- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Mr. Dunnack ?? to AM 1903/0614
re Carl ??
- UPEL 96/20 Document : [Frank Dean] to AM 1903/0617
re payment for John Dean's account.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : A.H. Walburg to AM 1903/0615
re Paul Sorg's ward Claude A. Sorg.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : A.H. Walburg to Claude A. Sorg 1903/0615
re Arthur wishes Claude to come home for vacation.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Mrs. P. Dunnebecke to AM 1903/0615
re [her sons Hugo, Joseph, and Edgar Dunnebecke].
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : A.H. Walburg to AM 1903/0616
re W.L. Dechant says that Judge will be gone for a week.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : (Francis) Frank J. Dolan to Bro. Paul 1903/0621
re settling his bill. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Mrs. M. Donovan to AM 1903/0623
re [her son William James Donovan's] broken hand.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Howard H. Darnell to Bro. Paul 1903/0623
re apologies over delays with orders made to Darnell and Beckman.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : (Francis) Frank F. Dukette to AM 1903/0624
re payment enclosed. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : The Catholic Standard and Times (Thomas A. Daly, Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul 1903/0626
re the Catholic Standard article on Notre Dame's commencement, which is attached to the letter.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : W.L. Dechant to AM 1903/0627
re Paul Sorg's ward Claude A. Sorg.
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Leo A. Donahoe to Rev. Fr. Thillman C.S.C. 1903/0629
re admissions and financial aid. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/20 Letter : Z.A. Dixson to [AM] 1903/0629
receipt for the catalogue and prospectus for St. Edward's Hall.
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Albert M. Darragh to AM 1903/0701
re J. Rosado, who's check was confused with Darragh's. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Darnell and Beckman Stationers, Engravers, Printers (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul 1903/0701
re orders of bond paper.
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : C.W. Dunfee to Sister Alloysa 1903/0702
re his son Calvin Dunfee.
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Davis Mosaic Co. (Chicago) to AM 1903/0708
re laying marble mosaic floors at Notre Dame. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Fr. Donney ?? (St. Gabriel's Church) to AM 1903/0709
re admissions for Mr. Byrne's son [Francis P. Byrne].
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : J.M. Dwan to AM 1903/0712
re his sons Leo and Allie (Aloysius) Dwan.
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Florentino Diaz Mercado to AM 1903/0713
in Spanish, note on letter is presumably a translation re being uneasy with a bill he received and requesting another.
- UPEL 96/21 Letter : Darnell and Beckman Stationers, Engravers, Printers (Philadelphia, PA) to Bro. Paul 1903/0713
re a shipment of inserts. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Mrs. M. Donovan to AM 1903/0715
re her son William James Donovan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Thomas F. Daly to AM 1903/0718
re his son Clarence J. Daly. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Miss H.R. Dougherty to AM 1903/0719
re checking Rev. Peter Cooney's standing with the Church in order to better judge the reliability of his testimonial that Dr. O'Neal cured him of blindness. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : T.B. Donnelly to AM 1903/0720
re his son Thomas L.K. Donnelly. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Philip Dougherty to AM 1903/0720
re requesting that, since he didn't finish his last semester, his bill be reduced to accommodate financial hardships.
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Victor Durand to AM 1903/0721
in Spanish, note attached is presumably a translation re admissions. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : J. Frank Dinnen to AM 1903/0722
re requesting his academic records/credits. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : B.M. Daly to AM 1903/0723
re Mr. Davey and Mr. Holland.
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : T.B. Donnelly to AM 1903/0725
re financial aid [for his son Thomas L.K. Donnelly]. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : John G. Duncan (Southern Brass and Iron Co., Knoxville, TN) to AM 1903/0725
re a party interested in bulding a factory on T.D. Summers farm which Notre Dame has purchased. A response written by an unidentified author is typed on the back of the letter. A note to Bro. Paul is attached re the characters of John G. Duncan.
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Edward Dailey to AM 1903/0727
re requesting the addresses of his former classmates: Frank Philips, Edward Leonard, and Harry Stich. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Mrs. M. Donovan to AM 1903/0727
re her son William James Donovan.
- UPEL 96/22 Letter : Thomas F. Daly to AM 1903/0731
re a dormitory room [for his son Clarence J. Daly]. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Frank X. DeLone to AM 1903/0801
re his brothers Louis and Joe DeLone. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Document : shorthand notes, mentions Daly in longhand. 1903/0804
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Thomas F. Daly to AM 1903/0805
re approval for an unspecified action and admissions of his daughter to St. Mary's.
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Frank F.D. to AM 1903/0806
re coming to Notre Dame to teach Greek and look after the Mandolin department. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : John Jerome Deery to AM 1903/0806
re offering his services as an architect. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : B.M. Daly to AM 1903/0807
re [recruiting or checking on the return of] Beacom, Furlong, Frank Shaugnessy, Stephan, [Henry J.] McGlew, [Edward M.] Reulbach, [William P.] Higgins, [Henry G.] Hogan, and Nyere Lonegran Silver. Also re contacting Ohio Medical University about athletic competitions. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : S.J. Dunnigan (Dunnigan's Pharmacy, Terre Haute, IN) to AM 1903/0807
re declining invitation.
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Daniel A. Dougherty to [AM] 1903/0809
re dormitory rooms. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Daniel A. Dougherty to rector 1903/0729
re admissions. [Shorthand notes on letter. This letter is attached to the previous letter.]
- UPEL 96/23 Letter : Mrs. A.B. Darst to AM 1903/0808
re requesting a recommendation for a boarding house in South Bend for when she brings her son Thomas Darst. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : James E. Downey to [AM] 1903/0816
re seeking employment in Notre Dame's science department. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : A.J. Dunnigan to AM 1903/0811
re admissions and a dormitory room for his son. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : (Mrs. John) Mary M. Dowling to AM 1903/0829
re admissions for her son John H. Dowling.
