- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Charles Guendling to AM 1904/0905
re admissions for Pauline Bolln's son Henry J. Bolln.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Mrs. K. Goulden to AM 1904/0905
re [her son George Goulden.] [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Agnes M. Gunning to [AM] 1904/0906
re admissions for her son.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Mrs. James V. Gaul to [AM] 1904/0908
re whether students need to bring their own towels.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Samuel J. Guerra to AM 1904/0908
re delaying he and his brother (Arturo) Arthur Guerra coming to Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Juan A. Garcia Jr. to AM 1904/0908
re admissions for his cousin Manuel Garcia.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : J.E. Grove to AM 1904/0909
re his son William H. Grove.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Thomas J. Gehlert to AM 1904/0913
re returning to Notre Dame as long as he doesn't have to live in a dormitory. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : The Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul 1904/0913
re a desk ordered by Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : The Gunn Furniture Co. (Grand Rapids, MI) to Bro. Paul 1904/0914
re a desk ordered by Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/05 Letter : Warren N. Groff to AM 1904/0914
re admissions for the son of a friend. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mrs. K. Goulden to AM 1904/0915
re her son George Goulden. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : The Gubelman Co. (Eugene Lombard, Secretary, New York, NY) to AM 1904/0916
re sending samples of their photographic work.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mrs. K. Goulden to AM 1904/0916
re her son George Goulden.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : John Gavagan to AM 1904/0917
re payment enclosed. (Francis) Frank J. Gavagan sends his thanks. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Francis Micheal Gustapon to [AM] 1904/0918
re hoping to work his way through Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Thomas J. Gehlert to AM 1904/0919
re leaving for Notre Dame. A note from his father G.B. Gehlert is written on the letter.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : William P. Galligan to AM 1904/0920
re admissions to Notre Dame Law School. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Miss R.A. Galligan to AM 1904/0927
re her nephew and ward William Galligan.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : J.E. Grove to AM 1904/0929
re sending payment [for his son William H. Grove].
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mrs. Cora Genrich to AM 1904/0909
re her son Murl Genrich.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Warren N. Groff (Kansas City, MO) to AM 1904/0930
re thanks for the history of Notre Dame and for the engraving.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mr. Joe Gruber to AM 1904/0930
re draft enclosed [for the account of her son Earl F. Gruber].
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : John F. Gottran to AM 1904/1001
re his son John F. Gottran.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : M.A. McGarry to AM 1904/1002
re requesting a check be sent. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Daprato Statuary Co. (L.L. Grombacher, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul 1904/1004
re an order for a Holy Water Font and re a picture of St. Edward. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Daprato Statuary Co. (L.L. Grombacher, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul 1904/1006
re a photograph of the statue of St. Edward. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : C.A. Golden to AM 1904/1007
re draft enclosed.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Carlos Goande to AM 1904/1008
in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re admissions and expenses for his brother.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : William P. Galligan to AM 1904/1008
re making arrangements to go to Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Andrew Gering to AM 1904/1008
re Charles Gering. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : W.P. Galligan to AM 1904/1010
re travel delay.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mrs. Cora Genrich to AM 1904/1010
re her son Murl Genrich. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Miss R.A. Galligan to AM 1904/1010
re her nephew William P. Galligan.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : P.J. Gerin to [AM] 1904/1012
re draft enclosed.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1904/1018
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran). [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Miss R.A. Galligan to AM 1904/1019
re her nephew William P. Galligan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : The Typewriter Co. (Ricord Gradwell, General Manager, Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul 1904/1020
re having received a copy of Bro. Paul's letter to Goggan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Document : In Spanish, a note enclosed within is presumably an English translation re the death and funeral of Manuel Jacinto Guerra. [Shorthand notes on document.] 1904/1013
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Mrs. Rasa Garcia de Grande to AM 1904/1024
in Spanish, note attached is presumably a translation re her sons Carlos and Rafael Grande. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : M. Garrity to AM 1904/1024
re draft enclosed.
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Thomas C. Howe (Butler College, Indianapolis, IN) to Mr. Morrison 1904/1025
re whether Rt. Rev. Abbe Gasquet is at Notre Dame and whether it can be arranged for him to lecture in Indianapolis. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Bennett Griffin to AM 1904/1029
re calling on Mother Pauline for an engagement for the Spiering Quartette. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/06 Letter : Alfred Field and Co. Sole Agents and Joseph Gillott and Sons (New York) to [AM] 1904/1031
re an order of pens.
- UPEL 125/06 Document : A printed sheet by Rt. Rev. Francis Aidan Gasquet O.S.B. entitled _What Edward VI Did With the Catholic Liturgy_ 1904/1031
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1904/1102
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran).
