Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 8/11816 Newspaper clipping : Kupcinet - A brief mention of Gordon in the Chicago Sun Times section: KUP'S COLUMN 1963/1014
mentions Gordon's recent defense of the play "The Deputy", which he feels fellow Catholics should go see, and his questioning of whether Pope Pius XII should have been the object of attack within the play. ~ Chicago
- CZHN 6/08849 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn ~ Letter to Mr. Foster 1963/1016
Unhappy with the lack of committment by reviewers to his work. Hopes that the reviews that have been written will be considered for German publication.
- CZHN 3/04023 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn to Louise Wijnhausen 1963/1111
A letter partly in German. He wants to know the status of his work with the German publishers. He has waited a long time for a response and is almost hesitant to ask again to avoid being pushy. In German: Probably one of two Catholic publishers in Germany will take Zahn's book. He should prepare the way with his publishers. He should try to place the book with some Catholic publisher.
- CZHN 9/12133 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to unknown 1963/1114
All his trips went well and he is busy with midterms. He notes his wishes for Illinois' baseball team and asks how the recipients are. ~ IL
- CZHN 8/11191 Correspondence : James Fleck - Letter to Dr. Zahn 1963/1114
Thanking him for attending the Nuclear War Institute. Enclosed with the letter is the West Baden College biographical information on the participants in the Nuclear War Institute. ~ Indiana ~ West Baden College
- CZHN 9/12814 Correspondence : Fr. Ivan Wemhoff - Letter to Gordon 1963/1118
Says that Gordon's article, "The Case for Christian Dissent" bears a very important message for every Christian. Believes that the path he sets forth is truly one that can help alleviate the war threats that siege us today. Asks his permission to publish the article in the Portuguese language.
- CZHN 9/12815 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Father Wemhoff 1963/1122
Thanks him for his kind words about his article and gives him permission to publish his article in the Portuguese language. Tells him that he must also get the approval of Mr. James Laughlin for publication.
- CZHN 9/12137 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1963/1202
If you are serious about driving down to Chicago, to please stop by and pick up two packages I have for you. It is not necessary to make a special trip but it would make life easier. ~ IL
- CZHN 8/11229 Correspondence : Eileen - Letter to Gordon 1963/1203
Encloses two copies of PEACE and discusses the minor changes. Sends the regards of Charles Thompson, English PAX's new chair. He heard that Joe Cunneen's firm will be bringing out Zahn's new book, which he is looking forward to. ~ NY
- CZHN 9/12130 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Unknown 1963/1209
He was surprised the package was gone as he didn't believe the recipient would have picked it up. He notes that he had a nice weekend and might have to go to Detroit soon. If the Packers play all arguments are off.
- CZHN 6/08844 Document : Article: Walter Stein - Church Militant 1963/1210
2 copies ~ Review of " German Catholics and Hilter's Wars," reviewer thinks that he does a fair job of presenting both sides of the story and the impact that Christian beliefs can have on creating such a thing as a Just War. ~ Peace News ~ May
- CZHN 9/12134 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1963/1211
He discusses his hopes for the Packers, and advises against inviting Edna, due to her discomfort in crowds she is unfamiliar with. He also notes that the recipient should not buy Susie an album for Christmas as he has already done so. ~ IL
- CZHN 8/11186 Correspondence : Herbert Aurbach - Letter to Dr. Zahn 1963/1211
Thanking him for accepting their invitation to participate in the Sociology Colloquium speaking on the topic "What is Catholic Sociology?" ~ Pittsburgh, PA
- CZHN 9/12823 Correspondence : Tom Merton - Letter to Gordon 1963/1213
Congratulates him on the Jaegerstaetter book being done. Talks about a play by Hochhuth. He thinks the play [The Deputy] is awful at least to read. The play is about Pius XII, and Hochhuth believes that, contrary to popular opinion, this man should not be considered a saint. He believes that although the play raised some important issues, it does not seem to treat them in a satisfactory manner. He says that he would not like to see it on the stage, but he does not think he has the right to stop it.
- CZHN 4/04964 Document : Gordon Zahn 1963?
