Documents Arranged Chronologically
- CZHN 6/08074 Newspaper Article : James Eayrs - "Military divine service?" 1969/1110
Discusses the chaplain's role in the military.
- CZHN 8/10994 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Irene, Ruby and Ethel 1969/1111
Jokes about their leaving the porch light on to support the president, and mentions his paranoia of the FBI after him again as nearby draft boards were vandalized by the Boston eight; discusses his aiding of other anti war groups, and how he hasn't noticed any tails yet. Asks that they send gift suggestions, and whether or not the painters are on the job yet.
- CZHN 5/06084 Letter : L. James - Collection Supervisor for American Express 1969/1113
Letter to Gordon Zahn ~ James informs Zahn that his account is past due for the balance of $16.50
- CZHN 7/10306 Newsletter : - Article, "Non-violence Seminar". 1969/1114
Article outlining those who will be present at the non-violence seminar featuring Zahn. The article features the date and location of the seminar also mentioning there will be a multi-media presentation. ~ ~ Loretto Heights College
- CZHN 6/08092 Document : Article: George Ryan - A book review 1969/1115
of Zahn's "The Military Chaplaincy."
- CZHN 6/08098 Document : Article: Rev. Leonard Mason - Newspaper Book review 1969/1115
Reviews Zahn's "The Military Chaplaincy."
- CZHN 5/06092 Letter : T. D. Roberts - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1969/1115
Roberts has been reading In Solitary Witness.
- CZHN 7/10224 Correspondence : Sr. Madeline Marie - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1969/1117
informing him about the forthcoming panel discussion at which he will be speaking. Also news that Karl would like to speak to him about his topic, the legality of the draft from the perspective of hte U.S. Constitution and tradition. ~ Medford, MA
- CZHN 8/10985 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1969/1118
He is on his flight, suffering from a touch of nervousness and explains his upcoming schedule once he lands. Heard there was a sit-in at University of Wisconsin, Madison, at the ROTC headquarters and hopes that Nu and Mrs. R "brought them coffee and goodies, being so close and all, to the UWM". Stay in Denver was good and states that the Washington March must have been a "wowser".
- CZHN 3/04071 Document : Fellowship of Reconciliation 1969/1120
Minutes of the National Council of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Shadowcliff, Upper Nyack, New York. ~ This is a 26-page document containing everything from meeting discussion topics to programming reports to budget allocations to the demands on the U. S. government to release prisoners who are put in jail because of their opinions against the war.
- CZHN 8/10996 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Irene, Ruby and Ethel 1969/1122
Says he regrets discussing the dollar allotments for Christmas gifts and doesn't want them to increase his as it is already outrageous. In New York the Henry Mills theater is now a stag theater, and he describes the film he saw and its ridiculousness.
- CZHN 8/10883 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Gerry and Leon 1969/1124
The most he can safely spare at the time is $2000 which probably is not enough. Explains his plans to pay off the house and avoid interest, which is why he can spare the above. He is joining the peace fast, and he is confused with Ruby and the doctor she got for Gerry. ~ MA
- CZHN 6/08091 Correspondence : T. L. Jones - Letter to Gordon Zahn 1969/1125
Jones informs Zahn of 2 more reviews in the Yorkshire Post and the Church Times.
- CZHN 5/06181 Letter : Esther Wey - Letter to Zahn 1969/1128
Thanks Zahn for the reply to her letter and for writing her a letter of recommendation. She updates Zahn on her academic career.
- CZHN 9/12606 Correspondence : Cardinal Cushing - Letter to Gordon 1969/1129
He thanks him for his latest contribution to the Newman fund, apologetically turns Gordon down in voicing his opinions regarding the "atrocities" Gordon discussed in his last letter. ~ MA
- CZHN 5/06096 Letter : Gordon Zahn - Letter to the Editor of the National Catholic Reporter 1969/1130
Zahn is shocked at Pope Paul VI's taking time out to issue a statement praising military sports on the heels of atrocities at Song My. The American bishops have maintained silence while they are supposed to be the consecrated guardians of the Christain conscience.
- CZHN 5/06180 Newsletter : Sane World-Action on Disarmament and The Peace Race - Newsletter 1969/12
Contains an interview with Zahn on the topic of Civil Disobedience.
- CZHN 4/04670 Correspondence : Andrews, James F. 1969/1203
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Thanks Gordon for agreeing to participate in their Lenten series. He informs Gordon that they will expect him in Kansas City the evening of January 27 but the actual taping will be on the 28th. Jim Finn will be Gordon's partner in the question and answer session. The N. C. R. will cover his expenses. They will pay a $100 stipend and Gordon will share proportionately with the other participants in the royalties of any book which might result from the series.
