120mm Black and White Negatives
- GPHR 22/1080-1081 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Glee Club Graduating Seniors 1971/0430
- GPHR 22/1082 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Track Team 1971/0504
- GPHR 22/1083 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Coach Portraits - Digger Phelps, wearing a suit 1971/0505
- GPHR 22/1083 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Assistant Basketball Coaches Portraits - Dick DiBiaso, wearing a suit 1971/0505
- GPHR 22/1083 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Assistant Basketball Coaches Portraits - Frank McLaughlin, wearing a suit 1971/0505
- GPHR 22/1086-1088 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball - New Coach Digger Phelps Press Conference, Moose Krause 1971/0506
- GPHR 22/1089 120mm B/W Negative(s) : France Program Group for Dr Parnell 1971/0507
- GPHR 22/1090-1094 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Groups for Law School Bulletin 1971/0507
- GPHR 22/1095 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Public Information with Chart re Notre Dame Credit Union 1971/0506
- GPHR 22/1096 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Presidents Dinner - Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh with Emeriti Professors 1971/0508
- GPHR 22/1097 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Sheedy Award 1971/0507
- GPHR 22/1098-1099 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Neville Scholarship Award Group with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce 1971/0510
- GPHR 22/1100-1101 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Tony Zappia - Intramural Interhall Baseball Instructor for 1971/0510
- GPHR 22/1100-1101 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Dominic Nappy Napolitano's Sports Camp 1971/0510
- GPHR 22/1102-1110 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Tennis Team and Players 1971/0511
- GPHR 22/1111-1112 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Power Line Break - Power Plant Excavation 1971/0511
- GPHR 22/1113 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Bill McCully Portrait 1971/0510
- GPHR 22/1114 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Don Rosenthal Portrait 1971/0513
- GPHR 22/1115-1116 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Engineering Professor Raymond Schumbehl Award with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, Dean Joseph Hogan, and Ed Jerger 1971/0506
- GPHR 22/1117-1122 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Notre Dame Saint Mary's College (SMC) Merger Signing Press Conference with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1971/0514
- GPHR 22/1123 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Simonson Reception 1971/0514
- GPHR 22/1123-1124 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Law School Reception - Regional Moot Court Awards 1971/0514
- GPHR 22/1125-1127 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Arena Setup for Commencement 1971/0521
- GPHR 22/1128-1143 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Notre Dame Commencement with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1971/0523
- GPHR 22/1144-1146 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Arena Set Up Stage East 1971/0524
- GPHR 22/1147-1148 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Notre Dame Commencement 1971/0523
- GPHR 22/1149 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NAMBAC - Haggar Seminar Group 1971/0601
- GPHR 22/1150 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Bob O'Conner - NCAA Tennis Portrait 1971/0602
- GPHR 22/1151-1153 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Electrical Engineering Professor Henry 1971/0608
- GPHR 22/1154-1155 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NCAA Tennis Tournament Groups 1971/0614
- GPHR 22/1156 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Union Management Group at Saint Mary's College (SMC) 1971/0611
- GPHR 22/1157-1158 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NCAA Tennis Tournament - Courts 1971/0614
- GPHR 22/1159-1161 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NCAA Tennis Tournament - Awards 1971/0616
- GPHR 22/1162-1168 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NCAA Tennis Tournament - Press Conference, Monogram Room 1971/0616
- GPHR 22/1169-1178 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Lucier Courtyard Dedication with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1971/0621
- GPHR 22/1179-1181 120mm B/W Negative(s) : NCAA Tournament Awards 1971/06
- GPHR 22/1182-1184 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering Professors, Computer 1971/0625
- GPHR 22/1185-1187 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Lucier Courtyard 1971/0625
- GPHR 22/1188 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Chemical Engineering Department - Engineers and Equipment 1971/0629
- GPHR 22/1189-1190 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Seminary Field Education Institute - Moreau Seminary 1971/0630
- GPHR 22/1191 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Mrs. Charles Lefty Smith - Hockey Coach's Wife) 1971/0630
- GPHR 22/1192 120mm B/W Negative(s) : National Association Black Catholics Moreau Seminary 1971/0706
- GPHR 22/1195-1198 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Criminal Assault Scene on Campus for Security Office 1971/0714
- GPHR 22/1199-1200 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Dr Basu in Nieuwland Science Hall with Rabbit 1971/0715
- GPHR 22/1201-1202 120mm B/W Negative(s) : National Council of Community Churches Board Trustees 1971/0719
- GPHR 22/1203 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Carnegie Summer Institute in Philosophy - Fr. McMullen 1971/0716
- GPHR 22/1204-1206 120mm B/W Negative(s) : National Community of Churches - Basilica of the Sacred Heart 1971/0720
- GPHR 22/1207-1210 120mm B/W Negative(s) : National Council of Community Churches 1971/0721
- GPHR 22/1211 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Exterior 1971/0726
- GPHR 22/1213-1215 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Upward Bound Basketball Team 1971/0729
