Catholic Apologetics and Religious Instruction (small format)
- PNOL 2/444 Title : Why: Catechism Lesson No. 97 / by Abbot Richard Felix ~ Benet Lake, Wisconsin: Our Faith
- PNOL 2/445 Title : Why: Catechism Lesson No. 98 / by Abbot Richard Felix ~ Benet Lake, Wisconsin: Our Faith
- PNOL 2/446 Title : Why: Catechism Lesson No. 99 / by Abbot Richard Felix ~ Benet Lake, Wisconsin: Our Faith
- PNOL 2/447 Title : Why: Catechism Lesson No. 100 / by Abbot Richard Felix ~ Benet Lake, Wisconsin: Our Faith
- PNOL 2/448 Title : Why: Catechism Lesson No. 101 / by Abbot Richard Felix ~ Benet Lake, Wisconsin: Our Faith
- PNOL 2/449 Title : C. T. S. Catalogue of Books, Tracts, Handbills ~ The Catholic Truth Society of India 1956
- PNOL 2/450 Title : Sixteenth Biennial National Convention of the Catholic Daughters of America ~ Seattle: Catholic Daughters of America 1935
- PNOL 2/451 Title : Why Was John Called a Baptist? / by Alva Wall ~ Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas: Baptist Sunday School Committee
- PNOL 2/452 Title : Orate, Fratres
- PNOL 2/453 Title : Arsenal of Facts; Is Religious Prejudice Based Upon Truth or Fiction / by Charles Windle ~ Chicago: Iconoclast Publishing
- PNOL 2/454 Title : The Atheism of Astronomy: A Refutation of the Theory That The Universe Is Governed By Intelligence ~ New York: The Truth Seeker Company
- PNOL 2/455 Title : The Catholic Church and the American Sunday / by John Keane ~ Buffalo, New York: The Catholic Truth Society 1895
- PNOL 2/456 Title : The Catholic Priesthood / by Pius X and Pius XI ~ Paterson, New Jersey: St. Anthony's Guild 1940
- PNOL 2/457 Title : The Chalice and today's parable ~ Brooklyn: The Confraternity of the Precious Blood 1938
- PNOL 2/458 Title : The Confraternity for The Propagation of the Faith: Suggestions for the Organization of a Parish Branch ~ Chicago: Archdiocesan Office 1925
- PNOL 2/459 Title : "God" in Whitehead's Philosophy: A Strange New "Deity"; Whitehead's Strange New "Deity" A Close-up of an Unusual Being / by John O'Brien ~ Notre Dame: The University of Notre Dame 1944
- PNOL 2/460 Title : Homilies on the Sunday Gospels For the Ecclesiastical Year 1951-1952 ~ Chicago: Archdiocesan Office 1951
- PNOL 2/461 Title : Judge "For 4 Days" Rutherford / by Edward Curran ~ Brooklyn: International Catholic Truth Society 1940
- PNOL 2/462 Title : "Let Us Preserve America" / by Patrick Scanlan ~ Brooklyn: The Tablet 1943
- PNOL 2/463 Title : Living Twig of Christ's Vine Though Little Known; Explanation of the Holy Liturgy; Ukrainian Catholics / by Desmond Schmal and Ambrose Senyshyn ~ Stamford, Connecticut: Ukrainian Catholic Seminary 1945
- PNOL 2/464 Title : Martydom Croatiae ~ Rome: Typis Staderini 1946
- PNOL 2/465 Title : N.C.W.C.: Expression of Our Unified Faith / by Clarence McCabe ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1945
- PNOL 2/466 Title : Retreat in Honor of the Holy Ghost / by C M Thuente ~ Milwaukee: Missionary Association of Catholic Women 1919
- PNOL 2/467 Title : Rutheford Uncovered: A Resume of the Reasons That Lay Behind Jim Brown's Manifesto / by Richard Felix ~ Pilot Grove, Missouri: Our Faith Press 1937
- PNOL 2/468 Title : Sermon Outlines For A Full Year for the Four Dioceses of the Province of Indianapolis: 1949-1950 1949
- PNOL 2/469 Title : Sermon Outlines For A Full Year On The Commandments Of God And The Precepts Of The Church: 1947-1948 1947
- PNOL 2/470 Title : "Ut Unum Ovile Sit Et Unus Pastor" / by John Boardman ~ Brooklyn: The Society for The Propagation of The Faith 1941
- PNOL 2/471 Title : Why Insist on Doctrine? / by A H C Downes ~ Dublin: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland 1929
- PNOL Series : Catholic Vocations
- PNOL 2/472 Title : Forgotten Women -- in Convents / by Helen Conroy ~ New York: Agora Publishing 1946
- PNOL 2/473 Title : The Guidepost: Religious-Vocation Manual for Young Men 1948
