1953-1956 Files
- MNEV 4/14 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- J 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/15 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- K 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/16 Folder : Kimberly-Clark Corp. 1954-1956
- MNEV 4/17 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- L 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/18 Folder : Linde Lathrop 1956
- MNEV 4/19 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- M 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/20 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- Mc 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/21 Folder : Mission Secretariat 1955-1956
- MNEV 4/22 Folder : Mission Secretariat, September Meeting 1956
- MNEV 4/23 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- N 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/24 Folder : NCWC News Service 1956
- MNEV 4/25 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- O 1953-1956
- MNEV 4/26 Folder : Overseas Press Bulletin 1955-1956
- MNEV 4/27 Folder : MARYKNOLL JUNIOR 1937-1938,1946
- MNEV 4/28-5/03 Group : Our Sunday Visitor 1955-1956
- MNEV 4/28 Folder : Chat of the Week: Fr. R. Griffin 1956
- MNEV 4/29 Folder : Material Sent 1956
- MNEV 5/01 Folder : Our Sunday Visitor Correspondence, Jan-June 1956
- MNEV 5/02 Folder : CSV Correspondence, July-Dec. 1956
- MNEV 5/03 Folder : OSV Correspondence 1955
- MNEV 5/04 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- P 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/05 Folder : Paper Problem 1955 1955
- MNEV 5/06 Folder : Paper Samples nd
- MNEV 5/07 Folder : Incomplete set of Master dittos for F.A. style book nd
- MNEV 5/08 Folder : Photography General 1954-1956
- MNEV 5/09 Folder : Promoters News Letters 1956
- MNEV 5/10 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- Q 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/11 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- R 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/12 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- S 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/13 Folder : Sunday in Hollywood- Releases 1955
- MNEV 5/14 Folder : Sunday in Hollywood- Stations 1956
- MNEV 5/15 Folder : Testimonials- S. in Hollywood 1956
- MNEV 5/16 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- T 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/17 Folder : Television- General 1956
- MNEV 5/18 Folder : Three Lions, Inc. 1954-1956
- MNEV 5/19 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- U 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/20 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- V 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/21 Folder : Vocation Book 1956
- MNEV 5/22 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- W 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/23 Folder : Western Printing and Litho. Co. (El Catechismo del Hogar) 1956
- MNEV 5/24 Folder : Bills 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/25 Folder : Correspondence (Requests, etc.) 1954-1956
- MNEV 5/26 Folder : Film Orders to Film Compamies 1954-1956
- MNEV 5/27 Folder : Preview Films 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/28 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- X,Y,Z 1953-1956
- MNEV 5/29-7/32 Subseries : 1957 Files 1956-1958
- MNEV 5/29-32 Folder : Chronological Correspondence January - April 1957
- MNEV 6/01-8 Folder : Chronological Correspondence May - December 1957
- MNEV 6/09 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- A 1957
- MNEV 6/10 Folder : After Hours 1957
- MNEV 6/11 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- B 1957
- MNEV 6/12 Folder : Book Analysis 1957
- MNEV 6/13 Folder : Maryknoll Book Club 1957
- MNEV 6/14 Folder : Bookshelf- General 1957
- MNEV 6/15 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- C 1957
- MNEV 6/16 Folder : Catholic Broadcasters Association 1957
- MNEV 6/17 Folder : Catholic Institute of the Press 1957
- MNEV 6/18 Folder : Father Caffrey 1956
- MNEV 6/19-26 Group : Catholic Press Association 1957
- MNEV 6/19 Folder : CPA - Executive Board 1957
- MNEV 6/20 Folder : CPA - General 1957
- MNEV 6/21 Folder : CPA - Minutes 1957
- MNEV 6/22 Folder : CPA Eastern Regional Convention - Trenton - November 7-8 1957
- MNEV 6/23 Folder : Catholic Press Association September 12-14 1957
- MNEV 6/24 Folder : Catholic Press Association Convention 1957
- MNEV 6/25 Folder : The Catholic Journalist 1957
- MNEV 6/26 Folder : Dittos For: CPA Board Of Directors Special Finance Committee 1957
- MNEV 6/27 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- D 1957
- MNEV 6/28 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- E 1957
- MNEV 6/29 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- F 1957
- MNEV 6/30 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- G 1957
- MNEV 6/31 Folder : The Gallagher Report 1957
- MNEV 6/32 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- H 1957
- MNEV 6/33 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- I 1957
- MNEV 6/34 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- J 1957
- MNEV 6/35 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- K 1957
- MNEV 6/36 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- L 1957
- MNEV 6/37 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- M 1957
- MNEV 6/38 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- Mc 1957
- MNEV 6/39 Folder : Mission Secretariat 1957-1958
- MNEV 6/40 Folder : Mission Secretariat Meeting Sept. 9-10-11 1957
- MNEV 6/41 Folder : Complementary Letters re: Mission Magazines the Key, etc. 1957-1958
- MNEV 6/42 Folder : Brochure orders 1957-1958
- MNEV 6/43 Folder : Revised copies of Mission Magazines the Key, etc. 1957
- MNEV 6/44 Folder : Questionaire Responses 1957
- MNEV 7/01 Folder : Are Mission Magazines an Apoltolistic Nuisance? 1957
- MNEV 7/02 Folder : The Mission Magazine- Key to Conversions 1957
- MNEV 7/03 Folder : Mission Secretariat Bulletins 1957
- MNEV 7/04 Folder : Ditto Stencils of Group Conference: Editors Mission Secretatiat Meeting, September 9-11 1957
- MNEV 7/05 Folder : Ditto Stencils for Mission Magazine- Key to Conversions, September 12, 1957
- MNEV 7/06 Folder : Ditto Stencils for Mission of the World 1957
- MNEV 7/07 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- N 1957
- MNEV 7/08 Folder : NCWC News Service 1957
- MNEV 7/09 Folder : New York Telephone Co. 1957
- MNEV 7/10 Folder : Non-Cultivation Correspondence A-Z 1957
- MNEV 7/11 Folder : Alphabetical Correspondence File- O 1957
- MNEV 7/12-20 Group : Our Sunday Visitor 1957
- MNEV 7/12 Folder : OSV Catechism Review 1957
- MNEV 7/13 Folder : OSV Chat of the Week 1957
- MNEV 7/14 Folder : Correspondence A-Mc 1957