- UPEL 71/9 Letter : Emil Schonlau to AM 1899/0816
re visiting Notre Dame with her two children [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/9 Letter : W.E. Tase to AM 1899/0817
Prospective Student re attending Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/9 Letter : South Bend Iron Works to AM 1899/0817
re help Translating Spanish letter
- UPEL 71/9 Letter : M.M. Smith to AM 1899/0818
re his son will Enroll at Notre Dame for 1 year
- UPEL 71/9 Letter : South Bend Iron Works to AM 1899/0819
re help Translating Spanish letter
- UPEL 71/9 Letter : Mrs. Nellie Strebig to AM 1899/0820
re requesting more time to pay Tuition because of Financial Trouble [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : James S. Stackable to AM 1899/0821
re requesting Catalogue and Tuition Rates for Notre Dame students training for the Priesthood
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Jos. J. Sermersheim to AM 1899/0821
re a 14 yr. old Prospective Priest and Notre Dame Student seeking to work for his education. Catalogue requested
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : John H. Sihan to AM 1899/0821
Prospective Student, not admitted, re any possible way to attend? [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : T.O. Sullivan to AM 1899/0821
re Mrs. Cumerford's Financial Trouble paying her nephews' Tuition
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Ainsworth R. Spofford to AM 1899/0821
re securing an edition of "Messages And Papers Of the Presidents"
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : W.J. Pollock to AM 1899/0822
re Frank Steele, Prospective Student from Osage Indian Tribe
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : J. Wade Tucker to AM 1899/0823
re getting a room at Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : W.S. Gillotson to AM 1899/0823
re requesting continued accommodations to alleviate Financial Trouble paying Tuition
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : James Philip Sherlock to AM 1899/08__
re securing a dorm room for his son student Philip Sherlock
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : John Gibney to AM 1899/0824
student re how much Tuition must be paid to remain another year? [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : F.W. Scott to AM 1899/0825
re a room for his son [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Anton C. Stephard to AM 1899/0825
re he and his brother returning and requesting rooms in Corby Hall
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Arthur Himpson to Bro. Joseph 1899/0825
re requesting Catalogue for Prospective Students
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Owen Sheekey to Notre Dame 1899/0826
re enclosed $5 Check [Shorthand Note on letter]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Jose Sarra e Higo to AM 1899/08__
in Spanish
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Mrs. C. Dominic to AM 1899/0827
re her son, who she has decided to Enroll at Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : A.M. Seixas to AM 1899/0828
re $121.45 Check for Tuition and expenses for Ulysses and Martin Lopez
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Pres. Geo F. Tibbitts of YMCA to "Whom It May Concern" 1899/0828
re Recommendation for Chas. McCracken
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : James Philip Sherlock to AM 1899/0828
re reserving a room for his son student Philip Sherlock
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Geo. H. Stewart to AM 1899/0829
re his son Chas. Stewart, about to begin school at Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Ernst and Steinberg Law and Collections to AM 1899/0829
re Recommendation for Chas. McCracken
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Southern Trade Record (Geo. C. Carter, Editor) to AM 1899/0829
re offer to let AM correct an Editorial [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : D.W. Storrs to "Dear Sirs" 1899/0830
re $26.15 Check to pay sons' Board and Tuition
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : R. Fabien and Co. to Notre Dame 1899/0831
re 12 year old Prospective Student
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Henry Strassheim to AM 1899/0828
re enrolling his son, Prospective Student [Shorthand Note on letter]
- UPEL 71/10 Letter : Auton C. Stephan to AM 1899/0831
re requesting a reduction in Dormitory Costs and Mr. Richard Kolch considering sending his son to Notre Dame [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Thornton Bros. to AM 1899/0902
re Cost of sending their nephew to Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Joseph Tonello to AM 1899/0902
re recommendation for Stevens Smith
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Mary E. Snyder to AM 1899/0903
re deciding to wait another year to enroll their son at Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : J.H. Siher to [AM] 1899/0903
re Financial matters and graduating on time
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Emeline Sweeney to AM 1899/0904
re her sons, students Charles, Robert, and Frank
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : G. Schoonover to AM 1899/0904
re Fred returning to Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Eva. A. Smithwick to AM 1899/0905
re $52.50 Draft for J. Thos. Smithwick's school bill
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Auton Stephan to AM 1899/0906
re permission for his son Raymond [Auton] to study Law even though he's under 18 [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Roy G. Staples to AM 1899/0906
re inquiring about Financial Aid for Notre Dame Law School
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Theodor Spiering to AM 1899/0907
re The Spiering Quartet performing a Concert at Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : J.B. Tennyson to AM 1899/0907
re student Carroll
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : [Rev.] L. Scaulan to AM 1899/0907
re declining invitation to visit Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : N.m. Sherlock to AM 1899/0908
re deciding to send son Charles Sherlock to Notre Dame
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Pastor Doug Heely to AM 1899/0902
re Recommendation for Prospective Priest Charles Sherlock [Shorthand Note on letter]
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : N.F. Dougherty to AM 1899/0908
re Recommendation for Charles Sherlock
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Michael Clum (Rector of St. John's Cathedral) to [AM] 1899/0910
re Recommendation for Charles Sherlock
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Ed. H. Soice to AM 1899/0908
father of Prospective Student re Tuition
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Jere Sullivan to AM 1899/0909
re his son, a Prospective Student, whom he has decided to enroll
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : Pat Shea to Father French 1899/0909
re sending Money Order
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : J.B. Tennyson to AM 1899/0909
