- CNEA 106/01 Folder : Book 5 - French / Belgium 1967
- CNEA 106/02 Folder : Book 6 - Congo 1967
- CNEA 106/03 Folder : Book 7 - South Africa 1967
- CNEA 107/01 Folder : Book 8 - England 1967
- CNEA 107/02 Folder : Book 9 - Italy 1967
- CNEA 107/03 Folder : Book 10 - frequencies 1967
- CNEA 107/04 Folder : Book 11 - Notre Dame 1967
- CNEA 108/01 Folder : Book 12 - Mission Areas 1967
- CNEA 108/02 Folder : Book 13 - frequencies 1967
- CNEA 108/03 Folder : Book 14 - cross tabs 1967
- CNEA 108/04 Folder : Book 15 - cross tabs 1967
- CNEA 109/01 Folder : Book 16 - item #8, order 1 - 221, part 1A 1967
- CNEA 109-110 Subseries : Jesuit Self-Study, California / Oregon Provinces
- CNEA 109/02 Folder : Computer printout Book 1; California / Oregon Provinces; Jesuit Oregon Program A 1968
- CNEA 109/03 Folder : Computer printout Book 2; California Jesuits Complete - Special Program 1968
- CNEA 110/01 Folder : Computer printout Book 3; Oregon Jesuits Complete - Special Program 1968
- CNEA 111-113 Subseries : South African Catholic Education Study
- CNEA 111/01 Folder : Computer printout Book 1; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Regions of country 1971
- CNEA 111/02 Folder : Computer printout Book 2; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Age 1971
- CNEA 111/03 Folder : Computer printout Book 3; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Income 1971
- CNEA 111/04 Folder : Computer printout Book 4; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Belief 1971
- CNEA 111/05 Folder : Computer printout Book 5; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Education of respondent 1971
- CNEA 111/06 Folder : Computer printout Book 6; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Brink 1971
- CNEA 111/07 Folder : Computer printout Book 7; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Primary / Secondary 1971
- CNEA 111/08 Folder : Computer printout Book 8; Scales and Race by Census Variables; Race by Scales, scales by scales 1971
- CNEA 111/09 Folder : Computer printout Book 9; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Primary/ Public Education 1971
- CNEA 111/10 Folder : Computer printout Book 10; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Religion 1971
- CNEA 112/01 Folder : Computer printout Book 11; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Publics 1971
- CNEA 112/02 Folder : Computer printout Book 12; Frequencies on all items and Scales by Race 1971
- CNEA 112/03 Folder : Computer printout Book 13; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Anomie and Frequency 1971
- CNEA 112/04 Folder : Computer printout Book 14; crosstabs on all items and Scales by Neal 1971
- CNEA 112/05 Folder : Computer printout Book 15; Frequencies and crosstabs by Diocese and Order 1971
- CNEA 113/01 Folder : Computer printout Book 16; Summary Tables 1971
- CNEA 113/02 Folder : Computer printout Book 17; European School Report Parts I, II and corrected III 1971
- CNEA 113/03 Folder : Computer printout Book 18; Non-European School Report Parts I, II, III, and IV 1971
- CNEA 113/04 Folder : Computer printout Book 19; Non-European School Report; School Finance 1971
- CNEA 113/05 Folder : Computer printout Book 20; European School Report; School Finance and Financial Assistance Tables by Province and Order 1971
- DNEA Collection : Marie Augusta Neal: Digital Data 1967-1990
Data gathered in six surveys conducted by Sr. Marie Augusta Neal.
1) 1967 Sisters Survey, a population survey of approximately 135000 sisters in the United States using a survey instrument of 649 items. The full data set is found in files A1-A7. Files A9, A11, A18, A24, A25 and B1 contain data for subsets of this population: File A9 and A11 have data for comparison with data from the 1980 retest: A9 for a group of 20 religious orders (called "The 20") selected on the basis of a Post-Vatican II Belief scale from the 1967 survey (this data is probably duplicated in file A16); A11 for 10 self-selected orders (called "Enterprise Group") from the 1980 retest. File A24 and A25 have data for African American sisters from the 1967 survey. A18 and B1 are random samples taken from the 1967 population for use in further analysis: A18 has a sample of 5000, B1 a sample of 37000.
2) 1980 Sister Survey Retest of 30 religious orders, 20 chosen on the basis of a Post-Vatican II Belief scale from the 1967 survey ("The 20") and 10 self-selected ("Enterprise Group"). The survey instrument had 426 variables. The data are found in file A13, and possibly file A27.
3) 1982 Congregational Survey, a survey of major superiors of religious orders for women. The data are found in file A19.
4) 1989-1990 Sister Survey retest of a random sample of 2123 American sisters using a survey instrument of 363 variables. The data are found in file B2.
5) 1970-1971 Study of Catholic Education in South Africa, Catholic School Reports. The data are found in file A21.
6) 1970-1971 Study of Catholic Education in South Africa, Attitude Survey of random samples of target populations in South Africa using a survey instrument of 400 items. The data are in file A23.
- DNEA A1-A7 : Sisters Survey - Full Population (c 135000 Sisters); 649 Variables 1967
- DNEA A8-A10 : Sisters Survey - Subgroup "The 20" 1967
- DNEA A8 : Header Label 1967
- DNEA A9 : Data 1967
- DNEA A10 : Trailer Label 1967
- DNEA A11 : Sisters Survey - Subgroup "Enterprise" 1967
- DNEA A12-A14 : Sisters Survey - Subgroups "The 20," "Enterprise"; 426 Variables 1980
- DNEA A12 : Header Label 1980
- DNEA A13 : Data 1980
- DNEA A14 : Trailer Label 1980
- DNEA A15-A17 : Probably dup of files A8-A10 1967
- DNEA A15 : Header Label 1967
- DNEA A16 : Data 1967
- DNEA A17 : Trailer Label 1967
- DNEA A18 : Sisters Survey - Random Sample, 5000 Sisters 1967
- DNEA A19 : Congregational Survey 1982
- DNEA A20-A22 : South African Catholic School Report 1971
- DNEA A20 : Header Label 1971
- DNEA A21 : Data 1971
- DNEA A22 : Trailer Label 1971
- DNEA A23 : South African Attitude Survey; 400 Variables 1971
- DNEA A24-A25 : Sisters Survey - Black Sisters 1967
- DNEA A24 : Data 1967
- DNEA A25 : Data 1967
- DNEA A26-A28 : Sisters Survey Retest - Total?; 426 Variables 1980
- DNEA A262 : Header Label 1980
- DNEA A27 : Data 1980
- DNEA A28 : Trailer Label 1980
- DNEA B1 : Sisters Survey - Random Sample, 37000 Sisters 1967
- DNEA B2 : Sisters Survey Retest; 363 Variables 1989-1990