Articles by Richard McBrien
- CRPM 25/43 Folder : "Under the Cross and Anchor," Portland: The University of Portland Magazine 11:3 (Autumn 1992) 21-22. 1992
- CRPM 25/44 Folder : "Nurturing the Church and Society," Catholic AIDS Link Newsletter No. 11 (November, 1992) 3-6. 1992
- CRPM 25/45 Folder : "The Future of the Church and its Ministries: Imperatives for the Twenty-first Century," New Theology Review 6:3 (August 1993) 43-52. 1993
- CRPM 26/01 Folder : "The Future of the Church and its Ministries: Imperatives for the Twenty-first Century," Currents in Theology and Mission 20:5 (October 1993) 367-74. 1993
- CRPM 26/02 Folder : "John Paul II on Moral Theology: Teaching the Truth," The Christian Century 110:29 (October 20, 1993), 1004-1005. 1993
- CRPM 26/03 Folder : "New Horizons for Mission," Maryknoll 87:11 (December 1993) 34-38. 1993
- CRPM 26/04 Folder : "Religion and Society: A Catholic Vision," Interreligious Sermons: For a Shared Vision (March 1995) 13-16. 1995
- CRPM 26/05 Folder : "How Can I Find God?" (contributor to article) by James Martin in America 173:9 (September 30, 1995) 19. 1995
- CRPM 26/06 Folder : "What is Theology?" and "What is a Theologian?" The Tidings (April 12 & 26, 1996). 1996
- CRPM 26/07 Folder : "Before and After Vatican II," Priests & People (England) vol. 10, nos. 8 & 9 (August & September, 1996) 297-302. 1996
- CRPM 26/08 Folder : "The Vatican's subtle sorrow," The Boston Sunday Globe (Focus Section), (March 22, 1998) E1, E3. 1998
- CRPM 26/09 Folder : "Loyalty in the cross hairs," The Boston Sunday Globe (Focus Section), (July 5, 1998) E1, E5. 1998
- CRPM 26/10 Folder : "The Vatican's Unnecessary Roiling of the Waters of Dissent," Los Angeles Times (July 6, 1998). 1998
- CRPM 26/11 Folder : "Hammering the liberals," The Tablet (London) (July 11, 1998) 900-01. 1998
- CRPM 26/12 Folder : "Muzzling the theologians," The Tablet (London) 253:8275 (March 20, 1999) 397-98. 1999
- CRPM 26/13 Folder : "A Repenting Church: France & Germany show the way," Commonweal 75th Anniversary Issue, 127:20 (November 19, 1999) 12-16. 1999
- CRPM 26/14 Folder : "John Paul II and the Throne of St. Peter: Till Death Do They Part?" Los Angeles Times (January 12, 2000) B7. 2000
- CRPM 26/15 Folder : "Could the Pope Resign?" The Tablet (London) 254:8316 (January 15, 2000) 43-44. 2000
- CRPM 26/16 Folder : "Why I Shall Not Seek a Mandate." America 182:4 (February 12, 2000) 14-16. 2000
- CRPM 26/17 Folder : "A Fisherman Pope," The Tablet (London) (August 26, 2000) 1129-30. 2000
- CRPM 26/18 Folder : "Spiritual Stars of the Millennium: 40 - Pope John XXIII (1881-1963)," The Tablet (London) 254:8353 (October 7, 2000) 1348. 2000
- CRPM 26/19 Folder : "Theologians at Risk? Ex Corde and Catholic Colleges," Academe 87:1 (January-February 2001) 13-16. 2001
- CRPM 26/20 Folder : "Revisiting Caesar's Coin: Religion and Public Policy Today," Second Opinion Number 8 (October 2001) 4-13. 2001
