Articles, Columns, Interviews, Lectures
- CPJS 5/51 Folder : American Catholics and Public Education 1963
- CPJS 5/52 Folder : American Culture "Bridge" 1961/0224
- CPJS 5/53 Folder : Articles by Philip J. Scharper
- CPJS 5/54 Folder : Articles by Philip J. Scharper
- CPJS 5/55 Folder : Articles
- CPJS 6/01 Folder : Articles
- CPJS 6/02 Folder : Articles
- CPJS 6/03 Folder : Articles
- CPJS 6/04 Folder : Articles: Vatican Council, Lay Spirituality 1964-1965
- CPJS 6/05 Folder : Published Talks and Articles
- CPJS 6/06 Folder : As Others See Us- THE PRIEST 1969
- CPJS 6/07 Folder : Authority and Dialogue in the Church- NEW RELATIONS 1964?
- CPJS 6/08 Folder : Becket- Movie Review 1960
- CPJS 6/09 Folder : Benedictine Heritage- Lecture
- CPJS 6/10 Folder : Book Review: Rynne / Greeley: American Catholic Experi 1968/0121
- CPJS 6/11 Folder : Book Reviews
- CPJS 6/12 Folder : Carmelite Fathers Institute of Renewal 1970/06
- CPJS 6/13 Folder : Carmelites- RELIGIOUS LIFE 1960s?
- CPJS 6/14 Folder : Catholic Press After the Council 1964?
- CPJS 6/15 Folder : CCD Talk 1960s
- CPJS 6/16 Folder : CCD Talk- Confraternity for Christian Doctrine 1968
- CPJS 6/17 Folder : Change in the Church- Lectures, Speculations 1964-1968
- CPJS 6/18 Folder : Christian and Human Misery
- CPJS 6/19 Folder : The Christian Humanism of W.H. Auden 1953/01
- CPJS 6/20 Folder : Christian Marriage
- CPJS 6/21 Folder : Church and Conscription 1967
- CPJS 6/22 Folder : The Church and the Nation- Scharper- Catholic Worker 1965/07
- CPJS 6/23 Folder : Church in America
- CPJS 6/24 Folder : COMMONWEAL Statement 1969
- CPJS 6/25 Folder : Catholic Press Association Talk- San Francisco
- CPJS 6/26 Folder : Crisis of Creativity 1960
- CPJS 6/27 Folder : Curtain Time- CNR Lecture- Theory Notes
- CPJS 6/28 Folder : CRS Casette- Rice Bowl 1977
- CPJS 6/29 Folder : Ecumenical Reading- Catholic Bookseller 1968/03
- CPJS 6/30 Folder : The Emerging Layman / The New Mankind & the New Church 1964
- CPJS 6/31 Folder : Encounter: How We Get Our Images of Each Other 1963/0129
- CPJS 6/31 Subject : Encounter: a Catholic - Jewish Confrontation 1963/0129
- CPJS 6/32 Folder : Encounter the Last 48 Hours: Engagement or Escape? 1971
- CPJS 6/32 Subject : Texas Conference of Churches 1971
- CPJS 6/33 Folder : Ethics and Politics, Justice and Peace- Notes
- CPJS 6/34 Folder : Evangelism Article- PJS
- CPJS 6/35 Folder : Evidences of the Mystical State in Terrible Sonnets 1948
- CPJS 6/35 Document : Philip Scharper's M.A. Thesis re G.M. Hopkins- Fordham 1948
- CPJS 6/36 Folder : Flame in the Shadows- Verse Play
- CPJS 6/37 Folder : Formation of Community Within the Church
- CPJS 6/38 Folder : St Francis Article- PJS 1981-1982
- CPJS 6/39 Folder : Frontiers of Theology- THEOLOGY DIGEST 1966
- CPJS 6/40 Folder : Frontiers of Theology- AVE MARIA 1967/10
- CPJS 6/41 Folder : The Future of Christianity and Family- SJS & PJS 1968-1970
- CPJS 6/42 Folder : Gaudium et Spes- Art. 38-39 1960s
- CPJS 6/43 Folder : Gospel in Art by the Peasants of Solentiname- Reviews 1984-1985
