20.PNDP 80- News and Topical Magazines, Newsletters, and Other Publications
- PNDP80-Co-1 Title : COTH News [by Communications and Theatre Department] 1992-1996
- PNDP80-Co-2 Title : Newsletter [by The Counseling Center] 1978-1979
- PNDP80-Co-2 Title : Newsletter [by Counseling and Psychological Service Center] 1985-2000s
- PNDP80-Co-3B Title : [Teacher-] Course Evaluation Booklet (published by Scholastic, Student Government) 1968-1981
- PNDP80-Co-3B Title : The Guide: Student Course Evaluation Handbook 1994
- PNDP80-Co-4 Title : What Works in the Classroom [by College Fellow's Office] 1993-1996
- PNDP80-Co-5 Title : Connections [published by the Counseling Center for ND Faculty and Staff] 2004-
- PNDP80-Co-6 Title : Commitment Comes First [published by Indiana University School of Medicine - South Bend on the Campus of the University of Notre Dame] 2006-
- PNDP80-Co-7 Title : Community Connections [published by the Office of Public Affairs and Communication] 2008-
- PNDP80-Co-8 Title : Configurations [published by the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering] 2008-
- PNDP80-Co-9 Title : Council Journal / Notre Dame Council on International Business Development Newsletter 1993-
- PNDP80-Cp-1B Title : The Patch. [Notre Dame, Ind.] : Computing Center, University of Notre Dame, 1971-1984. 1971-1984
- PNDP80-Cp-1B Title : Byteline [published by Computing Center] 1984-1989
- PNDP80-Cp-1B Title : Bitline : newsletter of the Office of University Computing, University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame, Ind. : The Office, 1989- 1989-1990s
- PNDP80-Cp-2B Title : MacPage [Macintosh Newsletter [by Computing Center] 1980s
- PNDP80-Cp-3B Title : Madmacs [Macintosh] Communique [by Mac User Group] 1990s
- PNDP80-Cp-4L Title : MacIntosh at Notre Dame 1989
- PNDP80-Cr-1 Title : ND Credit Union / Member Newsletter 1970s-1990
- PNDP80-Cr-1 Title : For Your Interest / Credit Union Newsletter 2000s-
- PNDP80-Cr-1 Title : Everybody's Money [Courtesy of ND Credit Union] 1970s
- PNDP80-Cu-1 Title : American Catholic Studies Newsletter [by Cushwa Center] 1975-
- PNDP80-De-1 Title : Notre Dame Now / Development News from Notre Dame 2002-
- PNDP80-De-2 Title : DeBartolo Performing Arts Newsletter / DPAChronicle 2006-
- PNDP80-De-3 Title : Design@ND / Newsletter for Graphic Design and Industrial Design Programs 2013-
- PNDP80-Ec-1 Title : Economics Department Newsletter 1960s
- PNDP80-Ed-1 Title : Education Newsletter [by Institute for Studies in Education] 1970-1971
- PNDP80-Ed-1 Title : Teacher Education Forum 1970s
- PNDP80-Ed-2 Title : Lens of Our Lady [published by ND Audio-Visual Center] 1950s
- PNDP80-Ed-2L Title : Audio-Visual Center UND Bulletin 1950s
- PNDP Comment : Audio-Visual Center UND was later Educational Media
- PNDP80-Ed-2L Title : EM Notes / EM Resources [published by Educational Media] 1976-1977
- PNDP80-Ed-2L Title : Reel News [published by Educational Media] 1979-1980
- PNDP80-Ed-2 Title : Media Matters [published by Educational Media] 1979-1990
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : Center for Educational Opportunity Newsletter 1980s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : Educational Talent Search [by Center Education Opportunity] 1980s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Subject : Upward Bound Program 1980s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : ETS Beacon
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : The Family Message / Upward Bound Newsletter 1990s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : Upward Beat 1990s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : UB Tymes 1990s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : The Family Message 1990s
- PNDP80-Ed-3 Title : UnpredictaBle / Newspaper of Upward Bound 2000s-
- PNDP80-Ee-1 Title : EE [Electrical Engineering Department] News 1950s
- PNDP80-Ee-1 Title : Electrical Engineering [Department Faculty] Dispatch 1980s
- PNDP80-Ee-1 Title : Newsletter: Department of Electrical Engineering 1982
- PNDP80-Ed-1 Title : EE Currents [Electrical Engineering Newsletter] 2007-
- PNDP80-Ee-2 Title : Nucleus [by South Bend Section of IEEE] 1960s
- PNDP80-Ee-2 Comment : IEEE is Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : [Engineering] Dean's Newsletter 1970s
