- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #2: "GIs Go Hunting; Bag 1 Korean Communist"
Published for/in: Appleton Post-Crescent (page 1) Content: Reports the story of two army cooks, Pfc. Perry Bailey and Private Charles L. Williams, who ran into Communist soldiers while pheasant hunting.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Evening Star "
Date: November 8, 1954;
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #1: "Errors Seen in Watkins Report"
Author: David Lawrence; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A15) Content: Claims that two statements within the Watkins report are such blatant errors that at least two of the three points of proposed censure against Senator McCarthy will unquestionably be overturned.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #2: "Paris-Red Talk Seen"
Author: Constantine Brown; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A15) Content: Verifies an earlier report that French Premier Mendes plans to visit Moscow in order to prepare groundwork for the upcoming meeting of the Big Four.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #3: "Democrats to Fight Red Charge"
Author: Doris Fleeson; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A15) Content: Reports that one of the first acts of the victorious Democratic party will be to expose and answer claims of Republicans such as Vice President Nixon that Democrats are soft on Communism.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "Waterbury American " { Date: October 28, 1952; Article #1: "President Condemns Tactics of McCarthy" { Author: Ernest B. Vaccaro; Published for/in: Waterbury American (page 11) Content: Reports the claim of President Truman that the Republicans were trying to win the election by using McCarthy's tactics of "smear and fear." { Article #2: "Taft Lauds McCarthy Technique"
Published for/in: Waterbury American (page 11) Content: Reports comments made by Senator Robert A. Taft which praise McCarthy and support Dwight D. Eisenhower's campaign for president.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun " { Date: October 13, 1952; Article #1: "McCarthy to Whiplas Reds in Talk Tonight"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Recounts an interview with McCarthy concerning the talk he is to give at the War Memorial auditorium in Las Vegas on the night of October 13, 1952.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #2: "Where I Stand"
Author: Hank Greenspun; Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Speaks out against McCarthy from a Republican standpoint. Criticizes McCarthy for being a demagogue steeped in corruption and for connecting Eisenhower with the alleged Communist conspiracy involving General George Marshall.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "Journal Final " { Date: March 30, 1950; Article #1: "Will Prove Lattimore a Red: McCarthy Says He has Documents and Mystery Witness"
Published for/in: Journal Final (page 1) Content: Reports the accusations McCarthy has made against Owen Lattimore, a John Hopkins professor and sometime State Department consultant, that he is the top Soviet espionage agent in the United States.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Native Texan "
Date: October 1952;
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #1: "Senator to Tell of Red Threat"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 1) Content: Announces that Senator Joseph McCarthy will be speaking in Tyler, Texas, on October 17.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #2: "A.D.A. Ghosts Still Haunt Adlai"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 1) Content: Criticizes Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson for his alleged one time involvement in the Americans for Democratic Action (A.D.A.) and for his denial of such involvement.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #3: "Adlai's Ideas Aid Kremlin"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 2) Content: Accuses Adlai of either unwittingly or perhaps even wittingly aiding the Russians through his policy of doing nothing about inflation.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #4: "Addled Adlai Befuddled With Wallace and His: Such Simple Souls, All, Maybe They're Sorry Now"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 2) Content: Connects Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson with Henry A. Wallace and Alger Hiss, both notorious for their supposed Communist connections.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #5: "That Old Gang of Mine" (political cartoon)
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 2) Content: Features various prominent members of the Democratic Party having a sing along with several other figures, including one labeled "Commies."
Article #6: "Truman's Closet" (political cartoon)
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 2) Content: Features a depiction of Harry Truman trying to keep a closet door closed that is bursting open with scandals like the Mink Coat Mess and the Communist Mess. Truman is addressing Adlai Stevenson and asking him to take over.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #7: "Want Free Hand for Communists"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 4) Content: Claims that if Adlai is elected Communists around the world would benefit.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #8: "Put Red Taint on School Kids"
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 4) Content: Claims that if Adlai is elected every school would be under direct bureaucratic supervision from Washington D.C. so that kids would grow up under the tutelage of Communist traitors like Alger Hiss.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #9: "Our Friendly State Dept."
Published for/in: The Native Texan (page 4) Content: Features in the foreground figures labeled Adlai, Hiss, and Acheson engaged in a conversation while figures in the background labeled commies rifle through State Department drawers and papers.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Tyler Courier-Times " { Article #1: "The Facts Behind Communist Infiltration In Our National Government!"
