Father Nevins' Writings
- MNEV 40/43 Folder : "Dominican Republic Revisited" SIGN, April 15, 1964 nd
- MNEV 40/44 Folder : "Educational Responsibility and the Inter. Social Talk: Manhattanville College, Sept. 19, 1960 1960
- MNEV 40/45 Folder : "Effective Art Work and Design in Mission Adv.," Mission Secretariat, September 30, 1959
- MNEV 40/46 Folder : "The Family that Needs God" nd
- MNEV 40/47 Folder : "The Family that Wants to be Free (Amazon Jungle)" nd
- MNEV 40/48 Folder : "Fight for Survival (Ramon of Bolivia)" nd
- MNEV 40/49 Folder : "Films as a Vocational Tool" nd
- MNEV 40/50 Folder : "The Halfbreed" nd
- MNEV 40/51 Folder : "The Happy Life of Old Man Kado" December, 1957 1957
- MNEV 40/52 Folder : "How Catholic is Latin America" SIGN, September, 1956 1956
- MNEV 40/53 Folder : "How to Combat Communism- An Answer to Extreme Right" May 31, 1962 1962
- MNEV 40/54 Folder : "Integrating the Latin American Student into U.S. Campus Life" CC 15P Conf. Chgo. January 24, 1964 1964
- MNEV 40/55 Folder : "Interview with Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek, President of China" nd
- MNEV 40/56 Folder : "It's the Gypsy in my Soul" Vanishing Americans (Gypsies) nd
- MNEV 40/57 Folder : "Latin America's Rising Third Force" SIGN, June, 1966 1966
- MNEV 40/58 Folder : "Latin America- A Vast Mission Territory" nd
- MNEV 40/59 Folder : "Life Among the Baganda" nd
- MNEV 40/60 Folder : "The Loftiness of a Vocation in God's Service: Ignataius Loyola" nd
- MNEV 40/61 Folder : "Main Street, Africa" nd
- MNEV 40/62 Folder : "A Man Remembered" nd
- MNEV 40/63 Folder : "Man of his People" 1957
- MNEV 40/64 Folder : "The Man Who Stole His Wife (Bali)" 1957
- MNEV 40/65 Folder : "Maryknoll Fathers" Bishop Neill's CONCISE DIRECTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN WORLD MISSION, November, 1966 1966
- MNEV 40/66 Folder : "Mass Communications and the Mission of the Church" Convocation, St. Benedict's College, Atchinson, Kansas, April 30, 1963 1963
- MNEV 40/67 Folder : "The Making of a Priest" Donnelly Book nd
- MNEV 40/68 Folder : Medicine Men" nd
- MNEV 40/69 Folder : Men of Maryknoll: A Narrative Synopsis of the Life of Father Gerard Donovan" nd
- MNEV 40/70 Folder : "Miracle Man of Montreal" nd
- MNEV 40/71 Folder : "Mission Magazine- The Key..." by AJN for THE PILOT January, 1965 1965
- MNEV 40/72 Folder : "The Missioner" nd
- MNEV 40/73 Folder : "Missions in the Emerging Nations," AVE MARIA, Oct. 1962 1962
- MNEV 40/74 Folder : Motion Pictures and Maryknoll nd
- MNEV 40/75 Folder : "The Nature of the Catholic News" Mainenant, Feb. 7 1963 1963
- MNEV 40/76 Folder : "The Nature of Freedom" Library Ass'n/Phila. Pa. April 22, 1965 1965
- MNEV 40/77 Folder : "Need of Priests in Latin America" 1959
- MNEV 40/78 Folder : "The Catholic Press-An Overview" NCCJ Meeting March 6, 1963 1963
- MNEV 40/79 Folder : "Obligations of Good Public Relations for Church and Council" NCCW Address, Detroit, November 5, 1962 nd
- MNEV 40/80 Folder : "The Pak Family of Korea" nd
- MNEV 40/81 Folder : "The People Who Sold the Wind (Lapps)" nd
- MNEV 40/82 Folder : "The People of the Crescent Noon: Family Life Among the Moslems" (empty folder) nd
- MNEV 40/83 Folder : "People, Places and Things" 1958
- MNEV 40/84 Folder : "Photography as an Art" nd
- MNEV 40/85 Folder : "The Poor of Saint Martin de Porres Land" Pflaum Publications, July 22, 1963 1963
- MNEV 40/86 Folder : "The Power of Prayer" nd
- MNEV 40/87 Folder : "Press and Classroom for Inter-American Understanding" CICOP Chicago, January 21, 1964 1964
- MNEV 40/88 Folder : "The Priest: Source of Priestly Vocations" nd
- MNEV 40/89 Folder : "A Profile of the Catholic Press of the United States" nd
- MNEV 40/90 Folder : "A Profile of the Catholic Press of the United States" Hawthorn, August 24, 1965 1965
- MNEV 40/91 Folder : "Protestant Invasion of Latin America" 1956
- MNEV 40/92 Folder : "PR for Religious Communities" Given at Manhattan, Fr. Kelly's Seninar nd
