National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company: Graphics
- GNCR Image(s) : Max Baucus, Congressman
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Albert Bauman
- GNCR Image(s) : Raymond Baumhart, SJ
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. William J. Bausch
- GNCR Image(s) : Father William Casimir Bayer
- GNCR Image(s) : Senator Birch (D-Ind.)Bayh
- GNCR Image(s) : Bishop Stephen F. Bayne, Anglican Bishop (Died 1974)
- GNCR Image(s) : Agustin Bea, Cardinal of Germany
- GNCR Image(s) : George Beadle, President of University of Chicago
- GNCR Image(s) : Octavio Bears, Cardinal in the Dominican Republic
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Alexander Beaton, SA
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Vincent Beatty, S.J. (Died 11/5/1979)
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Joachim Beaumont
- GNCR Image(s) : Virgil Beaupre
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. George Jr. Beazley, Cocu Chairman
- GNCR Image(s) : Mrs. Jerome Bechtold, USCC Advisory Council
- GNCR Image(s) : Joyce Beck
- GNCR Image(s) : Mary Beckman
- GNCR Image(s) : Sr. Alberta Beckwith
- GNCR Image(s) : Vernerable Bede
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. Peter Beebe, Episcopal Pastor
- GNCR Image(s) : Floyd Begin, Bishop (Died April 26, 1977)
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Robert T. Begin, OC of Clevend
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Robert Beh
- GNCR Image(s) : Fr. George Behan
- GNCR Image(s) : Leroy Behnke
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Joseph J. Behr
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Ralph Beiting
- GNCR Image(s) : Bishop Wilhelm Bekkers
- GNCR Image(s) : Alden J. Bell, Bishop (Died August 28, 1982)
- GNCR Image(s) : Griffin Bell
- GNCR Image(s) : Robert N. Bellah "The American Revolution and Religious Values"
- GNCR Image(s) : James Bellavia, Vice President (1979)of NACST
- GNCR Image(s) : Saul Bellow
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Edgar Beltran
- GNCR Image(s) : Archbishop Benedictus, Archbishop of Athens (Greek Roman Catholic)
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. Eliahu Ben-Elissar (Israel)
- GNCR Image(s) : Bernardo Benes
- GNCR Image(s) : Fr. Al Benevides
- GNCR Image(s) : Alfred Bengsch, Cardinal (Died December 13, 1981)
- GNCR Image(s) : David Ben-Gurion
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Eugene (Geno)Beniek
- GNCR Image(s) : Puis A. Benincasa, Bishop
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. John C. Bennett, President Union Theological Seminary
- GNCR Image(s) : Charles E. Bennett, Representative
- GNCR Image(s) : Don Bennett
- GNCR Image(s) : Mrs. John C. Bennett
- GNCR Image(s) : Senator Wallace Bennett
- GNCR Image(s) : John Beno
- GNCR Image(s) : Ezra Taft Benson
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Novatus Benzing, OFM
- GNCR Image(s) : Cardinal Joseph Beran
- GNCR Image(s) : Rudy Beranek
- GNCR Image(s) : Armand Berard
- GNCR Image(s) : Brother Joseph Berg
- GNCR Image(s) : Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan (Died July 12, 1972)
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. Peter Berger, Socioreligionologist
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. Goeran Bergstrand
- GNCR Image(s) : E. Bertram Berkley, Bertram of Kansas City
- GNCR Image(s) : Milton Berle
- GNCR Image(s) : Miss Maxine Berlinger
- GNCR Image(s) : Sister Bernadette, Glenmary Sister
- GNCR Image(s) : Sister Tina Bernel, Dancing nun
- GNCR Image(s) : Abbot Philip Berning
- GNCR Image(s) : Marver H. Bernstein, Israeli President
- GNCR Image(s) : Carl Bernstein
- GNCR Image(s) : Leonard Bernstein
- GNCR Image(s) : Marcia S. Bernstein
- GNCR Image(s) : Yogi Berra
- GNCR Image(s) : Mrs. R. C. Berrie
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Daniel Berrigan
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Daniel Berrigan
- GNCR Image(s) : Daniel Berrigan
- GNCR Image(s) : Sister Rosalie Bertell
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. Malcolm Bertram
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Paul Besanceney, SJ
- GNCR Image(s) : Patrick Best, Former Priest of the Free Ministry
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Joseph Betinec, Priest of St. Michael's Chicago
- GNCR Image(s) : Robert B. Beusse
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. James Bevel
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Eugene Bianchi, SJ
- GNCR Image(s) : Emile Biayenda, Cardinal (Assasinated March 23, 1977; Brazil)
- GNCR Image(s) : Father Heinrich Biedermann, Franciscan Father
- GNCR Image(s) : Father William C. Bier, Priest of Fordham
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. Bruce F. Biever, S.J.
- GNCR Image(s) : Robert and Michael Bilger
- GNCR Image(s) : Fr. John J. Billings
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. Chapman H. Binford
- GNCR Image(s) : Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, President of the NFL
- GNCR Image(s) : Nguyen Thai Binh
- GNCR Image(s) : Dr. Robert B. Binswanger, Director of the Advanced Administrative Insitute at Harvard
- GNCR Image(s) : Leo Binz, Archbishop (Died October 9, 1979)
- GNCR Image(s) : Prof. Charles Birch
- GNCR Image(s) : Thomas E. Bird, Orientalist
- GNCR Image(s) : Joseph and Lois Bird
- GNCR Image(s) : Rose Elizabeth Bird
- GNCR Image(s) : Simone Bischof, Benedictine Father
- GNCR Image(s) : George J. Biskup, Archbishop (Died October 17, 1979)
- GNCR Image(s) : Rev. Merrill Bittner
- GNCR Image(s) : Sister Ann Catherine Bizalion