Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 1/00714 Correspondence : Wessel, H. W. - V-Mail addressed to Gordon. 1942
He thanks Gordon for the Christmas gift even though he may never receive it. He is well and happy. The weather is terrible--no sun.
- CZHN 1/00779 Correspondence : Winnie - A letter to Gordon. 1942
She was impressed by his article. She offers to send him books if the camp library is inadequate.
- CZHN 1/00730 Correspondence : ___bert - A letter to Gordon. 1942
Life is the same--fellows being drafted, girls taking defense jobs. McGrath and Lyle have been selected.
- CZHN 1/01640 Newspaper : A copy of THE CATHOLIC WORKER. 1942
It contains the article "Peace and Land" by Arthur Sheehan. ~ Volume 4, Number 10
- CZHN 1/01643 Newspaper : A copy of THE CATHOLIC WORKER. 1942
It contains the article "Pope Pleads for Peace." ~ Volume 9, Number 8.
- CZHN 3/04447 Document : Gordon Zahn 1942-1943?
Handbook for the Scientific Technique for Donovich Hating ~ Gordon outlines the official requirements of being in the Hate Donovich Club. Gordon explains in a note that Donovich was a friend's "clown" and that a man from Warner started the "hate Donovan" gag, which he continued by putting this on the CSP camp bulletin board.
- CZHN 1/01596 Correspondence (Incomplete) : Mrs. Woodmansee 1942-3
A letter. ~ She recommends reading Faulkner. She speaks of the PWWC, and refers to CO work. She understands why he (presumably Gordon) opposes the camps in principle.
- CZHN 7/10213 Correspondence : Winnie - Letter to unknown 1942-3
Winnie gives Charlie's new address. Also news on her past and upcoming trips, as well as her health. ~ Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- CZHN 1/01002 Correspondence : (Probably one of the Hollanders. ) - A letter to Gordon. 1942-43
She and John B. are still not on speaking terms. Lydia received Gordon's last letter and said she wasn't going to write him anymore.
- CZHN 3/04286 Document : Member of Local Board 1942/0122
A notice to appear before local board. ~ Gordon Zahn is directed to appear before the Local Board on the 26th of January for a hearing in the matter of classification.
- CZHN 3/04322 Official Document : Houghton, Albert B. Hearing Officer 1942/0528
Jackson, Robert H. Attorney General ~ Notice of Hearing sent to Gordon Zahn. ~ Gordon is notified of a hearing on Tuesday June 9th, 1942 by the department of justice to consider his claim to exemption from training service under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. Included is also INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTRANTS WHOSE CLAIMS FOR EXEMPTION AS CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS HAVE BEEN APPEALED. This outlines the procedures of the hearing.
- CZHN 3/04449 Document : Milwaukee Hospital 1942/0623
Bill / receipt from Milwaukee Hospital ~ Bill for lab / operating room / medicine / room and board
- CZHN 3/04334 Document : Bates, Francis P. 1942/0821
Report of Physical Examination and Induction of Gordon Zahn. ~ A physical report of Gordon's physical health. He is underweight, his chest is too small for height, and has altered breath sounds in chest. Gordon is accepted into Civilian Public Service at Warner N. H. on October 27, 1942.
- CZHN 7/10211 Correspondence : Letter to his friends 1942/0827
The writer of the correspondence is explaining the reaction to the overexertion caused by participation in a particularly vicious game known as "Giggle Pool", played by intoxicants.
- CZHN 5/07368 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn and Didi - Postcard to Irene Hollander 1942/0920
Zahn writes a brief note to say that he will write again soon as soon as they have settled in a room at the hotel the postcard is taken from.
- CZHN 7/10209 Correspondence : Letter to Larry 1942/1015
telling him how unsettled he has been at the thought of his gambling. He recalls the baseball gamble that he won, justifying that he took his money to teach him a lesson, and warns that if he does not get out, he will soon fall victim to the game.
- CZHN 3/04320 Official Document : Gordon Zahn 1942/1109
National Service Board for Religious Objectors: Individual Record of Campee. ~ Record of Gordon Zahn when he was in Camp 54 in Warner New Hampshire. It has his health record and offical physical condition in November of 1942.
- CZHN 5/07369 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Hollander sisters 1942/1112
Zahn tells about his correspondence with Jack about Winnie in a playful manner. Zahn also asks about Effie, Irma, and electing McMurray. He closes with some personal thoughts about the War (World War II).
- CZHN 3/04433 Document : Gordon Zahn 1943 (published?)
