Notre Dame Magazine: Photographs
- GNDM 1/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #284-288: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 Folder : Negative Strips #289-306 c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #289-300, 305-306: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #289-295, 299-300, 305-306: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) - Press Box Scenes [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #290: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) - Marching Band [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #290: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) - Presentation Ceremony to Callahans and Krause [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #296-298: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #301: Law School - John Noonan with book "Contraception," in office c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #302: Faculty - Kwang Tzu Yang, in laboratory, in front of blackboard, and in office c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #303: Faculty - Raymond Kent, in office c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #304: Faculty - Bernard Cullity c1966
- GNDM 1/25 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #305: Faculty - Town and Country Mall Sign at Night c1966
- GNDM 1/26 Folder : Negative Strips #307-324 c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #307: Faculty - Bernard Ward, in Law Library c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #308: Faculty - Donald Barrett c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #309: Notre Dame Stadium, Line of Reporters outside Press Gate [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #310-313: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) - Press Box [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #312: Football Game Scenes - Notre Dame vs. Michigan State University (MSU) - Presentation Ceremony to Callahans and Krause [1965?] c1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #314, 316: Alumni Club - St. Joseph Valley UND Night Banquet, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking 1966
- GNDM 1/26 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #315, 317-324: Faculty - Ed Cronin, in office and in classroom with students c1966
- GNDM 1/27 Folder : Negative Strips #325-342 c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #325-327: Faculty - Ed Cronin, in office and in classroom with students c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #328: Biology Department - Mosquito Genetics Laboratory c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #329: Faculty - Raymond Kent, in office c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #330: Faculty - John Noonan, in office c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #331, 334: Gerald Massey, studying in dorm room c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #332-333, 337-342: Gerald Massey, teaching in classroom c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #337: Gerald Massey, in office c1966
- GNDM 1/27 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #335-336: Centennial of Science - New York Presentation - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh et al. c1966
- GNDM 1/28 Folder : Negative Strips #343-351 c1966
- GNDM 1/28 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #343-345: Gerald Massey, teaching in classroom c1966
- GNDM 1/28 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #346-351: Law School - John Noonan, standing in front of the National Law Institute seal, with book "Contraception" c1966
- GNDM 1/29 Folder : Negative Strips #352-369 c1966
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #352-357: Men's Basketball Coach - Johnny Dee, in office c1966
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #358-360: Thomas P. Bergin, inside McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE)) c1966
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #360-363: Student Life - Coeds Walking on Campus c1966
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #364-367: Senior Class Officers - Pat Nash and John Hughes, posed in front of the Main Building 1966-1967
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #367: Student Life - Two Women Walking on Campus, winter c1966
- GNDM 1/29 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #367-369: Old Post Office (Knights of Columbus Building) Exterior, some with students, winter c1966
- GNDM 1/30 Folder : Negative Strips #370-379 c1966
- GNDM 1/30 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #370-372: Tom Figel '68, in front of Main Building c1966
- GNDM 1/30 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #372-374: Dave McMorrow '67, in front of Main Building c1966
- GNDM 1/30 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #374-375: Students Walking on Campus, winter c1966
- GNDM 1/30 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #375: Female/ Women Students Waiting for Bus c1966
- GNDM 1/30 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #376-379: Neighborhood Study Help Program, Students Tutoring Children c1966
- GNDM 1/31 Folder : Negative Strips #380-393 c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #380: Daniel Callahan, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #380: Father Burrel and Unidentified Nun, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #381: Robert Hassenger, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #381: Faculty - John Houck, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #381-382: Father Simons, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #382: Ed Goerner, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #383: Phil Gleason, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #383: Ed Manier, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #384: Father Burrell, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #384: Faculty - Jim Massey, Electrical Engineering, inside library c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #385-390: Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) - Groundbreaking Ceremony, includes Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh c1966
- GNDM 1/31 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #391-393: University of Notre Dame Press Offices, Emily Schossberger et al. c1966
- GNDM 1/32 Folder : Negative Strips #394-403 [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #394-395: Jim Armstrong, in front of blackboard [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #394, 396: Faculty - Ernest Eliel, in office [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #397, 401: James Frick, with Architectural Model of Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #398-399: Brother Raphael Wilson, in front of a window [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #399-400: Thomas Bergin, outside [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #400, 402: Father Walsh, in office [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #400: Father Simons [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/32 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #402-403: Faculty - James (Jim) Cooney, in office [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1966
- GNDM 1/33 Folder : Negative Strips #404-412 c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #404-405: Father McCarragher, outside c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #405-406: Father Simons c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #407-410: Theater - "The Professors" - Cast and WNDU Television Crew c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #408: Theater - "The Professors" - Rita Cassidy, Conrad Kellenberg, John Houck c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #409: Theater - "The Professors" - WNDU Technician c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #410: Theater - "The Professors" - Josephine Massyngbaerde (Massingberd) Ford, Rita Cassidy, John Houck c1966
- GNDM 1/33 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #411-412: Robert Phillips Photographing Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, standing on chairs in front of Sorin Statue c1966
- GNDM 1/34 Folder : Negative Strips #413-423 c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #413-414: College of Science - Audio-Tutorial Laboratory c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #415-416: William Liu, in library c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #417, 421, 423: Library - Mural c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #418-419: Basilica of the Sacred Heart Church, from Library c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #418-419, 421, 423: Students inside Library c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #418-419: Main Building, from Library c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #420: View of Main Building through iron gating c1966
- GNDM 1/34 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #421-422: View of Main Building through window in a door c1966
- GNDM 1/35 Folder : Negative Strips #424-459 c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #424: View of Main Building through iron gating c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #425-427: Alumni Reunion 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #425: Alumni Reunion Banquet, including Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh speaking 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #426: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1941 Presentation to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #426: Alumni Reunion - Informal Gathering, outside Morris Inn? 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #426-427: Alumni Reunion - Lecture 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #427: Alumni Reunion - Photographer Taking Group Picture 1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #428-452: Notre Dame Railroad c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #428-431: Notre Dame Railroad - Bell and Engine c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #432: Notre Dame Railroad - Aerial View of Tracks c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #433: Notre Dame Railroad - Stairway c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #434-436, 438: Notre Dame Railroad - Mechanics Working on Tracks and Engine c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #437-438: Notre Dame Railroad - Coal Piles c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #440: Notre Dame Railroad - Switches c1966
- GNDM 1/35 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #441, 443, 445-446: Notre Dame Railroad - Inside the Engine c1966