International Files
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Publication: The Church and the Arms Race - Day of Peace 1977 1977
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Article: The Catholic Church and the Arms Race - Joseph Fahey 1979/11
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Copy of photograph from 1978 United Nations Special Session on Disarmament 1986/1005
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Statment to Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament - Bernard Cardinal Alfrink 1978/02
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Paper: Peacemakers and the Second Special Session of the United Nations on Disarmament - Mary Beth Reissen
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Declaration of Pax Christi International on disarmament and security 1981/0531
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Pax Christi USA testimony to the United States Snate on SALT II 1978
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Disarmament activities of Pax Christi, USA 1981/04
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Correspondence regarding topics for 1983 Roman Synod 1981/0331
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Correspondence regarding meeting with military vicariate 1982/0706
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Correspondence regarding Pax Christi planning session, 1974 1974/0530
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Article: The Only Way to Peace in the World - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Speech: Alternatives to Violence, Ninth Pax Christi National Assembly - Bishop Carroll Dozier 1982/1008-10
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Catholic Social Teaching on the Arms Race
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Toward a Christian Response to War and Peace - Statment of Pax Christi Bishops 1981/0507
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Parish peace education materials
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Pax Christi brochure 1984/01
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Pax Christi brochure
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Pax Christi brochure, Spanish language
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Leaflet: The Catholic Church and Disarmament
- CPAX 12/75 Document : LeafletL It's a Sin to Build a Nuclear Weapon - Dick McSorley
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Excerpt from letter to priests by Bishop Raymond Hunthausen 1976/1020
- CPAX 12/75 Document : Newspaper clipping, Learning to Love the N-bomb - Art Buchwald
- CPAX 12/76 Folder : United Nations Disarmament Session 1981-1986
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Paper, Christian History and Peace - Gerard Vanderhaar 1978/1203
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Paper: Our Weapons Do Not Become Obsolete: Response to the United Nations Special Session on Disarmament
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Address: Utopianism? No. - Pope Paul VI 1978/0606
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Some Moral Aspects of Disarmament: Pax Christi Statement for United Nations Special Session on Disarmament 1978/05-06
- CPAX 12/76 Document : A Machine Gone Mad: Pax Christi statements and proposals on ethics and the arms race for United Nations Special Session on Disarmament 1978/05-06
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Presentation: A Million Hiroshimas - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 1978
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Presentation: I Stand Here in the Name of Disarmed People - International Fellowship of Reconciliation 1978
- CPAX 12/76 Document : Paper: Our Weapons Do Not Become Obsolete - Eileen Egan 1978
- CPAX 12/77 Folder : Pax Christi Publications 1979
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA, Volume XVI, Number 3, Fall 1991 1991
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: The Plowshares Pilgrimage 1982
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA Annual Report, 1991 1991
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA Annual Report, 1990 1990
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA Annual Report, 1989 1989
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA Annual Report, 1988 1988
- CPAX 12/77 Document : Publication: Pax Christi USA Annual Report and Appeal, 1986-1987 1986-1987
- CPAX 12/78 Folder : Draft 1979
- CPAX 12/78 Document : Correspondence regarding statments of conscientious objectors 1979
- CPAX 13/01 Folder : Etienne de Jonghe's 1986 Fundraising Visit 1986
- CPAX 13/01 Document : Response to Frank J Lewis Foundation proposals 1986/0626
- CPAX 13/01 Document : Contacts and meeting plans for Etienne de Jonghe's fundraising visit to the United States, January-February, 1986 1985/1216
- CPAX 13/01 Document : Fenton Communcations, Inc., Pax Christi materials proposal 1986/01
- CPAX 13/01 Document : Booklet: Some Pax Christi Topics in a Nutshell 3 CPAx 13/01 ~ ~ Document ~ Booklet: Some Pax Christi Sections in a Nutshell
- CPAX 13/02 Folder : Just World Order Commission
- CPAX 13/02 Document : Executive Committee agenda regarding Just World Order Commission 1984
- CPAX 13/02 Document : Proposal - Just World Order Commission 1983
- CPAX 13/03 Folder : Devendra Kumar 1985
- CPAX 13/03 Document : Project to accomodate Gandhian leader Devendra Kumar in year-long visit to the United States 1985/09
- CPAX 13/04 Folder : Military Chaplaincy 1981
- CPAX 13/04 Document : Project for Review of the Military Chaplaincy: Resolution on the Military Chaplaincy 1981/0526