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : (Mrs. John) Mary M. Dowling to AM 1903/0817
re admissions for her son John H. Dowling and his courses and dormitory room. [Shorthand notes on letter, this letter is attached to the previous letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : Charles W. Dunfee to St. Edwards 1903/0813
re his son Calvin Dunfee.
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : Leo A. Donahoe to AM 1903/0814
re admissions.
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : Leo G. Dwan to AM 1903/0815
re his brother Allie [Aloysius] Dwan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : J.M. Dwan to AM 1903/0705
re his sons Leo and Allie (Aloysius) Dwan. [This letter is attached to the previous letter. Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : J.M. Dwan to AM 1903/0614
re his sons Leo and Allie (Aloysius) Dwan. [This letter is attached to the previous letter. Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : Walter M. Daly to AM 1903/0815
re financial aid so he can return to Notre Dame.
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : Edwin M. Dertinger to AM 1903/0816
re seeking employment as a physical director. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/24 Letter : A.J. Dunnigan to AM 1903/0817
re declining an invitation to visit.
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Antonio Diaz to Felix Garcia 1903/0819
in Spanish, note attached. Uncle to student re Felix having to leave Notre Dame.
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : N.J. Dilday to AM 1903/0819
re admissions for his son Ralph W. Dilday. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : N.J. Dilday to AM 1903/0815
re admissions for his son Ralph W. Dilday. [Shorthand notes on letter. This letter is attached to the previous letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : B.M. Daly to AM 1903/0819
re [recruiting or checking on the return of] [Francis] Lonergan, [Henry] Gage, Opergelt ??, and Desmond.
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Mrs. Margaret Donovan to AM 1903/0820
re her son William James Donovan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : T.J. Dehey to AM 1903/0820
re [admissions or employment, it is unclear.] [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Thomas F. Daly to AM 1903/0820
re what clothes the students are required to have. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Frank P. Davey to AM 1903/0820
re requesting his credits from the past year and a letter of honorable dismissal. The requested information is written on the back of the letter. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Mrs. Anna B. Darst to AM 1903/0821
re admissions for her daughter. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Leo G. Dwan to AM 1903/0821
re a dormitory room for himself and his brother Allie [Aloysius] Dwan.
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : Eugene Dietzgen Co., Manufacturers and Importers of Drawing Materials (Chicago) to Bro. Paul 1903/0822
re quotes on the materials submitted to them.
- UPEL 96/25 Letter : A.J. Dunnigan to AM 1903/0822
re questions about Carroll Hall [where he is planning on sending his son]. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : James M. Dinnen to AM 1903/0824
re his sons William F. and Frank (J. Francis) Dinnen. Franks academics history/grades are written on the back. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Eugene Dietzgen Co. (Chicago) to Bro. Paul 1903/0825
re price quotations on additional items (to those quoted in their last letter). [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Will (William) Desmond to AM 1903/0815
re returning to Notre Dame. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : James A. Dubbs to Bro. Paul 1903/0826
re payment enclosed.
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : W.H. Dietz to [AM] 1903/0826
re checking the background of Henry Dickson, who teaches Oratory at Notre Dame. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Document : note re Leo. J. Dwyer 1903/0827
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : A.J. Dunnigan to AM 1903/0827
re admissions for his son. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Frank J. Dolan to AM 1903/0828
re a dormitory room for he and his cousin Will McCarty. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : T.J. Dehey to AM 1903/0827
re help finding a teaching position, which is difficult for him as a Catholic educated in a Catholic college.
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Mrs. John Dowling to AM 1903/0829
re his dormitory room.
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Rudolf Dvoracek to [AM] 1903/0831
in German.
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : Walter M. Daly to AM 1903/0831
re requesting a response to the previous letter. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/26 Letter : A.J. Dunnigan to AM 1903/0831
re admissions for his son.
- UPEL 96/27 Document : note re C.R. Dean 1903/0901
- UPEL 96/27 Document : note re Joseph Donahue 1903/0901
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : William J. Donovan to AM 1903/0901
re being unable to attend Notre Dame because of expenses. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : James M. Dinnen to AM 1903/0904
re thank you.
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : W.L. Dechant to AM 1903/0904
re his nephew William E. Dechant and Paul Sorg's ward Claude A. Sorg. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : Napoleon DuBrul to [AM] 1903/0905
re requesting catalogue.
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : R.J. Draper to AM 1903/0906
re his son William Aloysius Draper.
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : William Aloysius Draper to AM 1903/0906
re making adjusting arrangements for paying his bill.
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : Mrs. M. Donovan to AM 1903/0908
re her son William James Donovan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : John Draper to AM 1903/0909
re his nephew William Aloysius Draper. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : Daniel Donahoe to AM 1903/0909
re his son Henry D. Donahoe. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : N.J. Dilday to AM 1903/0909
re his son Ralph W. Dilday. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : Mrs. Kate Dirks to AM 1903/0909
re admissions for her son John F. Dirks. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : Henry Diekson to AM 1903/0911
re ready to begin work at Notre Dame. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : J.C. Devin to AM 1903/0912
re admissions for his son Clement Leo Devine. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/27 Letter : (Joseph) Josefa F. Del Rio to AM 1903/0912
in Spanish, English translation on letter re his son Ignacio Del Rio.
- UPEL 96/28 Letter : John J. Dillon to AM 1903/0915
re admissions for student Daniel. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 96/28 Letter : J.C. Devine to AM 1903/0915
re admissions for his son Clement Leo Devine. [Shorthand notes on letter.]