Eduard Adam Skendzel: Audio-Visual Material
- ASKZ 9870 R2 : Centennial Mass, St. Albertus Church, Cardinal Dearden, Celebrant; Fr. Milewski, Sermon; Fr. Swastek, Gospel 1973/1014
- ASKZ 9871 R2 : Before Midnight Mass, The Mass, St. Hyacinth, Bay City 1974
- ASKZ 9872 R2 : Mass, St. Hyacinth, Bay City 1974
- ASKZ 9873 R2 : Gorzkie Zale, St. Anne Devotions, Holy Mass, Palm Sunday Excerpts, Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church (Polish), Detroit, MI 1964/0223
- ASKZ 9874 R2 : Gorzkie Zale and Personal Singing, Immaculate Conception Church, Detroit, MI 1964/0308
- ASKZ 9875 R2 : Orchard Lake Seminary Lenten Concert 1964/0322
- ASKZ 9876 R2 : High Mass, St. Francis of Assisi Church, Detroit, MI (March 3); Gorzkie Zale Lamentations, Lenten Devotions, St. Florian Church, Hamtramck, MI (March 17) 1968/0303; 1968/0317
- ASKZ 9877 R2 : 50th Anniversary of St. Hyacinth Church, Detroit, Mi - Eduard A. Skendzel and Rev. Bo. Krol 1974/1117
- ASKZ 9878 R2 : State of the Parish of the Sweetest Heart of Mary - New Pastor: Rev. B. Kosicki 1974/1010
- ASKZ 9879-9881 R2 : Church Bells and Chimes no date
- ASKZ 9882-9883 R2 : Fr. Justin Rosary Hour: 1. St. Casimir Parish Choir, Toronto, Canada - Christmas Carols; 2. No title (1970) 1966/1970
- ASKZ 9884-9885 R2 : President John F. Kennedy: Tribute and Funeral (Nov. 25); Multi - Language Musical Potpourri (German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Church Slavonic, Viennese Dialect) (1964) 1963/1123; 1963/1125; 1964/0310
- ASKZ 9886 R2 : Don Quijote no date
- ASKZ 11234 R2 : Detroit Ste. Anne's Organ
- ASKZ 11235 R2 : Special Italian Chorus Songs (Windsor Pasiano Party January 1958); Music Box Melodies and French Instrumental no date, 1958/01
- ASKZ 11236 R2 : Gorzkie Zale and Fr. Justin's Rosary Hour
- ASKZ 11237 R2 : Church Bells, S.H. Mary, Detroit 1967/0211
- ASKZ 35962-35998 Group : Interviews
- ASKZ 35962-35998 Group : Interviews regarding Kolasinski and Pioneer Detroit Poles made by Eduard Skendzel 1974-1989
- ASKZ 35962-35963 CD, DVD : Albert (Kolasinski) Zachorski - Grand Nephew of Fr. Dom. Kolasinski [copy of ASKZ R2 9812] 1977/1212
- ASKZ 35964-35965 CD, DVD : Jennie Jason; also Interview of Joanna Japowicz, nee Wsielewski, Niece of John Lewicki, regarding Lewicki Family (John Lewicki was killed at St. Albertus on 25 December 1885) [copy of ASKZ R2 9813] 1978/1205
- ASKZ 35966-35968 CD, DVD : Fr. Joseph M. Torzewski regarding Fr. Kolasinski and Pioneer Detroit Poles [copy of ASKZ R2 9814] 1974/0622
- ASKZ 35969-35971 CD, DVD : Clara Swieczkowska and Mrs. Tomaszewski regarding Detroit Poles [copy of ASKZ R2 9815] 1974/06
- ASKZ 35972-35974 CD, DVD : Clara Swieczkowska and August Bradtke regarding Detroit Poles [copy of ASKZ R2 9816] 1974
- ASKZ 35975-35977 CD, DVD : August Bradtke and Agnes Paddock, nee Paruszkiewicz [Copy of ASKZ R2 9817] 1974/06
- ASKZ 35978-35980 CD, DVD : Anthony Rathnaw [Rathnow, Rathenau?] regarding Detroit Poles [Copy of ASKZ R2 9818] 1975/0617
- ASKZ 35981-35983 CD, DVD : Joseph Wolff regarding Pioneer Detroit Poles [Copy of ASKZ R2 9819] 1975/0618
- ASKZ 35984-35985 CD, DVD : Fr. Frank Banachak (?) at St. Hyacinth regarding Pioneer Detroit Poles [Copy of ASKZ R2 9820] 1975/1107
- ASKZ 35986-35988 CD, DVD : Fr. Edw. Kowrach regarding Sacred Heart Story, Poles and History [Copy of ASKZ R2 9821] 1982/0828
- ASKZ 35989-35993 CD, DVD : Skendzel's Oral Transcription of Niedziela letters and Interview with Sophia Guzdziol [Copy of ASKZ R2 9822-9823] 1989/02
- ASKZ 35994-35996 CD, DVD : Msgr. Edward J. Hickey on Personages in Detroit Catholic History [Copy of ASKZ R2 9824] 1978/0313
- ASKZ 35997-35998 CD, DVD : Msgr. Edward J. Hickey Interview [Copy of ASKZ R2 9825] 1981/0613
- ASKZ 35999-36010 Group : Miscellaneous Interviews and Oral Transcriptions made by E. Skendzel 1980/1988/1993
- ASKZ 35999-36000 CD, DVD : St. Alphonsus Archives, Dearborn, MI - Buechsmann's Memoranda [Copy of ASKZ R2 9826] 1980/11
- ASKZ 36001-36003 CD, DVD : Cathy Brown, nee Glocheski, Delton, MI - Interview regarding Roman Glocheski [Copy of ASKZ R2 9827] 1993/1130
- ASKZ 36004-36006 CD, DVD : Interviews with K. Meisner; Edw. Borninski; Rose (Anastasia Borninski) Walkowski regarding St. Josaphat's History [Copy of ASKZ R2 9828] 1988/1019
- ASKZ 36007-36008 CD, DVD : Interview with Walter Borninski regarding St. Josaphat's History [Copy of ASKZ R2 9829] 1988/1023
- ASKZ 36009-36010 CD, DVD : Interview with Vernon J. Witkowski regarding St. Josaphat's History [Copy of ASKZ R2 9830] 1988
- ASKZ 42888-42891 CD : 50th Anniversary Mass of Dedication of St. Hyacinth Church, Detroit [copy of ASKZ R2 9877] 1974/1117
- ASKZ 43306 DVD : 50th Anniversary of St. Hyacinth Church, Detroit, Mi - Eduard A. Skendzel and Rev. Bo. Krol [wav file back up disc, copy of ASKZ R2 9877] 1974/1117
- ASKZ 68889 CD : Gorzkie Zale, Immaculate Conception Church, Detroit, MI [copy of ASKZ R2 9874] 1964/0308
- ASKZ 68890 CD : Eduard Skendzel, Personal Singing in Church [copy of ASKZ R2 9874] 1960s
- ASKZ 68891 CD : Gorzkie Zale in English, Orchard Lake Seminary Lenten Concert [copy of ASKZ R2 9875] 1964/0322
- GSKZ 1 : Eduard Adam Skendzel: Graphics 1910s-1980s
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slides : Slides #001-002: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the Northeast side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. Casimir exteriors [2 photos] 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slides : Slides #003-004: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. Vitus Slovenian exteriors [2 photos] 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slide : Slide #005: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio, near downtown and lake - St. Josaphat exterior 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slides : Slides #006-007: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. Hyacinth exteriors [2 photos] 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slides : Slides #008-011: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the Near East side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. Stanislaus exteriors [2 photos] 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slide : Slide #012: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio - Immaculate Heart of Mary exterior 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slide : Slide #013: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio - Transfiguration exterior 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slide : Slide #014: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the West side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. John Cantius exterior 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slide : Slide #015: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio - Sacred Heart exterior 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/01 Color Slides : Slides #016-018: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the West side of Cleveland, Ohio - St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral exteriors [3 photos] 1972/07