- CZHN 8/10989 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Nu 1969/1206
He loved the glasses, and thinks he finished his Christmas shopping, explaining what he got for everyone. Asks about the paint job, and recommends that they exchange the dryer for a washer or toaster, and asks them to share if they get any $15 ideas for the Davies.
- CZHN 6/08128 Document : Article: Alfred J. Connick - Military chaplaincy: insight and bias 1969/1207
A book review ~ Connick reviews Zahn's "The Military Chaplaincy." ~ Boston Sunday Globe
- CZHN 8/10995 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Ethel, Irene, and Ruby 1969/1208
Asks if the enclosed bill is right, and says he hasn't heard from the Ogrens and figures he is no longer in the lenders market. Mentions the California grape boycott, and how Ethel should stick to it. Has his ticket to Milwaukee for 12/19, but is off to New York first.
- CZHN 5/06177 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rev. Alfred A. Connick of Emmanuel College 1969/1208
A response to Rev. Connick's review of Zahn's book which appeared in the Sunday edition of the Globe.
- CZHN 6/08127 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Rev. Alfred J. Connick 1969/1208
Zahn responds to Connick's review of his book on the "Globe."
- CZHN 5/06176 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Mr. Wm. Jerome Crouch, Editor of the University Press of Kentucky 1969/1211
Zahn received the wrong package; he is returning it and hopes to receive the proper one.
- CZHN 9/12605 Correspondence : Terence Cardinal Cooke - Letter to Gordon 1969/1215
He thanks Gordon for his last letter regarding the alleged tragic killing at Songmy, and notes his hopes that the truth of the situation is discovered soon. He also mentions the Pope's designation of 01/01/70 as a World Day of Peace. ~ Madrid, Spain
- CZHN 4/04665 Document : The Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs 1969/1215
A Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs NEWSLETTER accompanied by a 4-page list of members of the Commission. ~ This newsletter informs the members of the 1970 meeting on February 28-March 1 at Swarthmore College with the topic of University and Society: Clash of Values. They also ask that the members send in nominations of candidates to be voted on this year. Enclosed is a list of members by discipline in which Gordon Zahn is on page 3, in category 3-Social Studies, under Sociology.
- CZHN 5/06179 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn - Letter to Prof. Hugh O. Englemann, Chairman, Personnel Committee, University of Northern Illinois 1969/1216
Recommendation for Dr. Esther Wey.
- CZHN 4/04664 Correspondence : Rooney, Rev. William J. 1969/1217
A letter to Gordon Zahn. This is a duplicate copy of document 4661. ~ The members of Academia are holding a meeting on the topic of University and Society: Clash of Values (Swarthmore College, Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, 1970). The Committee would like to open a discussion on Saturday about the tensions over values between University and Society with a review by a sociologist. They would like Gordon to put together such a review and present it February 28.
- CZHN 4/04661 Correspondence : Rooney, Rev. William J. 1969/1217
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ The members of Academia are holding a meeting on the topic of University and Society: Clash of Values (Swarthmore College, Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, 1970). The Committee would like to open a discussion on Saturday about the tensions over values between University and Society with a review by a sociologist. They would like Gordon to put together such a review and present it February 28.
- CZHN 4/04667 Correspondence : Woetzel, Robert K. 1969/1217
A letter to Gordon Zahn. ~ Invites Gordon to participate in the Danforth Associates Conference on the Role of Faculty in Decision-Making which will take place on Saturday, January 10th at Boston College. He runs through the program briefly and conludes with looking forward to his participation in their discussion.
- CZHN 5/06182 Correspondence : Kent - Letter from the Catholic Chaplaincy in London. 1969/1222
Inviting Gordon to attend a meeting of the PAX Christi Congress to take place in London.
- CZHN 6/08392 Invoice : Hawthorn Books, Inc. - Royalty Statement 1969/1231
A royalty statement for "War, Conscience, and Dissent."
- CZHN 6/08847 Correspondence : John Leo ~ Letter to Gordon 196?/0103
Introducing a clipping from the Messenger that he thought he would enjoy. He enjoyed Gordon's book, he received it as a Christmas present from Bishop Hayes. ~ Davenport, Iowa
- CZHN 3/03255 Correspondence : Harrigan, Riel 196o
A handwritten letter to Zahn. ~ Harrigan is trying to locate a copy of Ernst Deuerlein's DAS REICHSKONHARDAT and is interested to know if Zahn knows where to locate one.
