Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 10/13134 Correspondence : Prof. Gordon Allport - Letter to Gordon from Harvard University, Department of Social Relations 1960/1220
Thanks him for his study and expresses joy that he can continue now with his Jaegerstaetter work.
- CZHN 10/13153 Correspondence : Franz H. Mueller - Letter to Gordon 1960/1221
Asks Gordon to stop attacking other people for wrongfully attacking him, but look at the possibility that he is not right. Tells him to take Christmas time to do some soul searching.
- CZHN 10/13150 Correspondence : Arnold M. Rose - Letter to Gordon from Arnold M. Rose from the University of Minnesota 1960/1222
Thanks Gordon for his interesting paper and says that everything in the paper rings true for him and wishes him luck on his Austrian research.
- CZHN 10/13132 Correspondence : Charles H. Page - Letter to Gordon on behalf of Charles H. Page from Princeton University 1960/1229
Thanks him for giving him a reprint of his article on the German Catholic Press and says he looks forward to reading it and passing it on.
- CZHN 6/08934 Correspondence : C. J. Nuesse - Letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Washington, D. C. 1960?/0324
- CZHN 6/08939 John L. Thomas : Letter to Gordon Zahn - Apologizes for the delay in response. He thinks that the article should be sent to the Editorial Board. 1960?/0818
Chicago, Il
- CZHN 2/02476 Advertisement : Quotes reviewing IN SOLITARY WITNESS by Gordon Zahn. 1960s
Dwight MacDonald, Thomas Merton, and Peter Viereck all concur that the book is fascinating and moving.
- CZHN 2/02630 Document : Hassler, Al 1960s
The document is entitled: "Non-Christian Pacifists and the IFOR." ~ The paper states that what the FOR stands for and the position of "the world" cannot be defined as Christian, Eastern or Western, Communist or social democrat or free-enterprise. He thinks it humbling that after 2,000 years the overwhelming majority of fellow Christians are not pacifists.
- CZHN 4/04935 Document : Gordon C. Zahn 1960s]
Conscientious War Resisters Offer Case for Understanding ~ Xerox copy of Mr. Zahn's article as well as a photo of students in Boston burning their draft cards. ~ General description of the sort of trials and tribulations that young men around the country are facing due to the Vietnam war and the "just" or "unjust" nature of it and how their objection to it fits within the Catholic Church as well as their own personal views of Catholicism and war.
- CZHN 2/02948 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1961
"Violence and Pacifism: Which Alternative Represents the True Ultimate of Power?" ~ A photocopied article from a magazine. ~ Zahn explores the rationale of pacifism from the religious and humanitarian points of view. ~ May, 1961 ~ 3-6
- CZHN 3/03257 Book Review : Schalk, Adolph 1961
A review of CATHOLIC GERMANS AND HITLER'S WARS. ~ Although Schalk finds a great many shortcomings in the book, he agrees with Zahn's thesis and enjoyed the book. He feels that Zahn makes some very good points and that he leaves Catholics with some moral dilemmas that need to be thought out in regard to just and unjust wars.
- CZHN 3/03267 Correspondence : "Juir" 1961
A letter to Zahn. ~ "Juir" tells Zahn that GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WAR is some of the most important work that he knows of, and this book may change the way that the Catholic Church looks at itself.
- CZHN 2/02786 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1961
The writer says that Gordon is right in suggesting that in one instance the citation should come first. He responds to a grammatical error that Gordon made, but is now corrected.
- CZHN 3/03214 Correspondence : A letter to Zahn. 1961
The letter is regarding the lack of reaction of the Austrians to the Jaegerstaetter case. The author has no explanation of it, but promises to write Zahn if he hears any new opinions on the case.
- CZHN 2/02765 Correspondence : Callahan, Daniel 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ Daniel would like to know if Gordon would be interested in writing an article for COMMONWEAL based on an idea proposed by Gordon in a previous article. The idea centers around the idea that it is doubtful that the traditional Catholic teaching of obedience to legitimate political authority is still applicable today.
- CZHN 3/03237 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Father Simmel. ~ Zahn is writing in response to Simmel's letter about a translated writing of Zahn's. The writing was an unauthorized translation and Zahn still had not seen it; however, Simmel's interpretations were not the meanings that Zahn had intended. Zahn is defending and clarifying his viewpoint to Simmel.
- CZHN 2/02785 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Hal Winchester. ~ Gordon is willing to go along with the publishing firm if they are "dead set" on turning the preface into Chapter five, but he must admit that he has some misgivings.
