USCCR- Reports
- MPHS 6254 Document : Problems of Segregation and Desegregation of Schools, (conference report) 1962
- MPHS 6230 Document : Problems in Segregation and Desegregation of Public Schools, (conference materials) 1962
- MPHS 6271 Document : Problems in Segregation and Desegregation of Public Schools (paper) 1962
- MPHS 6741 Document : Washington D.C. Housing Hearing, USCCR Report (first draft) 1962
- MPHS 6742 Document : Washington D.C. Housing Hearing, USCCR Report (editor's draft) 1962
- MPHS 6743 Document : Washington D.C. Housing Hearing, USCCR Report (printer's draft) 1962
- MPHS 6243 Document : Summary of Events in Case of William T. Knowles, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6245 Document : HEW, Defense Study, Program for Division of Liasion, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6745 Document : Statement of Eunice and George Grier, at D.C. Hearings 1962
- MPHS 6258 Document : Proposed Commission Activities and Publication Schedule 1962-1963 1962
- MPHS 6251 Document : Commission Publications Schedule 1962
- MPHS 6247 Document : Rationale for the Urban Areas Study, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6246 Document : Proposed Employment Study, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6255 Document : Law and Minority Groups, Report on Preliminary Study, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6249 Document : Washington, D.C. Housing Hearing Report Findings, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6250 Document : Washington, D.C. Housing Hearing Report Recommendations, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6256 Document : Validity of D.C. Regulation Prohibiting Housing Discrimination, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6259 Document : Public Education Studies, 1961-1963, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6744 Document : Washington, D.C. Housing Report Recommendations, Transcript of Discussion 1962
- MPHS 6252 Document : Contract for Report on Non-White Servicemen, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6260 Document : Public Education Section Progress Report, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6262 Document : Programs Division Progress Report, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6253 Document : Rules of Procedure for USCCR Hearings 1962
- MPHS 6261 Document : Summary of Staff Reports, USCCR 1962
- MPHS 6248 Document : Summary of News Reports RE: D.C. Housing Report and Materials 1962
- MPHS 6265 Document : Civil Rights in 87th Congress, Anti-Defamation League Report 1962
- MPHS 6244 Document : U.N. Commission on Human Rights Free From Arrest Amendments 1962
- MPHS 6266 Document : Review and Analysis of Problems of Immigrants to Hawaii 1962
- MPHS 6270 Document : Executive Order on Equal Opportunity in Housing (Analysis) 1962
- MPHS 6269 Document : Executive Order on Equal Opportunity in Housing (Questions and Answers) 1962
- MPHS 6263 Document : National Assembly on Teaching the Bill of Rights, materials 1962
- MPHS 6264 Document : CLSA Analysis of Executive Order on Discrimination in Housing 1962
- MPHS 6268 Document : President's Powers in Areas of Race Relations 1962
- MPHS 6272 Document : Racial Desegregation in the St. Louis Schools - 8 Years After 1962
- MPHS 6242 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Tentative Draft) 1962
- MPHS 6237 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Memorandum on Appellate Rules) 1962
- MPHS 6238 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Draft of Rule on Time for Taking Appeals) 1962
- MPHS 6239 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Proposed Rule on Costs) 1962
- MPHS 6240 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Preliminary Drafts) 1962
- MPHS 6241 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Review and Enforcement of Agency Orders) 1962
- MPHS 6292 Document : "Civil Rights '63" USCCR report (Commission draft) 1963
- MPHS 6293 Document : "Civil Rights '63" USCCR report (Miscellaneous drafts) 1963
- MPHS 6305 Document : Spanish-Speaking staff report, (draft), USCCR 1963
- MPHS 6290 Document : "Civil Rights in the United States: A Chapter in the Emancipation of the Negro, 1863-1963," (John Hope Franklin) 1963
- MPHS 6291 Document : "Freedom to the Free" A Report to the President, (draft) 1963
- MPHS 6280 Document : Population and Housing Data by Color with Comparative Data 1963
- MPHS 6277 Document : Conference on President's Executive Order on Equal Opportunity in Housing Agenda, USCCR 1963
- MPHS 6278 Document : Programs Division Progress Report, USCCR 1963