- MNEV 40/93 Folder : "Reappraisal of the Mission Vocation" Address to Miss. Sec., September 24, 1964 1964
- MNEV 40/94 Folder : "Report from Basutoland" nd
- MNEV 40/95 Folder : "Religious Imperative for World University Service" nd
- MNEV 40/96 Folder : "Reflections" for MY DAILY VISITOR 1960
- MNEV 40/97 Folder : "Report on Bishop O'Shea's Last Afternoon" nd
- MNEV 40/98 Folder : "Responsibility for Communicating an Awareness of the Problems of Our Times" lecture, Great Fall, Montana April 29, 1965 1960
- MNEV 40/99 Folder : "Responsibility for Communicating an Awareness of The Problems of Our Times" (Ave Maria) 1960
- MNEV 40/100 Folder : "Responsibility of Catholics in Age of Crisis" CAIP October 27, 1962 1962
- MNEV 40/101 Folder : "Responsibility and Response of the Churches to the Problem of World Misery" 38th Annual Conference CAIP- December 3, 1965 1965
- MNEV 40/102 Folder : "The Responsibilities of a Religious Press in an Age of Crisis" nd
- MNEV 40/103 Folder : "Religious Revival Grows in Latin America" OSV 1 nd
- MNEV 40/104 Folder : "Roman Catholic- Protestant Missionary Relationship" CONCISE DIRECTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN MISSION, Jan. 1967 1967
- MNEV 40/105 Folder : "Rules for Checking Catholic Papers" nd
- MNEV 40/106 Folder : "Selection of African Cardinals: Confidence in Continent's Growth" nd
- MNEV 40/107 Folder : "The Sectret of San Clemente" 1957
- MNEV 40/108 Folder : "Some Observations from the Far East" AMERICA nd
- MNEV 40/109 Folder : "The Strange Case of Sister Catalina" nd
- MNEV 40/110 Folder : "Statistics on Aisa" September 16, 1957 1957
- MNEV 40/111 Folder : "The Strong Voice of Christ" CPA ANNUAL nd
- MNEV 40/112 Folder : "The Strangers at Our Door" (Foreign Students) 1960
- MNEV 40/113 Folder : "Starvation in the Valley (Kenji of Japan)" nd
- MNEV 40/114 Folder : "South America-- Challange and Opportunity" nd
- MNEV 40/115 Folder : "Superstition in the Mountains (Guatamala)" 1957
- MNEV 40/116 Folder : "Television and the Missions" nd
- MNEV 40/117 Folder : "That Full Meridian of Glory" Address delivered, St. Augustine Awards Vill., Phila. 1962
- MNEV 41/01 Folder : "Theology of International Life" NCCM Convention- Atlantic City, April 25, 1963 1963
- MNEV 41/02 Folder : "Those Facinating Eskimo" 1968
- MNEV 41/03 Folder : "Those Missing Jesuits" 1957
- MNEV 41/04 Folder : "The Tiger Hunt (Wu Han of Korea)" nd
- MNEV 41/05 Folder : "The Tragedy of Bernie Nunez" nd
- MNEV 41/06 Folder : "The United States and the Missions" nd
- MNEV 41/07 Folder : "Universalism in Practice" Fordham University Mar. 30, 1963 1963
- MNEV 41/08 Folder : "Unofficial Ambassadors in Our Midst" nd
- MNEV 41/09 Folder : "The Use of Literature in Vocation Work," 1959
- MNEV 41/10 Folder : "Using Mass Communications in the Modern Apostolate" nd
- MNEV 41/11 Folder : "A Wedding in Malaya" 1958
- MNEV 41/12 Folder : "Whipping Boy for Bigots (Columbia)" nd
- MNEV 41/13 Folder : "You and Maryknoll" 1945
- MNEV 41/14 Folder : "You Too Can Be A Maryknoll Missioner" 1944
- MNEV 41/15-30 Group : Book Reviews: 1957-1964
- MNEV 41/15 Folder : ADVENTURES OF MEN OF MARYKNOLL by Albert J. Nevens 1957
- MNEV 41/16 Folder : INSIDE SOUTH AMERICA by John Gunther for SIGN Magazine A.J. Nevins, January 1967 1967
- MNEV 41/17 Folder : Forword for book by Dr. O'Donnell on communism 2/19 1964 1964
- MNEV 41/18 Folder : Forword for book by Dean Corcoran nd
- MNEV 41/19 Folder : ISLAM: ITS MEANING FOR MODERN MAN by M.Z. Khan (Rev. by Fr. Nevins for Foreign News Service) nd
- MNEV 41/20 Folder : LATIN AMERICA-THE 11th HOUR by Gary MacEoin (Review for Country Beautiful) nd
- MNEV 41/21 Folder : POINT OF THE LANCE by S. Shriver (Review for THE CRITIC) nd
- MNEV 41/22 Folder : SAFARI BY JET by Sr. M. del Ray (Review for Catholic Digest) nd
- MNEV 41/23 Folder : JEMMY BUTTON by Benjamin Subercaseaux nd
- MNEV 41/24 Folder : THE MAN WITH THE MAGNIFYING GLASS (Production Yearbook) nd