- CZHN 2/02752 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Hal Winchester. ~ Gordon offers some ideas regarding manuscript changes.
- CZHN 2/02691 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Hal Winchester. ~ He suggests some changes to be made in Bill Harrigan's recent article. He thinks the changes are important, but promises not to be so picky in the future.
- CZHN 3/03220 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Karlheinz Schmidthus, editor of Herder Korrespondenz. ~ Zahn writes to ask if they had published anything recently regarding Jaegerstaetter and to give a brief summary of what he found while he was studying there.
- CZHN 2/02791 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Phil Scharper. ~ He remarks that he has been checking the book via microfilm and is happy to report that he has found only minor errors in the manuscript. He would like to know if and when protests start coming regarding GERMAN CATHOLIC AND HITLER'S WARS.
- CZHN 3/03408 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn congratulates Hovda on his own column in NEW WORLD and other publications that Hovda had never told him about. Zahn is becoming unhappy at Loyola and is considering UN work, and is asking Hovda to look into contacts in government departments.
- CZHN 3/03409 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn discusses a television show that he was on with Fr. Mohan as well as a book that is about to be published.
- CZHN 3/03410 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn has been very busy with his book and is just writing to ask Hovda to say some Masses for his mother and his brother. He also tells Hovda that he (Zahn) has been chosen to represent Catholic University at the installation of a new chancellor at the University of Chicago.
- CZHN 3/03411 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn is busy with the publication of his book and is still trying to write on Jaegerstaetter, but not very successfully. He is also busy with doing talks.
- CZHN 3/03406 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn is writing from Germany where he is investigating the Jaegerstaetter case. He has either found all that there is to find or people are withholding information.
- CZHN 2/02690 Correspondence : Harold 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ The preface has been received; however, Phil has not seen it. Harold's only major criticism is this: he doesn't think Gordon has stated what he is going to do in the body of his study as clearly as he could have.
- CZHN 3/03254 Correspondence : Harrigan, Riel 1961
A handwritten letter to Zahn. ~ Harrigan thanks Zahn for a reprint of his most recent article and discusses his own upcoming article and the changes that it needs. He also discusses his own lack of research due to his wife's illness and the amount of time that his five children demand.
- CZHN 2/02699 Correspondence : Hughes, Catharine 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ She plans to write to Tom Merton and ask whether he could provide them with a statement for use in advertising.
- CZHN 2/02784 Correspondence : Scharper, Phil 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He believes that if "A Question of Prudence" is likely to cause some of Gordon's peers to dismiss the entire book, it may have the same effect if it were to appear in the preface. Therefore, they would like to keep it as a separate chapter.
- CZHN 2/02692 Correspondence : Scharper, Philip 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He stresses that Gordon must make a quick decision regarding the changes in the manuscript. They want to get the manuscript into production as soon as possible. Hal and Philip have been regularly delighted at Gordon's reports that the summer research project had gone so well.
- CZHN 2/02744 Correspondence : Scharper, Philip 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for sending the bibliography and the footnote. They have been included with the text which is now at the printers.
- CZHN 2/02701 Correspondence : Scharper, Philip 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ Philip hopes that Merton reacts favorably to Gordon's suggestions, as Sheed and Ward would certainly have no objection to his re-working of the material for his purposes.
- CZHN 2/02700 Correspondence : Steurer, Lorraine 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ She was told that it is too late to include a preface by Thomas Merton in Gordon's book.
- CZHN 3/03217 Correspondence : Weidenfeld, George 1961
A letter to Zahn. ~ Weidenfeld is expressing interest in any book that Zahn might write as a result of his research regarding Jaegerstaetter.
- CZHN 2/02792 Correspondence : Winchester, Hal 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for being such a conscientious author--Gordon has been quite prompt in responding to any problems found re: the manuscript of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS.
- CZHN 2/02788 Correspondence : Winchester, Hal 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for supplying guides for the location of the passages where changes were necessary.
- CZHN 2/02753 Correspondence : Winchester, Harold 1961
A letter to Gordon. ~ He presents a few odds and ends for Gordon's observation re: the manuscript.
- CZHN 3/03221 Notes : Gordon Zahn 1961
Thoughts regarding Jaegerstaetter and the information that Zahn had gathered in speaking with Kriezberg. ~ Zahn and Kriezberg discussed Jaegerstaetter at length; his mental health, his letters, how the Church viewed him, etc. They also discussed the possiblity of cannonization, but there was no group to press for this, and Zahn did not have much influence in Rome due to the "Zahn Affair."