- CRPM 26/21 Folder : "Radcliffe's Talk Begs the Issues," National Catholic Reporter, 40:38 (September 3, 2004) 17-18. 2004
- CRPM 26/22 Folder : "Catholic Identity in a Time of Change," The Furrow, 55:9 (September 2004) 455-64. 2004
- CRPM 26/23 Folder : "Challenges Facing the Next Pope," Church, 20:4 (Winter 2004) 508. 2004
- CRPM 26/24 Folder : "Yves Congar: Mentor for Theologians," Louvain Studies, 29:3-4 (Fall-Winter 2004) 258-72. 2004
- CRPM 26/25 Folder : "Secrecy - the key to the conclave," The Tablet (London), 259:8583 (April 9, 2005) 34-35. 2005
- CRPM 26/26 Folder : "The Next Pope: Global Star or Local Bishop," The Washington Post (April 10, 2005) B5. 2005
- CRPM 26/27 Folder : "Conclave and the Catholic Church: Where will the church go next?" USA Today (April 14, 2005) 13A. 2005
- CRPM 26/28 Folder : "John Paul II: Assessing His Legacy," Commonweal, 132:8 (April 22, 2005) 15-17. 2005
- CRPM 26/29 Folder : "What Should the Next Pope Do?" America, 192:14 (April 25, 2005) 9-10. 2005
- CRPM 26/30 Folder : "Benedict, slow down," New York Daily News (July 7, 2005) 35. 2005
- CRPM 26/31 Folder : "Review Symposium: Four Perspectives," Roger Haight, S.J., Christian Community in History. Horizons, 32:2 (Fall, 2005) 384-6. 2005
- CRPM 26/32 Folder : "The Pope meant well," New York Daily News (September 19, 2006) 33. 2006
- CRPM Group : Unpublished Articles by Richard McBrien
- CRPM 26/33 Folder : Articles (unpublished) - Pluralism and the Catholic Faith
- CRPM 26/34 Folder : Articles (unpublished) - Dealing with Error in Church and State
- CRPM 26/35 Folder : Articles (unpublished) - Theological Education (and other related material) c1962
- CRPM 26/36 Folder : Publications (Not printed) - Submitted to Paulist Press - "The Church" Gumbleton Book 1973
- CRPM 26/37 Folder : Articles Not Published - The Church and Justice: An Ecclesiological Critique 1976
- CRPM 27/01 Folder : The Classics in their Ecclesial Context: Ecclesiological Principles of Interpretation (Article unpublished) 1982
- CRPM 27/02 Folder : Religion and Politics (unpublished) 1984
- CRPM 27/03 Folder : Publications Pending but not committed - correspondence 1984
- CRPM 27/04 Folder : Responses to correspondence re various articles 1984
- CRPM 27/05 Folder : Articles, unpublished (pending for publication) 1985
- CRPM 27/06 Folder : Publications Proposed but Not Accepted 1985
- CRPM 27/07 Folder : Article - The Tablet (London) - Theology & History & Pope John XXIII [unpublished?] 1998
- CRPM 27/08 Folder : Time Magazine - Article on Pope John XXIII [unpublished?] 1998
"To be published Fall, 1999"
- CRPM 27/09 Folder : "When a Pope Dies" 1999 Tablet article [unpublished?] 1999
- CRPM Series : Articles by Others
- CRPM 27/10 Folder : Articles about Fr. McBrien that Fr. Thomas O'Meara kept for him.
