American Benedictine Review
- POSB 5/53 Title : Joinville's Histoire de Saint Louis: Hagiography, History and Memoir / by Marcus K. Billson III 1980/12
- POSB 5/53 Title : Cloth of Many Colors, the Franciscans and the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Denis: A Problem in Joinville's Histoire de Saint Louis / by William Chester Jordan 1980/12
- POSB 5/53 Title : American Benedictine Review - Index to Volume 31 (1980) 1980/12
- POSB 5/54-57 File : American Benedictine Review - Volume 32 1981
- POSB 5/54 Title : American Benedictine Review 32:1 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : Memorial Dedication to Abbot Brendan Downey 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : Monastic Ideal in Earthenware Vessels / by Basil Cardinal Hume, O.S.B. 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : Benedictine Presence in the Third World / by Abbot Primate Victor Dammertz, O.S.B. 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : The Role of Monasticism in the Life of the Church / by Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B. 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : St. Benedict and the Future of the Church / by Herwig Arts, S.J. 1981/03
- POSB 5/54 Title : The Benedictines: Creators of Western Civilization, Victims of Their Own Success, Hope for the Future / by James T. Baker 1981/03
- POSB 5/55 Title : American Benedictine Review 32:2 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : The Swiss-American Congregation: A Centennial Survey / by Joel Rippinger, O.S.B. 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : Pagan and Christian Philosophy in Athanasius' Vita Antonii / by J. Alcuin Francis, O.S.B. 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : Medieval Liturgical Drama, The Commedia, Piers Plowman and The Canterbury Tales / by Julia Bolton Holloway 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : Orestes A. Brownson on Irish Immigrants and American Nativism / by Issac McDaniel, O.S.B. 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : "For No Theves Shall Come Thereto": Symbolic Detail in The Squyr of Lowe Degre / by Huston Diehl 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : Corporate Social Responsibility: A Philosophical Approach / by Benedict A. Paparella 1981/06
- POSB 5/55 Title : Charles Peguy: Critic of the Modern World / by David R. Contosta 1981/06
- POSB 5/56 Title : American Benedictine Review 32:3 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : "Your Holiness, What's Your Favorite Color?": Talking with the Dalai Lama / by Thomas Hilgers and Michael Molloy 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : Monasticism as an Ecumenical Problem / by Philip Timko, O.S.B. 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : Pride, Passion and Pain: Hell in Other Words / by Jon Nilson 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : The Mariology of THe Prioress's Tale / by Sumner Ferris 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : Ronsard's Elegy / by Joan H. Manley 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : The Fullness of Creation As Envisioned by Berdiaev / by Sister Irma Mercedes Kashuba, S.S.J. 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : Marriage, Harping and Kingship: The Unity of Sir Orfeo / by A. S. G. Edwards 1981/09
- POSB 5/56 Title : American Benedictine Review 32:4 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : St. Bernard and the Humanity of Monks / by William O. Paulsell 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : The Rarest of All Revolutions: G.K. Chesterton on the Relation of Human Life to Christian Doctrine / by James V. Schall, S.J. 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : The Acceptance of Chaplains in Mental Hospitals / by John E. Haag, O.S.B. and Linda H. Jackson, M.D. 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : An Examination of the Middle English Patience / by Lynn Staley Johnson 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : Margery Kempe: Her Book, Her Faith, Her World / by Samuel C. Pearson, Jr. 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : The Biographical Context of Donne's Sonnet on the Church / by David Chanoff 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : Maurice Joseph Tobin and the American Jewish Community: The Preservation of the State of Isreal, 1948-1953 / by Vincent A. Lapomards, S.J. 1981/12
- POSB 5/57 Title : American Benedictine Review - Index to Volume 32 (1981) 1981/12
- POSB 5/58-61 File : American Benedictine Review - Volume 33 1982
- POSB 5/58 Title : American Benedictine Review 33:1 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : Tradition and Perfection: Monastic Typology in Bonaventure's Life of St. Francis / by William R. Cook 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : On the Symbolism of the Pedilavium / by Etan Levine 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : The Formation of Non-Clerical Junior Monks / by Claude J. Peifer, O.S.B. 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : Genesis B: A Study in Grace / by Kathleen E. Dubs 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : Substance, A Resilient Notion / by Francis P. Daleiden, O.S.B. 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : The Importance of Dialoguing on the Holocaust / by Charles De Celles 1982/03
- POSB 5/58 Title : Philadelphia's First Catholic Magazine: The National Catholic Register, 1844 / by Raymond H. Schmandt 1982/03
