NCUEA Directors' Files
- CNUE 41/53 : Article: Baltimore Sun, "Pieces of a Dream"
- CNUE 41/54 : Article: "The Uses of Disdain"
- CNUE 41/55 : Testimony: Vincent A. Cianci, Jr.
- CNUE 41/56 : Draft: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Melting Pot"
- CNUE 41/57 : New Release: Baroni to receive George W. Norris Civil Rights Award
- CNUE 41/58 : Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
- CNUE 41/59 : National Neighborhood Training Center
- CNUE 41/60 : Neighborhood Projects [letter of understanding from Robert Johnsen]
- CNUE 41/61 : Background Paper: Need for a Commission on Urban Neighborhood Revitalization
- CNUE 41/62 : Proposal: National Neighborhood Training Center
- CNUE 41/63 : Wilmington United Neighborhoods
- CNUE 41/64 : NIND [National Institute for Neighborhood Development]
- CNUE 41/64 : Draft of Agreement between NCUEA and Adelphi University
- CNUE 41/65 : General Miscellaneous
- CNUE 41/66 : Financial Management
- CNUE 41/67 : Brooklyn: Williamsburg- Greenpoint Organizing Project
- CNUE 41/68 : Washington, D.C.: Upper Northeast Coordinating Council
- CNUE 41/69 : Chicago/ East Humboldt Park: Community 21
- CNUE 41/70 : Detroit: Michigan Avenue Community Organization
- CNUE 41/71 : White House Conference: Ethnicity and Neighborhood Revitalization
- CNUE 41/72 : White House Conference: Mental Health
- CNUE 41/73 : CCENA Conference
- CNUE 41/74 : Andy Harney, Editorial Consultant
- CNUE 41/75 : SECO [*** Stan Holt - CONFIDENTIAL]
- CNUE 41/76 : Finkelstein Memorial Letters
- CNUE 41/77 : Joe M. Domzalski
- CNUE 41/78 : Disinvestment/ CHD/ Baroni File
- CNUE 42/01 : Chuck Conconi and Sheldon Tromberg
- CNUE 42/02 : Conconi - Book Project
- CNUE 42/03 : Church/ Community Development
- CNUE 42/04 : Stuart Eizenstat [letter to Mr. Eizenstat]
- CNUE 42/05 : White House: Energy Meeting
- CNUE 42/06 : Congressional Black Caucus
- CNUE 42/07 : Proposal: VISTA Training Program
- CNUE 42/08 : Virginia Cassiano
- CNUE 42/09 : John Carpenter
- CNUE 42/10 : Edwin A. Barnicle
- CNUE 42/11 : NCEA [National Catholic Education Association] Proposal: Ford Foundation
- CNUE 42/12 : NUP [Neighborhoods Uniting Project]
- CNUE 42/13 : Sister Victoria Mongiardo, MSBT
- CNUE 42/14 : Dick Krickus
- CNUE 42/15 : John Kromkowski
- CNUE 42/16 : Group for the Study of Italian- Americans
- CNUE 42/17 : Arthur E. Imperatore
- CNUE 42/18 : Harvard/ Ylvisaker
- CNUE 42/19 : USCC: Housing Policy
- CNUE 42/20 : Proxmire Bill [to establish a National Commission on Neighborhoods]
- CNUE 42/21 : Ron Pasquariello
- CNUE 42/22 : National Endowment for the Arts [grant awarded]
- CNUE 42/23 : Proposal: LEAA [Law Enforcement Assistance Administration]
- CNUE 42/24 : LEAA/ CACP [Community Anti-Crime Program] Proposal: To Provide Technical Assistance to Neighborhood Organizations for Developing, Implementing, and Assessing Community Anti-Crime Programs
- CNUE 42/25-26 : SBA/ NER [Neighborhood Economic Revitalization]
- CNUE 42/25 : Urban Neighborhood Revitalization Project #1
- CNUE 42/26 : Urban Neighborhood Revitalization Project #2
- CNUE 42/26 : [***transition to Corletta]
- CNUE 42/27-28 : ONDI
- CNUE 42/27 : Corletta #1
- CNUE 42/28 : Corletta #2
- CNUE 42/29 : [Paper: Class, Ethnicity and Religion in the United States Congress]
- CNUE 42/30 : [LEAA- ACTION: Urban Crime Prevention - New York Center for Community Affairs (#1-4)]
- CNUE 42/31 : Incoming Resumes - 1979
- CNUE 43/01-03 : Job Applicants
- CNUE 43/01 : VISTA Project Director - August 1978
- CNUE 43/02 : - Field Director Position - 1978-1979
- CNUE 43/03 : Accounting Office Comptroller - 9/78
- CNUE 43/04 : Land Development
- CNUE 43/05-07 : Proposals:
- CNUE 43/05 : [Miscellaneous] Possibilities
- CNUE 43/06 : [Proposal to the National Consumer Co-operative Bank]
- CNUE 43/07 : [NIDA: "Ethnic Neighborhood Drug Abuse Prevention"]
- CNUE 43/08 : Field/ Subgrants - Cities 1978
- CNUE 43/09 : Ethnic Council
- CNUE 43/10 : [Ethnic Affairs]
- CNUE 43/11 : Staff Retreat [April 1978]
- CNUE 43/12 : Management Group [John Carlisi - 1977-78]
- CNUE 43/13 : Conference: Parishes and Neighborhoods [Dayton, OH, May 5-7,'78
- CNUE 43/14 : [Miscellaneous Papers, Reports Pertaining to Neighborhoods- #1]
- CNUE 43/15 : [Miscellaneous Papers, Reports Pertaining to Neighborhoods- #2]
- CNUE 43/16 : [Miscellaneous Papers, Reports, Etc Pertaining to Neighborhoods- #3]
- CNUE 43/17 : [Miscellaneous Papers, Reports, Etc Pertaining to Neighborhoods- #4]
- CNUE 43/18 : [ACTION (Vista) - #1]
- CNUE 43/19 : [ACTION (Vista) - #2 Training Program for Community Organizers]
- CNUE 43/20 : [LEAA/ ACTION: Urban Crime Prevention Project]
- CNUE 43/21 : Administrative/ Program Development, 1978: Ron Pasquariello / John Carlisi
- CNUE 43/22 : General Administrative Memos - 1978
- CNUE 43/23 : NCUEA Staff Meetings
- CNUE 43/24 : Staff Memos - 1979
- CNUE 43/25 : Staff Memos - 1978
- CNUE 43/26 : Christmas 1978/ Christmas Cards 1980
- CNUE 43/27 : NCUEA Publications/ PR/ Communications 197701978
- CNUE 44/01 : U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Chicago, December 3-4, 1979: Civil Rights Issues of Euro- Ethnic Americans in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges
- CNUE 44/02 : Ethnic Affairs
- CNUE 44/03 : SIETAR - Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research - Georgetown University
- CNUE 44/04 : - Commemorative Costume Exhibit at Lincoln Center Library, NYC - 1980/0415
- CNUE 44/05 : [Polish American Institutions of Higher Learning]
- CNUE 44/06 : Daily Mail
- CNUE 44/07 : NCUEA General Information PR Material Handouts - 1980
- CNUE 44/08 : - Incoming Resumes - 1980-1981
- CNUE 44/09-13 : Proposals:
- CNUE 44/09 : Environment in Urban Revitalization and Related Fiscal Management Strategies - 9/79