Poem ~ A poem on the creation of man. ~ 03
- CZHN 9/12902 Document : Article: - From The American Catholic Sociology Review, the section News of Sociological Interest 1943
Gives a summary of the regional meetings of The American Catholic Sociology Review that were held in St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Washington, and New York.
- CZHN 9/12900 Document : Article: A. H. Clemens - From The American Catholic Sociology Review, "The Catholic Sociologist Faces a New Social Order 1943
Discusses the responsibility of Catholic Sociologists, especially in this postwar time, to deal with its social chaos. Sociology is not simply a study of how things are, but also a study of how things should be. ~ St. Louis, MO
- CZHN 9/12899 Document : Article: Gerald J. Schnepp - From The American Catholic Sociology Review, "Economic Status and Leakage" 1943
Discusses the relationship between economic status and the practice of faith. More specifically, he researches this relationship to look for possible relations between leakage and economic factors in the areas of: occupation of head of the family, annual income of the head of the family, poverty, home ownership, and loans. ~ San Antonio, TX
- CZHN 9/12898 Document : Article: Marguerite Reuss - From The American Catholic Sociology Review, "1942 Research Census of Members of the American Catholic Sociological Society". 1943
Classifies the research articles from members of the American Catholic Sociological Society into various categories. ~ Milwaukee, WI
- CZHN 9/12901 Document : Article: Marguerite Reuss - From The American Catholic Sociology Review, "1943 Research Census of Members of the American Catholic Sociological Society" 1943
Includes the research projects, publications, and student theses. They are all classified according to the author's preference. ~ Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- CZHN 1/00930 Correspondecne : Gordon Zahn 1943
A letter (Probably to one of the Hollanders). ~ Gordon jokes that he does not fully approve that the new-born baby is a girl. He had a pleasant time in Washington.
- CZHN 1/01000 Correspondence : "Ruby and the gang" - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Ruby is upset because each member of the family has made arrangements to take time off work in order to see Gordon when he visits on furlough, and now he is saying he might not be able to make it.
- CZHN 1/00867 Correspondence : (Probably Gordon Zahn) 1943
A Memorandum to Dr. Johns and Mr. Clark. ~ The memorandum concerns the movies shown for the entertainment of the children at the school.
- CZHN 1/00957 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon and Ray. 1943
The writer has heard that Gordon and Ray are both at Rosewood and he is glad. He will be there soon, and would like to know what the work is like.
- CZHN 1/01040 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1943
He may be transferred to Maine. The writer says it is a beautiful state with its lakes and mountains.
- CZHN 1/00817 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1943
She believes that of all the people in this world, the idealists have it the hardest. She thought his poem, "Biography" was excellent. She talks about the five Hollander sisters.
- CZHN 1/00723 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1943
They enjoyed themselves Saturday night with the girls. They are very anxious to see Gordon. He always wants to remain friends with Gordon.
- CZHN 1/00962 Correspondence : A postcard to Gordon. 1943
He is sending Gordon three or four medium pastels. One is for Dick Leonard.
- CZHN 1/00961 Correspondence : A postcard to Gordon. 1943
The writer received the book of Tom Wolfe's letters. He will read it as soon as possible and return it.
- CZHN 1/01021 Correspondence : Alice and Larry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
They saw Norbert a few weeks ago at a monthly poker game.
- CZHN 1/00824 Correspondence : Annette - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Myrtle's daughter was christened and Annie is the godmother.
- CZHN 1/00805 Correspondence : Annette - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She saw Millie who is apologetic for not writing.
- CZHN 1/00823 Correspondence : Annie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Her family spent an enjoyable evening with Fanny, Edna, Cleo, and Millie.
- CZHN 1/00999 Correspondence : Annie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Ruby broke the news to Irene that she was going to visit Paul--evidently to get married. Irene remained quite calm. Annie relates a funny conversation she overheard with her sisters while riding the bus.
- CZHN 1/00795 Correspondence : Annie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She had a grand birthday. Ed Schaffer is getting another furlough. She mentions Ruby and Irene.
- CZHN 1/01008 Correspondence : Annie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She had friends over the house from work and they had a nice time listening to music.
- CZHN 1/01028 Correspondence : Annie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She's dissatisfied with her present employment. Beginning April 15th, there will be a ration on clothes.
- CZHN 1/01011 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Her mother is checking on the Zahn that died and will know in about a week. Audrey has a terrible cold due to the winter weather.
- CZHN 1/01034 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
His new camp sounds interesting and beautiful. She wants to know what is so fasinating about Greenwich village.