- MPHS 6279 Document : Study of USCCR Statute 1963
- MPHS 6274 Document : Presidential Press Conference Materials, Mississippi, USCCR 1963
- MPHS 6273 Document : Chronology of Events, Mississippi 1963
- MPHS 6275 Document : President's Commission on Registration and Voting Participation 1963
- MPHS 6284 Document : Analysis of Omnibus Civil Rights Bill for House Judiciary Committee 1963
- MPHS 6276 Document : Commission's Duties, USCCR 1963
- MPHS 6281 Document : Race Relations in the South - 1962 1963
- MPHS 6748 Document : Discrimination in the Sale, Rental, and Financing of Private Housing in South Bend and Mishawaka, Indiana 1963
- MPHS 6282 Document : 100 Years of Emancipation 1963
- MPHS 6283 Document : Appellate Rules Materials (Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure) 1963
- MPHS 6747 Document : Civil Rights Bulletin, Indiana Civil Rights Commission 1963
- MPHS 6286 Document : FBI's Role in the Field of Civil Rights (by J. Edgar Hoover) 1963
- MPHS 6749 Document : An Approach to Southwestern Problems in the 1960's 1963
- MPHS 6285 Document : Civil Rights: Year End Summary 1963
- MPHS 6287 Document : Radio and Television: FCC's Fairness Doctrine 1963
- MPHS 6288 Document : "Services to all members of the Armed Forces", USO 1963
- MPHS 6289 Document : Mississippi - Civil Rights Commission v. the Civil Rights Movement (CORE) 1963
- MPHS 6294 Document : Civil Rights U.S.A. : Schools (Commission draft) 1964
- MPHS 6307 Document : Civil Rights in New Hampshire (SAC Report) 1964
- MPHS 6304 Document : Spanish-Speaking Peoples (USCCR Staff Paper) 1964
- MPHS 6311 Document : 1964 Report on Employment, D.C. Advisory Committee 1964
- MPHS 6320 Document : New York SAC Report on Discrimination in the Medical Profession 1964
- MPHS 6306 Document : Equal Opportunity in Federally-Assisted Programs (Conference on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6308 Document : Desegregated Status of Institutions of Higher Education in the South, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6309 Document : Community Survey, Savannah, Georgia, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6318 Document : Analysis of Civil Rights Bill H.R. 7152 As Passed By The Senate, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6310 Document : Publications of USCCR and SACs 1964
- MPHS 6312 Document : Rules of Procedure for USCCR on Hearings (draft) USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6317 Document : 1964 Education Staff Report Distribution 1964
- MPHS 6313 Document : Members of West Virginia SAC, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6316 Document : Members of the Delaware SAC, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6315 Document : Public Accomodations Compliance Survey, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6319 Document : Recent Amendments to the Civil Rights Bill, USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6314 Document : Rules and Regulations of the USCCR 1964
- MPHS 6746 Document : State Education Dept.'s Position on Defacto Segregation, New York 1964
- MPHS 6295 Document : Mississippi Legislature - 1964 1964
- MPHS 6296 Document : Letter of Information Washington Human Rights 1964
- MPHS 6297 Document : Index to Legislative History of Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964
- MPHS 6298 Document : Comment on Proposed Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964
- MPHS 6299 Document : Operating Under the Civil Rights Law 1964
- MPHS 6300 Document : Appellate Rules Materials, Rules of Practice and Procedure 1964
- MPHS 6301 Document : Facts About the Systematic Training and Re-Development Program 1964
- MPHS 6302 Document : Explanation of HEW Form Number 441, under the Civil Rights Act 1964
- MPHS 6303 Document : Lecture Outline on Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964
- MPHS 6322 Document : Mississippi Voting Report (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6323 Document : Law Enforcement: A Reporton Equal Protection in the South (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6324 Document : "Survey of School Desegregation" (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6325 Document : The Negro Farmer and Programs of the U.S.D.A. (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6326 Document : Mexican-Americans Executive Staff Report, (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6327 Document : The Mexican-Americans of the Southwest (draft) USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6328 Document : Registration and Voting Statistics, USCCR 1965
- MPHS 6336 Document : Report on SACs, 1963-May 1965, USCCR 1965