A Silent Witness to Genocide ~ Book review of "The Deputy," a five play act by Rolf Hochhuth. ~ Claims that Hochhuth's thesis charges the Pope with a refusal to denounce publicly Nazi attempt to exterminate Jews, and that if such a denunciation would have saves many Jewish lives. Gordon says that the first part of his thesis is historically true, however Gordon does not think that the Nazis wouls have bowed before a papal denunciation and that Papal intervention may have had adverse affects for Catholics. ~ Communications ~ ~ 496-500
- CZHN 3/03053 Document : Article: Harris, Sydney 1963]
"'The Deputy' in London" ~ A critique of the play, "The Deputy." ~ Harris is reporting a gathering in London that discussed the play and its opposition. It was established that the story was historically correct and that the play was not anti-Catholic due to the role of the Jesuit priest. The article states that the play is more of a documentary and covers issues that no Catholic can afford to ignore. ~ Drama Critique
- CZHN 3/03060 A Letter to the Editor : Cullhane, G. S. 1964
A letter to the editor of THE IRISH REPUBLIC regarding the controversy of "The Deputy." ~ Cullhane feels that the Jews who survived Hitler cannot be used to conceal the crime and prevent the investigation of how the exterminations came into existence in a Christian state. It was not the beginning or the end of anti-semitism, and this needs investigation. ~ THE IRISH REPUBLIC ~ July 3,
- CZHN 3/03062 A Letter to the Editor : Cullhane, G. S. 1964
A letter to the editor of THE IRISH TIMES regarding the controversy over "The Deputy." ~ Culhane believes that the Pope had a duty to speak out against Hitler. He quotes Zahn in that shcolars have a duty to serve the truth, advance knowledge, and eliminate error. Culhane does not feel that Pope Pius XII has done this. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ June 20,
- CZHN 3/03059 A Letter to the Editor : O'Carroll, Michael 1964
A letter to the editor of THE IRISH TIMES regarding "The Deputy." ~ O'Carroll is defending his viewpoint against Dr. Sheehy Skeffington. O'Carroll feels that Skeffington's sources are unreliable and that he does not give the individuals involved a fair analysis. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ July 13,
- CZHN 3/03061 A Letter to the Editor : O'Faolain, Sean 1964
A letter to the editor of THE IRISH REPUBLIC regarding the controversy of "The Deputy." ~ O'Faolain is translating the letter by Cardinal Tisserant that Father Michael O'Carroll referred to in his letter to the editor. The remainder is the translation of the letter. The letter states that the individual has a duty to obey their own consciences and not the dictates of the political head. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ July 8,
- CZHN 3/03058 A Letter to the Editor : Skeffington, O. Sheehy 1964
A letter to the editor of THE IRISH REPUBLIC regarding "The Deputy." ~ Skeffington feels that much O'Carroll's letter was irrelevant because he was just citing his experience. Skeffington later quotes Zahn's GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS and where the Catholic people are told to place their allegiances. They are called to Martyrdom for the people and the Fatherland, but not for their religion. ~ THE IRISH REPUBLIC ~ July 1,
- CZHN 3/03086 Advertisement : Gordon Zahn 1964
A advertisement for "The Deputy" that includes many quotations of opinions, including Zahn's. ~ Zahn, among others, is quoted in a circular regarding "The Deputy." Zahn states that it is historically accurate to state the Church's failure of not issuing a public protest to Hitler, but it is another matter to establish this shortcoming due to the personality and inner motivations of the pope.
- CZHN 3/03045 Document : Article: 10-11 ~ Gordon Zahn 1964
"The Deputy" Stirs Consciences and Opposition ~ The article uses an excerpt of Zahn's review of the play that was published in THE CRITIC. ~ This article uses the part of Zahn's review that says that the thesis is overstated and that the historical situation must be allowed for. The fact that the Church has been backed into silence should also be examined. ~ AWAKE ~ XLV ~ 9 ~ May 8,
- CZHN 2/01988 Document : Article: Berrigan, Daniel 1964
An article entitled "Unprotected Life." ~ He says that Christian life is rather an adherence to the truth of human life and to the Christ who stands within history. He says that in being true to God we find the courage to be true to one another. Berrigan also discusses Gandhi: the second vow of the Hindu Ashram of Gandhi invites comparison with the highest reaches of the Christian teaching on charity.