- CZHN 1/01651 Tax Returns : The tax returns of Gordon Zahn. 1961-65, 1967-68, 1974-79
- CZHN 10/13120 Correspondence : Steve Allen - Letter to Gordon 1961/0104
Asks Gordon to help him with a question he was recently posed with concerning the handling of German Catholics of the problem of Nazism. Specifically asks Gordon for a copy of the article he wrote on the subject or if he could refer him to other sources which might be helpful in answering his question.
- CZHN 9/12745 Correspondence : Merton - Letter to Jim 1961/0105
He asks if there are still a few copies of the October issues of Catholic Worker, and notes that he will soon finish his little project on Fr Metager. He is working on the censorship deal and notes that CW asked for an article for the Christmas issue from him. ~ KY
- CZHN 10/13131 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Dr. Bruno Bettelheim from the Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School in the University of Chicago 1961/0106
An introduction to the attached article which was based on research Gordon conducted under a Fulbright fellowship.
- CZHN 10/13137 Correspondence : Postcard to Gordon 1961/0108
Congratulates Gordon on his paper being published in Cross Currents.
- CZHN 10/13119 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Steve Allen 1961/0110
States his excitement about giving him a reprint of his article. States his belief that although numerous Catholics stood up to the oppressive Nazi regime, his disgust lies in the fact that other more prominent leaders supported Hitler. Thanks him again for his generosity in publishing a work tied to such public controversy.
- CZHN 8/10818 Correspondence : Bob - Letter on behalf of The Catholic University of America 1961/0111
Just got their candy and thanks everyone. His voice is lousy and he hopes hat the recipients trip to NY was good. ~ Washington, DC
- CZHN 10/13130 Correspondence : Bruno Bettelheim - Letter to Gordon from Bruno Bettelheim from the University of Chicago 1961/0113
Discusses, from a non-Catholic perspective, the event of 1938 when the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna openly welcomed the annexation of Austria by Germany thus destroying the Catholic state and making Austria subject to a non-Christian dictator.
- CZHN 10/13149 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Father Reinhold 1961/0125
Sends him a copy of the Cross Currents reprint so that he could give him his opinion on the changes he made. Says that he sent a copy of the reprint also to William L. Shirer and got a note back saying that he supported the changes and that Max Jordan was more favorable to the Nazis than he will admit today. Also enclosing two clippings of the continuation of the controversy in the Deutsches Volksblatt. Ends by saying that his application for an American Philosophical Society Grant was approved so he shall be sending the summer in Austria doing research in Bauer regarding somebody who was executed for refusing to serve in what he considered an unjust war.
- CZHN 3/04006 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0125
A letter to David L. McManus. ~ Gordon is concerned about Fr. Weigel counselling a publication date later than Fall '61. He would be strongly opposed to this delay because his academic reputation is at hand.
- CZHN 6/08996 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Father Conzemius 1961/0206
Outlines approach to German Catholics and Hitler's wars. Would like feedback. ~ Chicago,IL
- CZHN 3/03991 Correspondence : McManus, David L. 1961/0206
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He makes suggestions to Gordon to change the "sociological" approach of the work to a "passionate pacifist" style. He has handed his role of editor to a Mr. Caulfield because he is too busy.
- CZHN 3/03990 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0210
A letter to David L. McManus. ~ Gordon is surprised that David is suggesting certain changes in his work that deviates from a purely sociological approach. Gordon still believes it is best to keep his work as strictly sociological because this is his major contribution to scholarship. He also expresses that his work must maintain its scientific approach if it is to be accepted as a serious work.
- CZHN 8/10811 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Hollanders 1961/0214
Says he is well, though his weight is up and stocks down. Says Sienna College has offered him a job, but he is still waiting for a deal in Washington to go through.
- CZHN 3/03989 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0216
A letter to Mr. Caulfield. ~ He wants to explain his differences with the suggestion that his monograph be changed from the scholarly scientific" to something more argumentative to the editor Mr. Caulfield.
- CZHN 6/08059 Correspondence : Norrzemicz? - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1961/0216
The author shares some thoughts about Zahn's printed article.
- CZHN 6/08922 Correspondence : Gnenter Levy - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1961/0217
He will be in Austria at the same time and would like to get together. ~ Mass.
- CZHN 6/08932 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Jack Curtis 1961/0218
Discussing the inside story on Fr. Sieber's sign off. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- CZHN 6/08926 Correspondence : Ruth Shomon - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1961/0219
Thanking Gordon for putting him on his mailing list. ~ Newport, Rhode Island
- CZHN 6/08924 Correspondence : Fred A. Sondermann - Dr. Zahn 1961/0220
Thought article "The German Catholic Press and Hilter's Wars" was very informative. He left the German press in 1939. ~ Colorado Springs
- CZHN 6/08374b Correspondence : Paul - Letter to Dr. Gordon Zahn 1961/0220
Paul informs Zahn that his news item will be included in the next issue of the Review.
