Notre Dame Magazine: Photographs
- GNDM 4/17 Folder : Negative Strips #1798-1813 c1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1798-1803: Dan Doyle '68 c1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1798, 1800-1803: Dan Doyle '68, outside on Quad, includes with a woman c1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1799-1801: Dan Doyle '68, inside office, includes with a man c1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1804-1809: Mock Presidential Convention, Stepan Center 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1806-1807: Mock Presidential Convention, Stepan Center, Ohio Congressman Robert Taft Jr. 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1810: Frederick Dow, in office c1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1811-1813: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1811: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1933 Friday Evening Dinner (Frames 1-2) 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1811, 1812: Alumni Reunion - Fifty-Year Club Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1812: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1943 presentation to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, painting portrait of Hesburgh 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1812-1813: Alumni Reunion - Registration 1968
- GNDM 4/17 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1813: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1928 (Frame 2) 1968
- GNDM 4/18 Folder : Negative Strips #1814-1822 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1814-1822: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1814: Alumni Reunion - Dorm Registration 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1814: Alumni Reunion - Fifty-Year Club Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1815-1816: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1923 Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1817-1821: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1948 Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/18 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1822: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1953 Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/19 Folder : Negative Strips #1823-1839 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1823-1839: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1823-1826: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1943 at Lyons Hall, outside 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1827: Alumni Reunion - inside Bookstore 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1827: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1933 at Morrissey Hall (?), outside 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1828: Alumni Reunion - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Richard (Dick) Rosenthal, Alumni presentation of 25th Anniversary Plaque 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1829-1831: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1943 Presentations to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1831: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1958 Art Roule (Frames 1-2) 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1832-1833: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1938 Friday Evening Dinner in South Dining Hall 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1834: Alumni Reunion - Men's Basketball Coach Johnny Dee speaking 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1834: Alumni Reunion - Sunday Morning Mass at Basilica of the Sacred Heart Church 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1835: Alumni Reunion - Richard (Dick) Rosenthal at Saturday Night Banquet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1835: Alumni Reunion - Father Sorin Statue with Beer Bottles at Feet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1835, 1838-1839: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1835, 1838-1839: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade, includes with car and bagpipers 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1836: Alumni Reunion - Rev. Edmund P. Joyce at Saturday Night Banquet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1837: Alumni Reunion - Bill Early at Saturday Night Banquet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1837: Alumni Reunion - Ara Parseghian at Saturday Night Banquet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1838: Alumni Reunion - Jim Cooney at Saturday Night Banquet 1968
- GNDM 4/19 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1838: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade - Class of 1928 1968
- GNDM 4/20 Folder : Negative Strips #1840-1856 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1840-1856: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1840: Alumni Reunion - Dining Hall Kitchen Staff 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1840-1842: Alumni Reunion - Dorm Registration Desk 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1842-1843: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1953 at Beer Tent 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1844: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1948 picnic 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1846-1848: Alumni Reunion - North Dining Hall Kitchen and Staff 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1849-1850: Alumni Reunion - Beer Tents and Picnic 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1851: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1943 at Lyons Hall, includes with beer 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1852: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1852-1853, 1855-1856: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1948 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1852: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1943 (Frames 2-3) 1968
- GNDM 4/20 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1854: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1953 1968
- GNDM 4/21 Folder : Negative Strips #1857-1874 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1857-1874: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1857: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1938 Memorial Pictures 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1858-1860: Alumni Reunion - Cars and Alumni Walking on Campus 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1861-1862: Alumni Reunion - General Registration Desk, at McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE))? 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1863-1865: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade, includes cars and bagpipers 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1865-1868: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Seminar 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1869-1871: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner in South Dining Hall 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1869: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner in South Dining Hall - Class of 1958 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1870-1871: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner in South Dining Hall - Class of 1963 1968
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negatives : Negative Strips #1872-1873: Alumni Reunion - Memorial Mass for Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) in Basilica of the Sacred Heart Church 1968/0404
- GNDM 4/21 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1873-1874: Alumni Reunion - Campus Bus Tours, in and outside of the bus 1968
- GNDM 4/22 Folder : Negative Strips #1875-1892 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1875-1892: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1875-1880: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1875: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1933 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1876-1880: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1923 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1881-1882, 1884-1885: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Morning Mass in Dorm Chapels 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1881: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Morning Mass in Dorm Chapels - Class of 1933 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1882: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Morning Mass in Dorm Chapels - Class of 1943 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1883-1884: Alumni Reunion - Bookstore during Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1882-1883, 1885: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Morning Mass at Grotto 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1887-1892: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade, includes car and bagpipers 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1889: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade - Class of 1928 1968
- GNDM 4/22 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1890: Alumni Reunion - Saturday Night Parade - Class of 1958 1968
- GNDM 4/23 Folder : Negative Strips #1893-1905 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1893-1905: Alumni Reunion 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1893-1905: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1893-1894: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1928 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1895-1896: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Class of 1933 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1897: Alumni Reunion - Friday Evening Dinner - Fifty-Year Club 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1897: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1943 outside Lyons Hall 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1897-1898: Alumni Reunion - Golf Outing 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1900: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1928 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1901-1902: Alumni Reunion - General Registration Desk, at CCE? 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1903: Alumni Reunion - Ara Parseghian at Golf Putting Green, next to Rockne Memorial 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1904: Alumni Reunion - Sunday Morning Mass at Basilica of the Sacred Heart Church 1968
- GNDM 4/23 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1905: Alumni Reunion - Class of 1938 Friday Evening Dinner, South Dining Hall 1968
- GNDM 4/24 Folder : Negative Strips #1906-1923 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1906-1923: Conference on Vatican II 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1906-1907: Conference on Vatican II - Conferees at Breakfast in Morris Inn 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1907: Conference on Vatican II - Newsroom 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1908-1909: Conference on Vatican II - Audio Control Booth at McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE)) 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1909: Conference on Vatican II - McKenna Hall (Center for Continuing Education (CCE)) Auditorium 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1910: Conference on Vatican II - Registration for Conferees 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strip #1911: Conference on Vatican II - Multi-Lingual Translators 1966/03
- GNDM 4/24 B/W Negative(s) : Negative Strips #1912-1913: Conference on Vatican II - Tunnel/Hallway 1966/03