- GPHR 22/1216 120mm B/W Negative(s) : School of Business Master's Graduates - Dr Sequin 1971/0730
- GPHR 22/1217 120mm B/W Negative(s) : School of Engineering, TCI Inc. - Dean Hogan 1971/0802
- GPHR 22/1218-1220 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Law School Judge Walton for Bulletin 1971/0810
- GPHR 22/1221 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Bishop Crowley's Luncheon with Hesburgh, Pursley, Codey 1971/0824
- GPHR 22/1222-1223 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Football - Junior Managers 1971/0825
- GPHR 22/1224-1245 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Opening Football - Team, Players, Coaches 1971/0826
- GPHR 22/1246-1247 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Football - Senior Managers Portraits 1971/0825
- GPHR 22/1247-1248 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Dr Francis Sellers Portraits 1971/0827
- GPHR 22/1249-1250 120mm B/W Negative(s) : John Gleason Portrait - History 1971/0830
- GPHR 22/1251-1252 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Kathleen Mulaney - Saint Mary's College (SMC) Dean of Students Portrait 1971/0830
- GPHR 22/1253 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Bob Ackerman Portrait 1971/0831
- GPHR 22/1254-1255 120mm B/W Negative(s) : June McCauslin Portrait 1971/0831
- GPHR 22/1256-1266 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Football - Freshmen Players Portraits 1971/0907
- GPHR 22/1267-1268 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Heston Appointment in Center for Continuing Education (CCE) 1971/0908
- GPHR 22/1269 120mm B/W Negative(s) : TCI Presentation of Equipment - Dean Hogan's Office 1971/0910
- GPHR 22/1270 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Academy of Organization Management Center for Continuing Education (CCE) Conference 1971/0914
- GPHR 22/1271-1272 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Morris Inn - Private Dining Room, Addition 1971/0914
- GPHR 22/1274-1276 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Frank Kelly Portraits 1971/0916
- GPHR 22/1277-1283 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Hockey Freshmen Players Portraits 1971/0916
- GPHR 22/1284-1285 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Miss USA at Morris Inn - Josh Rash and Student Government 1971/0915
- GPHR 22/1286-1287 120mm B/W Negative(s) : 50th Anniversary of the Business School with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, Edmund Stephan, and Thomas Murphy 1971/0916
- GPHR 22/1288-1289 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Hockey Freshmen Players Portraits 1971/0916
- GPHR 22/1290-1295 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Event Board Dedication - John Macheca 1971/0918
- GPHR 22/1296 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Bache and Company Scholarship - Business School - T. Murphy, R. Cleary (Bache), and M. Lopach 1971/1006
- GPHR 22/1297-1298 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Main Gate 1971/1008
- GPHR 22/1299-1302 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Biology Building Exterior 1971/0929
- GPHR 22/1303-1304 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Military Science Promotion ROTC 1971/1001
- GPHR 22/1305-1309 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Flag Pole Dedication with Moose Krause and Group 1971/1001
- GPHR 22/1310-1311 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Glee Club Formal Group 1971/10
- GPHR 22/1312 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Maurice Schwartz Portraits 1971/1011
- GPHR 22/1313 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Professor Robert Nuner Passports 1971/1007
- GPHR 22/1314 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Mrs. Parnell Passport and Naturalization 1971/1015
- GPHR 22/1315 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Football Player Bob Thomas Portrait 1971/1018
- GPHR 22/1316 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Travelers Insurance Check Presentation to Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1971/1013
- GPHR 22/1317-1330 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Hockey Team, Players Posed Actions, Coaches 1971/1018
- GPHR 22/1331-1333 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Aerials of Stadium and Campus during USC Football Game 1969
- GPHR 22/1334-1342 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Roof Resurfacing for Jim Walter Research Corp. 1971/10
- GPHR 22/1343-1344 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Alumni Heads ND, Saint Mary's College (SMC) at Morris - Bob Erkins, Mrs. Galvin 1971/1022
- GPHR 22/1345-1347 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Alumni Hall Chapel - Marriage Vows Renewal for Cooney 1971/1022
- GPHR 22/1348-1349 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Jean Horiszny Portrait 1971/1019
- GPHR 22/1350-1351 120mm B/W Negative(s) : United Building Services Scholarship - Ralph Landers and Mr. Cheses 1971/1026
- GPHR 22/1352-1353 120mm B/W Negative(s) : SUMMA Phone Campaign - Regional Directors for Tim Hughes 1971/1027
- GPHR 22/1354-1382 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Basketball Players Portraits, Actions, Team, Coaches 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1354 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Tom McGraw, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1354 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Bill Hinga, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1355 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Dwight Clay, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1355 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Tom Hansen, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1356 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Peter Crotty, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1356 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Gary Brokaw, wearing a suit 1971/1031
- GPHR 22/1357 120mm B/W Negative(s) : Men's Basketball Player Portraits - Ken Wolbeck, wearing a suit 1971/1031