- CZHN 1/01022 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She talks about the men in her life and her sister's life.
- CZHN 1/01003 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She tells Gordon not to consider going AWOL, it won't be the end of the world if he doesn't get a furlough. She asks if he must scan the sky all day for fires, or if he has time to read or write while on duty.
- CZHN 1/01015 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She tells Gordon she is angry about the idea to bar CO's. She mentions Fern and her mother.
- CZHN 1/00998 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She tells him several jokes. She mentions that her sister Fern is a heartbreaker--Audrey saw Tom drowning his sorrow with a bottle of beer. She wants to know if Gordon has thought of Winnie.
- CZHN 1/01037 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She understands that it must be good to be earning money again only if it is a small amount. She hopes he receives his furlough.
- CZHN 1/00993 Correspondence : Audrey - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She wishes him a belated Valentine's Day. Fern broke up with her doctor. Audrey ran into Gertie Hoffman and gave her Gordon's address.
- CZHN 1/00981 Correspondence : Bill - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Bill feels that Gordon has made an unwarranted attack, but Bill still feels remorseful for not having gone to Rosewood even though he dislikes hospitals.
- CZHN 1/00698 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Bob Ludlow. 1943
He feels a certain regret that Bob labeled the Liturgical Movement as a "concern for ecclesiastical trimmings." He believes "Liberal" Catholicism is a contradiction in terms.
- CZHN 1/00976 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Bob feels the most interesting discussions at the conference were on the subject of whether or not the FOR should withdraw from NSBRO. The case for quick withdrawal was best presented and received.
- CZHN 1/00954 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Bob is still working on the second floor ward-side. He is looking foward to the C. P. S. Conference in Chicago.
- CZHN 1/00679 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Brother Hugh spoke at the director's school in Washington. Flo said Ed would be leaving at the end of March.
- CZHN 1/00986a Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
He believes the CPA is becoming "a little niche for pacifists in a completely totalitarian war sit-up." Also, he thinks the CPA is a compromise which renders all CO's or pacifists in the war pratically useless.
- CZHN 1/00677 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
He congratulates Gordon on "This Ain't The Army." He speaks of evenings he has spent in Chicago.
- CZHN 1/00972 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
He thanks Gordon for his generosity--he had a swell time.
- CZHN 1/00987 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Strube went home for awhile. It's impossible for Bob to get an entire weekend off from work. Nothing has been decided about returning to camp nor about RTW.
- CZHN 1/00965 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
The letter addresses Bob's reasons for leaving the Civilian Public Service. He employs fragments of speeches from Father John Hugo and Pope Pius XII to illustrate his reasoning.
- CZHN 1/00988 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Gordon. 1943
The men are going to split a gallon of wine when the boys return from a meeting where Strube is lecturing on why and how he became a C. O.
- CZHN 1/00983 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Leonard. 1943
Bob saw Dick Lions at the hospital yesterday. He has been cleaning and painting in a new co-op house. He says it is wonderful to be free.
- CZHN 1/00977 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to Mr. Punkt. 1943
Bob complains that it has been over a month since Punkt has written. Since that time Bob has been arrested and jailed and is now awaiting trial.
- CZHN 1/00953 Correspondence : Bob - A letter to a friend (maybe Gordon) 1943
Bob supposes that his friend is all set for Maine.
- CZHN 1/00711 Correspondence : Bob - A postcard to Gordon. 1943
He had an appendectomy. Brother Hugh still doesn't know anything about increasing the unit.
- CZHN 1/00710 Correspondence : Bob - A postcard to Gordon. 1943
He is still in bed after the operation. He hopes Gordon is "here" before the move comes.
- CZHN 1/00982 Correspondence : Bob - A postcard to Gordon. 1943
It has been a good week for Bob. Ed is in town on furlough--it was great to see him.
- CZHN 1/00975 Correspondence : Bob - A postcard to Gordon. 1943
The postacrd is faded, however it begins by saying that all is well.
- CZHN 1/00985 Correspondence : Bob 1943
A letter (probably to Gordon) ~ Bob says the ACCO has been his only hope among the agencies. He disagrees with Gordon's earlier statement that he is "giving up all chance of doing anything constructive during the war for pacifism."
- CZHN 1/00969 Correspondence : Bob 1943
A letter ~ Bob is attempting to transfer. Things at the hospital are going well.
- CZHN 1/00951 Correspondence : Bob 1943
A letter ~ Bob says that the following day will be difficult--his station has 3 cases going to surgery.
