Later Accessions
- CNUE 250/41 Folder : Racial Stereotypes and Whites' Political Views of Blacks in the Context of Welfare and Crime / Mark Peffley, Jon Hurwitz, Paul M. Sniderman
- CNUE 250/42 Folder : Briefing Paper #8 - Model Programs and Services for the Euro-American Elderly and their Families 1985/0401
- CNUE 250/43 Folder : Evaluation Committee and Staff - Economic Development Corp. 1973/02
- CNUE 250/44 Folder : The Unity, Truth, and Validity of the Bible - Theological Problems in the Doctrine of Holy Scripture / Friedrich Mildenberger
- CNUE 250/45 Folder : Conceptual Consideration of Ethnicity: Past, Present, and Future / John A. Kromkowski
- CNUE 250/46 Folder : Ethnic / Racial Programs Balance Report 1976
- CNUE 250/47 Folder : Miscellaneous Printed Material, Hand Written Notes, Correspondence
- CNUE 251/01 Folder : Ethnic Congressional Caucuses and Ethnic Organizations That Work With Congress
- CNUE 251/02 Folder : People, Building Neighborhoods - Case Study Appendix Vol. I Final Report to The President and The Congress of The United States 1979/0319
- CNUE 251/03 Folder : Remarks on Socialism and the Cities: An Historical Accident, A Report of the Monitors - A Citizens Panel Looks at HUD's Community Development Strategies Evaluation 1978-1993
- CNUE 251/04 Folder : International Multicultural Education, National Advisory Council, Commission on Civil Rights 1981-1983
- CNUE 251/05 Folder : Religion and Ethnicity
- CNUE 251/06 Folder : Who's Left in the Neighborhood? / Geno Baroni and Gerson Green 1976/0505
- CNUE 251/07 Folder : Religion and the Transformation of Politics, Reflections at the Intersection of Ecclesial, Political and Ethnic Cultures 1985-2009
Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Religion and Inculturation
- CNUE 251/08 Folder : Ethnic Heritage Studies 1981-1984
- CNUE 251/09 Folder : Neighborhood Development, National Policy for Neighborhoods, Ideology and the Urban Crisis 1976-1985
- CNUE 251/10 Folder : Correspondence between George Bush and John Warner 1974-1997
Emails, Polish Americans in Congressional Politics: Assets and Constraints, Bibliography of Ethnic Heritage Studies Program Materials
- CNUE 251/11 Folder : Statement on the Civil Rights Issues of Euro-Ethnic Americans 1981/01
- CNUE 251/12 Folder : Neighborhood Delivery of Environmental Services / Milton Kotler 1978-1994
Carter Urban Policy: A 'Smorgasbord', The Review of Politics, Ethnicity
- CNUE 251/13 Folder : Who's Left in the Neighborhood? - A Report on Relative Conditions in the White, Black and Hispanic Working Class Neighborhood of our Older Industrial Cities 1976
- CNUE 251/14 Folder : Governance
- CNUE 251/15 Folder : Justice Denied - What's Wrong With American Society and How We Can Change It
- CNUE 251/16 Folder : Camden Urban Women's Center International Conference - Housing Options for Women 1988
- CNUE 251/17 Folder : Neighborhood-Initiated Suits and Questions of Federal Standing: In Between the River, the Association and the Class / John D. Kromkowski
- CNUE 251/18 Folder : American Ethnicities and the Politics of Inclusion / John A. Kromskowski
- CNUE 251/19 Folder : The Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter 1998/11
- CNUE 251/20 Folder : New Federalism - National Survey of America's Families 2000,2005
- CNUE 251/21 Folder : Commentary 2010/09
- CNUE 251/22 Folder : Center for Strategic and International Studies - Twenty Years of American Foreign Policy Towards Poland: 1976-1996 1996/0502
- CNUE 251/23 Folder : Safety Net or Tangled Web? An Overview of Programs and Services for Adults with Disabilities / David Wittenburg, Melissa Favreault 2003
- CNUE 251/24 Folder : Social Program Spending and State Fiscal Crises / Kenneth Finegold, Stephanie Schardin, Elaine Maag, Rebecca Steinbach, David Merriman, Alan Weil 2003