Published for/in: The Tyler Courier-Times; Content: Large full page advertisement for a talk to be given by Senator Joseph McCarthy at Tyler High School Auditorium on Friday October 17.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "Appleton Post-Crescent "
Date: November 3, 1952;
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #1: "Tito Thinks Russia is Promoting War: Tells Yougoslav Reds Nation Will Help West Preserve Peace"
Published for/in: The Appleton Post-Crescent (page 1) Content: Reports the accusations of Premier Marshal Tito that the Soviet Union is promoting a third world war.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : Article #2: "Woman States Material Sent to Joe"
Published for/in: The Appelton Post-Crescent (page 1) Content: Reports how Miriam de Haas, a former employee of the Loyalty Review Board, lost her job after admitting to leaking information concerning the infiltration of Communists into the United States government to Senator Joseph McCarthy.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Milwaukee Journal " { Date: November 5, 1952; Article #1: "Senator Leads Fairchild by 141, 000, Winning 63 of 71 Counties in the State"
Author: Robert H. Fleming; Published for/in: The Milwaukee Journal (page 1) Content: Announces the victory of Senator Joseph McCarthy over Thomas E. Fairchild in the race to represent Wisconsin in the Senate.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Standard-Times " (two copies)
Date: October 21, 1952; Article #1: "Dead End" (political cartoon) Published for/in: The Standard-Times (page 6) Content: Features a grave labeled "truce talks" marked by a gravestone engraved with the words "U.N. continuing Korean casualties.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Washington Daily News" { Date: December 7, 1954; Article #1: "White House Offers Figures on Red-Hunt"
Published for/in: The Washington Daily News (page 1) Content: Reports that, in response to Senator Joseph McCarthy's accusations that the Eisenhower administration is not tough enough on Communism, the President released statistics concerning his administrations fight against the Communists both at home and abroad.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Tyler Star Mirror " { Date: October 19, 1952; Article #1: "What's 'McCarthyism': Pros and Cons of Bitter Controversy"
Published for/in: The Tyler Star Mirror (page 13) Content: Recounts the origin of the term "McCarthyism" and what it has come to mean for different people. Analyzes McCarthy's actions and arguments as well as how he fits into and has affected the political atmosphere of his time.
- CRJO 5/06 Clipping : "The Tyler Star Mirror " (incomplete) Article #1: "The Record of Dean Acheson"
Published for/in: The Tyler Star Mirror (pages 6, 11-12) Content: Explains, from McCarthy's point-of-view, why McCarthy is attacking Dean Acheson.
- CRJO 5/07 Folder : Oversize Clippings VII
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Washington Post and Times Herald " { Date: May 3, 1957; Article #1: "Sen. McCarthy's Four Incredible Years and their Political Impact on Nation"
Author: Robert C. Albright; Published for/in: The Washington Post and Times Herald (page B3) Content: Highlights and praises the career of the late Senator Joseph McCarthy.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Sunday Star " { Date: May 5, 1957; Article #1: "The Fifth: Protection and Refuge"
Author: Bem Price; Published for/in: The Sunday Star (page A-36) Content: Argues in favor of the Fifth Amendment as a Constitutional right.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Sauk County Probe Looms of Gore Club"
Date: May 7, 1954; Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Reports the announcement of District Attorney Harlan Kelley of Baraboo that he would launch a John Doe investigation in Sauk County, the headquarters of the "Joe Must Go" movement.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Gore Handed Subpoena in Investigation"
Date: May 10, 1954; Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Reports that Leroy Gore, the founder of the Joe-Must-Go movement, and the club's treasurer both have been subpoenaed to appear at a Sauk County John Doe investigation.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Milwaukee Sentinel "
Date: May 11, 1954;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Kersten Will Seek Fourth House Term"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Announces that Representative Kersten will run for reelection.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "M'Carthy Backer Behind John Doe Quiz, Says Gore"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Reports the claims of Leroy Gore, the founder of the Joe-Must-Go movement who was recently subpoenaed to appear at a Sauk County John Doe investigation, that the accusations against him have been fabricated by a fanatical McCarthy supporter.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Amoth Runs for Governor"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Announces that Ralph F. Amoth will be the Republican candidate for governor.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Milwaukee Journal "
Date: May 11, 1954;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Three in GOP to Run Again"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Announces that three Wisconsin Republicans, Charles J. Kersten, Melvin R. Laird and Glenn R. Davis, will seek reelection to Congress.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "Gore Inquiry Called 'Duty'"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports that District Attorney Harlan Kelley attended a Joe Must Go meeting and defended his John Doe inquiry into the organization against the accusations of the organizations founder, Le Roy Gore, that Kelley was moving in collusion with Attorney Darrell MacIntyre to hamstring the movement.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "'Joe Must Go' Auto Marred"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports of vandalism done to a car of a circulator of McCarthy recall petitions from the Joe Must Go organization.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Milwaukee Journal "
