Sponsa Regis
- POSB 1/10 Title : The Blessed Virgin and Social Reconstruction (X) / by John J. Griffin 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Silence and Recollection (II) (Monthly Conference) / by V.S. 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Liturgy and Victim Souls (VII) 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Silver Anniversary of Episcopate 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Special Note / by The Editor 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : On Paths of Inspiration (V) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1942/0515
- POSB 1/10 Title : Sponsa Regis XIII:10 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : On Paths of Inspiration (V) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : Necessity of Spiritual Warfare (Monthly Conference) / by A Retreat Master 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : The Blessed Virgin and Social Reconstruction (XI) / by John J. Griffin 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : Letters to a Religious (III) / by A Cloistered Religious 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : New Report on Victim Souls / by The Editor 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : Excerpts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1942/0615
- POSB 1/10 Title : Sponsa Regis XIII:11 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : On Paths of Inspiration (VI) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Necessity of Spiritual Warfare (II) (Monthly Conference) A Retreat Master 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Religious Communities in the New World Order / by Albert Muntsch, S.J. 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Votive Vespers / by Dom Gregory Huegle, O.S.B. 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Saint Therese, Apostle of the Merciful Love of God / by Sister M. Cordelia, O.S.B. 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1942/0715
- POSB 1/10 Title : Sponsa Regis XIII:12 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : On Paths of Inspiration (VII) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : Necessity of Spiritual Warfare (III) (A Monthly Conference) / by A Retreat Master 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : Sources of Disquiet in the Religious Life / by Albert Muntsch, S.J. 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : The Blessed Virgin and Social Reconstruction (XII) / by J.J. Griffin 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : The Decline of Religious Vocations (I) / by A Missionary 1942/0815
- POSB 1/10 Title : Excerpts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1942/0815
- POSB 1/11 File : Sponsa Regis 1943-1944
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:1 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : Necessity of Spiritual Warfare (X) / by A European Retreat Master 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : What's Wrong? (A Monthly Conference) / by Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D. 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Magna Charta for Victim Souls (II) / by John J. Griffin 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Call for Spiritual Reconstruction (III) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : The Church and Popular Education / by Rev. Albert Muntsch, S.J. 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1943/0915
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:2 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (VII) / by A Group of Religious 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : The Doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ and Religious (III) (Monthly Conference) / by S.M.C. 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : Necessity of Spiritual Warfare (XI) / by A European Retreat Master 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Call for Spiritual Reconstruction (IV) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : For the Duration / by Rev. Albert Muntsch, S.J. 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : Excerpts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1943/1015
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:4 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : The New Man Christ (A Christmas Meditation) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : The Divine Indwelling and the Practice of Interior Recollection (II) (A Monthly Conference) / by C.S. 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Letters to a Religious (VIII) / by A Cloistered Religious 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Magna Charta for Victim Souls (IV) / by John J. Griffin 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Holy Childhood Association (A Centenary) / by Very Rev. Richard H. Ackerman, C.S.Sp. 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Editorial Notes 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Best Books for Christmas Gifts 1943/1215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:5 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Power, Wisdom, Love (Poem) / by Laetitia 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (VIII) / by A Group of Religious 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : God with Us (Monthly Conference) / Sister M. Bernadette, O.S.F. 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Insincerities and Inconsistencies in the Religious Life (I) / by Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D. 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Magna Charta for Victim Souls (V) / by John J. Griffin 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Call for Spiritual Reconstruction (V) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Extracts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1944/0115
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:6 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Love of the Cross (I) Lenten Meditation / by V.S. 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Elizabeth of the Trinity (Poem) 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sr. Elizabeth of the Trinity (A Monthly Conference) / by A Sister of Mercy 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Insincerities and Inconsistencies in the Religious Life (II) / by Very Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D. 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Call for Spiritual Reconstruction (VI) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Excerpts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1944/0215
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:7 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : Love of the Cross (II) Lenten Meditation / by V.S. 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : The Religious in the Service of the Savior (Monthly Conference) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Master of the Spiritual Life / by A Passionist 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (IX) / by A Group of Religious 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : Insincerities and Inconsistencies in the Religious Life (III) / by Very Rev. Bruno Hapspiel, S.V.D. 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : Excerpts from SPONSA REGIS Files 1944/0315
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:8 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (IX) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Love of the Cross (III) (Monthly Conference) / by V.S. 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Religious Friendship / by Rev. Conleth Overman, C.P. 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Protegee of the Sacred Heart (I) / by John J. Griffin 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1944/0415
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:10 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (X) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Holy Slavery and Suffering (Monthly Conference) / by Rev. H.J. Weerts, S.M.M. 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Letters to a Religious (X) / by A Cloistered Religious 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Insincerities and Inconsistencies in the Religious Life (V) / by Very Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D. 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Unconditional Surrender / by Rev. Albert Muntsch, S.J. 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Grateful Victim Souls 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Spiritual Maxims 1944/0615
- POSB 1/11 Title : Sponsa Regis XV:11 1944/0715
- POSB 1/11 Title : Look to the Fundamentals (XI) / by Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B. 1944/0715
- POSB 1/11 Title : Insincerities and Inconsistencies in the Religious Life (IV) / by Very Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D. 1944/0715
- POSB 1/11 Title : Notes of Consolution after many years of Religious Life / by Very Rev. William M. Robinson, C.S.C. 1944/0715
- POSB 1/11 Title : A Lover of the Sacred Heart / by R.B., S.J. 1944/0715