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Peter Gagen [Father of (Henry) Harry Gagen] to [AM] 1904/1103
re please excuse his lateness.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Rasa G. Vda de Grande to AM 1904/1121
re in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re his son Rafael Grande.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : The Gunn Furniture Co. to Bro. Paul 1904/1111
re pricing desks.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Globe Engraving and Electrotype (Chicago, IL) to Bro. Paul 1904/1112
re making original electros from wax engravings. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1904/1112
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran). [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : The Gunn Furniture Co. to Bro. Paul 1904/1114
re an order for a desk.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : William Gowrie to [AM] 1904/1116
re admissions for his son William A. Gowrie. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1904/1116
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran). [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Fred E. Lee to AM 1904/1118
re his brother in law Richard Gray. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : N.O. Gray to AM 1904/1119
re sending sleds to Neal Gray.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Benjamin Gotfredson to [AM] 1904/1120
re admissions for his son [Robert Benjamin] Gotfredson.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Mrs. Cora Genrich to AM 1904/1125
re her son Murl Genrich. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Vitus G. Jones (for F.M. Jackson) to Bro. Paul 1904/1128
re ordering a desk. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1904/1130
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran). [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Mrs. Charles W. Greene to AM 1904/1130
re her son Clarence Greene.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Fred E. Lee to AM 1904/1211
re his brother in law Richard Gray. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Garden City Tablet Co. (Elkhart, IN) to Bro. Paul 1904/1213
re asking pardon for a book keeper's error in their account.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Clarisa Ortigosa de Cortez to AM 1905/0114
in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re his sons Carlos and Federico and the sons of Manuel Cortina, Louis Palomar, and Manuel Quebedo. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Mrs. K. Goulden to AM 1904/1214
re her son George Goulden.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Fred E. Lee to AM 1904/1219
re his brother in law Richard Gray.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : John Gavagan to AM 1904/1220
re (Francis) Frank J. Gavagan.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : P.J. Gerin to AM 1904/1221
re draft enclosed [for the account of his nephew Leo F. Craig]. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Fred E. Lee to AM 1904/1227
re his brother in law Richard Gray.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Benjamin Gotfredson to [AM] 1904/1227
re admissions for his son [Robert Benjamin] Gotfredson. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Robert L. Green to Bro. Paul 1904/1230
re books needed in his class for next season.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Charles V. Parsell to AM 1904/1230
re checking a references for Richard D. Gray, brother in law of Fred E. Lee.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Jose Garcia Y. Ortega to [AM] 1905/0104
re his sons Lorenzo and Manuel Garcia.
- UPEL 125/07 Letter : Juan Garcia to Manuel and Lorenzo Garcia 1905/0104
in Spanish.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : P.A Gushurst to JWC 1905/0109
re draft enclosed [for the account of Albert F. Gushurst].
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : John F. Gottron (Gottran) to AM 1905/0114
re his son John F. Gottron (Gottran).
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Mrs. K. Goulden to AM 1905/0116
re her son George Goulden.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Mrs. Margaret Griffin to AM 1905/0128
re her son Peter M. Griffin.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : J.W. Garrity to AM 1905/0128
re Leo Francis Garrity.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Mrs. Cora Genrich to AM 1905/0131
re her son Murl Genrich.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Joe Gaffney to Bro. Paul 1905/0201
re a position that he was offered at Notre Dame.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Charles W. Greene to AM 1905/0202
re check enclosed [for the account of his son Clarence Greene].
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : C. Brauet to AM 1905/0202
in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re a draft for Lazard Freres according to the instructions of Jose Gallart.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Charles A. Golden to AM 1905/0203
re draft enclosed. [This letter is attached to the previous letter.]
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Rosa G. Vda de Grande to AM 1905/0210
in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re her son Rafael de Grande.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Goodyear-Marshall Publishing Co. (S.H. Goodyear, Cedar Rapids, IA) to Bro. Paul 1905/0210
re an order for stationary and bill-pads. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : H.A. Geoghegan to AM 1905/0213
re his sons (Henry) Harry and Walter Geoghegan. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Juan A. Garcia Jr. to AM 1905/0215
re his cousin Manuel Garcia. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Goodyear-Marshall Publishing Co. (S.H. Goodyear, Cedar Rapids, IA) to Bro. Paul 1905/0218
re damaged stationary.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : N.O. Gray to AM 1905/0224
re payment [for the account of his sons Neal and Reid Barry Gray].
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : R.A. Galligan to AM 1905/0225
re his nephew and ward William P. Galligan.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : J.H. Guendling to AM 1905/0227
re requesting a letter of endorsement for John W. O'Hara, who is seeking a consular position in the Republic of Mexico. [Shorthand notes on letter.]
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Rasa G. Vda De Grande to AM 1905/0228
in Spanish, re her son Rafael Grande.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : P.J. Gering to [AM] 1905/0301
re draft enclosed [for the account of Charles Andrew Gering].
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Rasa Garcia de Grande to AM 1905/0302
re her son Rafael Grande.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : J.H. Guendling to AM 1905/0306
re a letter of endorsement for John W. O'Hara, who is seeking a consular position in the Republic of Mexico.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : James V. Gaul to AM 1905/0309
re his son John Gaul.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : N.O. Gray to AM 1905/0311
re payment [for the account of his sons Neal and Reid Barry Gray].
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : John Gavagan to AM 1905/0317
re Francis J. Gavagan.
- UPEL 125/08 Letter : Rosa G. Vda de Grande to AM 1905/0320
in Spanish, note attached is presumably an English translation re her son Rafael Grande.