Lectures by Richard McBrien
- CRPM 20/39 Folder : "Faith and Politics in Our Time," sponsored by The Philosophy and Religion Department of Hotchkiss School and the Church of St. Mary, Lakeville, Connecticut (April 11, 2008). 2008
- CRPM 20/40 Folder : "Benedict XVI and the Future of the Catholic Church," a public lecture delivered on April 27, 2008, and a lecture entitled: "On Being a Catholic Educator in an Ecumenical Environment," (April 28, 2008). 2008
Both lectures were presented at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, California.
- CRPM 20/41 Folder : "Pope Benedict XVI: After Three Years," Theology Summer Session Lecture Series, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana (June 25, 2008). 2008
- CRPM 21/01 Folder : "Religion and Politics: The 2008 Election," Topics to Go, a lecture sponsored by an independent group of Catholics at All Souls Unitarian Church, Kansas City, Missouri (October 4, 2008). 2008
- CRPM 21/02 Folder : "The Church and Politics," sponsored by The Thomas Merton Center at the Mitchell Park Community Hall, Palo Alto, California (October 11, 2008). 2008
- CRPM 21/03 Folder : "Religion and Politics: Some Theological Reflections," Series on Contemporary American Catholicism celebrating the inauguration of a new President, Marie A. George, at Cabrini College, Radnor, Pennsylvania (October 30, 2008). 2008
- CRPM 21/04 Folder : "The Future of the Church: Challenges in the New Millennium," The Bishop John McCarthy Lecture Series, at St. Edward's University, Austin, Texas (March 6, 2009). (Published in Selected Lectures, Austin, Texas: St. Edward's University, 2009) 51-62. 2009
- CRPM 21/05 Folder : "Faculty and Administrators in the Age of the Laity," at What We Hold In Trust: A Seminar for Catholic College and University Trustees, sponsored by The Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame (April 18, 2009). 2009
- CRPM 21/06 Folder : "The Church in the New Millennium," for the Virginia and Bob Pascoe Lecture at Carmel of Our Lady of the Mountains, Reno, Nevada (April 24, 2009). 2009
- CRPM 21/07 Folder : "The Challenges of Leadership in Today's Church," for Voice of the Faithful of Southeastern Wisconsin at the First Congregational Church of Wauwatosa in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. (September 26, 2009). 2009
- CRPM 21/08 Folder : "A New Easter for the Catholic Laity?: What Does 'We Are the Church' Mean for Lay Catholics?" for Chicagoland Voice of the Faithful at Stonegate Conference & Banquet Center in Hoffman Estates, Illinois (March 27, 2010). 2010
- CRPM 21/09 Folder : "The Challenge of Leadership in Today's Church," delivered via Skype for The Gathering of Friends: A Vatican II Catholic Community in Virginia Beach Virginia (November 12, 2011). 2011
- CRPM Subseries : Early Lectures 1965-1975
- CRPM 21/10 Folder : "Changing Concepts of the Church's Mission," Diocesan Teachers' Institute (October 20, 1965). 1965
- CRPM 21/11 Folder : Sermon for Fr Brian Hehir's First Mass, North Chelmford 1966
- CRPM 21/12 Folder : Lecture Series at South Catholic High School, Hartford, Conn. 1966
- CRPM 21/12 title : "Changing Concepts of the Church's Mission in Contemporary Protestant Theology (January 27, 1966) 1966
- CRPM 21/12 title : "Karl Rahner: The Church in Diaspora" (February 17, 1966) 1966
- CRPM 21/12 title : "The Mission of the Church as Servant and Sign: A Survey of the Writings of Yves Congar, OP, Edwdard Schillebeeckx, OP, and Rene Latourelle, SJ" (March 24, 1966) 1966
- CRPM 21/12 title : "Changing Concepts of the Church's Mission in the Second Vatican Council" (April 21, 1966) 1966
- CRPM 21/13 Folder : "Contemporary Approaches to Christian Theology," Regis College, Weston, Mass. (March 15, 1968). 1966-1968
- CRPM 21/14 Folder : "The Problem of Church Unity," St Joseph's Parish Ecumenical Service, Needham, Mass., (January, 1967). 1967
- CRPM 21/15 Folder : "Community as an Aspect of the Church's Mission,"Institute on Christian Community, Boston College (June, 1967). 1967
- CRPM 21/16 Folder : "Toward a Theology of the Diocesan Priesthood," Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Mass. (September 20, 1967). 1967
- CRPM 21/17 Folder : "Towards Constitutional Development Within the Church," at symposium "A Constitution for the Church?" sponsored by the Canon Law Society of America, Fordham University, New York City (October, 1967) 1967
Fr McBrien was also co-author of its final position paper.