- CZHN 3/03096 Document : Article: Featherstone, Joseph L. 1964
"Did the Church Fail?" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ Featherstone believes that "The Deputy" is not to be examined as a work of art, because it does not meet the standards of art. It should then be examined as an historical document and used to have the Catholic Church examine itself and admit the mistakes of its past, in light of Hitler's Germany. Feathersotne feels that the Church did fail and should admit its sin. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03050 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1964
"'The Deputy' Is An Issue To Be Faced" ~ An article by Zahn about the book, "The Deputy." ~ Zahn reviews the book and feels that the challenges against the Catholic Church and the Christian community for the lack of vocal protest to Hitler. However, Zahn does not agree with the one dimensional portrayal of Pope Pius XII and the implication that he could have stopped Hitler. ~ Chicago-Sun Times ~ Section 4, Page 2 ~ March 8,
- CZHN 2/01989 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1964
An article entitled "Debating Our Destruction." ~ He discusses the issues of war and peace. Gordon says that he holds the Catholic Pacifist position. He says that "Regardless of whether or not any war of the past has ever met the strict conditions set for the so-called "just war," I believe that modern war--and certainly this applies to any form of nuclear war--cannot meet those conditions."
- CZHN 3/03044 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1964
THE DIALOGUE uses an excerpt from Zahn's article in THE CRITIC regarding "The Deputy." ~ Zahn compliments the play on its historical accuracies, but feels that the thesis manifested in a direct attack on Pope Pius XII, is not right. The fact that the Church was manuevered into a position that it remained silent to the genocide is an historical fact that should be examined according to Zahn. ~ THE DIALOGUE ~ 28 ~ 18-19 ~ February
- CZHN 3/03043 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1964
Zahn writes an individual statement regarding "The Deputy." ~ Zahn feels that the play should not be judged by non-Catholics or reacted to in a defensive manner by Catholics. This play should be commended for its historical merit. The characters were reacting to the situation as they saw it, at the time. Zahn challenges Amricans to view this play as a test of maturity of religious pluralism in the US. ~ THE DIALOGUE ~ 28 ~ 6-7 ~ February,
- CZHN 3/03046 Document : Article: Grunfeld, Frederic V. 1964
"'Der Stellvertreter': The Play That Caused a Storm" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ Grunfeld gives a narrative account of the play and then discusses the need of the Germans to deal with the guilt of the period. The facts surrounding the history of the era have been reduced to the absurd and the sources used are biased against the Pope, but the play does express the anger of the younger generation in Germany at the time. ~ THE REPORTER ~ 46-50 ~ January 30,
- CZHN 3/03100 Document : Article: Heer, Friedrich 1964
"The Need for Confesssion" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ Heer feels that the play "The Deputy" should be utilized as a vehicle for the Catholic Church to examine itself and its actions. Also, when the play is criticized, it should be noted that Pius XII was one of many popes and that the criticism of one man is not the critisism of the entire office. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 656-660 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03099 Document : Article: Hughes, Catherine 1964
"A Paradoxical Play" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ Hughes discusses the fact that although Hochhuth does ask compelling questions in "The Deputy" he does not approch them honestly or effectively. Instead the audience is shown a string of accusations and their pride is wounded. He does not understand his own material very well and he does not present it honestly. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 654-6 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03101 Document : Article: Lichten, Joseph L. 1964
"A Jewish Defense" ~ Excerpts from Lichten's book A QUESTION OF JUDGEMENT: PIUS XII AND THE JEWS. ~ Lichten points out the all that Pius XII did for the Jews and that a formal statement against Hitler was a question of judgment. Lichten feels that the pope had done a great deal for the Jews and did what he felt was best considering the circumstances of the day. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 660-662 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03130 Document : Article: O'Carroll, Michael 1964
"Pius XII and the Jews: I" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ O'Carroll defends the action, and lack of action, of Pius XII during WWII. He points out the public statements made by the pope during this time against the Germans as well as his limitations of action due to the treaty of Westphalia. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 8,
