Correspondence to and among the CMSW Research Committee related to the distribution and collection of the 1966 Congregational Survey and 1967 Sisters Survey questionnaires; answers to CMSW Research Committee requests for further information.
Requests to Sr Marie Augusta Neal for papers, public speaking engagements, etc.
Correspondence with computer programmers and processing centers related to the processing of data from several stages of the Sisters' Survey.
Ledgers, invoices, receipts, cancelled checks, grant application materials related to the financing of the CMSW Sisters Surveys.
Congregational Survey, 1966: Known as Part I, this was a survey of major superiors gathering information on the personnel and resources of the congregations.
Correspondence, reports, newsletters, publications related to Sr Neal's role as a consultant to the Sisters of Charity, BVM, self-study.
Correspondence, reports, publications related to congregational self-studies collected by Sr Neal either in support of the development of the 1966 Congregational Survey questionnaire, or because they made use of Sister Survey results or Sr Neal's study design.
Participant lists, draft questionnaires, codebooks related to the development of the 1966 Congregational Survey questionnaire. RESTRICTED.
Completed questionnaires and supplements to the 1966 Congregational Survey. RESTRICTED.
Computer printouts showing frequencies of responses and crosstabulations of national data, and responses by order or congregation. RESTRICTED.
Known as Part II, this was an attitude survey of the population of sisters in apostolic orders.
Notebooks, articles and other supporting material, pretests for each section of the 1967 Sisters Survey questionnaire.
Participant lists; form letters to Sister Sociologists; requests for processing; computer programs; reports to CMSW, Mothers Superior and the Sacred Congregation for Religious; lists of computer data tapes.
Reports, letters explaining scales; computer runs used in development of scales; charts, graphs, computer programs; notebooks related to ongoing research.
Computer printouts of crosstabulations of national samples and frequencies of particular orders in support of Sr Neal's research comparing groups of orders according to levels of experimentation and tendency toward renewal. RESTRICTED.
Sisters' Survey Retest, 1968: This is a survey instrument made available to the orders to allow them to test their progress since the 1967 survey - 2 folders with drafts of questionnaire, card layouts for key punching, results from one province. 2 folders. RESTRICTED.
This is a survey instrument developed in a summer advanced research institute and made available to all the orders. Its purpose is to assess the publics which are served by the religious orders.
Correspondence related to the summer institute; reading lists; drafts of questionnaire; pretests.
Completed questionnaires from the Boston area.
Contemplative Order Survey, 1968: This was an attitude survey of contemplative orders using an adaptation of the 1967 Sisters' Survey instrument.
Reports of national frequencies; reports to individual congregations. RESTRICTED.
Computer printouts with frequencies, crosstabulations. RESTRICTED.
Content Analysis of Chapter Decrees, 1973: Decrees from renewal chapters mandated by a 1966 Motu Proprio were collected and analyzed.
2 folders with drafts of coding instructions, correspondence with coders, computer card layout for analysis of chapter decrees.
Chapter decrees and related material from individual congregations, often including reports of analysis.
Chapter decrees, rules, constitutions collected by Sr Neal. NB: Similar material, also collected by Sr Neal, can be found in PLCW 1-7.
Twenty orders were selected for re-evaluation based upon their scores on a measure of belief used in the original Sisters' Survey. Ten other orders participated voluntarily in the update.
Drafts of questionnaire; review of research using 1967 data; instructions for analyzing chapter decrees; 1967 data for participating orders; charts, graphs, transparencies with 1979-80 Sister Survey results. RESTRICTED.
Descriptions and explanations of scales; papers and essays by Sr Neal based on 1979-80 results.
Computer Printouts with frequencies and crosstabs for national data and by order. RESTRICTED.
This was an update of the 1966 Congregational Survey, using approximately the same questionnaire.
Correspondence with LCWR re 1982 survey; codebook; lists of participants; tables, transparencies with national frequencies.
This was the final update of the 1967 Sisters' Survey, using a random sample of sisters' drawn from a national list.
Report on national data giving frequencies and interpretation.
Correspondence with and reports to orders using the survey for self-study. RESTRICTED.
Computer printouts with frequencies and crosstabs of national data and by individual orders using the survey for self-study. RESTRICTED.
Complete set of questionnaires and reports for all Sisters Surveys and related surveys; Papers and essays by Sr Neal related to the Sisters Survey research.