- CRPM 21/18 Folder : Ecumenical Program, Dedham, Mass. (January, 1968). 1968
- CRPM 21/19 Folder : "The Underground Church,"Institute on Church Renewal and Intra-Church Conflict at Boston College (April, 1968). 1968
- CRPM 21/20 Folder : "The Church," Xavier Lecture Series, Concord, Mass. (October 1, 1968). 1968
- CRPM 21/21 Folder : Keynote address, Bergamo Ecumenical Mission Conference, University of Dayton (May 2, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/22 Folder : Hecker Lecturer at Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan (May, 1969). 1969
Lectures published as Church: The Continuing Quest. Newman Press, 1970.
- CRPM 21/23 Folder : Priests' Institute at Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa (June 10-12, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/24 Folder : New England Summer Institute for Priests, Stonehill College, North Easton, MA (June 22-27, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/25 Folder : Lecture, "Magisterium and the Mission of the Church," at the Third Annual Episcopal Seminar, St. Louis University Divinity School (June 26, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/26 Folder : "Collegiality: State of the Question," for the symposium, "Unity and Subsidiarity in the Church: Rome and the Conference of Bishops," sponsored by the Canon Law Society of America, Dayton, Ohio (September 12-14, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/27 Folder : "What Is Theology?" Paulist Center Church Dialogue Series (October 14, 1969). 1969
- CRPM 21/28 Folder : "Intercommunion," Pope John Seminary, Weston, Mass. (January, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/29 Folder : Keynote address, "Coresponsibility in the Diocese," National Conference on the Diocesan Pastoral Council National Council of Catholic Men), Dayton, Ohio (March, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/30 Folder : "The Meaning of Theological Reflection in the Context of Field Education," Institutes, St John's Seminary, Brighton, Mass. (April 10, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/31 Folder : Opening Address, College Theology Society Boston Convention, Brighton, Mass. (March 29, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/32 Folder : A Symposium on Co-Responsibility in the Church, Canon Law Society of America, Cathedral College, Douglaston, New York (April 3-5, 1970) 1970
Did not attend.
- CRPM 21/33 Folder : "A Search in the Contemporary Church," Kehoe Renewal, Scarborough, Ontario (April - May, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/34 Folder : "The Church Today: Its Necessity and Role," twenty-fifth annual convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Detroit (June, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/35 Folder : "The Faith to be Communicated," National Apostolate for the Mentally Retarded, West Hartford, Conn. (August 18, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/36 Folder : "The Contemporary Priesthood," by John Cardinal Wright, National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors, Cleveland, Ohio (September 14-16, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/37 Folder : "Vatican I: An Hypothesis," Conference on Vatican I, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (December, 1970). 1970
- CRPM 21/38 Folder : "Changes in the Church's Understanding of Itself," Conference of Major Superiors of Women (January 17-19, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/39 Folder : "Bishops and Pastors: A Job Description," Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Mass. (February 10, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/40 Folder : "Toward a Theology of Ordained Ministry: An Outline," Boston College and Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Bloomfield, Conn., and Brighton, Mass. (March, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/41 Folder : Keynote address, "Launching Life in Faith" Third Mile-Hi Religious Education Congress, Denver (March, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/42 Folder : "Toward a Theology of Revolution: A Conservative Statement," University of Colorado, Boulder (April, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/43 Folder : "The Church and Adult Education," ICE Conference, Detroit, Mich. (May 16, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/44 Folder : "A Report on the Conditioni of Priestly Ministry and Celibacy in the United States," Canon Law Society of America (August 19-22, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/45 Folder : "Catholic Charity: Why and Whither," National Conference of Catholic Charities Convention, Minneapolis (September, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/46 Folder : Keynote address, "The Church's Ministry in Perspective," the Second National Conference on the Permanent Diaconate, Detroit (December, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 21/47 Folder : "The Mission and Ministry of the Church," National Federation of Priests' Councils convention, Denver (March, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/48 Folder : "The Future of the Church," national conference of Diocesan Directors of CCD, Minneapolis (April, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/49 Folder : "Mission and Priesthood in the Church," annual convention of the Canon Law Society of America Eastern Regional Conference, Scranton (May, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/50 Folder : "The Catholic Church: Relevance and Mission," 1st Annual Catholic Health Assembly, Boston (June, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/51 Folder : Keynote address, "The School in the Ministry of the Church," Archdiocese of Chicago education convention, Chicago (September, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/52 Folder : "Mission and Ordained Ministry in the Church," U.S. Air Force Chaplain's Conference, Dayton (October, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/53 Folder : "Aspects of Kingdom Theology" and "The Place of Ecclesiology in the Curriculum of a School of Theology," Washington Theological Consortium, Oblate College, Washington, D.C. (October, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/54 Folder : Keynote address, "The Church and the Kingdom of Life," Religious Education Congress, Diocese of Norwich, CT (November, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/55 Folder : "Mission of the Church," "Changes in the Church's Self-Understanding at Vatican II," Baltimore, Md. (November 16, 1972). 1972
