4x5 Black-and-White Negatives
- GPHR 45/5666 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Chapter Meeting CSC on Administrative Decision Group 1967
- GPHR 45/5667 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Commerce - School of Business Game 1967
- GPHR 45/5668 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : How to Succeed in Business Stage Play Publicity 1967
- GPHR 45/5669 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Overseas Programs Passports - Innsbruck, Sophia, Angers 1967
- GPHR 45/5670 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Universal Notre Dame Night Dinner at Center for Continuing Education (CCE) ; Award to Herb Jones 1967/0413
- GPHR 45/5671 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Radiation Laboratory - Final Construction Progress 1967
- GPHR 45/5672 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Robert Hassenger copy of Portrait 1967
- GPHR 45/5673 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Ford Check to Mechanical Engineering - Ed Jerger 1967
- GPHR 45/5674 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : American Catholic Philosophical Conference 1967/04
- GPHR 45/5675 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Chemistry Rooms 256 and 364 (Laboratories) 1967
- GPHR 45/5676 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Union Management Conference 1967
- GPHR 45/5677 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Alumni Reunion Groups 1967/0612
- GPHR 45/5678 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Trustees Press Conference 1967/0506
- GPHR 45/5679 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Charles Haar copy of Portrait 1967
- GPHR 45/5680 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Radiation Laboratory - Linda Hunter at Source 1968
- GPHR 45/5681 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Theater - "Enrico IV" Stage Play Publicity 1968
- GPHR 45/5682 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Hayes Healy Building - Construction Progress 1968/0215
- GPHR 45/5683 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Sr. Suzanne Kelly Teaching [copy] 1968
- GPHR 45/5684 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Law School Dean Lawless [copy] 1968
- GPHR 45/5685 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. McKenzie [copy] 1968
- GPHR 45/5686 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Life Science Center Building Construction Progress 1968/0215
- GPHR 45/5687 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Personnel Office New Quarters 1968/02
- GPHR 45/5688 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Physics Department - Installation of Reactor Tank 1968
- GPHR 45/5689 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Science Senate and Group 1968/02
- GPHR 45/5690 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Financial Executives Institute for Dick Lynch 1968/0214
- GPHR 45/5691 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Personnel Christmas Party 1967/12
- GPHR 45/5692 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : School News - Mr. Marsh and Mayor Allen 1968
- GPHR 45/5693 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh and Dave Fletcher with Indiana Bell Phonebook 1968
- GPHR 45/5694 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. John A. O'Brien with Unidentified Men copy for him 1968
- GPHR 45/5695 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : SUMMA "A" Team in Group with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh [copy] 1968
- GPHR 45/5696 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Swearing In New Postmaster Br Ramon 1968/02
- GPHR 45/5697 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Library Visitors for J. Arthur Haley 1968
- GPHR 45/5698 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh on Sorin Porch copy by Bob Williams 1967
- GPHR 45/5699 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Past Presidents of Notre Dame Plaque for Thurin 1968
- GPHR 45/5700 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Construction Progress Interior 1968/0210
- GPHR 45/5701 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Cities in Context Conference Speakers - Heap, Haley, Rabitscheck (Kubitscheck?) and Schwidler (Schwindler?) 1968
- GPHR 45/5702 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : First Bank Check Presentation 1968/02
- GPHR 45/5703 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Ed Freeman with Woman Dressed as Bunny 1968
- GPHR 45/5704 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Hirou Retirement Party 1968
- GPHR 45/5705 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Dean Lawless - New Dean of Law School 1968/02
- GPHR 45/5706 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Sonny Singleton Family Christmas 1967
- GPHR 45/5707 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Placement Bureau - John Huarte, Frank Leahy, Unidentified [copy] 1967
- GPHR 45/5708 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Library Exhibit Displays - Stamps and Jacques Maritain c1967
- GPHR 45/5710 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Obscenity Conference Planning Committee c1967
- GPHR 45/5711 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Heat Power Laboratory c1967
- GPHR 45/5712 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : MBA Class for Malone c1967
- GPHR 45/5713 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Law and Highway Beautification Conference c1967
- GPHR 45/5714 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Post Office c1967
- GPHR 45/5715 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Air Force ROTC Award 1967
- GPHR 45/5716 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Sears Roebuck Scholarship Check - Frick and Matchlet c1967