- CNUE 251/25 Folder : Defense Plan Praised, Domestic Squeeze Debated / Daniel J. Parks 2002
- CNUE 251/26 Folder : 2007 Report - Introduction
- CNUE 251/27 Folder : Two Views of Social Justice: A Catholic / Georgist Dialogue
- CNUE 251/28 Folder : Geno: The Life and Mission of Geno Baroni / Lydia Smith 1998/0429
- CNUE 251/29 Folder : Anamnetic Tales: The Place of Narrative in Eric Voegelin's Account of Consciousness / Thomas W. Heilke
- CNUE 251/30 Folder : Table 8 - Support for Government Programs and Taxation by Ethnic Groups and Table 9 - Politics by Ethnic Groups
- CNUE 251/31 Folder : Budget for FY2003 - Congressional Research Service
- CNUE 251/32 Folder : Long Term Health Care for the Elderly IP 402L - Congressional Research Service
- CNUE 251/33 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - Abortion 2001
Partial-Birth Abortion: Recent Developments in the Law, Abortion: Termination of Early Pregnancy with RU-486 (Mifepristone), Abortion Law Development: A Brief Overview
- CNUE 251/34 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - China / Taiwan: Evolution of the "One China" Policy - Key Statements from Washington, Beijing and Taipei 2004
- CNUE 251/35 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - European Union's Arms Embargo on China: Implications and Options for U.S. Policy 2005
- CNUE 251/36 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - U.S. China Counter Terrorism Cooperation: Issues for U.S. Policy 2005
- CNUE 251/37 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - U.S. China Military Contacts: Issues for Congress 2005
- CNUE 251/38 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - China U.S. Relations: Current Issues and Implications for U.S. Policy 2005
- CNUE 251/39 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - The Rise of China and Its Effect on Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea: U.S. Policy Choices 2005
- CNUE 251/40 Folder : CRS Report for Congress - China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues 2005
- CNUE 251/41 Folder : Introduction - ARBC American Revolution Bicentennial Commission
- CNUE 251/42 Folder : An Analysis of the Treatment of Ukraine and Ukrainians in Jewish Currents / Carolyn Olson
- CNUE 251/43 Folder : Finding and Making Leaders / Nicholas von Hoffman
- CNUE 251/44 Folder : A Response to a New Public Philosophy: Mediating Structures / Michael Novak 1981/1207
- CNUE 251/45 Folder : The Revitalization of Urban America: Cultural Pluralism and Neighborhood Rehabilitation
- CNUE 251/46 Folder : Urban Ethnic Concern for Educational Leadership - An Interview with Monsignor Geno Baroni / S. James Zafirau
- CNUE 252/01 Folder : American Planning Association - Policy Guide on Housing
- CNUE 252/02 Folder : U.S. Census Bureau
- CNUE 252/03 Folder : Chapter Five - Party Brand Loyalty and the American Voter
- CNUE 252/04 Folder : Congress and the President 2004/1005
- CNUE 252/05 Folder : Strategic Directions College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences - Draft Document for Discussion 2010/09
- CNUE 252/06 Folder : The City That Works 1983/01
- CNUE 252/07 Folder : Catholic Conference on Ethnic and Neighborhood Affairs 1975
- CNUE 252/08 Folder : Ethnioc and Civic Culture In An Age Of Globalization
- CNUE 252/09 Folder : Correspondence Between Sam Berger and Mark Agrast re: American Identity Meeting 2006
- CNUE 252/10 Folder : Philadelphia: City on the Rise or City on the Brink of Collapse: Tenures of Mayor Ed Rendell and John F. Street / Alison DiFelicianonio
- CNUE 252/11 Folder : Chapter Five - Philadelphia and Federal Urban Policy