Date: May 12, 1954;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Court Order Hits Probe of Recall"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports that District Attorney Harlan Kelley's John Doe investigation of the Joe Must Go organization was at least temporarily stalled by an order from Circuit Judge Bruce Beilfuss that he must show justification for the investigation before the hearings can proceed.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "1,300 Signers Back 'Recall'"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports that petitioners asking for Senator McCarthy's recall gathered about 1,300 signatures.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Backs Contest for Party Job"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Announces that the Members of the Constitutional Republican Party of Milwaukee County will back their own candidate for national committeeman separate from the mainstream Republican Party.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #4: "Blows at Army Morale"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports the warning of Dr. John A. Hannah, assistant secretary of defense for manpower and personnel, that although the United States has superior war technology, it does not employ an adequate number of people who know how to use it.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Slap Franke Plea to GOP"
Date: May 12, 1954; Published for/in: Milwaukee Journal; Content: Reports that the North Shore Republican Club recommended to its executive board that the membership of State Senator Harry F. Franke, Jr. be revoked on account of his joining the movement to recall Senator McCarthy as Milwaukee county finance director.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Milwaukee Sentinel " (attached is a letter from the Joe Must Go organization of Wisconsin which tries to rally people to the cause of removing McCarthy from power) { Date: May 12, 1954; Article #1: "N. Shore GOP for Expulsion of Franke"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Announces that a special meeting of the executive committee of the North Shore Republican Club will be held May 20 to consider the suspension of State Senator Harry F. Franke Jr. for his involvement in the movement to recall Senator McCarthy as Milwaukee county finance director.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "1,300 Sign Up to Recall Joe in 27th Ward"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Reports that petition workers for the recall of Senator McCarthy gathered 1,300 signatures.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Reps. Von Pelt, Laird to Run Again"
Published for/in: Milwaukee Sentinel; Content: Announces the intent of Republican Melvin R. Laird and William K. Van Pelt to run for reelection.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Milwaukee Journal " (photocopy) { Date: August 5, 1953; Article #1: "The Church Magazines and McCarthy"
Published for/in: The Milwaukee Journal; Content: Recounts and discusses the response which has occurred to Senator McCarthy's criticism of Protestant clergy.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Milwaukee Journal " (photocopy) { Date: November 7, 1953; Article #1: "The Attack Upon Our Churches"
Author: Agnes Meyer; Published for/in: The Milwaukee Journal; Content: Warns of the danger of religious persecution, in light of McCarthy's attacks on Protestant clergy.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Baltimore American " (photocopy) { Date: May 21, 1918; Article #1: "Parents Object"
Published for/in: Baltimore American; Content: Expresses the disappointment of Frank B. Cohn, the man in charge of the enlistment of boys for the Working Reserve Army, that parents object to their sons enlisting before they are of age.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Tablet " { Date: August 24, 1957; Article #1: "Calls Zwicker Tragic Figure"
Author: Arthur J. Quinn; Published for/in: The Tablet (page 16) Content: Reports the whereabouts and current living situation of C. George Anastos, a former top member of Senator McCarthy's investigating staff who turned up the Peress case which lead to the Army-McCarthy Senate hearings, and expresses his sorrow over McCarthy's death.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Evening Star " (photocopy)
Date: February 26, 1954;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Background on the Peress Case"
Author: David Lawrence; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A9) Content: Recounts the chronology in the Stevens-McCarthy-Zwicker controversy in an attempt to better understand it.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "Potomac Fever"
Author: Fletcher Knebel; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A9) Content: Contains several one line editorial style snippets concerning McCarthy and Army Secretary Stevens.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "The Trying Problem of Our Time"
Author: Constantine Brown; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A9) Content: In light of the Soviet and Chinese threat, recommends that the United States arm itself with even more serious defense technology and policies.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "New York Herald Tribune " { Date: September 29, 1948; Article #1: "Truman on Communism"
