Donald J. Thorman - Editor and Publisher
- CNCR 21/24 Folder : On Remaining a Catholic
- CNCR 21/25 Folder : Synod of Bishops 1971
- CNCR 21/26 Folder : War Resisters in Canada 1972
- CNCR 21/27 Folder : CMSM (Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Paul VI- renewal)
- CNCR 21/28 Folder : NCR Readership Survey 1967,1974
- CNCR 21/29 Folder : Editorial Department Friday Reports
- CNCR 21/30 Folder : NCR Ads in magazines
- CNCR 21/31 Folder : Sales/Media Dept. meetings, (Friday Reports- Clink, JAC etc)
- CNCR 22/01 Folder : Taxing Advertising
- CNCR 22/02 Folder : NCR Corporate Papers and By-laws (minutes of lst mtg) 1964-1966
- CNCR 22/03 Folder : Legal and Bank 1964-1970
- CNCR 22/04 Folder : Legal certificate of Incorporation, tax exemption etc
- CNCR 22/05 Folder : NCR Board Meeting, Kansas City, MO 1967/0424
- CNCR 22/06 Folder : Villanova (arrangements for talk at) 1971/0414
- CNCR 22/07 Folder : OVERVIEW pieces- short (Thomas More Association)
- CNCR 22/08 Folder : Mary- THE LAMP Mary: Casualty of the Council?
- CNCR 22/09 Folder : Chapter I "The Christian Vision"
- CNCR 22/10 Folder : Chapter 11, "The Apostolate"
- CNCR 22/11 Folder : Chapter 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13? Book?
- CNCR 22/13 Folder : Chapter 13 The Act of Being Human- Christian Humanism
- CNCR 22/14 Folder : Chapter 15 A Plan of Life
- CNCR 22/15 Folder : Chapter 1-15 (Missing 10, 12, 16)
- CNCR 22/16 Folder : The Role of Catholic Higher Education Today
- CNCR 22/17 Folder : Fordham talk (Paperback- YOUR STAKE IN THE CHURCH)
- CNCR 22/18 Folder : MMS (Mail Marketing Services) General
- CNCR 22/19 Folder : SM: mentions, ads etc. (Successful Marriage)
- CNCR 22/10 Folder : NCCJ Interfaith Tour- Holy Land (the Jerusalem Post)
- CNCR 22/11 Folder : Future Editorial Plans
- CNCR 22/12 Folder : NCR Board Meeting, Kansas City, MO 1972/0211
- CNCR 22/23 Folder : "Freedom" manuscript Chapter 14 (10-11)
- CNCR 22/24 Folder : Imprimatur Re "The Christian Vision"
- CNCR 22/25 Folder : Freedom in the Spiritual Life Chapter 14
- CNCR 22/26 Folder : Future Business Ideas ?1965
- CNCR 22/27 Folder : Rev. Terrance O'Connor corresp. re: Thorman as Consultant
- CNCR 22/28 Folder : Dominican Proposal (PR)
- CNCR 22/29 Folder : Basic Handbook of DMFR (Direct Mail Market. fundraising 1971-1973
- CNCR 22/30 Folder : Personal Mail NCR Thorman obit issue
- CNCR 22/31 Folder : Miscellaneous
- CNCR 23/01 Folder : Complimentary Quotes (re: NCR)
- CNCR 23/02 Folder : Spring Fund Raising 1972
- CNCR 23/03 Folder : Summary Fund Raising Activities (Minutes of Board of D irectors Meeting) 1967,1968
- CNCR 23/04 Folder : NCR: History and Documents, Board of Directors Meeting re: Hoyt fired 1970-1971
- CNCR 23/05 Folder : Fund Raising (Jim Camey, Lilly Foundation, Mike Wales) 1977
- CNCR 23/06 Folder : ABA convention (American Booksellers Association) 1976
- CNCR 23/07 Folder : Deposit in Box (safety deposit box info)
- CNCR 23/08 Folder : MMS prices (Mail service for bulk renewal mailings) 1968-1971
- CNCR 23/09 Folder : NCGA, National Church Goods Association (roster / supplier directory) 1976
- CNCR 23/10 Folder : Panel of Consultants 1966
- CNCR 23/11 Folder : RGH Robert Hoyt - DJT 1966