- PNOL 2/474 Title : Major Seminaries; Preparatory Seminaries ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1936
- PNOL 2/475 Title : Priests' Discussions On Vocations held under the auspices of The Missionary Union of the Clergy and The Society for the Propagation of the Faith ~ New York: The Missionary Union of the Clergy 1946
- PNOL 2/476 Title : The Seminarian as a Summer Vacation Catechist / by Arthur Durand ~ St. Paul: The St. Paul Seminary Mission Society
- PNOL 2/477 Title : "...Singled Out ..." / by William Robinson ~ Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press 1950
- PNOL 2/478 Title : Vocation Conference And Discussions Sisters' Panel ~ New York: National Office 1946
- PNOL 2/479 Title : Vocation Conferences And Discussions Teaching Brothers' Panel ~ New York: National Offices 1946
- PNOL 2/480 Title : Vocational Digest ~ Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame 1953
- PNOL Series : Freemasons
- PNOL 3/01 Title : Freemasonry and the Catholic Church ~ Hunington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor
- PNOL 3/02 Title : The Master Mason: The National Magazine for Freemasons ~ Washington, D.C.: The Masonic Service Association 1925
- PNOL 3/03 Title : The Master Mason: The National Magazine for Freemasons ~ Washington, D.C.: The Masonic Service Association 1926
- PNOL 3/04 Title : Scottish Rite News Bulletin ~ Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council 1953
- PNOL 3/05 Title : Tableau of Officers and Members of the Supreme Council of theThirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America ~ Washington, D.C.: House of the Temple 1952
- PNOL 3/06 Title : "The Truth Shall Make You FREE" ~ Washington, D.C.: The Supreme Council 1930
- PNOL Series : Catholic Apologetics and Religious Instruction (large format)
- PNOL 3/07 Title : Diocese of Indianapolis Sermon Outlines ~ Indianapolis: Office of the Bishop 1938
- PNOL 3/08 Title : Into her Own: The Status of Woman from Ancient Times to the End of the Middle Ages ~ Detroit: Marygrove College 1946
- PNOL 3/09 Title : Outlines For A Lenten Course On The Mystical Body Of Christ And Catholic Social Action / by G Ellard
- PNOL 3/10 Title : Pastoral Responsiility, Modern Dances and Other Problems ~ St. Louis: Kenrick Seminary
- PNOL 3/11 Title : Queen of the Kingdom of Christ. Organ of the Marian Action ~ Umtata, South Africa: Missionpress 1942
- PNOL 3/12 Title : Regulations on Preaching ~ Ecclesiastical Review 1917
- PNOL 3/13 Title : Study Outline on Catholicism and Life ~ Washington, D.C.: National Council of Catholic Women
- PNOL 3/14 Title : The Voice of the Church ~ Lisle, Illinois: Czech Benedictine Fathers 1937
- PNOL 3/15 Title : The Christian Conception of God: A Course in Dogma / by Cornelius Hagerty ~ Notre Dame: The University of Notre Dame 1942
- PNOL 3/16 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
115 sermons in six volumes.
- PNOL 3/16 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 1-20) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3/17 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 21-40) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3/18 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 41-60) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3/19 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 61-80) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3/20 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 81-100) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3/21 Title : Sermon-Masterpieces / by John O'Brien (Sermons 101-115) ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Public Speakers Society 1936
- PNOL 3-4/ Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J J Fitzgerald (six volumes) 1935
Handwritten commonplace books with newspaper clippings pasted in.