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : Engineering Newsletter / News [by Engineering College] 1974-1990
- PNDP80-En-1o Title : Engineering Insights Newsletter 1999-
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : Scannings [published by Engineering College] 1980s
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : MEP [Minority Engineering Program] Newsletter 1989-
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : Consortium Review [published by the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees of Minorities in Engineering] 2000s-
- PNDP80-En-1 Title : The Notre Dame Engineer 2009-
- PNDP80-En-2 Title : Footnotes: An Annual Newsletter for the University of Notre Dame English Department 1950s-1970
- PNDP80-En-2 Title : English Department Newsletter 1980s-1990
- PNDP80-En-3 Title : Signatures [Engineering Advances at UND] 1999s-
- PNDP80-En-3 Title : Amplitude [Engineering Advances at UND] 2009-
- PNDP80-Er-1 Title : Erasmus Institute News 1999-
- PNDP80-Et-1 Title : Ethics Bulletin [Published by the ND Center for Ethics and Culture] 2000s-
- PNDP80-Et-2 Title : Ethics and Culture Newsletter [Published by the ND Center for Ethics and Culture] 2003-
- PNDP80-Et-3 Title : Catholic Idler [Published by the ND Center for Ethics and Culture and the Orestes Brownson Council] 2008-
- PNDP80-Fa-1 Title : Our Lady of Fatima Newsletter 1970s
- PNDP80-Fa-1 Author : Our Lady of Fatima Retreat and Pastoral Counseling Center 1970s-1980
- PNDP80-Fa-1 Title : Seasons (for Alumni) [by Our Lady Fatima Retreat Center) 1990s
- PNDP80-Fa-2 Title : Listening Post [published by Lay Faculty Club] 1942-1944
- PNDP80-Fa-2 Title : Quadrangle [published by Lay Club Faculty] 1945-1947
- PNDP80-Fa-2 Title : Cap and Gown [published by Lay Faculty Club] 1947-1960
- PNDP80-Fa-3 Title : Shoptalk [published by Facilities] 1994-
- PNDP80-Fi-1 Title : Behind the Scenes / FTT Notes [published by the Department of Film, TV and Theatre] 2000s-
- PNDP80-Fi-2 Title : Investing in Your Education [published by Office of Student Financial Services] 1999-
- PNDP80-Fi-3 Title : The Green Room / Department of Film, Television, and Theatre's Faculty Newsletter 2016-
- PNDP80-Fo-1 Title : Die Europabruecke [by Innsbruck Foreign Study Program] 1964
- PNDP80-Fo-1 Title : Notre Dame Institute News [Foreign Study Program] 1966
- PNDP80-Fo-2L Title : Lettuce Leaf [by University Food Service/ Dining Hall] 1980s
- PNDP80-Fo-3 Title : Strings and Wings [Folk Choir Newsletter] 1990s
- PNDP80-Fo-4 Title : Acumen [Follett Newsletter for Faculty] 2000s-
- PNDP80-Fr-1 Title : Freshman / First Year of Studies Dean's Newsletter 1960s-1990
- PNDP80-Fr-1 Title : Freshman / First Year of Studies Dean's Faculty Newsletter 1960s
- PNDP80-Fr-2 Title : Freshman Seminar / Freshman Writing Newsletter Humanities Seminar Newsletter 1970s-1980
- PNDP80-Fr-3 Title : We Are ND: A Newsletter for First Year Students and their Families 2002-
- PNDP80-Ga-1 Title : GALA [Gay and Lesbian Alumni/ae of the UND and St. Mary's] 1996-
- PNDP80-Ge-1B Title : ND Geology Club/ Department/ Earth Sciences Newsletter 1951-1990
- PNDP80-Ge-1B Title : Orogenus Times [Geology Department Newsletter] 1980s
- PNDP80-Ge-2 Title : Gender Matters: Gender Studies Newsletter 1990s
- PNDP80-Gi-1 Title : Give the Kids A Chance Coalition Newsletter [Family Policy] 1990s
- PNDP80-Go-1 Title : Golden Dome Productions Newsletter 1988-1990
- PNDP80-Go-2 Title : Informer [by Student Government] 1960-
- PNDP80-Go-2 Title : We the People [published by Student Government] 1985-1986
- PNDP80-Go-3 Title : Off-the-Record [by Off-Campus Commission, Student Government] 1979-1980
- PNDP80-Go-4 Title : Student Senate Information Bulletin 1950-
- PNDP80-Go-5 Title : Student Union News [published by Student Government] 1976/1104
- PNDP80-Go-5 Title : SUBTitles: The Student Union Board Newsletter 1990s
- PNDP80-Go-5 Title : SUB Reporter: The Student Union Board Newsletter 1994-
- PNDP80-Go-6 Title : Student Government Press Bulletins 1967-
- PNDP80-Gr-1 Title : Third Degree [Graduate Student Newsletter] 1949-
- PNDP80-Gr-1 Title : Graduate Student Union Newsletter 1970s-1990
- PNDP80-Gr-1 Title : The Unobserved: A Newsletter for Graduate Students 1979-
- PNDP80-Gr-2 Title : Perspectives- Graduate Studies and Research 1999s-