- CNCR 23/12 Folder : Circulation Promotion Program, NCR by Zakin Co. 1968
- CNCR 23/13 Folder : Ave Maria Magazine Notre Dame, Outline of Fulfillment 1966/0328
- CNCR 23/13 Folder : Mutchler, Robert- circulation manager 1966/0328
- CNCR 23/14 Folder : Extra Copies of the Agenda??? Correspondence re: NCR personnel 1966+
- CNCR 23/15 Folder : NCR Corporate Bylaws with update revised 1964,1972
- CNCR 23/16 Folder : Publishers Report 1967/0124
- CNCR 23/17 Folder : Minutes of Special Board Mtg. 1973/0214
- CNCR 23/18 Folder : Minutes, bylaws, legal- special BOD meeting, bylaws 1970/0827
- CNCR 23/19 Folder : Amendments and bylaws 1969
- CNCR 23/20 Folder : Donald Thorman (promotion, fundraising results with sample) 1971-1972
- CNCR 23/21 Folder : Donald Thorman (financial accounts of NCR, budgeting etc) 1967/0921
- CNCR 23/22 Folder : Meagher, Rev. Arnold- "Sacerdos Occidentalis" author 1966-1968
- CNCR 23/23 Folder : Notre Dame Birth Control Group (Newsclipping etc. ) 1965
- CNCR 23/23 Folder : Notre Dame Birth Control Group (telegram- Shuster to DJT) 1965
- CNCR 23/24 Folder : Bulk collection letters 1967-1968
- CNCR 23/25 Folder : Securities- Investments 1968-1970
- CNCR 23/26 Folder : Salary structure 1966
- CNCR 23/27 Folder : J.K. Lasser Study (income and expense patterns) 1962-1967
- CNCR 23/28 Folder : Miscellaneous- Financial (Business expense article) 1967
- CNCR 23/29 Folder : Monthly Financial Statements to Board 1970/10+
- CNCR 23/30 Folder : List of Documents in Vault at Mercantile Bank and Trust
- CNCR 23/31 Folder : Legal (re: Board of Directors etc. )
- CNCR 23/32 Folder : Audit (empty) 1968
- CNCR 23/33 Folder : NCR Procedures and Operations c1968-1972
- CNCR 23/34 Folder : Fulfillment Prodedures- Ave Maria 1966/0328
- CNCR 23/35 Folder : NCR Organizational (costs etc. )
- CNCR 23/36 Folder : Ave Maria Press organization chart and commentary
- CNCR 23/37 Folder : Cancelationa 1968
- CNCR 23/38 Folder : Direct Mail Materials, ideas etc. Quotes
- CNCR 23/39 Folder : Graphic Redisign- NCR 1969
- CNCR 23/40 Folder : IDOC (NCR as American distributor proposal) 1969
- CNCR 23/41 Folder : Criticism NCR Editorial Content 1968-1969
- CNCR 23/42 Folder : Editorial Memos (James Andrews) 1968-1969
- CNCR 23/43 Folder : NCR Report- New Project 1968
- CNCR 23/44 Folder : Miscellaneous (advertising, expenses etc. ) 1970
- CNCR 23/45 Folder : Editorial Proposal for future of NCR Thorman to Board 1970/0519
- CNCR 23/46 Folder : Herr - Hoyt - Thorman 1970
- CNCR 23/47 Folder : RGH (Hoyt) memos to and from 1967-1970
- CNCR 23/48 Folder : Catholic Publishing c1962-1972
- CNCR 23/49 Folder : Publisher's Report 2 extra copies (actually agendas) 1971
- CNCR 23/50 Folder : NCR Board mtg. Chicago (Memos re: Board reports) 1972/1006
- CNCR 24/01 Folder : MCW Michael C. Wales and Co. Correspondence 1975
- CNCR 24/02 Folder : J. Peter Grace
- CNCR 24/03 Folder : Michael Wales and Co. 1973,1975
- CNCR 24/04 Folder : Positive Mail 1971
- CNCR 24/05-09 Group : Correspondence A-Z 1976
- CNCR 24/10 Folder : Frost, Francis Correspondence 1976
- CNCR 24/11 Folder : TFB Terry F. Brock 1975-1976
- CNCR 24/12 Folder : Communication Dept. - Job Decsriptions 1976-1977
- CNCR 24/13 Folder : KO, CT, ANW Clink Thompson, Art Winter, ?