the Lord Forum, Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland, OH 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49894 CD : K. Bellow - Christian Initiation: Faith Becoming Culture 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49895 CD : J. Galipeau - Lectionary-Based or Curriculum-Based Catechesis, Neither Is Enough 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49896 CD : G. Gensler - The Community that Apprentices All Year 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49897-49898 CD : Kane - Preparing the Rites for the Ninety Days From the Rite of Election to the Mass of Neophytes 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49899 CD : P. Lagges - Canonical and Pastoral Solutions in Initiation 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49900 CD : T. Piasecki - La Catequesis Liturgica El Culto Divino Nos Ensena Quienes Somos Y Lo Que Nos Exige Dios 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49901 CD : J. Schellman - Doctrinal Formation in the Catechumenate 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49902-49903 CD : D. Steffen - The Challenge of Discernment within the Apprenticing Community 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49904 CD : P. Turner - Honoring the Journey of the Baptized Candidate 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49905 CD : N. Wagner - How To Get the Whole Parish Community on Your Formation Team 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49906 CD : C. Barthel - Presiding at the Rites - More Than Doing the Right Thing 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49907 CD : M. Birmingham - Breaking Open Liturgical Catechesis - What It Is and How You Do It 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49908 CD : K. Brown - Apprenticing Disciples for Justice and Peace 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49909 CD : M. Clay - Navigating Initiation in the Rural and Small Town Parish: Pastoral Strategies 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49910 CD : C. Colella - Reconciling Hearts and Lives - Becoming a Reconciling Community 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49911 CD : G. Gensler - Continuing the Missionary Activity of Jesus 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49912 CD : K. Kuczka - Righting the Rites: Exploring the Catechumenate 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49913 CD : R. Lewinski - The Role of Sponsors in an Apprenticeship for Christian Initiation 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49914 CD : R. Moriarty - Imaging Initiation in Small Church Communities 2008/1106-08
- ANAF 49915 CD : N. Wagner - How To Get the Whole Parish Community on Your Formation Team 2008/1106-08