- CZHN 3/03131 Document : Article: O'Carroll, Michael 1964
"Pius XII and the Jews: II" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ O'Carroll feels that Hochhuth and those who believe in his play are using Pius XII as a scapegoat. This allows Germany to blame the pope for the genocide, therefore no longer carrying the guilt of this period of their history. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 9,
- CZHN 3/03098 Document : Article: O'Gara, James 1964
"The Real Issues" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ O'Gara asserts that Hochhuth's play is not art and does a terrible disservice because it claims to know the thoughts of Pius XII. He makes the Pope a greedy calculating man who could have stopped the genocide, but chose not to in order to gain fame for himself. The guilt was in the silence of the pope and all Christians. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 653 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03097 Document : Article: Pope Paul VI 1964
"Letter from Pope Paul VI" ~ An article regarding "The Deputy." ~ Pope Paul VI is defending Pius XII's position during WWII. Pius XII was a warm, caring man who was not interested in political or material advancement as Hochhuth portrays in his play, and if he were he would have faced far greater reprucussions than this play. ~ COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 651-2 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03088 Document : Article: Unsigned 1964
"Reaction to 'Deputy' Called Guilt Feelings By Loyola Professor" ~ The article is almost a continuous quotation of Zahn regarding the reactions to "The Deputy." Zahn believes that the reactions are due to feelings of guilt, and the production of it in the US will be a test of religious pluralism. ~ NATIONAL JEWISH POST OP ~ XIX ~ 25 ~ 1 ~ February 28,
- CZHN 3/03085 Document : Article: Unsigned 1964
"The Deputy: The Dimensions of Controversy" ~ Article about the play "The Deputy." ~ The Anti-Defamation League reviews "The Deputy" without ever giving an opinion on it. Many people who had previously reviewed the play were quoted, including Zahn. The ADL chose not to express an opinion due to their opposition to censorship. ~ THE ADL BULLETIN ~ 1-2; 8 ~ February
- CZHN 3/03094 Document : Article: Unsigned 1964
"World Apathetic About Hitler: Jews" ~ An article regarding Pope Pius XII's role in the extermination of the Jews. ~ Van Dam, general secretary of the Central Council on German Jews, responded to allegations that the Jews did not resist slaughter. In fact, they tried to but there was nobody to listen to them.
- CZHN 3/03064 Book Review : Maruca, Dominic 1964
A book review of "The Deputy." ~ Maruca was not impressed with "The Deputy" due to both the characterization which "precludes any true conflict or climactic response" and the lack of historical accuracy.
- CZHN 3/03063 Commentary : Schauf, Dave 1964
A commentary on "The Deputy" reprinted from the ADL bulletin. ~ Schauf felt that the play is more of a parable than a history. The message being against the sin of silence. He also discusses the need for the theatre to allow controversial topics, and does not necessarily lead to tensions between Catholics and Jews in the case of "The Deputy." ~ The ADL Bulletin ~ March
- CZHN 2/02585 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1964
He suggests that have the publishers send the books to those Gordon selects and that the total cost (books, postage, handling) be billed by the publisher to the foundation and the foundation in turn pay the publisher's bill.
- CZHN 3/03066 Correspondence : Brown, Barbara 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ Brown is sending Zahn an interview with Hochhuth.
- CZHN 3/03072 Correspondence : Cox, Harvey 1964
Comments on "The Deputy" by Cox for Richard Horchler. ~ Cox responds to "The Deputy" by pointing out the fact that the Christians of the world did not play a significant enough role during Hitler's reign. The Christian churches should stop being so defensive, and begin examing themselves in order to not have another play written about their shortcomings in another twenty years.
- CZHN 3/03182 Correspondence : Cunneen, Joseph E. 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ The letter is from Holt, Rinehart and Winston regarding Zahn's book. The format of the text and where Zahn wants the advance sent to, himself or the Foundation.
- CZHN 2/02443 Correspondence : Cunneen, Joseph 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He tells Gordon not to get nervous--the BOM is not the only indication of popular interest.
- CZHN 3/03199 Correspondence : Cunneen, Joseph 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ Cunneen is updating Zahn on what is being written and by whom. Also Cunneen's recent promotion will bring wider attention to Zahn's book.
- CZHN 3/03198 Correspondence : Cunneen, Joseph 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ Cunneen wants to know the specifics regarding the Jaegerstaetter Foundation and exactly who the payment should be made to. He also suggests that Zahn get a good deal of legal and tax advice.