- PNOL 3/22 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 1) 1935
- PNOL 3/23 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 2) 1935
- PNOL 3/24 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 3) 1935
- PNOL 4/01 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 4) 1935
- PNOL 4/02 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 5) 1935
- PNOL 4/03 Title : It's the Mass that Matters / by J. J. Fitzgerald (Book 6) 1935
- PNOL 4/04 Title : The Philosophy of Nature: An Outline of Cosmology / by Daniel O'Grady ~ Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers
- PNOL Series : Anti-Communism
- PNOL 4/05 Title : American Bulletin; The White Man's Viewpoint ~ New York: American Bulletin 1935
- PNOL 4/06 Title : America! Wake Up!; President Roosevelt Is A Socialist If Not A Communist? Pure and Simple ~ New York: National Committee Against Communism 1932
- PNOL 4/07 Title : Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; American Civil Liberties Union; National Religion and Labor Foundation; Communist - Socialist - Pacifist Activities in America / by Henry Joy ~ Detroit: Henry Joy 1936
- PNOL 4/08 Title : Our Pro-Socialist Churches: This Refers to Your Church if You Church is a Constituent Denomination of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America ~ Detroit: Henry Joy 1936
- PNOL 4/09 Title : The Soviet Power / by Hewlett Johnson ~ New York: International Publishers 1941
- PNOL 4/10 Title : Americanism / by Harry Jung ~ Chicago: American Vigilant Intelligence Federation 1940
- PNOL 4/11 Title : Atheistic Communism / by Pope Pius XI ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1937
- PNOL 4/12 Title : Beware of the 'Patriots': Who Are They? What Are They Up to To? And Why? / by Lon Francis ~ Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor
- PNOL 4/13 Title : Bloodless But Red; The Report of the Baptist Committee of Nine on Social Action / by W B Riley ~ Minneapolis: L W Camp
- PNOL 4/14 Title : Boljsevizam / by B Perovic 1935
- PNOL 4/15 Title : Bolshevism In Theory and Practice / by Joseph Goebbels ~ Berlin: M. Mueller and Sohn 1936
- PNOL 4/16 Title : Catholic Work in the United States for Social Justice / by R A McGowan ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1936
- PNOL 4/17 Title : Christian Social Action: War; How "Reds" Run Unions / by John McNicholas, Robert O'Donnell, John Hugo ~ Detroit: Christian Social Action 1939
- PNOL 4/18 Title : Christian Socialism - A Contradiction in Terms / by B L Robinson 1923
- PNOL 4/19 Title : Comedy of Socialism in the Chicago Convention and the Seattle Debate / by Marshall Boarman ~ Chicago: Benziger Bros.
- PNOL 4/20 Title : Communism: A World Menace / by John Cronin ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1947
- PNOL 4/21 Title : Communism - America's Menace / by John O'Connor ~ Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1938
- PNOL 4/22 Title : Communism In The United States ~ Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference 1932
- PNOL 4/23 Title : Communist Propaganda In America / by William Green ~ Washington, D.C.: American Federation of Labor 1935
- PNOL 4/24 Title : El Comunismo en la Argentina / by Carlos Silveyra ~ Buenos Aires: Libreria del Colegio 1936
- PNOL 4/25 Title : The Fate of the Last Descendants of Christopher Columbus
- PNOL 4/26 Title : For Americans Only / by Samuel Pettengill and Paul Bartholomew ~ New York: America's Future
- PNOL 4/27 Title : Dangerous Enemies: A Warning and an Appeal to All Americans / by Gerald Smith ~ Detroit: Gerald Smith 1939
- PNOL 4/28 Title : Extracts from Hearings Before the Subcommittee Of House Committee On Apporopriations in Charge of District of Columbia / by George Sullivan ~ Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1936
- PNOL 4/29 Title : How To Win the War...and Lose what we're fighting for? / by Joseph Kamp ~ New York: Constitutional Educational League 1942
- PNOL 4/30 Title : I Was...a Communist! / by Alexei Liberov ~ Brooklyn: International Catholic Truth Society 1936
- PNOL 4/31 Title : Is the World Going Red? / by Alonzo Baker ~ Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association 1935
- PNOL 4/32 Title : It Is Happening Here / by John Francis ~ Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor
- PNOL 4/33 Title : The People vs. The Supreme Court / by Clarence Hathaway ~ New York: Workers Library Publishers 1937