- GPHR 45/5717 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Financial Aid Scholars around Campus c1967
- GPHR 45/5718 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Science Fair Scientific Setups c1967
- GPHR 45/5719 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : 125th Anniversary Convocation with Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh 1967
- GPHR 45/5720 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Hi-Ranger (Truck and Crane) and Bill Constable c1967
- GPHR 45/5721 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : All ROTC Scholarship Winners in Group c1967
- GPHR 45/5722 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Vince Raymond Punch and Cookie Party c1967
- GPHR 45/5723 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Accounting Award c1967
- GPHR 45/5724 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Frederick Rossini - copy of Russian Meeting c1967
- GPHR 45/5725 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Flynn Stained Glass Window for Frick (Color) c1967
- GPHR 45/5726 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Main Administration Main Building Dome through Trees c1967
- GPHR 45/5727 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Edmund A. Stephan - Trustee copy of Portrait c1967
- GPHR 45/5728 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Paul C. Reinert copy for 125th Anniversary c1967
- GPHR 45/5729 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Archbishop Luigi Raimondi copy for 125th Anniversary c1967
- GPHR 45/5730 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Dr Lee A. DuBridge copy for 125th Anniversary c1967
- GPHR 45/5731 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : R. Nevitt Sanford copy for 125th Anniversary c1967
- GPHR 45/5732 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : School for Wives Stage Play Cast and Publicity c1967
- GPHR 45/5733 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Negro Scholar (Black Student by Main Building Dome) c1967
- GPHR 45/5734 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : William Richardson copy of Portrait c1967
- GPHR 45/5735 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Bill Schmidt [copy] c1967
- GPHR 45/5736 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Birth Control Conference (Contraception) c1967
- GPHR 45/5737 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Dr Hitch, Unidentified, and Monsignor Arthur Goehegan c1967
- GPHR 45/5738 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Frick and McGowan Check Presentation c1967
- GPHR 45/5739 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Advanced Religious Studies - Proposed Building Model c1967
- GPHR 45/5740 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Radiation Laboratory Group c1967
- GPHR 45/5741 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering Building Proposed Sketch c1967
- GPHR 45/5742 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Accounting Award to Students by Tom Murphy, Ray Powell c1967
- GPHR 45/5743 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Commerce School of Business MBA Professors c1967
- GPHR 45/5744 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Library Exhibit Display - Medieval Institute c1967
- GPHR 45/5745 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Lobund Test Tube etc., SWC Test c1967
- GPHR 45/5746 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Teske Copy for c1967
- GPHR 45/5747 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Pat Roth Passports c1967
- GPHR 45/5748 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : College Quiz Bowl Participants on Campus, NY Studio - D. Gallagher, R. Libowitx, William Luking, Greg Adolfc c1967
- GPHR 45/5749 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Sorin Award Dinner - Bishop Hallinan, Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, etc c1967
- GPHR 45/5750 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) Construction Progress 1967/1030
- GPHR 45/5750 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Football Stadium 1967/1030
- GPHR 45/5750 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Main Building Dome 1967/1030
- GPHR 45/5751 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Chet Keeley and Wife Portrait c1967
- GPHR 45/5752 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Edmund P. Joyce Passports 1967/1106
- GPHR 45/5753 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : College Quiz Bowl Students and Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh c1967
- GPHR 45/5754 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Green Stamp Check Presentation c1967
- GPHR 45/5756 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : A Streetcar Named Desire Stage Play Cast and Publicity c1967
- GPHR 45/5757 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Knights of Columbus (K of C) Building Inspection with Rev. Edmund P. Joyce and Others c1967
- GPHR 45/5758 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. McCloskey Passports c1967
- GPHR 45/5759 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. John Walsh CSC Passports 1967/10
- GPHR 45/5760 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Copy for Jack Broderick of Ara Parseghian Celebrating during Football Game c1967
- GPHR 45/5761 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Linda Hunter at Work for Parade Magazine c1967
- GPHR 45/5762 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Hugh Fitzgerald copy of Portrait c1967
- GPHR 45/5763 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Gabriel with Library Display of Medieval Institute c1967
- GPHR 45/5764 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. Gabriel copy of Portrait c1967
- GPHR 45/5765 4x5 B/W Negative(s) : Fr. McCluskey copy of Portrait c1967