- CZHN 6/09161 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Fr. Mulligan 1961/0221
Unaware of the reason for the omission of his name from the Conference pamphlet although he attended the preliminary conferences. (See 9060). ~ Chicago
- CZHN 6/08923 Correspondence : J. H. Herz - Letter to Professor Zahn 1961/0221
Would like to talk more about his work on German Catholicism because he is a refuge. ~ New York
- CZHN 6/08372 Correspondence : Jack H. Curtis - President, The American Catholic Sociological Society - Letter to Dr. Gordon Zahn 1961/0221
Curtis informs Zahn that he and Paul have decided to make an announcement during the business meeting next year. He notes that their proposed dignified academic journal has no place for any such announcement.
- CZHN 8/10813 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1961/0222
Asks if Gerry has sobered up since the Bean stock split. Asks how they are, and states that he is well.
- CZHN 3/03988 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0223
A letter to David L. McManus. ~ He has waited for a year for the publication of the monograph. Gordon feels it is imperative that his work be printed before he has to leave the country in three months or he will look for other publishers.
- CZHN 6/09160 Correspondence : R. W. Mulligan - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1961/0224
The omission of his name from the committee was unknown (assumption) since he never attended any of the previous committee meetings. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 8/10814 Postcard : Gordon Zahn - to the Hollanders 1961/0226
He's flying to Washington for the broadcast Friday.
- CZHN 10/13363 Correspondence : Emmett A. Coyne - Letter to Gordon from Emmett Coyne from Mt. St. Mary's Seminary 1961/0227
Interested in doing his thesis on Catholics and the Third Reich and asks Gordon for a copy of an article he published in The New World. Also, asks for any other sources he can provide that can help state his position of Catholics in the Third Reich.
- CZHN 2/02793 Correspondence : McManus, David 1961/0301
A letter to Gordon. ~ He will meet Gordon whenever he arrives in Baltimore on Saturday morning. He is very glad that Gordon is coming.
- CZHN 6/08927 Correspondence : Richard Armstrong - Letter to Professor Zahn 1961/0301
Thanking him for the Cross Currents article. ~ New York
- CZHN 9/12386 Publisher's Agreement : American Philosophical Society - Agreement for the publishing of GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WAR 1961/0301
Discusses the terms of contract for the publishing of Gordon's book. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 6/08377 Correspondence : Clement S. Mihanovich - John J. Kane, Gordon Zahn - Letter to Jack Curtis 1961/0302
The authors submit a report of the results of balloting for the various offices of ACSS.
- CZHN 6/08371 Correspondence : Gordon C. Zahn - Letter to Dr. Jack H. Curtis 1961/0303
Zahn tells Curtis of his concerns of Curtis's planned announcement from Curtis's letter of the 21st.
- CZHN 6/08378 Correspondence : C. S. Mihanovich - Letter to Jack Curtis, Gordon Zahn, and John Kane 1961/0305
Curtis states that he has received four additional ballots that he believes should be included with the results.
- CZHN 6/08925 Correspondence : Regee - Letter to Gordon 1961/0306
Thanking him for his letter and article. He shall visit soon.
- CZHN 8/10816 Postcard : Gordon Zahn - to the Hollanders 1961/0307
Explains his train schedule; he had a fairly good weekend in DC.
- CZHN 6/08381 Correspondence : David L. McManus - Letter to Mr. Gordon Zahn 1961/0308
McManus encloses a contract. He notes that he has added a paragraph and that the publication date can no be no later than October.
- CZHN 6/08382 Correspondence : David L. McManus - Letter to Dr. Paul Bohringer 1961/0309
McManus writes concerning the publication of Gordon Zahn's work on the "German Catholic and Hitler's War."
- CZHN 10/13364 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Emmett A. Coyne 1961/0313
Gives him some suggestions for sources for his thesis. Also, gives him a little bit of background about what he will be dealing with concerning the sensitive topic of Catholics in WWII.
- CZHN 6/08380 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Caulfield 1961/0313
Zahn inquires about Caulfield's lack of response to an earlier letter and talks about his insistence on finishing editing by the middle of April.