- CZHN 1/00950 Correspondence : Bob 1943
A letter ~ The writer relates that there is no explanation regarding the ban of furloughs.
- CZHN 1/00994 Correspondence : Cleo - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Cleo misses Gordon. Bill Giddings contracted malaria and while in the hospital it was bombed.
- CZHN 1/01039 Correspondence : Cooper, Lawrence - A letter to Gordon. 1943
He has spoken with other men who are all in agreement that any person who loves the right to liberty should shoulder arms in this emergency. If this spirit did not prevail, the country would be defeated.
- CZHN 1/00704 Correspondence : Duane - A letter to Bob Ludlow. 1943
He is sorry to hear that Bob was unwell. He will be sad to see the lads go and know that the only people alive in the CPS system are at Rosewood. He drank a gallon of wine with friends one night.
- CZHN 1/00705 Correspondence : Duane - A letter to Bob Ludlow. 1943
He was hungover one morning. He speaks about his army days. He received a nasy letter from Ray O' Hamlon.
- CZHN 1/00960 Correspondence : Dwight - A letter to Gordon which is attached to letters to Heckler, Mr. Larrowe, and George Preston. 1943
The first letter lists two men who want to transfer to Rosewood. The 2nd letter attempts to clear up a misunderstanding regarding Preston. Preston writes to Larrowe that he is glad to hear the men from Trenton are coming. He wants Rosewood to remain full.
- CZHN 1/01023 Correspondence : Edna - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Eddie will be ordained next Saturday. Mom sends her love.
- CZHN 1/01031 Correspondence : Edna - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She encloses the address of a mutual friend and mentions that a group of people from work went over to Annie's house for dinner.
- CZHN 1/01032 Correspondence : Edna - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She talks about Henry in depth.
- CZHN 1/00754 Correspondence : Edna - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She talks about office changes and people who have stayed or left. She hasn't heard from Henry in two weeks and is worried. She celebrated her birthday.
- CZHN 1/00996 Correspondence : Effie - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Effie describes a play she saw in Chicago. She wrote out a couple of silly "poems" for him to read.
- CZHN 1/01027 Correspondence : Fanny? - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She discusses a man whom she recently stopped dating--he was an interesting character but lacked morals. She heard the Minn. Symphony.
- CZHN 1/01017 Correspondence : Fern - A letter to Gordon. 1943
Fern isn't satisfied with the men she has been dating. She mentions Audrey.
- CZHN 1/01025 Correspondence : Fern - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She agrees with Gordon that she doesn't stand a ghost of a chance with Jack. She's not happy with the type of men she's been meeting. She hopes he receives his furlough.
- CZHN 1/01033 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gerry. 1943
She discusses the lives of the Hollander women.
- CZHN 1/00794 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She doesn't think much of Paul, but jokes that Ruby and Paul should get married so they wouldn't have to put up with Ruby's sloppy habits. She mentions that every movie she sees contains patriotism.
- CZHN 1/01019 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She has taken May 2nd through May 8th off of work so she can see Gordon while he is visiting.
- CZHN 1/00808 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She plans on getting time off from work during Gordon's furlough, and Ruby may do the same. She went to a wedding.
- CZHN 1/01020 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She talks about Ruby and Irene. She tells him a couple of jokes.
- CZHN 1/01035 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She thought her trip to Chicago was a waste of time.
- CZHN 1/00799 Correspondence : Gerry - A letter to Gordon. 1943
She went to the bar room in the hotel with Ruth and Dorris.
- CZHN 1/00863 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annette. 1943
Gordon discusses that both him and Tom Wolfe are interested in the jacket cover designs of books. He has been discussing plans for after the war with Ludlow and mentions writing and college.
- CZHN 1/00936 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annette. 1943
Gordon was going to call the girls when he reached New York City but he didn't think they would be home. He wishes Annie a happy birthday.
- CZHN 1/00927 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annette. 1943
He encloses a persuasive letter to Curt which says: (1) any man wearing a uniform becomes a fighter, (2) no official war aims have been stated, (3) this fight for freedom does not embrace racial equality, and (4) conscientious objectors combat the idea of fascism by the denial of force. Curt left despite the letter.
- CZHN 1/00912 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annette. 1943
He is planning to search for a job. He talks about a friend who is distributing "PEACE NOW" pamphlets.
- CZHN 1/00894 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annette. 1943
He sent his short story, INCIDENT, to the Coronet Editorial office in Chicago.
- CZHN 1/00944 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - A letter to Annie. 1943
Gordon is waiting for his story to come back from Coronet.