- CNUE 252/12 Folder : An Analysis of the Ongoing Attempts of African-Americans, Jewish Americans, Cuban Americans to Influence U.S. Foreign Policy in the Interest of Their Respective Homelands / Gregory Gilbert Gumbs, Ph.D. 2009
- CNUE 252/13 Folder : Why 435? A Question of Political Arithmetic
- CNUE 252/14 Folder : American Ethnicities and the Politics of Inclusion / John A. Kromkowski
- CNUE 252/15 Folder : Religion and the Tea Party in the 2010 Election: An Analysis of the Third Biennial American Values Survey / Robert P. Jones, and Daniel Cox 2010/10
- CNUE 252/16 Folder : LISC - The Local Initiatives Support Corporation 1980-1981
- CNUE 252/17 Folder : Institute on Race and Poverty 1994-1996
- CNUE 252/18 Folder : Division of Planning and Development 1987
- CNUE 252/19 Folder : Census - Metropolitan Statistical Areas
- CNUE 252/20 Folder : The Ukrainian Weekly 1995/0129
- CNUE 252/21 Folder : Supreme Court of the United States - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Arabian American Oil Co. 1991
- CNUE 252/22 Folder : The President's Initiative for One America
- CNUE 252/23 Folder : Freedom of Religious Expression - The Historical and Legal Origins of Racial Categories and the Protection of Civil Liberties of American Citizens 1987
- CNUE 252/24 Folder : Instructor's Resource Guide: Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Race and Ethnicity 2011
- CNUE 252/25 Folder : National Neighborhood Coalition - Voice 2003/02
- CNUE 252/26 Folder : Interview Form - Sections 4-6
- CNUE 252/27 Folder : U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2003
- CNUE 252/28 Folder : Neighborhood Action in an Era of Fiscal Austerity Issues in Neighborhood Control Voluntarism and Governance 1983/0331
- CNUE 252/29 Folder : Archdiocesan Planning Commission 2011/0413
- CNUE 252/30 Folder : The Communitas Process / Donald C. Kelly
- CNUE 252/31 Folder : The Need for Better Theories / Paul A. Sabatier
- CNUE 252/32 Folder : Politics - Urban Government and Politics - American Federal System
- CNUE 252/33 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter One - Chapter Four 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/34 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter Five - Chapter Nine 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/35 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter Ten - Chapter Thirteen 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/36 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Seventeen 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/37 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter Eighteen - Twenty-One 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/38 Folder : Geno Baroni - Chapter Twenty-Two - Chapter Twenty-Six 1985-1986
- CNUE 252/39 Folder : Urban Planning Policy Analysis and Administration - Race, Ethnicity and Residential Location 1975/06
- CNUE 252/40 Folder : Urban Planning Policy Analysis and Administration - Residential History: A Personal Element in Planning and Environmental Design 1976/05
- CNUE 252/41 Folder : A Critical Look at Urban Dynamics: The Forrester Model and Public Policy 1970/12
- CNUE 252/42 Folder : Mott Foundation Special Report - Neighborhood Organizing: Nurturing Strong, Unified Voices 1984
- CNUE 252/43 Folder : The Black Metropolis Revisited - The Strength and Resilience of African-American Community Organizations / Theodoric Manley, Jr. 1995
- CNUE 252/44 Folder : From Warsaw to the West Side - An Oral History of a Random Sample of Polish People in the South Bend Community 1993-1994
- CNUE 252/45 Folder : Neighborhood Planning Primer 1980/09
- CNUE 252/46 Folder : Disclosure and Neighborhood Reinvestment - A Citizen's Guide 1976/10
- CNUE 252/47 Folder : Neighborhood: A State Of Mind / Linda G. Rich, Joan Clark Netherwood and Elinor B. Cahn 1981