re Student Carroll's unsatisfactory Dormatory arrangements [Shorthand Note on letter]
- UPEL 71/11 Letter : J. Pollock (Indian Agent) to AM 1899/0909
re Frank Steele, Student from Osaga Indian Tribe, unable to pay for Text Books and Entrace Fee because of Financial Difficulty
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Mrs. Stich to AM 1899/0910
re her son, Student George Stich
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : J.M. Stukey to AM 1899/0910
re $200 Payment enclosed
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : J.M. Stukey to AM 1899/0910
re Prospective Student Carl, who will not attend Notre Dame if he does not improve his academic performance
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Norbert J. Savay to AM 1899/0910
re requesting answer to earlier letter [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Eugene A. Shukey to Father French 1899/0911
former student re not returing and requesting Dismissal to be forwarded to Lafayette
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : William F. Shea to AM 1899/0911
re Financial Matters of Mrs. McNeil, mother of Notre Dame Student, relating to the university
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : William F. Shea to AM 1899/0911
re Prospective Student William McNeil and the anxieties of his Widowed mother
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Mrs. Chas Sweeney to AM 1899/0912
re Student Robert Sweeney unhappy with Carmel Hall and has a poor background in mathematics [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : L.M. Rita to Bro. Paul 1899/0912
re requesting Photographic images for Book of St. Mary's Views
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Anton Stephan to AM 1899/0912
re his son Raymond Stephan intends to leave Notre Dame if not transferred out of Carroll Hall [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Ed. H. Soice to [AM] 1899/0913
re please telegraph when boys arrive
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Ed. H. Soice to AM 1899/0912
re sending $60 for Balance
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Ed. H. Soice to AM 1899/0914
re letting his son, an Notre Dame Student, leave school to visit his aunt [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : M.S. Tillatson to AM 1899/0914
re his son, Missing Notre Dame Student
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Owen Sheekey to AM 1899/0914
re repeating request for Eugene Seekey's Honorable Dismissal and standing with Notre Dame for his transfer to Purdue
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Elizabeth Taylor to AM 1899/0915
re former Notre Dame Student Frank requesting Transcript for transfer to Orchard Lake Military Academy
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Rev. P.J. Stupfel to AM 1899/0915
re Recommendation for Edwin Pick
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Jos. Sherman to AM 1899/0915
re sent $125 Tuition for Henry Sherman
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : Matthew M. Smith to AM 1899/0917
re how his son, Notre Dame Student, is doing [Shorthand Note on letter]
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : F.T. Slevin to AM 1899/0918
re keeping Notre Dame Student Spalding back from school because F.T. is ill
- UPEL 71/12 Letter : George J. Taylor to AM 1899/0918
re Student Tim falling behind because of illness
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Sister Teresa Vincent to AM 1899/0921
re can no longer Financially Support [Francis B. Cornell] [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Geo. H. Stewart to AM 1899/0920
re sent $5 for Charles
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : M.S. Tillatson to AM 1899/0921
re $50 Check for son, Notre Dame Student
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Ph. Sulee___ to AM 1899/0921
re $50 Draft, Accounts
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : William F. Shea to AM 1899/0921
re $212 for Account [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Mary Kirby Stich to Father French 1899/0922
re requesting son, Notre Dame Student George Stich, to drop book keeping. Class Schedule on back [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : H. Hanleg to AM 1899/0922
Uncle of Notre Dame Student re sending cigars
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : D.W. Storrs to Father French 1899/0923
re his son, Notre Dame Student John [Storrs], taking French [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Mrs. Hank L. Surth to AM 1899/09__
re Accounts
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Emeline Sweeney to AM 1899/0925
re Draft for $340.50
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Sister M. Pauline to Bro. Paul 1899/0925
re Prayer Books
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : William Sherlock to AM 1899/0925
re $212 Draft in payment for Charles V. Sherlock
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Chas. Stegmaier to AM 1899/0926
re $210 Check and questions re Fred's studies [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Purdue University Vice Pres. We. E. Stone to AM 1899/0926
re rules for a Purdue vs. Notre Dame Football Game [Booklet attached: Purdue University Regulations For The Government of Athletics]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : D.J. Spillard (Holy Cross College, New Orleans) to Bro. Paul 1899/0926
re Prayer Books
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Tribune Printing Co. to Bro. Paul 1899/0927
re folding and binding Directories
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Tribune Printing Co. to Notre Dame 1899/0928
Newspaper Clipping from South Bend's Daily Tribune re "Notre Dame's Splendid Growth"
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Jere Sullivan to AM 1899/0928
re paying his son, Notre Dame Student's Tuition and re his courses [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Sister M. Victor to Bro. Paul 1899/0928
re Prayer Books
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : A.G. Spalding and Bros. to Bro. Carl 1899/0928
re irregularities handling Gymnasium for St. Mary's Academy
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Anton C. Stephan to AM 1899/0929
re returning to Notre Dame [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : S.S. Semmes to AM 1899/0930
Ward of Notre Dame Student Boaz Davies re $100 for Boaz's Tuition [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/13 Letter : Rafael Perez to AM 1899/0930
re $300 for account of Vincent ____
- UPEL 71/14 Letter : George J. Taylor to AM 1899/1001
re Tim ought to be able to get the A.B.
- UPEL 71/14 Letter : D.J. Spillard (Holy Cross College, New Orleans) to Bro. Paul 1899/1001
re $200 Draft to be credited to Notre Dame Student Lawrence A. Douglas [Shorthand Note on back]
- UPEL 71/14 Letter : D.J. Spillard (Holy Cross College, New Orleans) to AM 1899/1001
re Recommendation for Prospective Law Student Lawrence A. Douglas