Prints, Negatives, and Slides
- GPUB 46/10 B/W Negatives : Academics - Music Department - A man and a woman playing violins for a small audience 1995
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Academics - An unidentified man and woman posed in a laboratory; photos by Paul Wieber c1990s
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Academics - Four people collaborating in a laboratory?, view from above; photos by Paul Wieber c1990s
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Academics - An unidentified woman posed in a doorway with students? working on computers in the background; photos by Paul Wieber c1990s
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Portraits of Rev. Richard Warner, CSC, outside c1990s
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Academics - An unidentified woman in a classroom c1990s
- GPUB 46/11 B/W Negatives : Fischer Graduate Residence Hall exteriors c1990s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Washington Hall exteriors c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details - Basilica of the Sacred Heart main entrance exterior door c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details - South Dining Hall exteriors c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Students walking on campus, including in front of O'Shaughnessy Hall and Hurley Hall c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details - Bond Hall exteriors c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details - Howard Hall c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details - Hurley Hall c1980s
- GPUB 46/12 B/W Negatives : Architectural Details, including Cushing Hall of Engineering c1980s
- GPUB 46/13 B/W Negatives : Campus Ministry Liturgical Music - Gail Walton playing an organ c1980s
- GPUB 46/13 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics in winter with snow, including Badin Hall, Morrissey Hall, Dillon Hall, Washington Hall back staircase c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negatives : Loftus Sports Center exteriors; photos by Paul Wieber c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negatives : A student stretching for exercise in Loftus Sports Center Meyo Field; photos by Paul Wieber c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negatives : Academics - Classroom scenes c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Main Building from a medium distance c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negatives : Students outside on campus near the Fieldhouse Mall c1980s
- GPUB 46/14 B/W Negative : Shakespeare Marathon - Two students at a podium c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Lake Scenes, including with Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Law School Building entrance with St. Thomas More Statue c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Moreau Seminary c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Old College c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Main Building c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Portraits of six unidentified individuals c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Hesburgh Library c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negative : Campus Scenics - Picnic tables near Fieldhouse Mall c1980s
- GPUB 46/15 B/W Negative : Campus Scenics - Wrought-iron stairs with dog newel posts c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Main Quad with Fr. Sorin Statue c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Fieldhouse Mall before the Clarke (War) Memorial Fountain c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negative : Campus Scenic - Crossroads Fountain c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Main Building c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Basilica of the Sacred Heart c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Three men standing in a hallway c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Office Scenes c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Classroom Scenes c1980s
- GPUB 46/16 B/W Negatives : Super Deli sandwich and bakery shop with customers buying items c1980s
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Alumni Reunion registration in Stepan Center, including with Alumni Association Director Chuck Lennon c1988
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Rockne, Texas, historical marker c1988
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Academics - Physic professor Jacek C. Furdyna posed in a laboratory c1988
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Academics - An unidentified man posed in a laboratory c1988
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Academics - Classroom scenes c1988
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Academics - Classroom scenes c1980s
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Academics - Students working with film cameras and audio visual equipment in studios c1980s
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Alumni Reunion? - Classroom scenes with older men c1980s
- GPUB 46/17 B/W Negatives : Alumni Reunion? - Mass liturgy in a chapel with older men c1980s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - LaFortune Hall interiors, including with students c1980s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negative : Cedar Grove Cemetery? - Orban family grave monument c1980s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negative : Cedar Grove Cemetery - George E. Clarke Knights of Columbus monument c1980s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Cedar Grove Cemetery? - Unidentified grave monument c1980s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Fischer Graduate Residence Hall exteriors c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Basilica of the Sacred Heart steeple c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Ivy growing on a wall c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics - Lake scenes with geese c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Grotto c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Campus Scenics in winter with snow, including Basilica of the Sacred Heart c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : A man standing under the Jolly Green Giant statue in Blue Earth, Minnesota c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Main Building exteriors c1990s
- GPUB 46/18 B/W Negatives : Law School Building exteriors covered in ivy c1990s
- GPUB 46/19 B/W Negatives : Portraits of unidentified individuals c1990s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Academics - Professor Emil T. Hofman in an office with a molecule model; photo by Gary Mills [see also GNDL 30/23 and GPUB 36/13] 1980
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : A family? praying at the Grotto c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Close-up of a student praying at the Grotto c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negatives : Campus Scenics - Trees in autumn (fall) [four scenes] c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Campus Scenic - Main Building and Fr. Sorin Statue with students walking on campus c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Main Building Dome c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Main Building exterior through the wrought-iron scrolled banister of Washington Hall c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Basilica of the Sacred Heart interior main aisle c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Basilica of the Sacred Heart interior chapel with Mestrovic's "Pieta" c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Basilica of the Sacred Heart exterior c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Football Game Day - Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh - View from an upper level in the south end zone with a view of the Hesburgh Library "Word of Life" mural ("Touchdown Jesus") c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Main Building and Basilica of the Sacred Heart at night with the moon in between, view from the Hesburgh Library c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Hesburgh Library with "Word of Life" mural and students walking in front of c1980s
- GPUB 46/20 Color Inter Negative : Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue and Main Building exterior c1980s
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negative : Basilica of the Sacred Heart exterior in winter with snow c2000
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negative : Sorin Hall exterior in winter with snow c2000
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negatives : Main Building exterior in winter with snow [four scenes] c2000
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negative : Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue exterior in winter with snow c2000
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negatives : Grotto with people in winter with snow [two scenes] c2000
- GPUB 46/21 Color Negative : Grotto Mary Statue in winter with snow c2000
- GPUB 46/22 Color Contact Sheet : Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (JACC) setup and Mass [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1990s
- GPUB 46/22 B/W Contact Sheet : Various people speaking from a podium [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1980s
- GPUB 46/22 B/W Contact Sheet : Academics - Classroom scenes [contact sheet only, no negatives] c1980s
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Academics - People working in laboratories in the Stepan Chemistry Hall; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Hesburgh Library exteriors; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Snite Museum of Art interior sculpture gallery; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Academics - People working in physics and chemistry laboratories; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Academics - People in the reading room of the Medieval Institute; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/23 B/W Contact Sheet : Academics - People working in Radiation Research Laboratory; photos by Steve Moriarty [contact sheet only, no negatives] 1986
- GPUB 46/24 B/W Contact Sheets : Basilica of the Sacred Heart interiors and objects for the Thomas Schlereth book; photos by Steve Moriarty? [contact sheets only, no negatives] 1991/07
- GPUB 46/25 B/W Contact Sheets : Contact sheets from the University Photographer's Collection (GPHR) [contact sheets only, no negatives] c1970s-1990s
- GPUB 46/26 B/W Print : Demonstrations - A group of male students walking on Main Quad, an African American student holding up a sign that reads "White racism must die if America is to survive" c1960s
- GPUB 46/26 B/W Print : Demonstrations - A male student speaking from a stage at Main Circle with a group of students surrounding him; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs [dark] c1970
- GPUB 46/26 B/W Print : Demonstrations - A male student in profile, with a peace sign patch on his jacket; photo by Patrick J. Gibbs c1970
- GPUB 46/26 B/W Print : Demonstrations - A group of students, a man, and a priest walking outside at the Presidential Military ROTC Review c1960s-1970s