- CPAX 13/05 Folder : Bishop's Peace Pastoral, second draft 1982-1983
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Article: The Failure of Nuclear Deterrence - A Medical View - James Muller and Bernard Lown 1983/0503
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Letter to bishops from Fellowship of Reconciliation regarding Peace Pastoral 1983/0422
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Article: Battle of the Bishops - Should Church Oppose Nuclear Arms? 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: I.R.S. vs. S.T.A. vs. (Most Reverend) J.J.B: A Case Study in Conflicting Ecclesiologies - Jane Russell 1982/08
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Mary Evelyn Jegen on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0715
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Statment of Bishops' Committee on War and Peace regarding third draft of pastoral on war and peace 1983/0410
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Statements by United States Congressmen regarding third draft of bishops' peace pastoral 1983/07
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Article: Bishops Speak, UN Listens - Disarmament Times 1983
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Proposed amendments to third draft of bishops' pastoral letter from the Disarmament Commission 1983
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Reflection papers on second draft of bishops' pastoral letter "The Challenge of Peace" 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Gospel Nonviolence: The Christian Vocation - Eileen Egan 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Assessing Three Responses of Christians to War - Joseph Fahey 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Making Progress in the Debate about Deterrence - Gordon Zahn 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Moral Theology and Deterrence: Some Misunderstandings - Francis Meehan 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Suggestions for Modifying Key Passages in the Pastoral - Mary Evelyn Jegen 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: The Risk of Preaching the Gospel - Kenneth Untener 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Alternatives to Violence: Concrete Suggestions - Gerard Vanderhaar 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: Active Promotion of Peace - James McGinnis 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Paper: A Guide to Nuclear Arms and Just-War Argument 1982
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Correspondence and petition in opposition to unilateral disarmament from Committee of Concerned Catholics 1983/0103
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Joseph Fahey on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0729
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Connie Hyland on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0726
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Peter Henriot, Jane Blewett, and Philip Land from the Center of Concern on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0720
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Commission on Catholic Community Action on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0715
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Denver, Colorado Justice and Peace Office on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0721
- CPAX 13/05 Document : Comments from Eileen Egan on first draft of bishops' pastoral on war and peace 1982/0728
- CPAX 13/06 Folder : Bishops' Peace Pastoral, third draft 1983
- CPAX 13/06 Document : Support of professional Catholic theologians for bishops' pastoral, "The Challenge of Peace" 1983/04-05
- CPAX 13/06 Document : Amendments to third draft of bishops' pastoral letter, "The Challenge of Peace," from general meeting May 2-3, 1983 1983/05
- CPAX 13/06 Document : Meeting minutes of National Council of Catholic Bishops general meeting, May 2, 1983 1983/0502
- CPAX 13/06 Document : Meeting minutes of National Council of Catholic Bishops general meeting, May 3, 1983 1983/0503
- CPAX 13/06 Document : Bishops' pastoral - areas of concern 1983
- CPAX 13/07 Folder : Reflection Papers on Draft Two of Bishops' Peace Pastoral 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Some Reflections on the Pastoral Letter - Bishop Kenneth Untener 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Gospel Nonviolence and the Good News - Eileen Egan 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Alternatives to Violence - Gerard Vanderhaar 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Second Draft and Deterrence - Gordon Zahn 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Response to the NCCB Pastoral on War and Peace, Sections III and IV - James McGinnis 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Moral Theology and Deterrence: Some Misunderstandings - Francis X. Meehan 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: From Early Christian Pacifism to the Just War - Joseph Fahey 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Paper: Suggestions for Modifying Key Sections of the Pastoral - Mary Evelyn Jegen 1982
- CPAX 13/07 Document : Correspondence regarding reflection papers on second draft of peace pastoral 1982/10
- CPAX 13/08 Folder : Bishops' Pastoral on War and Peace - Response of Catholic Theologians to Pax Christi Survey (I) 1983
- CPAX 13/08 Document : Endorsements of peace pastoral by Catholic theologians 1983/03-05
- CPAX 13/08 Document : Condemnation of peace pastoral by Catholic theologians 1983/03-05