- GSKZ 1/02 Color Slides : Slides #018-018.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the North side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Mary Czenstochowa exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/02 Color Slides : Slides #019-019.05: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the North side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Casimir exteriors [6 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/02 Color Slides : Slides #020-020.04: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the North side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Hedwig exteriors, including with Polish skyline [5 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/02 Color Slides : Slides #020.05-020.06: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the North side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Hedwig exteriors, including with Polish skyline [2 photos] 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #003-003.02: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Hyacinth exteriors [3 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #004-004.02: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Ss. Cyril and Methodius exteriors [3 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #005: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Mary Magdalene exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #006-006.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. John Kantry exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #007-007.02: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Adalbert exteriors [3 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #008-008.04: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Vincent de Paul exteriors [5 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #009-009.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Barbara exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #010: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Helen exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #011: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Alexander exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #012: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Roman exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #013: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Queen of Peace exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #014-014.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Blessed Sacrament exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Anthony's exterior 1973/01
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slides : Slides #015.02-015.03: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Anthony's exteriors [2 photos] 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slides : Slides #015.31-015.32: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Anthony's exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.04: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Hyacinth exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.05: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Ss. Cyril and Methodius exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.06: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Hyacinth exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.07: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Patrick exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.08: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Wenceslaus Bohemian Church exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.09: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Vincent exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.13: Protestant Church exterior near the downtown expressway on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.14: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Francis de Sales Seminary exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #015.15: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Polish National Church exterior 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slides #016-16.01: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Patrick exteriors [2 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #016.02: Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Boniface exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #016.03-016.06: St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church exteriors on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin [5 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #016.07: St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church exteriors on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1966/07
- GSKZ 1/03 Color Slide : Slide #016.08: St. Peter Lutheran Church exterior on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/04 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Stanislaus Kostka exteriors [5 photos] 1966/07
- GSKZ 1/04 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Stanislaus Kostka exteriors [13 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/04 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Stanislaus Kostka exteriors [16 photos] 1972/10
- GSKZ 1/04 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Stanislaus Kostka exteriors [12 photos] 1973/01
- GSKZ 1/05 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Josaphat Basilica exteriors [3 photos] 1966/07
- GSKZ 1/05 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Josaphat Basilica exteriors [23 photos] 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/05 Color Slides : Polish Roman Catholic Church on the South side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin - St. Josaphat Basilica exteriors [4 photos] 1973/01
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #076: Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - St. Columbanus exterior 1968/10
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #077: Italian Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - St. Anthony exterior 1969/08
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #077.01: Italian Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - St. Anthony exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #078: French Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - St. Louis exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #079: German and Italian Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - St. Anthony exterior 1971/08
- GSKZ 1/06 Color Slide : Slide #080: German Catholic Church on the South side of Chicago, Illinois - Immaculate Conception exterior 1971/08