- MNEW Title : MI Detroit / Detroit Catholic Vindicator - 2 reels 1853-1857
- MNEW Title : MI Detroit / Michigan Catholic - 14 reels 1965-1978
- MNEW Title : MI Detroit / Stimme der Wahrheit - 2 reels 1877-1879
- MNEW Title : MI Detroit / Wage Earner - 1 reel 1958-1964
- MNEW Title : MI Kalamazoo / Kalamazoo Augustinian (parish weekly) - 1 reel 1893-1896
- MNEW Title : MN Minneapolis / Volkszeitung Tribune - 1 reel 1965-1966
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Cloud / Diocese of St. Cloud - 1 reel 1891-1894
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Cloud / My Message - 1 reel 1917-1918
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Paul / New Cathedral Bulletin - 1 reel 1904-1910
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Paul / Non Partisan Leader - 1 reel 1918
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Paul / Northwestern Chronicle - 1 reel 1895-1896
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Paul / Vereins-Bote - 1 reel 1931-1933
- MNEW Title : MN Saint Paul / Wanderer - 107 reels 1867-1978
- MNEW Title : MO Aurora / Menace - 1 reel 1917-19??
- MNEW Title : MO Aurora / New Menace - 2 reels 1920-1925
- MNEW Title : MO Conception / Star - 1 reel 1895
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Catholic Register - 21 reels 1902-1939
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Catholic Reporter - 6 reels 1959-1967
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Chancellor's - 1 reel 1922-1923
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Columbian Catholic - 1 reel 1895
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Kansas City Catholic - 2 reels 1895-1898
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Key / Catholic Key - 6 reels 1968-1977
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / National Catholic Reporter - 24 reels 1964-1988
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / New People - 1 reel 1967-1968
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Register - 16 reels 1939-1959
- MNEW Title : MO Kansas City / Sun Herald - 1 reel 1950-1951
- MNEW Title : MO O'Fallon / O'Fallon Hausfreund - 3 reels 1899-1904
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Joseph / Catholic Tribune - 31 reels 1889-1942
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Abend-Schule - 1 reel 1862-1864
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Amerika (d, sw, & w editions) - 277 reels 1872-1924
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Catholic Herald - 19 reels 1921-1951
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Catholic News Letter - 1 reel 1845-1848
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Church Progress - 23 reels 1888-1929
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Guardian - 1 reel 1865-1867
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Herold Des Glaubens - 40 reels 1863-1920
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Hlas - 1 reel 1884-1885
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Katholische Rundschau - 1 reel 1926-19??
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Leader - 3 reels 1855-1856
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Mid-Week Herald - 1 reel 1928-1929
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Oriflame - 11 reels 1916-1952
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Review - 6 reels 1895-1904
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Shepard of the Valley - 1 reel 1833-1834
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / St. Louis American - 1 reel 1924/05-06
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / St. Louis Register - 10 reels 1941-1953
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / St. Louis Review / 9 reels 1967-1968; 1972-1978
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Sunday Watchman - 5 reels 1925-1933
- MNEW Title : MO Saint Louis / Western Watchman - 40 reels 1872-1877; 1881-1883; 1891-1892; 1894-1924
- MNEW Title : MS Ackerman / Choctaw Plaindealer (scattered) - 1 reel 1887-1919; 1946
- MNEW Title : MT Helena / Montana Catholic Register - 1 reel 1965
- MNEW Title : ND Dickinson / Nord Dakota Herald - 20 reels 1924-1960
- MNEW Title : ND Fargo / Bulletin - 1 reel 1909-1911
- MNEW Title : ND Fargo / Catholic Action News - 2 reels 1937-1972
- MNEW Title : ND Fargo / Fargo Forum - 1 reel 1919
- MNEW Title : ND Fargo / North Dakota Leader - 2 reels 1918-1919
- MNEW Title : ND Fort Totten / Sina Sapa Wocekiye Taeyanpaha - 1 reel 1892-1893
- MNEW Title : ND Richardton / Volksfreund - 1 reel 1921-1924
- MNEW Title : NE Omaha / Katholisches Wochenblatt & Der Landmann - 15 reels 1941-1942; 1945-1966
- MNEW Title : NE Omaha / Landmann - 1 reel 1937-1940
- MNEW Title : NY Brooklyn / Catholic Review - 15 reels 1872-1895
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Die Aurora - 2 reels 1869-1870; 1872-1875
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Aurora and Christliche Woche - 21 reels 1859-1879; 1913-1943
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Catholic Union - 2 reels 1876-1880
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Christian Union - 1 reel 1871
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Echo - 12 reels 1915-1921; 1929-1939
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Union and Echo - 1 reel 1939-1940
- MNEW Title : NY Buffalo / Waisenbote - 1 reel 1903
- MNEW Title : NY Jamaica / Katholische Kirchen Zeitung - 2 reels 1870-1871; 1876-1879
- MNEW Title : NY New York / American Catholic News - 3 reels 1887-1892
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Catholic News - 14 reels 1890-1915
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Catholic American - 4 reels 1887-1896
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Catholic German American - 2 reels 1910-1913
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Christian Union - 1 reel 1871-1872
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Churchman - 1 reel 1874
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Citizen - 1 reel 1854
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Downfall of Babylon - 1 reel 1834-1835
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Emerald - 2 reels 1867-1870
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Gaelic American - 6 reels 1903-1916; 1968
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Globe and Emerald - 1 reel 1825-1826
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Green Banner - 2 reels 1835-36
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Homeless Child - 1 reel 1888-1893
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Illustrated Catholic American - 12 reels 1880-1891
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Irish News - 3 reels 1856-1861
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Irish World - 2 reels 1873-1875; 1967-1968
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Katholische Kirchen Zeitung - 6 reels 1851-1869
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Katholisches Volksblatt - 1 reel 1878-1879
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Labor Leader - 1 reel 1945-1959
- MNEW Title : NY New York / McGee's Illustrated Weekly - 3 reels 1876-1881
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Metropolitan Record - 2 reels 1859-1860; 1862
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Militant - 2 reels 1937-1942
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Nation - 1 reel 1848-1850
- MNEW Title : NY New York / Neue Zeit - 1 reel 1869-1871
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New Leader - 1 reel 1930-1931
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Catholic Register - 1 reel 1839-1840
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Criminal Zeitung - 1 reel 1855-1857
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Freeman's Journal - 24 reels 1840-1903
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Mercury - 2 reels 1875-1880
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Tablet - 18 reels 1857-1871; 1875-1878; 1881-1887
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Times (Index only) - 5 reels 1851-1905
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Tribune (Index only) - 3 reels 1875-1906
- MNEW Title : NY New York / New York Weekly Register / Catholic Diary - 2 reels 1833-1836