40. PNDP 1007- University Disciplinary Regulations/ Honor Code
- PNDP1007 Title : Hall Rules for Dormitories, Walsh Hall 1910
- PNDP1007 Title : Special Hall Rules 1947
- PNDP1007 Title : Code of Discipline for UND 1920s
- PNDP1007 Title : General Disciplinary Policy [Instructions for Rectors] 1925/1926
- PNDP1007 Title : General Disciplinary Policy [Instructions for Rectors] 1927/1928
- PNDP1007 Title : General Disciplinary Policy [Instructions for Rectors] 1928/1929
- PNDP1007 Title : General Disciplinary Policy [Instructions for Rectors] 1931/1932
- PNDP1007 Title : Discipline, UND 1933-34 1933
- PNDP1007 Title : Regulations of UND 1934-1935
- PNDP1007 Title : Regulations of UND 1935-1936
- PNDP1007 Title : Order of the Day c1950s?
- PNDP1007 Title : Official Bulletin UND 1950s
- PNDP1007 Subject : Washington's Birthday Exercises Instructions 1950s
- PNDP1007 Title : The Spirit and Regulations of Freshmen Residence Halls 1959/60
Includes sections on Religious Life, Academic Life, and General Order and Discipline.
- PNDP1007 Folder : Disciplinary Regulations - Hesburgh Letters to Faculty and Students 1961?
- PNDP1007o Folder : Academic Honor Code c1964-1965
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Honor Concept 1965/1966
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Honor Concept 1966/09
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Honor Concept 1967/09
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Honor Concept 1968
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Judicial Code 1968/09
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Law Honor Code and Hoynes Code 1970s,1990s-2000s
- PNDP1007 Title : Student Affairs Staff Statement: [may be just a draft] Principles of Student Life [may be just a draft] 1973/0829
- PNDP1007 Title : Directives for Graduate and Law Students c1970?
- PNDP1007 Folder : Regulations and Mechanisms for Advanced (Graduate) Students 1973/1001
- PNDP1007 Title : University Rules and Regulations 1977/1031
- PNDP1007 Title : Manual of Student's Rights UND Students' Rights Committee of the Judicial Council 1985
- PNDP1007 Title : Manual of Student's Rights UND Students' Rights Committee of the Judicial Council 1989
- PNDP1007 Title : Academic Code of Honor Handbook 1991
- PNDP1007 Title : Academic Code of Honor Handbook 1993
- PNDP1007 Title : Academic Code of Honor Handbook 1970s-
- PNDP1007 Title : Undergraduate Student Guide to the Academic Code of Honor and Undergraduate Student Guide to the Academic Code of Honor Handbook 2011
- PNDP1007 Title : Faculty Guide to the Academic Code of Honor 2011
- PNDP1007 Title : ND Law School Honor Code, Hoynes Code
- PNDP1008 Series : 41. PNDP 1008- Traffic and Parking Regulations 1968-1987
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1968-1969
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1970-1971
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1971-1972
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1972-1973
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1973-1974
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1974-1975
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1975-1976
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1976-1977
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1977-1978
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations c1983
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1984-1985
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations c1985-1986
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations [revised] 1987/07
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations c1987
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1989
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1990
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1993
- PNDP1008 Title : Traffic and Parking Regulations 1995-
- PNDP1009 Series : 42. PNDP 1009- Statutes, Bylaws, etc. Of the University
- PNDP1009 Title : Mission Statements of the University 1840s-2000s
- PNDP1009 Title : Acts of Incorporation of the UND du Lac *1844-1970
- PNDP1009 Folder : Charter of the University of Notre Dame 1844
- PNDP1009-1967 Title : UND du Lac: Statutes and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees 1967/04
- PNDP1009-1979 Title : UND du Lac: Statutes and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees 1979/11
- PNDP1009-1984 Title : UND du Lac: Statutes and Bylaws of the Board of Trustees 1984/05
- PNDP1009-1992 Title : UND du Lac: Statutes and Bylaws of the University 1992/05
- PNDP1009-1994 Title : UND du Lac: Articles of Governance [Charter, Statutes.. 1994/02
- PNDP1009-1997 Title : UND du Lac: Articles of Governance [Charter, Statutes.. 1997/
- PNDP1010 Series : 43. PNDP 1010- Reports, etc. re Student Life
- PNDP1010-1961 Title : Discipline at ND: A Report [by Committee of Nineteen A critique of ND's close supervision of Student Life and especially the "All Lights Out at Night" rule. 1961/04
- PNDP1010-1968 Title : Statement of Policy on Student Life by Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Committee of the Board of Trustees 1968/0515
- PNDP1020 Series : 44. PNDP 1020- Miscellaneous Handbooks, Guides, etc.
- PNDP1020-a-2 Title : Arts and Letters [College] Secretarial Staff Handbook 1986
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 1988/89
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 1995/96
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 1996/97
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 1987/98
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 1998/99
- PNDP1020-a-3 Title : Alumni Schools Committee Handbook (Admissions Handbook) 2000/01
- PNDP1020-a-4 Title : College of Arts and Letters Guide to Undergraduate Teaching 2003/04
- PNDP1020-a-4 Title : College of Arts and Letters Guide to Undergraduate Teaching 2005/06
- PNDP1020-a-4 Title : College of Arts and Letters Guide to Undergraduate Teaching 2009/10
- PNDP1020-b-1 Title : Budget Manual 1969/07
- PNDP1020-f-1 Title : Facilities [Operations and Engineering] Guide c1995
- PNDP1020-f-2 Title : University Financial Operations and Reports [by the Comptroller's Office] 1987/10
- PNDP1020-g-1 Title : Graduate & Professional Student Handbook 2003/04
- PNDP1020-g-1 Title : Graduate & Professional Student Handbook 2004/05
- PNDP1020-g-1 Title : duLac: The Graduate & Professional Student Handbook 2006/07
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students 1999/00
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students 2000-2001
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students and Scholars 2001-2002 [by International Student Services and Activities] 2001/02
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students and Scholars 2002-2003
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2003/2004
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students and Scholars 2004-2005
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : Handbook for International Students and Scholars 2005-2006
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2006/2007
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2007/2008
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2008/2009
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2009/2010
- PNDP1020-i-1 Title : International Students and Scholars Handbook 2010/2011
- PNDP1020-m-1 Title : Maintenance Manual [Summary] 1971/0806
- PNDP1020-m-2 Title : Maintenance Manual 1971/0701
- PNDP1020-p-1 Title : Procurement [Purchasing] Policies and Procedures Procurement [Purchasing] Policies and Procedures Changes 1977?
- PNDP1020-p-2 Title : Personnel Manual [Policies and Procedures] c1978
- PNDP1020-p-2 Title : Human Resources [Personnel] Guidebook 1987