- CZHN 2/02710 Correspondence : Cunningham, Robert 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He says that it was a pleasure for Paul Fargais and Robert to meet Gordon during Gordon's trip to New York. Robert lists points that Gordon mentioned in his letter.
- CZHN 4/04885 Correspondence : Dick C. 1964
General letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Talks about Franz Jaegerstaetter and how his battle against tyranny, "against an evil that has been made respectable" must be a lonely and pitiless one. Where he wonders does Mr. Jaegerstaetter get his strength, God? Dick C. gave the galleys of "IN SOLITARY WITNESS" to Bishop Wright to be returned to Archbishop Roberts. Dick had to return to Rome after father's funeral. Is worried about Archbishop Roberts' health and mentioned it to Bob Kaiser so he could keep an eye on him. The Archbishop appreciated Gordon's eight day visit. Dick thinks Gordon accomplished many important things during that visit. He regrets not having been there because as a team they could have accomplished more. Comments on an article in The Sun-Times in which Father Filas "savagely attacked Archbishop Roberts." ~ 11/01 ~ Written from River Forest, Illinois
- CZHN 2/01664 Correspondence : Douglas, Jim - A letter to Gordon. 1964
He is writing Gordon to establish a personal contact with someone he has admired and regarded as a friend at long range. He thinks Gordon did a "superlative" treatment of THE VICAR. He hopes to meet Gordon some day. He discusses his plans and a book he is writing.
- CZHN 2/02711 Correspondence : Fargais, Paul 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thought their recent discussion was very fruitful and says that Hawthorn books was fearful of possible duplication of material that had already been covered in MAN AND HIS ENVIRONMENT. However, after going over the outline, there appear to only be a couple of places where this duplication could occur--he lists those places.
- CZHN 8/10664 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter 1964
commenting on the country club he is staying at as well as an outline of his upcoming travel plans. Also he talks about his recent illness that has given him a terrible cough.
- CZHN 3/03183 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Cunneen of Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ~ Zahn is writing regarding the format of his upcoming book. The publisher wanted to eliminate footnotes to increase readability, however, Zahn finds proper documentation to be far more important. He does offer endnotes however.
- CZHN 3/03184 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Two copies. ~ Zahn wants his incomes from IN SOLITARY WITNESS to go to the Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation from that date through December 31, 1979.
- CZHN 3/03195 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to John McDonough. ~ Zahn is writing regarding the possibility of setting up a foundation for the proceeds from IN SOLITARY WITNESS. He wonders if there will be enough money to make this possible, and other questions of the details.
- CZHN 2/02604 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to John and Mary. ~ Holt, Rinehart, and Winston have taken IN SOLITARY WITNESS and have paid Gordon the first half of a $1500 advance. There is a big chance the book might go big. He would like to know what would be involved in setting up a Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation.
- CZHN 3/03185 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Joseph Cunneen of Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ~ Zahn is writing to inform Cunneen that he had been recommended for the Manchester grant and will be overseas for a year, therefore he wanted to possibly move publication of his book up in order to be able to promote it before he leaves.
- CZHN 3/03187 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Joseph Cunneen. ~ Zahn writes to suggest individuals that might be willing to read advance copies of his book, and comment on it. He also suggests two photostats for possible covers.
- CZHN 2/02728 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Louise Wijnhausen. ~ Some day he hopes to spend a couple of hours with her again and fill her in on all the interesting involvements he has developed with regard to DER STELLVERTRETER.
- CZHN 2/02729 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Margreth Kees. ~ He offers some biographical information on himself, discusses his associations with peace organizations, and explains that he is currently working on a book about Franz Jaegerstaetter.
- CZHN 2/02727 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Margreth Kees. ~ Re: the Jaegerstaetter book--she thinks it would be a great idea to have an Austrian firm do the German edition.
- CZHN 2/02771 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Phil Scharper. ~ Gordon asks questions regarding his contract agreement with Sheed and Ward.
- CZHN 2/02721 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Phil Scharper. ~ It seems most likely that Gordon will receive the Manchester grant.
- CZHN 2/02708 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Cunningham. ~ Gordon explains that he has a letter from Phil Scharper releasing Gordon from the option clause in Gordon's contract so that he may arrange with Cunningham for the volume in the enclosed contract.