- POSB 5/59 Title : American Benedictine Review 33:2 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : Dedication 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : The Religious Structure of a Spirituality / by Matthias Neuman, O.S.B. 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : "Saving" by Faint Praise: St. Birgitta of Sweden, Adam Easton and Medieval Antifeminism / by James A. Schmidtke 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : Chaucer's High Rise: Aldgate and The House of Fame / by Sister Margaret Teresa, S.S.J. 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : "Parfite Blisses Two": January's Dilemma and the Themes of Temptation and Doublemindedness in The Merchant's Tale / by Edward F. J. Tucker 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : The Anchoretic Bases of the Gilbertine Rule / by Patricia J. F. Rosof 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : The Degrees of Love in the Writings of the Monk of Farn / by Leander Hogg, O.S.B. 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : Mysticism, Merton and Solitudo / by John E. Bigane 1982/06
- POSB 5/59 Title : Vladimir Solvyev: Ecumenist and Mystic / by Richard E. Asher 1982/06
- POSB 5/60 Title : American Benedictine Review 33:3 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : Martin Marty: Monk, Abbot, Missionary and Bishop / by Joel Rippinger, O.S.B. 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : The Heart of the World: Contemplation / by Wayne Teasdale 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : St. Erkenwald's Spiritual Itinerary / by S. L. Clark and Julian N. Wasserman 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : Sana me Domine: Bodily Sickness as a Means of Grace in Donne's Sermons and Devotions / by Troy Dale Reeves 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : Chaucer and Capgrave's Life of St. Katharine / by Mary-Ann Stouck 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : Where are the Great Sinners? / by Richard L. Harp 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : The Mystical Kiss and the Canticle of Canticles: Three Interpretations / by Elizabeth Teresa Howe 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : Robert Frost's Further Range of the Spirit / by Ronald Bieganowski, S.J. 1982/09
- POSB 5/60 Title : The Reeve's Tale, Symkyn and the Magician / by Ronald B. Herzman 1982/09
- POSB 5/61 Title : American Benedictine Review 33:4 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : Three Faces of Cecilia: Chaucer's Second Nun's Tale / by Janemarie Luecke, O.S.B. 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : Augustine the Pastor and the Isolation of the Saints / by Robert B. Eno, S.S. 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : Martin Marty: Monk, Abbot, Missionary, Bishop - II Missionary to the Indians / by Joel Rippinger, O.S.B. 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : Dunstanus Saga: England and the Old Norse Church / by Colman O'Hare 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : "That Demon," Alberic of Monte Cassino: Rhetorician and Theologian / by Marion Sitzmann, O.S.B. and Thomas Coffey 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : Bernard of Clairvaux on Abbots / by Bede K. Lachner, O.Cist. 1982/12
- POSB 5/61 Title : American Benedictine Review - Index to Volume 33 (1982) 1982/12
- POSB 5/62-65 File : American Benedictine Review - Volume 34 1983
- POSB 5/62 Title : American Benedictine Review 34:1 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : The Autobiographical Impulse of Merton's Early Prose / by Victor A. Kramer 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : Monastic Institute of the Swiss-American Benedictine Federation, 1982 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : From Monastic Rhetoric to Ars Dictaminis: Traditionalism and Innovation in the Schools of Twelfth-Century Italy / by Paul F. Gehl 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : Christianity in the United States and the United KingdomL A Protestant Ecumenist's Comparison / by Horton Davies 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : Variations in Heraldic Insignia at Maryhelp Abbey / by Paschal Baumstein, O.S.B. 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : Some Varieties of Psychomachia in Old English - I / by John P. Hermann 1983/03
- POSB 5/62 Title : Carrying Coals from Newcastle: The Economy of Tinmouth Priory / by James W. Morrison 1983/03
- POSB 5/63 Title : American Benedictine Review 34:2 1983/06
- POSB 5/63 Title : University Education in a Monastic Setting / by Abbot Jerome Theisman, O.S.B. 1983/06
- POSB 5/63 Title : Mother Scholastica Kerst - I / by Sister Jeanne Marie Lortie, O.S.B. 1983/06
- POSB 5/63 Title : A Cultural Psychology of the Benedictine Rule / by Edwin N. Gorsuch 1983/06
- POSB 5/63 Title : "Fire and Brimstone" in Anglo-Norman Society: The Preaching Career of St. Vital of Mortain and Its Impact on the Abbey of Savigny / by John Marshall Carter 1983/06
- POSB 5/63 Title : Some Variations on Psychomachia in Old English - II: The Middle Ages / by John P. Hermann 1983/06
- POSB 5/64 Title : American Benedictine Review 34:3 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : Sir Isaiah Berlin of Oxford on Some Anglomaniac Zionists He Has Known / by Chrysostom Kim, O.S.B. 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : Tracy's Revisionist Project: Some Fundamental Issues / by Jesse Nash 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : Mother Scholastica Kerst - II / by Jeanne Marie Lortie, O.S.B. 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : Resolving the Dissonance: Jacob Boehme's Vision of Humanity / by Augustin Belisle, O.S.B. 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : The Maurist Congregation of French Benedictines / by Richard Kay 1983/09
- POSB 5/64 Title : The Influence of the Anglican Benedictines on Ronald Knox: 1909-1912 / by Rene M. Kollar, O.S.B. 1983/09
- POSB 5/65 Title : American Benedictine Review 34:4 [2 Copies] 1983/12
- POSB 5/65 Title : RB 1980: A Tribute / by Michael Casey, O.C.S.O. 1983/12
- POSB 5/65 Title : A Comparison of Monastic and Cathedral Vespers up to the Time of St. Benedict / by Paul Jasmer, O.S.B. 1983/12
- POSB 5/65 Title : The Tale and Its Teller: The Case of Chaucer's Man of Law / by Kevin J. Harty 1983/12
- POSB 5/65 Title : St. Martin of Braga's Policy Toward Heretics and Pagan Practices / by Albert Ferreiro 1983/12