- CRPM 21/56 Folder : "Secularity," Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (February 7, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/57 Folder : Keynote address and principal lecturer, Western Canadian Clergy Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (March, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/58 Folder : Keynote address, "The Church Today and Tomorrow: Models for Mission," 13th annual Religious Education Congress, Diocese of Ogdensburg, Plattsburgh, New York (September 15, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/59 Folder : "The Religious Vocation and the Mission of the Church," Provincial Chapter of the Passionists, Jamaica, Long Island (October 1, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/60 Folder : "Is the Church Beyond Reform?," Villanova University, (October 11, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/61 Folder : Keynote address, "The Ordained Ministry and the Mission of the Church," annual meeting of the Midwest Association of Theological Schools, Chicago (October 18, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/62 Folder : "The Nature of the Ecclesial Community," Northwest Religious Education Congress, Yakima, Washington (October 20, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/63 Folder : "The Church Today and Tomorrow," Holy Family Retreat League Communion Breakfast, Hartford, Conn. (November 18, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 21/64 Folder : Keynote address, "To Teach as Jesus Did" and workshop at the Archdiocese of San Francisco Religious Education Institute, San Francisco (February 2, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/65 Folder : "The Nature and Task of Theological Reflection," Catholic Campus Ministers of New Jersey, Monmouth College, West Long Branch, New Jersey (February 8, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/66 Folder : "The Ordained Ministry and Mission of the Church," University of Notre Dame (February 22, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/67 Folder : Connecticut Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue, with George Lindbeck of Yale University, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven (March 16, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/68 Folder : "The Mission of the Church: A Contemporary Agenda," Mt. St. Joseph IV Ecumenical Institute on Religious Education, College of Mt. St. Joseph, Cincinnati, Ohio (June 22, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/69 Folder : "The Church and the Kingdom of God" and "The Church: Sign and Instrument of Reconciliation," First Congress of the Ohio Province of Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Cincinnati (August 18, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/70 Folder : Open Door Book Store, Springfield, Mass. (October 18, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/71 Folder : "Ecumenical Dimensions of Reconciliation" and "Reconciliation in an Ecclesial Context," Bergamo Center, Dayton, Ohio (October 19 and 20, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/72 Folder : "The Remaking of the Church," Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Alexandria, Va. (October 20, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 21/73 Folder : "Authority and Doctrine in the Roman Catholic Church," Catholic Hospital Assocaition, Philadelphia, Penn. (October 23, 1974). 1974
Also Anaheim, Cal., February 17 1975.
- CRPM 21/74 Folder : "Religious Freedom and the Second Vatican Council," "Religious Freedom" symposium, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Columbus, Georgia (January 7, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/75 Folder : "Roman Catholicism: Stable Elements in the Midst of Change," First Friday Club of Cleveland (March 6, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/76 Folder : Dean Sage Lecturer, "Of Bruised Reeds and Phylacteries: A Call to Christian Leadership," Cornell University (March 9, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/77 Folder : "The Ordained Ministry and the Mission of the Church," The Marists, Boston, Mass. (April 7, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/78 Folder : "The Petrine Ministry," Theology Forum, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (April 16, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/79 Folder : Keynote address, "Parish Councils and the Mission of the Church," Archdiocese of Newark Study Session for Parish Councils, Felician College, Lodi, New Jersey (May 18, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/80 Folder : "Justice in the Church," National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Bicentennial Hearings, Minneapolis, Minnesota (June 14, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/81 Folder : "The Language of Contemporary Spirituality," Religious Education Institute: Special Seminar, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (June 23, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/82 Folder : "The Ecclesiological Foundations of the Church's Work for Justice," Justice in the World Program of the United States Catholic Conference (Campus Ministry / Justice and Peace), Lima, Peru (June 30, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/83 Folder : "The Place of Parish Councils Within the Developing Theology of the Church," National Conference for Diocesan Parish Council Personnel, Erlanger, Kentucky (October 13 and 14, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/84 Folder : "The Church and Justice: An Ecclesiological Critique," Academic Convocation: Installation of the New President of the Washington Theological Coalition, Silver Springs, Maryland (October 22, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/85 Folder : "Theological Reflection in Field Education," Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Mass. (November 18, 1975). 1975
- CRPM 21/86 Folder : Respondent to Prof. Anne Carr, "The Church in Process," Ordination Conference "Women in Future Priesthood Now: A Call for Action," Southfield, Michigan (November 28, 1975). 1975
- CRPM Series : Television and Radio Interviews and Appearances - Audio and Video Taping by Richard McBrien 1971-2005
- CRPM 22/01 Folder : "The Kingdom of God," Tapes for Alba House Communications (March 16, 1971.) 1971
- CRPM 22/02 Folder : "Guide Line," NBC Catholic Radio Program, Catholic Communication Foundation, New York, NY (April, 1971). 1971
- CRPM 22/03 Folder : "New Heaven / New Earth," WCVB-TV, Needham, Mass. (June 30, 1974; July 1, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 22/04 Folder : "The Church and Baptism," Tape for Department of Communications, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland (July, 1974). 1974
- CRPM 22/05 Folder : "The Church from Crisis to Omega," Tape for AMPRO - American Productions, Boston, Mass. (May 15, 1975). 1975