- CRPM 27/11 Folder : Articles - Morality of Vietnam War / by Bishop Gumbleton 1971
- CRPM 27/12 Folder : Articles - J. Robert Nelson "Hans KÃĽng and the Indefectible Church" & "Signs of Mankind's Solidarity" 1971
- CRPM 27/13 Folder : Articles (quote in article) 1980
- CRPM Series : Book Contributions by Richard McBrien
- CRPM 27/14 Folder : "Apostolic Succession" & "Apostolicity of the Church," New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967. 1967
- CRPM 27/15 Folder : "Collegiality: A State of the Question," The Once and Future Church, ed. J.A. Coriden (New York: Alba House, 1971) 1-24. 1971
- CRPM 27/16 Folder : The Infallibility Debate, ed. J. Kirvan (New York: Paulist Press, 1971) 35-65. 1971
- CRPM 27/17 Folder : "Faith, Hope and Love: Dimensions of the Crisis" (Part I, chap. 2) 37-47; "Is There a Distinct American Contribution to the Notion of Church?" (Part V, chap. 3) 113-124; and "Doctrine and Community: Problems and Solutions" (Part VIII, chap. 2) 165-75, Dimensions in Religious Education, ed. John R. McCall (Havertown, PA: CIM Books, 1973). 1973
- CRPM 27/18 Folder : "Church," An American Catholic Catechism, ed. George J. Dyer (New York: Seabury Press, 1975) 16-30. 1975
- CRPM 27/19 Folder : "Into the Political Kingdom," Journeys, ed. Gregory Baum (Paramus, NJ: Paulist Press, 1975) 255-71. 1975
- CRPM 27/20 Folder : "The Mission of the Church"; "The Function of Pastoral Leadership and / or Ordained Ministry"; and "The Sacraments and the Forgiveness of Sins," Christian Theology - A Case Study Approach, eds. Robert A. Evans and Thomas D. Parker (New York: Harper & Row, 1976) 203-207. 1976
- CRPM 27/21 Folder : "Ethics: A Systematic Exploration," Emerging Issues in Religious Education, eds. Gloria Durka and Joanmarie Smith (Ramsey, NJ: Paulist Press, 1976) 140-48. 1976
- CRPM 27/22 Folder : Foreword to Above or Within, by Ian P. Knox (Mishawaka, IN: Religious Education Press, 1976). 1976
- CRPM 27/23 Folder : "The Church and Social Change: An Ecclesiological Critique," Theology Confronts a Changing World, ed. Thomas M. McFadden (West Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1977) 41-62. 1977
- CRPM 27/24 Folder : Preface to Foundations of Religious Education, ed. Padraic O'Hare (New York: Paulist Press, 1978) 1-3. 1978
- CRPM 27/25 Folder : "On Being A Catholic," Why Catholic?, ed. John J. Delaney (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979) 115-36. 1979
- CRPM 27/26 Folder : "An American Contribution to Ecclesiology," The Catholic Church: The United States Experience, ed. Irene Woodward (Ramsey, NJ: Paulist Press, 1979) 73-89. 1979
- CRPM 27/27 Folder : "Arete," Academic American Encyclopedia, 1979. 1979
- CRPM 27/28 Folder : "The Believer's Right to Privacy," Privacy: A Vanishing Value?, ed. William C. Bier (New York: Fordham University Press, 1980) 124-31. 1980
- CRPM 27/29 Folder : "The Roman Catholic Church: Can It Transcend the Crisis?," Where the Spirit Leads, ed. Martin E. Marty, (Chicago: The Christian Century Foundation, 1980) 149-57. 1980
- CRPM 27/30 Folder : "Ministry & Education: Some Critical Reflections," The Intersection of Ministry & Education, ed. Mary C. Boys (Winona, MN: St. Mary's Press, 1981) 111-29. 1981
- CRPM 27/31 Folder : "Catholicism as an Integrationist Perspective," Scripture in the Jewish and Christian Traditions: Authority. Interpretation. Relevance, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1982) 184-200. 1982
- CRPM 27/32 Folder : "The Future of the Assembly," Sunday Morning: A Time For Worship, ed. Mark Searle (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1982) 121-28. 1982
- CRPM 27/33 Folder : "The Church of Tomorrow," Women and Religion, ed. Regina Coll (New York / Ramsey: Paulist Press, 1982) 127-35. 1982
- CRPM 27/34 Folder : "The Classics in Their Ecclesial Context: Ecclesiological Principles of Interpretation," Foundations of Religious Literacy, ed. John J. Apczynski (Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1982) 31-44. 1982
- CRPM 27/35 Folder : "Roman Catholicism: E Pluribus Unum," Religion and America: Spirituality in a Secular Age, eds. Mary Douglas and Steven M. Tipton (Boston, Beacon Press, 1983) 179-89. 1983
