Alphabetical Files of Topics for Lectures, Research, etc.
- CRPM 40/39 Folder : The Kingdom of God 1977
- CRPM 40/40 Folder : Laity 1986
- CRPM 40/41 Folder : A Theologian Looks at the Role of Law in the Church Today 1981
- CRPM 40/42 Folder : Loyalty Oath 1989
- CRPM 40/43 Folder : Luther and the Catholic Church 1983
- CRPM 40/44 Folder : Luther 1983
- CRPM 40/45 Folder : Re: Laborem Exercens 1981-1982
- CRPM 40/46 Folder : Lutheran-Catholic Dialogues 1972-1979
- CRPM 40/47 Folder : Historical Character of the Church - Church of Yesterday 1976
- CRPM 40/48 Folder : Magisterium 1975-1982
- CRPM 40/49 Folder : White, Burkett, Miller Center - University of Virginia 1986
- CRPM 40/50 Folder : Most Current Ministry Lecture 1984
- CRPM 40/51 Folder : Ministry - Previous Lectures (1 of 2) 1969-1991
- CRPM 41/01 Folder : Ministry - Previous Lectures (2 of 2) 1969-1991
- CRPM 41/02 Folder : Ministry - Back Up Material 1977-1990
- CRPM 41/03 Folder : Ministry - "Authority in the Church" 1976
- CRPM 41/04 Folder : Ministry - Christian Dialogue and the Eucharist 1977
- CRPM 41/05 Folder : Ministry - Definition 1983
- CRPM 41/06 Folder : Ministry - "Documents on Anglican Roman Catholic Relations" 1976
- CRPM 41/07 Folder : Ministry - "Mixed Marriages" 1975
- CRPM 41/08 Folder : Mission and Ministries 1981-1982
- CRPM 41/09 Folder : "The Mission and Ministries of the Church" - California 1980-1984
- CRPM 41/10 Folder : Mission and Ministries: An Ecumenical Reflection 1981
- CRPM 41/11 Folder : Mission Statement re: Notre Dame
- CRPM 41/12 Folder : Mission: The Nature and Mission of the Church - Role of Women 1975-1982
- CRPM 41/13 Folder : Mission of the Church 1982
- CRPM 41/14 Folder : Models of the Church 1975-1981
- CRPM 41/15 Folder : Mystery of the Church 1983
- CRPM 41/16 Folder : Nature and Mission of the Church - Looking Toward the 21st Century 1984-1986
- CRPM 41/17 Folder : The Nature of Mission of the Church 1976
- CRPM 41/18 Folder : New Testament 1982
- CRPM 41/19 Folder : Opus Dei 1985-2006
- CRPM 41/20 Folder : Ordination of Women 1975-1984
- CRPM 41/21 Folder : Original Sin 1966
- CRPM 41/22 Folder : Parish 1977-1983
- CRPM 41/23 Folder : Parish 1978-1986
- CRPM 41/24 Folder : Personnel, First Step Into the 80's 1979
- CRPM 41/25 Folder : The Petrine Ministry 1975
- CRPM 41/26 Folder : Pelton Institute - Notre Dame 1983
- CRPM 41/27 Folder : Priests 1980-1999
- CRPM 41/28 Folder : Married Priests 1978-1990
- CRPM 41/29 Folder : CTSA - New York 1982
- CRPM 41/30 Folder : Nature and Use of Power in the Church 1982
- CRPM 41/31 Folder : Religion 1985
- CRPM 41/32 Folder : Religion and Politics 1986-1991
- CRPM 41/33 Folder : The Remaking of the Church 1973-1976
- CRPM 41/34 Folder : Right Wing Catholics 1989
- CRPM 41/35 Folder : Sacrament 1985
- CRPM 41/36 Folder : The Mission of a Catholic School 1982-1983
- CRPM 41/37 Folder : Sermons 1980-1983
- CRPM 41/38 Folder : Social Doctrine 1977
- CRPM 41/39 Folder : Basic Talk on Social Doctrine of Church 1981
- CRPM 41/40 Folder : Spirituality - Thomas Aquinas by Walter Principe 1982
- CRPM 41/41 Folder : Stewardship 1983
- CRPM 41/42 Folder : Synod Extraordinary 1985
- CRPM 41/43 Folder : Notre Dame - Center for Social Concerns Panel 1984-1985
- CRPM 41/44 Folder : Theology - "Current Trends in Theology" 1985