- CZHN 3/03430 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn cannot make plans to meet with Hovda because he is hoping to receive an invitation to attend the opening of THE DEPUTY. He has also applied for a grant for a year in Manchester and is waiting for a reply.
- CZHN 3/03433 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn has received Hovda's article and is very pleased with it.
- CZHN 3/03432 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn is still editing an issue of CONTINUUM and is hoping that Hovda will still be writing an article for it.
- CZHN 3/03434 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn is trying to find a time to meet with Hovda before he leaves for England. Zahn is also about to take his driving exam and feels that he is going to fail.
- CZHN 3/03431 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Robert Hovda. ~ Zahn received the grant for the year in Manchester and Dick has just received his PhD. fourteen years after they had both begun at CU.
- CZHN 3/03084 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 1964
A letter to Shumlin regarding the Hochuth play. ~ Zahn disagrees with Shumlin in his statement "what every Catholic has a right to demand from his religious leaders." Zahn feels that all that he can ask of the pope is for him to act in his best conscience, and the pope did.
- CZHN 2/02571 Correspondence : Klapp, Bill 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He acknowledges receipt of Gordon's letter enclosing a check for $100 to the Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation. He saw a T.V. review of Gordon's book and it sounds tremendously exciting.
- CZHN 3/03055 Correspondence : Lowinger, A. 1964
A letter to Zahn regarding "The Deputy." ~ Lowinger is agreeing with Zahn's position on "The Deputy" and feels that the Pope is guilty of the sin of omission. Lowinger is coming form a Hungarian Jewish background and lost a great deal of family members to the holocaust.
- CZHN 3/03196 Correspondence : McDonough, John T. 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ McDonough suggests that Zahn set up a Gordon Zahn Foundation with a varied purpose rather than a Jaegerstaetter Foundation. He also suggests that Zahn not take the position at Windsor, but look for a secular American university.
- CZHN 2/02572 Correspondence : McDonough, John 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ In order to finance Gordon's trips, there must be money in the Franz Jaegerstaetter Foundation bank account. Everyone agreed that the program on IN SOLITARY WITNESS was excellent.
- CZHN 2/02722 Correspondence : Middleton, Neil 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He makes plans to have dinner with Gordon.
- CZHN 3/03128 Correspondence : O'Carroll, Michael 1964
A letter to the editor regarding "The Deputy." ~ O'Carroll is discusssing the lack of aid to Jews and the lack of aid that Skeffington gave them while he was holding influential positions in government and on councils. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 30,
- CZHN 2/02467 Correspondence : Olson, Catherine 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ She has great news for Gordon: The jacket cover for the book won an award for design by the American Institute of Graphic Arts. The publication date of the book is now December 28th.
- CZHN 2/02444 Correspondence : Riesman, David 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He admires Gordon's work and especially Gordon's hand in Continuum. He regrets, however, that it is his policy not to make statements about books for publicity purposes.
- CZHN 2/02707 Correspondence : Scharper, Philip 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ He tells Gordon that Sheed and Ward would not wish to interfere in the least with a contractural arrangement such as that offered by Hawthorne - Burns and Oates. Gordon may feel perfectly free to arrange with them a projected volume on sociology in the Encyclopedia of Catholicism series. He would appreciate, however, getting first crack at Gordon's next volume after Hawthorne.
- CZHN 2/02213 Correspondence : Sheed and Ward Limited Publishers 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ They are enclosing an up to date royalty statement showing accumulated royalties on GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS. They are pleased with the results.
- CZHN 3/03087 Correspondence : Shozinski, Eugene 1964
A handwritten letter to Zahn. ~ Shozinski is writing Zahn to compliment him on his writing style and content of his article in THE CRITIC. He goes further to express the public responsibility to prevent such actions in the future.
- CZHN 3/03129 Correspondence : Skeffington, O. Sheehy 1964
A letter to the editor regarding "The Deputy." ~ Skeffington writes in disagreement with O'Carroll. He claims poor logic and misquoting are two of his greatest faults. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 22,
- CZHN 2/02706 Correspondence : Wieck, Fred 1964
A letter to Louise. ~ He explains, with regret, that Harper and Row Publishers will not exercise the option for paperback rights to GERMAN CATHOLICS AND HITLER'S WARS for reprint in Torchbooks.