Author: Harry Truman; Published for/in: New York Herald Tribune; Content: Contains the transcript of President Truman's speech on Communism delivered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Claims that his administration has largely kept the Communists in check and claims that in truth the election of a Republican president to office would aid the Communist cause.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Chicago Daily Tribune " { Date: November 2, 1955; Article #1: "McCarthy file Hints at Red Tinge for NLRB"
Author: Willard Edwards; Published for/in: Chicago Daily Tribune (Part 1 - Page 3) Content: Reports the claim of Senator McCarthy that he has accumulated a bulky file of evidence involving alleged Communist influences in the National Labor Relations Board.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Evening Star "
Date: November 3, 1955;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Interrogation of Newsmen"
Author: David Lawrence; Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A27) Content: In light of the coming Congressional interrogation of several newspapermen concerning how they go about gathering information concerning the government, questions and discusses whether such interrogations are Constitutional and what sort of precedent they will set.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "McCarthy Asks Inquiry on Communists in NLRB"
Published for/in: The Evening Star (page A27) Content: Reports that Senator McCarthy has asked the Senate Investigations subcommittee to undertake an immediate probe of the National Labor Relations Board because of recently accumulated evidence concerning Communist influences which have infiltrated it.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Washington Daily News " { Date: October 28, 1954; Article #1: "Lamb Was No Marxist, Ex-Red Tells Prober"
Published for/in: The Washington Daily News (page 5) Content: Reports that in the Edward O. Lamb case, Eugene Stoll, a former Communist called by the government to testify, continually contradicted the testimony of previous government witnesses.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "The Washington Daily News " { Date: November 1, 1954; Article #1: "The Calm Before the Censure"
Author: Fred Othman; Published for/in: The Washington Daily News (page 30) Content: Comments upon the quiet atmosphere which pervades Washington D.C. while most of the politicians go home for election, and contrasts it with the excitement which he expects to follow the election when the Senate returns to discuss the matter of McCarthy's censure.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Daily News " { Date: January 31, 1956; Article #1: "Link Fritchey, Rauh to Joe Smear"
Author: Norma Abrams and Neal Patterson; Published for/in: Daily News (page 8) Content: Reports the claim given by Paul H. Hughes at his perjury trial that Clayton Fritchey, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Joseph L. Rauh, national chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, were the master minds of a conspiracy to discredit Senator McCarthy.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Daily News " { Date: January 27, 1956; Article #1: "McC on Stand Swings Hard at His ADA Foe"
Author: Norma Abrams; Published for/in: Daily News (page 5) Content: Reports the testimony of McCarthy during Paul H. Hughes' perjury trial in which he informed the court that Joseph L. Rauh Jr., national chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, had a reputation for dishonesty.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Daily Worker " (photocopy) Article #1: "Stay Out of China"
Published for/in: Daily Worker; Content: Speaks out against American involvement in China and praises Congressman Mike Mansfield for speaking out against it as well.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Review-Journal " { Date: October 12, 1952; Article #1: "Welcome, Senator Joe McCarthy"
Author: Nevada Friends of McCarthy Americanism; Published for/in: Las Vegas Review-Journal (page 5) Content: Paid advertisement for McCarthy's speech to be given on October 13, 1952, at the War Memorial Building in Las Vegas.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun "
Date: October 16, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Where I Stand"
Author: Hank Greenspun; Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Greenspun defends himself against personal attacks which Senator McCarthy has made against him.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "Bugle-Blowing Reds Hurl New Triangle Hill Blast"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports the attack of Chinese Communists on newly won allied position in the Triangle Hill-Sniper Ridge battle area.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Review-Journal "
Date: October 14, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "McCarthy Labels Greenspun as 'Voice of Reds' in Vegas"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Review-Journal (page 1) Content: Reports accusations made by McCarthy at a GOP rally that Las Vegas Publisher H.M. Greenspun is a Communist pamphleteer.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "May Demand Indemnity for Plane, Crew, Hit by Reds"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Review-Journal (page 1) Content: Reports that the United States may demand that the Soviet Union pay a heavy indemnity for the American B-29 super fort bomber and its eight man crew that were shot down near Japan.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Morning Journal "