- CRPM 41/45 Folder : Theological Education - A Bibliography 1980-1988
- CRPM 41/46 Folder : Toward A Theology of the Local Church 1978
- CRPM 41/47 Folder : Theology - The University of and the Church 1980
- CRPM 41/48 Folder : Tracy Lecture 1982
- CRPM 41/49 Folder : Ecclesiology Since Vatican II 1982
- CRPM 41/50 Folder : Vatican II 1985
- CRPM 41/51 Folder : Vatican - U.S. Church 1986-1987
- CRPM 41/52 Folder : Pope John Paul II 1981-1986
- CRPM 41/53 Folder : Vocations 1990-1994
- CRPM 41/54 Folder : What Does It Mean to be Religious in Contemporary America? 1979
- CRPM 41/55 Folder : Women in the Church 1986-1998
- CRPM Series : Honorary Degrees
- CRPM 41/56 Folder : Honorary Doctoral Degree - Quincy College - Quincy, Illinois 1989
- CRPM 41/57 Folder : Muhlenberg College Honary Degree - Deliver Baccalaureate Sermon - Allentown, PA 1997
- CRPM 41/58 Folder : Honorary Degree DePaul University - Chicago, Illinois 2008
- CRPM Series : Files, Letters and Papers
- CRPM 42/01 Folder : Jesus - "Modelli lontani e clericali" 2002/11
- CRPM 42/02 Folder : The Future of the Catholic Church: Challenges in the New Millennium 2009
- CRPM 42/03 Folder : Theological Foundations: Concepts and Methods for Understanding Christian Faith 2008
- CRPM 42/04 Folder : Foreword to Celibacy in Crisis: A Secret World Revisited 2003
- CRPM 42/05 Folder : To the Treasury of Fresh Waters: Reclaiming the Riches - From the Spring of Pre Vatican II Catholicism 2008-2009
- CRPM 42/06 Folder : The Church: Catholicism Before and After Vatican II 2010
- CRPM 42/07 Folder : McBrien, Richard - 70th Birthday Celebration - Boston 2006
- CRPM 42/08 Folder : Interview - by Michael Paulson - The Boston Globe 2008
- CRPM 42/09 Folder : Evangelium vitae - "Gospel of Life" / by Pope John Paul II 1995
- CRPM 42/10 Folder : NCR - Oneline - Column and Interview with Tom Fox 2008
- CRPM 42/11 Folder : "Roman Catholic Church" - Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement 1988-1997
- CRPM 42/12 Folder : 20 Years After Vatican II - Indianapolis, IN - Cassettes (4) - Tapes in bottom desk drawer 1982
- CRPM 42/13 Folder : Cassette - Correspondence 1983-1986
- CRPM 42/14 Folder : Cassettes 1982
- CRPM 42/15 Folder : NCR Cassettes - Understanding Catholicism [Mini Cassette] 1980-1998
- CRPM 42/16 Folder : Committees - Brighton, MA - "Year of Learning Theological Commission" [Cassette] 1979-1980
- CRPM 42/17 Folder : Committees - Subcommittee on the Theology of the Priesthood for the National Conf. of Catholic Bishops 1971-1973
- CRPM 42/18 Folder : Meetings - National Fed. of Priests Council - Chicago, IL. 1971
- CRPM 42/19 Folder : Eisele Project on Cardinal Cushing 1987-1988
- CRPM 42/20 Folder : Committees - Selection of Bishops Committee 1970-1971
- CRPM 42/21 Folder : Pubs. - Correspondence - General Nature 1969-1980
- CRPM 42/22 Folder : American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Nomination Letters 1981-1996
- CRPM 42/23 Folder : Assumption - Summer
- CRPM 42/24 Folder : Awards 1974-1984
- CRPM 42/25 Folder : Birth Control Advertisement Which Misquoted Fr. McBrien 1979
- CRPM 42/26 Folder : Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation 1984
- CRPM 42/27 Folder : U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter "Economy Justice For All" 1986