- CZHN 2/02724 Correspondence : Wijnhausen, Loise 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ Verlag Styria and Louise have come to an agreement on terms for a German edition of GERMAN CATHOLICS.
- CZHN 2/02705 Correspondence : Wijnhausen, Louise 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ She's not giving up hope that at one point or another they will be able to get the book into a paperback line.
- CZHN 2/02723 Correspondence : Wijnhausen, Louise 1964
A letter to Gordon. ~ Sheed and Ward has received the contract from Gordon's German publishers. However, they are still having difficulty finding a translator.
- CZHN 8/10722 Correspondence : Zahn ~ Letter to the Hollanders 1964
sharing news on his recent travels and expenses. ~ Manchester, England
- CZHN 3/03040 Correspondence. : "David W. " 1964
A letter to Zahn. ~ "David" is writing Zahn regarding his opinions of the play, "The Deputy." David felt that the play was not anti-Catholic, but depicted what truly happened in Germany and the death of 6,000 priests with the Pope remaining silent as unforgivable.
- CZHN 3/03095b Editorial : Unsigned 1964
An editorial on "The Deputy." ~ Although the author feels that the play is inaccurate in its depiction of the pope, it could be a crucial work just the same. The play is causing people to examine the Church as well as themselves and find the truth in history. ~ THE COMMONWEAL ~ LXXIX ~ 22 ~ 647-648 ~ February 28,
Discusses the connection between government leaders and their moral responsibility and contrasts this with a person's individual responsibility. ~ NY
- CZHN 3/03067 Interview with Hochhuth : Sent by Barbara Brown 1964
An interview with Hochhuth. ~ Hochhuth describes his involvement in Hitler Youth and the responsibility that he feels for individual deaths. He does not want his play judged on his personal experince, but on its content. It is a lesson for the future. He was inspired to write this play upon the death of Pius XII.
- CZHN 3/03124 Letter to the Editor : Abrahamson, Maurice 1964
A letter to the editor regarding "The Deputy." ~ Abrahamson is writing to defend Skeffington by pointing out his public statements against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ June 4,
- CZHN 3/03120 Letter to the Editor : Butler, Hubert 1964
A letter to the editor regarding "The Deputy." ~ Butler points out the fact that of course there would be no Jewish opposition to the lack of action of the Catholic Church because we only hear from the survivors. Even the survivors were penniless immigrants and in no position to criticize. ~ June 5,
- CZHN 3/03125 Letter to the Editor : Clare, Anthony W. 1964
A letter to the editor regarding "The Deputy." ~ Clare writes in opposition of O'Carroll's personal attack on Skeffington. He also points out the fact that Zahn is in agreement with Skeffington's point of view, that Pius XII had made a miscalculation that led to a failure of a Christian protest. This should be what is being examined to awaken the conscience of mankind. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ June 3,
- CZHN 3/03134 Letter to the Editor : Clarke, D. N. 1964
A letter to the editor regarding O'Carroll's articles. ~ Clarke writes to commend O'Carroll and to specifically point out occassions when the pope publicly spoke out against the Nazis. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 13,
- CZHN 3/03054 Letter to the Editor : Dougherty, Patrick T. 1964
A letter to the editor regarding the play, "The Deputy." ~ Dougherty feels that Pope Pius XII's actions should be viewed in the light of the historical framework of the time and the practice of quiet diplomacy, not in the present day's belief of popular diplomacy. ~ St. Louis Review ~ March 20,
- CZHN 3/03132 Letter to the Editor : Hamill, Pete 1964
A letter regarding Fr. O'Carroll's articles. ~ Hamill responds negatively to O'Carroll's articles due to what he feels is rhetoric regarding the Jews. He feels that the only way that the entire controversy could be solved would be if the Vatican would open its archives. He also defends Hochhuth's editing of Busch's work in that he omitted the anti-semitic cartoons from the children's editions. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 13,
- CZHN 3/03133 Letter to the Editor : Hickey, J. F. 1964
A letter to the editor regarding O'Carroll's articles. ~ Hickey supports Fr. O'Carroll's articles and feels that the German people need to take responsibility for their own actions instead of finding a scapegoat. ~ THE IRISH TIMES ~ May 13,