- CZHN 8/10787 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to a Mr. Emmett Coyne 1961/0313
Gordon discusses Coyne's subject for senior thesis and how it will likely lead to troubling conclusions. Apparently, his subject deals with Catholics as individuals in the various movements in Germany, which Gordon feels will reveal "areas less inspiring",especially with the Catholic response to the persecution of Jews. ~ Chicago, IL
- CZHN 6/08379 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. David L. McManus 1961/0314
Zahn encloses the contract completed as requested and mentions that he still thinks it would have been more prudent of McManus to drop out.
- CZHN 6/08928 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Glazer 1961/0314
Introducing an enclosed article that he had previously discussed with Mr. Glazer. He invites his criticisms. ~ New York
- CZHN 10/13365 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. William L. Shirer 1961/0314
Suggests that he should see his reply to Mr. Coyne considering that he was the person to suggest Gordon to Mr. Coyne. Also expresses his fear that this particular research topic may be somewhat inconvenient for someone in Mr. Coyne's position.
- CZHN 2/02807 Correspondence : Caulfield, Joseph L. 1961/0318
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ There has been a misunderstanding regarding different points of view about the scholarly form of Gordon's monograph. There are discussions on the form of some footnotes and analysis of Gordon's work before publication.
- CZHN 8/10812 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Hollanders 1961/0318
He got 19 pages typed and is exhausted. His Jim Bean stocks split and he exlains his upcoming schedule.
- CZHN 3/03999 Correspondence : McManus, David L. 1961/0320
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He thanks Gordon for his letter and the contract. He will also contact Mr. Caulfield.
- CZHN 2/02806 Correspondence : Zahn,Gordon 1961/0320
A letter to Mr. Joseph Caulfield. ~ He discusses the revisions of the three chapters dealing with the general hierarchy, Grober and Rarkowski. He agrees with Caulfield on the necessity to adhere to the sociological framework and tone and he will give thought to Caulfield's objection to the O'Toole footnote. He looks forward to further suggestions and comments.
- CZHN 10/13366 Correspondence : Emmett A. Coyne - Letter to Gordon 1961/0326
Thanks him for his help with the topic, especially the references he made. Promises to send him a copy of the paper once he is finished.
- CZHN 8/10817 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1961/0326
Thanks him for the latest quotes, and discusses his Easter plans. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 3/04004 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0326
A letter to Joseph Caulfield and David L. McManus. ~ Gordon is enclosing the von Galen and Faulhaber sections and he is starting on the revision of the introductory material and the concluding sections. He also requests the footnotes section from the original copy of the manuscript.
- CZHN 3/04003 Correspondence : Caulfield, Joseph L. 1961/0328
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ He is glad to see most of the fundamental misunderstanding has been cleared up. He points out further issues on "readablity" of Gordon's work. He goes on to list specific text to be edited.
- CZHN 6/08921 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Dr. William T. Liu 1961/0328
Thanking him for his kind letter. He will not be able to contribute to the St. Louis meeting.
- CZHN 3/04002 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0331
A letter to Joseph Caulfield. ~ He is sending the revision for the first two sections of the monograph and wishes everyone a happy Easter.
- CZHN 9/12856 Document : Article: Dennis Wrong - From the American Sociological Review, "The Oversocialized Conception of Man in Modern Sociology" 1961/04
Argues that sociologists need to develop a more complex, dialectical conception of human nature instead of relying on an "implicit" conception tailor made for special sociological problems.
- CZHN 3/04005 Correspondence : Burns, William M. 1961/0403
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ William is writing for David L. McManus who is out of town. He says the footnote secion of Gordon's manuscript can be attained from Joseph Caulfield who has the original copy of the manuscript.
- CZHN 3/04001 Correspondence : Caulfield, Joseph L. 1961/0409
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Discussion on more specific annotations and corrections on many chapters. There are still differences between the views of Gordon and Joseph.
- CZHN 3/04000 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0410
A letter to Joseph Caulfield. ~ Gordon believes the suggestion for changes may actually weaken the impact of his book rather than strenghten it. He admits to not having the resource or knowledge to give a time-phase history of the position taken by the Nazis. Therefore with the Fall deadline approaching, he feels the changes should not be made. His study focuses only on the Catholic support for the war.
- CZHN 8/10809 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Hollanders 1961/0411
He will not be up this week, as Loyola is having a faculty affair. Stocks are still down and he questions whether they will ever split. Asks what is with Irene, and requests the recipients arrival schedule.
- CZHN 3/03998 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1961/0411
A letter to David L. McManus. ~ More disscussion on modifications and corrections on the manuscript of Gordon's book. Gordon feel that his is a good book and some of the changes suggested by Mr. Caulfield are not worth the effort especially with the October deadline.