- CRPM 27/36 Folder : Foreword to Education for Peace and Justice, ed. Padraic O'Hare (New York: Harper & Row, 1983) v-viii. 1983
- CRPM 27/37 Folder : "The Parish We Are Shaping," Parish: A Place for Worship, ed. Mark Searle (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1981) 13-28. 1981
- CRPM 27/38 Folder : "Church," Dictionary of Christian Theology, ed. John Bowden (London: SCM Press, 1983) 1211-15. 1983
- CRPM 27/39 Folder : "Faith, Theology, and Belief," Source Book for Modern Catechetics, ed. Michael Warren (Winona, MN: St. Mary's Press, 1983) 372-78. 1983
- CRPM 27/40 Folder : "Church," The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology, eds. Alan Richardson and John Bowden (Philadelphia, PA: The Westminster Press, 1983) 108-109. 1983
- CRPM 27/41 Folder : "Le Virtu Teologali Ossatura Delia Vita Cristiana," Problemi e Prospettive di Teologia Dogmatica, ed. Karl H. Neufeld (Brescia, Italy: Editrice Queriniane, 1983) 197-212. Translated into German as "Die Theologischen Tugenden als Grundstrubtur Christlichen Lebens," Probleme und Perspectiven Dogmatische Theolooie (Dusseldorf, Germany: Patmos Verlag, 1986) 198-208. 1986
- CRPM 27/42 Folder : "Commentary," in Research on Men's Vocations to the Priesthood and the Religious Life (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1984) 75-79. 1984
- CRPM 27/43 Folder : "Commentary," in Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy, eds. John W. Houck and Oliver F. Williams (Washington: University Press of America) 144-47. 1985
- CRPM 27/44 Folder : Foreword to Diversity and Communion, by Yves Congar (Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1985) v-vi. 1985
- CRPM 27/45 Folder : "An Ecclesiology for Women and Men," Women in the Church, ed. Madonna Kolbenschlag (Washington: The Pastoral Press, 1987) 19-30. 1987
- CRPM 27/46 Folder : "Preface," Future of Catholic Leadership: Responses to the Priest Shortage, by Dean Hoge (Kansas City, Missouri: Sheed & Ward, 1987) vi-viii. 1987
- CRPM 27/47 Folder : "Theology in Catholic Higher Education," in The Church in Anguish: Has the Vatican Betrayed Vatican II?, ed. Hans KÃĽng and Leonard Swidler (San Francisco, California: Harper & Row, 1987) 295-99. 1987
- CRPM 27/48 Folder : "Theologians Under Fire," in Readings in Moral Theology No. 6: Dissent in the Church, ed. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, S.J. (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1988) 484-90. 1988
- CRPM 27/49 Folder : "The Future of the Church in American Society," Religion and Politics in the American Milieu, ed. Leslie Griffin (Published by the Review of Politics, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1989) 87-101. 1989
- CRPM 27/50 Folder : "Catholicism: The American Experience," American Catholics, ed. Joseph F. Kelly (Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1989) 7-25. 1989
- CRPM 27/51 Folder : Foreword to Holiness. Donald Nicholl (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1990) ix-xi. 1990
- CRPM 27/52 Folder : "Two Views of the Church: The United States and the Vatican," Empowering Authority: The Charisms of Episcopacy and Primacy in the Church Today, eds. Patrick J. Howell, S.J. and Gary Chamberlain, (Kansas City, Missouri: Sheed & Ward, 1990) 81-102. 1990
- CRPM 27/53 Folder : "The Church (Lumen Gentium)," Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, ed. Adrian Hastings, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991) 84-95. 1991
- CRPM 27/54 Folder : Entries for The American Heritage Dictionary (Houghton Mifflin Company), 1991. 1991
- CRPM 27/55 Folder : "What is a Catholic University?" The Challenge and Promise of a Catholic University, ed. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994) 153-63. 1994
- CRPM 27/56 Folder : Contribution to Letters for our Children, ed. Erica Goode, (New York: Random House, 1996) 245-48. 1996
- CRPM 27/57 Folder : I Resolve: People of Faith Share Their Thoughts, Hopes, and Goals for the New Millenium, 1999. 1999