- CPJS 6/44 Folder : HARPERS- Autobiographical- Why I Am a Catholic
- CPJS 6/45 Folder : Healing- Notes for Catholic Hospital Association talk? 1971
- CPJS 6/46 Folder : In Search of God and Man- Chapter Review 1967
- CPJS 6/47 Folder : Interview- Commitment of an Editor- St. Louis Review 1960
- CPJS 6/48 Folder : Interview- How to Raise Your Child 2 B an Intellectual 1962
- CPJS 6/48 Document : Interview: Dan Herr, THE CRITIC 1962
- CPJS 6/49 Folder : Interview- Philip Scharper on the Laity- OSV- Yzermans 1966
- CPJS 6/50 Folder : Interview- Laymen as Full Partners in the Church 1967
- CPJS 6/51 Folder : Interview- Review of Books and Religion 1982
- CPJS 6/52 Folder : Interviews- Publicity (Censorship, Justice and Peace)
- CPJS 6/53 Folder : Israel and the Christian- What We Might Do Together 1966/11
- CPJS 6/54 Folder : Issues for the Seventies 1960s
- CPJS 6/55 Folder : Jews - Christians 1964
- CPJS 6/56 Folder : The Layman and the Church- CATHOLIC WORLD 1961/0425
- CPJS 6/57 Folder : Lecture Invitations 1962-1963
- CPJS 6/58 Folder : Lectures- Upcoming 1963-1967
- CPJS 6/59 Folder : Lecture Notes
- CPJS 6/60 Folder : Lecture Texts
- CPJS 6/61 Folder : Lectures
- CPJS 6/62 Folder : Lectures
- CPJS 6/63 Folder : Lectures
- CPJS 6/64 Folder : Lectures- Holy Name Seminary- Madison, Wisconsin 1967-1972
- CPJS 6/65 Folder : Lectures- Religious Press- 51st Convention 1960s
- CPJS 6/66 Folder : Liberation Theology- SIGN Article 1980/0318
- CPJS 6/67 Folder : Lorraine- Lectures and Articles
- CPJS 6/68 Folder : Love and Intellect
- CPJS 6/69 Folder : Love in the Intellectual Life- Lecture
- CPJS 6/70 Folder : Making Christianity Relevant Through the Arts- Sympos. 1967
- CPJS 6/71 Folder : MARIANIST Reviews and Columns 1950s
- CPJS 6/72 Folder : Marriage & Contraception- Letter to Paul VI & Bishops
- CPJS 6/73 Folder : Marriage and Morality 1960s
- CPJS 6/74 Folder : Meet the American Catholic- Reviews- Scharper 1969
- CPJS 6/75 Folder : The Mission and Culture- Fordham 1962
- CPJS 6/76 Folder : Mover and Shaker 1984
- CPJS 6/77 Folder : Myth and Sacramentalism- The Missions and Culture
- CPJS 6/78 Folder : NCCW- Search for a Lay Spirituality and a Library Card 1964/11
- CPJS 6/79 Folder : NCEA- Social Sin
- CPJS 6/80 Folder : New Horizons in Catholic Thought- Rosary College 1962/06
- CPJS 6/81 Folder : New York Catholic (i.e. Catholic New York) 1981
- CPJS 7/01 Folder : Of Sound and Fury- Play by Philip J. Scharper
- CPJS 7/02 Folder : Opinion- Reagan Restores Vatican Diplomatic Relations
- CPJS 7/03 Folder : Peace
- CPJS 7/04 Folder : Peyton: Frontiers of Ecumenism / Equal Rights & Church 1968
- CPJS 7/05 Folder : Poetry- Philip J. Scharper
- CPJS 7/06 Folder : Populorum Progressio 1967
- CPJS 7/07 Folder : Preaching- Catholic Homiletic Society- Toronto 1968
- CPJS 7/08 Folder : The Priest- Commonweal 1968
- CPJS 7/09 Folder : Profile of Jean Kerr
- CPJS 7/10 Folder : Religion, Politics, and Ideology: Face to Face 1985,1987