Sheed & Ward: Printed Material
- PSAW 5/12 Author : Weigel, Gustave, SJ- Review of Politics 1957/07
- PSAW 5/13 Title : God and Man in Twentieth-Century Fiction 1962
- PSAW 5/13 Author : Noon, William T., SJ- Thought - Fordam Univ. 1962
- PSAW 5/14 Title : Intergroup Relations in Religious Textbooks 1960
- PSAW 5/15 Title : Some Informal Notes on American Churches & Sects 1955/07
- PSAW 5/15 Author : Riesman, David- Confluence 1955/07
- PSAW 5/16 Title : The Big Problem of Diocesan Papers
- PSAW 5/17 Title : The Great Australian Adjective
- PSAW 5/18 Title : Platonic Thought in Christian Revelation 1958/11
- PSAW 5/18 Subject : Trinitarian Theology of Augustine 1958/11
- PSAW 5/18 Author : Wassmer, Thomas A., SJ- American Ecclesiastical Review 1958/11
- PSAW 5/19 Title : Faith and Belief: Footnote to Greene 1959
- PSAW 5/19 Subject : Greene, Graham- Visit to Morin 1959
- PSAW 5/19 Author : Wassmer, Thomas A., SJ- Renascence 1959
- PSAW 5/20 Title : Maritain, Jacques
- PSAW 5/21 Title : Reflections on Status of Theology of the Layman 1967/12
- PSAW 5/21 Author : Kelly, William J., SJ- Theological Studies 1967/12
- PSAW 5/22 Title : French Conservative- Thought Today 1959
- PSAW 5/22 Author : Molnar, Thomas- Modern Age 1959
- PSAW 5/23 Title : Mental Health Training in Catholic Seminaries 1962
- PSAW 5/23 Author : Herr, Vincent V.- Journal Religion & Health 1962
- PSAW 5/24 Title : Passion of Wilfrid Owen 1959
- PSAW 5/24 Subject : Owen, Wilfrid- Poetry 1959
- PSAW 5/24 Author : Hazo, Samuel- Renascence 1959
- PSAW 5/25 Title : In Praise of Chesterton
- PSAW 5/25 Author : Hart, Jeffrey
- PSAW 5/25 Subject : Chesterton, G.K.
- PSAW 5/26 Title : Metternich ennemi de la Liberte
- PSAW 5/27 Title : Dostoevsky's Inquisitor- Emblem of Paradox 1964
- PSAW 5/27 Author : Kunkel, Francis L.- Renascence 1964
- PSAW 5/28 Title : Dictionarium Morale et Canonicum
- PSAW 5/28 Author : Palazzini, P.
- PSAW 5/29 Title : Precatachesis in a Third Dimension
- PSAW 5/29 Author : Spae, Joseph J., CICM
- PSAW 5/30 Title : Pre-apologetics and Apologetics
- PSAW 5/30 Author : Spae, Joseph J., CICM
- PSAW 5/31 Title : Precatachumenate for Japan
- PSAW 5/31 Author : Spae, Joseph J., CICM
- PSAW 5/32 Document : Magazine- Friar's Fields 1960/12
- PSAW 5/33 Document : Magazine- Wind and the Rain 1949
- PSAW 5/34 Document : Magazine- Social Order 1960/10
- PSAW 5/35 Subject : Poetry Society of America- Bulletin 1959-1960
- PSAW 5/36 Document : Magazine- Theology Digest 1965
- PSAW 5/37 Document : Magazine- Catholic Mind 1960/09
- PSAW 5/38 Document : Magazine- Exchange 1958/01
- PSAW 5/39 Document : Magazine- Christian Friends 1965/06
- PSAW 5/39 Title : Confrontation- Judaism & Christianity 1965/06
- PSAW 5/39 Subject : Anti-Defamation League- B'nai B'rith 1965/06
- PSAW 5/40 Document : Magazine- Philippine Studies 1953
- PSAW 5/41 Document : Magazine- Compass Theology Review 1975/12
- PSAW 5/42 Document : Magazine- Classical World 1958/05
- PSAW 5/43 Document : Magazine- Classical Weekly 1957/03
- PSAW 5/44 Document : Magazine- For Commanders 1964/0415
- PSAW 5/45 Document : Magazine- Findings 1962/11
- PSAW 5/46 Document : Magazine- America 1968/0427
- PSAW 5/47 Document : Magazine- Interplay 1967/01
- PSAW 5/48 Document : Magazine- Catholic Hour 1965/0131
- PSAW 5/48 Author : Sheed, Francis J.- Reading for Renewal 1965/0131
- PSAW 5/49 Subject : Knights of Columbus- Isabella Council News 1961
- PSAW 5/50 Document : Magazine- Intercontinental Review
- PSAW 5/51 Document : Magazine- Messenger of the Sacred Heart 1969/11
- PSAW 5/52 Document : Magazine- Jewish Newsletter 1959/0727
- PSAW 5/53 Document : Magazine- Grail 1952/09
- PSAW 5/54 Document : Magazine- New City 1968/07
- PSAW 5/55 Document : Magazine- Ecumenist 1968/05
- PSAW 5/56 Document : Magazine- America 1971/0612
- PSAW 5/57 Document : Magazine- Commonweal 1966/0325
- PSAW 5/58 Document : Magazine- Commonweal 1971/0528
- PSAW 5/59 Document : Magazine- Commonweal 1971/0903
- PSAW 5/60 Document : Magazine- Priest Forum 1969/06
- PSAW 5/61 Document : Magazine- U.S. Catholic 1979/02
- PSAW 5/62 Subject : Pontifical Gregorian Univ. Newsletter 1968
- PSAW 5/63 Document : Magazine- Herder Correspondence 1965/07
- PSAW 5/64 Document : Magazine- Herder Correspondence 1965/08
- PSAW 6/01 Subject : Von Balthasar, Hans Urs- Christology
- PSAW 6/01 Author : Reedy, Gerard
- PSAW 6 Subject : Franklin Book Programs
- PSAW 6 Document : Catalogue of the Papers of Browning, Elizabeth Barret 1937/0607
- PSAW 6 Document : Publishers' Book Lists
- PSAW 6 Subject : Leo XIII- Modern World
- PSAW 6 Author : Gargan, Edward T.