General Correspondence Files
- CWLK 42/30 File : Ga-Ge 1945
- CWLK 42/31 File : Gi-Gy 1945
- CWLK 42/32 File : Gifts to Postmaster General 1945
- CWLK 42/33 File : Gilmartin, Fr. James 1945
- CWLK 42/34 File : H 1945
- CWLK 42/35 File : Hull, Secretary of State Cordell 1945
- CWLK 43/01 File : I 1945
- CWLK 43/02 File : Iglehart, Dr. S. 1944-1945
- CWLK 43/03 File : Intelligence Service, Strategic Services 1944
- CWLK 43/04 File : J 1945
- CWLK 43/05 File : Justice, Department of 1945
- CWLK 43/06 File : Ka 1945
- CWLK 43/07 File : Kanaley, John B. 1945
- CWLK 43/08 File : Ke 1945
- CWLK 43/09 File : Ki-Kl 1945
- CWLK 43/10 File : Kilroy, Richard R. 1945
- CWLK 43/11 File : Kn-Ky 1945
- CWLK 43/12 File : La 1945
- CWLK 43/13 File : Le-Ll 1945
- CWLK 43/14 File : Lo-Ly 1945
- CWLK 43/15 File : Ma 1945
- CWLK 43/16 File : Marymount College- Visas for Nuns 1945
- CWLK 43/17 File : Maryknoll Sisters 1945
- CWLK 43/18 File : Mc 1945
- CWLK 43/19 File : Me-Mi 1945
- CWLK 43/20 File : Mo-My 1945
- CWLK 43/21 File : Montana Congressional Election 1945
- CWLK 43/22 File : Montana Ranch 1945
- CWLK 43/23 File : Na-Ne 1945
- CWLK 43/24 File : National Catholic Welfare Conference 1945
- CWLK 43/25 File : Ni-Ny 1945
- CWLK 43/26 File : O 1945
- CWLK 43/27 File : O'Brien, Kenneth R. 1945
- CWLK 43/28 File : O'Donnell CSC, Rev. Hugh 1945
- CWLK 43/29 File : O'Leary, J.J. 1945
- CWLK 43/30 File : Pa 1945
- CWLK 43/31 File : Paramount Pictures Meeting 1945
- CWLK 43/32 File : Passes 1945
- CWLK 43/33 File : Pe-Ph 1945
- CWLK 43/34 File : Pennsylvania Industries 1945
- CWLK 43/35 File : Pl-Py 1945
- CWLK 43/36 File : Q-R 1945
- CWLK 43/37 File : Railroad Reservations 1945
- CWLK 43/38 File : Receipts 1945
- CWLK 43/39 File : Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1945
- CWLK 43/40 File : Roosevelt Memorial Address 1945
- CWLK 43/41 File : Roosevelt death 1945
- CWLK 43/42 File : Sa-Sc 1945
- CWLK 43/43 File : Schaefer, George J. 1945
- CWLK 43/44 File : Scranton Better Business Bureau 1945
- CWLK 43/45 File : Scranton Historical Society 1945
- CWLK 43/46 File : Se-Si 1945
- CWLK 43/47 File : Sk-Sz 1945
- CWLK 43/48 File : State Department Reports 1945
- CWLK 43/49 File : T 1944-1945
- CWLK 43/50 File : United Nations 1945
- CWLK 43/51 File : US Customs Court Applications 1945
- CWLK 43/52 File : University of Notre Dame 1945
- CWLK 43/53 File : University of Scranton 1945
- CWLK 43/54 File : V 1945
- CWLK 44/01 File : W 1945
- CWLK 44/02 File : Walker, Hallie B. 1945
- CWLK 44/03 File : Walker, Thomas J. 1945
- CWLK 44/04 File : War Department 1945
- CWLK 44/05 File : X-Y-Z 1945
- CWLK 44/06 File : Sympathy notes- replies 1945
- CWLK 44/07 File : Sympathy notes- received 1945
- CWLK 44/08 File : Sympathy notes- Mrs. Clyde M. Graves 1945
- CWLK 44-48 Group : New York Office Correspondence, 1945-1957 1939-1957
- CWLK 44/09 File : A 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/10 File : Atomic Energy Act 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/11-13 File : B 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/14-15 File : Bowman - Biltmore Hotels 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/16 File : CATHOLIC NEWSLETTER 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/17-18 File : C 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/19 File : Catholic Youth Organization 1945
- CWLK 44/20 File : Clark, Hon. Thomas 1945-1947
- CWLK 44/21 File : Colleges- Colvin Brown 1942-1947
- CWLK 44/22-23 File : D 1942-1947
- CWLK 45/01 File : D 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/02 File : E 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/03 File : F 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/04 File : Farley, James A. 1947
- CWLK 45/05 File : Flynn, Edward J. 1947
- CWLK 45/06 File : G 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/07-09 File : H 1945-1948
- CWLK 45/10 File : Hotels 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/11-12 File : I 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/13 File : J 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/14-16 File : K 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/17 File : King, Marguerita 1945-1946
- CWLK 45/18 File : L 1945-1947
- CWLK 45/19 File : Lee, Hugh F. 1939-1947
- CWLK 46/01-04 File : M 1945-1948
- CWLK 46/05-06 File : Mc 1945-1947
- CWLK 46/07 File : McGrath, Howard 1945-1947
- CWLK 46/08 File : Miscellaneous 1945-1947
- CWLK 46/09 File : Morgenthau Jr., Henry 1945-1947
- CWLK 46/10 File : N 1945-1947
- CWLK 46/11-12 File : Notre Dame 1945-1947