Date: October 14, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Supreme Court Denies Hearing for Rosenbergs"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Morning Journal (page 1) Content: Reports that the Supreme Court, by a vote of 8-1, turned down the plea of Ethel and Julius Rosenburg to have a review of their conviction and death sentence.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "McCarthy Raps Greenspun in Talk: Says Las Vegas Newspaper Publisher 'Voice of Reds'"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Morning Journal (page 1) Content: Reports that in a speech given at the Las Vegas War Memorial Building, Senator McCarthy declared publisher H.M. Greenspun a pamphleteer of the Communist Party.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Top of the Morning" (editorial) Author: Grady Pannell; Published for/in: Las Vegas Morning Journal (page 1) Content: Briefly discusses the unfulfilled expectation that Senator McCarthy would not support Eisenhower's campaign for president in his speech at the Las Vegas War Memorial Building.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #4: "'No Commies in My House' - Bedell Smith"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Morning Journal (page 1) Content: Reports the testimony of General Walter Bedell Smith, head of the United States Central Intelligence Agency, to the House Un-American Activities Committee that there were no Communists in his organization.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #5: "Allies Launch Tremendous Blow at Chinese Communists"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Morning Journal (page 1) Content: Reports that allied infantrymen stormed and won two hill positions from Communist forces north of Kumhwa on the Central Front.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun "
Date: October 17, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Where I Stand" (editorial) Author: Hank Greenspun; Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Contains Greenspun's denial of McCarthy's claim that Greenspun was court-martialed from the army and a copy of the army files concerning Greenspun's discipline problems.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "Ike Warns Soviets 'Cold Peace' Bid Cover Up Plan for Future Aggression"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports comments of presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower concerning the threat of Communism and of the Soviet Union in particular.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "UN Told to Step Up Aid"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports that Secretary of State Dean Acheson appealed to other noncommunist members of the United Nations for more help in Korea.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun "
Date: October 15, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "Joe's 'Smear' Stirs Ike Camp: Big Reward Backs Up Anti-Red Statements"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports that, in an effort to disprove accusations of Communist affiliations made by Senator McCarthy, Las Vegas Sun publisher Hank Greenspun is offering a $1000 reward to anyone who can prove his is now or ever has been a member of the Communist Party.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "$1000 Reward to Anyone Refuting Anti-Red Affidavit by Greenspun"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Copy of an affidavit in which Greenspun denies any Communist affiliation.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Greenspun, GOP Nominee Backer, Asks Repudiation"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports the reaction of Eisenhower's supporters to McCarthy's accusations against Greenspun.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #4: "Where I Stand" (editorial) Author: Hank Greenspun; Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Speaks out against McCarthy and his methods and discusses how McCarthy's work may actually help the Communist Party and harm the national security of the United States.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun " { Date: October 18, 1952; Article #1: "Ike Attacks M'Carran Law: Hits Foreign Bill; Praises Marshall in M'Carthy Slap"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports that General Dwight D. Eisenhower demanded in a speech in Newark, New Jersey, that the McCarran immigration law be rewritten.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun "
Date: October 9, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "McCarthy Talk May Be 'TNT'"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports rumors that Senator Joe McCarthy is expected to make several disclosures which he has so far kept secret during his speech to be made at the War Memorial Building in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "M'Carran To Probe 'Reds' in UNESCO"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports the announcement of Senator Pat McCarran that he would begin investigation members of the United Nations for subversive activities.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : "Las Vegas Sun "
Date: October 14, 1952;
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #1: "McCarthy Loses Face in Verbal Fire: Walks Out, Refuses to Debate as Greenspun Answers 'Vicious Lies'"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports the accusations of Communist affiliations made by Senator Joe McCarthy against Las Vegas Sun publisher, Hank Greenspun, and describes McCarthy's refusal to debate the matter with Greenspun when asked.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #2: "Reds Fall in Huge UN Blow"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports successful UN attacks against Chinese Communists in Korea.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #3: "Where I Stand" (editorial) Author: Hank Greenspun; Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Speaks out against Senator Joe McCarthy's accusations that Greenspun is a Communist.
- CRJO 5/07 Clipping : Article #4: "McCarthy Dooms Malone's Chances"
Published for/in: Las Vegas Sun (page 1) Content: Reports that Senator George W. Malone's choice to appear with McCarthy and accept his supports has doomed Malone's chances of winning reelection against Mechling.