- CZHN 3/04458 Correspondence : Gordon Zahn 197
A letter to Irene and Ruby Hollander ~ A letter wishing them a nice trip to Germany.
- CZHN 3/03508 Application : Anton, Ron 1970
Anton's essay questions regarding his application for CO status.
- CZHN 3/03509 Application : Ingeneri, Paul 1970
A photocopy of Ingeneri's application for CO status. ~ The document includes Ingeneri's application, essays, and letters of reference.
- CZHN 2/02258 Document : Article: Andrus, Robert 1970
An article entitled "Meaning of Mylai." ~ Andrus says that there is much to indicate that Mylai wasn't a massacre, "if it occurred at all." He says that a massacre is an indiscriminate slaughter of people. He thinks the Mylai incident was "the selective wiping out of a Vietcong nest."
- CZHN 2/01943 Document : Article: Biele, Albert 1970
An article entitled "Role of Terror and Bombing." ~ Biele says that Gordon has presented an accurate analysis of the role of the bombimg in the current phase of American history with one exception. He says that it is a socially dynamic contradiction to associate bombing with the peace movement.
- CZHN 7/10312 Document : Article: Conrad Wright - Gordon Zahn 1970
Article, The Liberal Christians ~ Zahn critiques Wright's book, The Liberal Christians in which he details that it is about the general relationship to American Unitarian history. Zahn states that the contributions have made it more easily recognized in such a small volume. ~ ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 8/10522 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn - Article, "Catholic Opposition to Hitler: The Perils of Ambiguity". 1970
about the failure of the Catholic Church to mount an effective opposition to Hitler's Third Reich. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 7/10343 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn - Article, "University and Society: A Clash of Values". 1970
The article is about the troubles of academia, education as a social institution, education and religion, values, and individuals. ~ ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 6/08833 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn - Pacifist Examines the Military Chaplain's Position 1970
Defines what the role of a chaplain should be, not what the military expects, which is "to set up shop at the gates of hell."
- CZHN 2/02048 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1970
A book review of STUDENTS AGAINST TYRANNY by Inge Scholl called "Munich youth rebelled, too." ~ He says that the author makes a point of denying too close a relationship to student radicalism as we know it. He says that in a very real sense, the Scholls speak to us when they say: "We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience. "
- CZHN 2/02057 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1970
A letter to the editor entitled "Fear of Repression." ~ Gordon is concerned over the injustice suffered by the victims--not only the innocent bystanders but the policemen and officials against whom the acts are directed. He sees no justification for the indiscriminate killing of a man just because he is a member of some category.
- CZHN 2/02054 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1970
An article entitled "Terrorism For Peace and Justice. " ~ Gordon feels that "Christians and others who still base their opposition to the war on ideals of brotherly love and nonviolence face a very real challenge as to what they are going to do about their supposed allies to the far Left."
- CZHN 2/02056 Document : Article: Gordon Zahn 1970
The article is called "The Berrigans: Radical Activism Personified." ~ He says that Catholic peace radicals of his generation are increasingly troubled by the failure of Catholic peace radicals of this generation to avoid violence. He discusses the case of the Berrigans and explains that he regards them and their commitment "with awe and admiration."
- CZHN 7/10253 Document : Article: Michael Walzer - Article, "Obligations: Essays on Disobedience, War, and Citizenship". 1970
Walzer and Zahn discuss need to extend privilege of conscientious objection to religions other than those to which this privilege is restricted under our draft law. ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 7/10308 Document : Article: Michael Walzer - Gordon Zahn 1970
Article, OBLIGATIONS: ESSAYS ON DISOBEDIENCE, WAR, AND CITIZENSHIP. ~ Gordon Zahn critiques Walzer's article commenting that his essays are a "sobering reality" while treating intricate issues with perception and balance. ~ ~ Boston, MA
- CZHN 2/02051 Book Chapter : Gordon Zahn 1970
The piece is entitled "Pilgrim for Peace." ~ He discusses the Pope and his actions, speaks of nationalism and racism, and addresses the Pope's statement that peace is "weak and tottering."
- CZHN 7/10283 Conference Outline : Graymoor Ecumenical Institute - Interconfessional conference 1970
Religion in the United States interconfessional conference outling the scheduled events that will proceed during the conference. ~ 05/26-27 ~ Garrison, NY
- CZHN 7/10289 Conference outline : George Kaslow - Conference outline 1970
Conference outline for the 1970 annual meeting of hte Religious Research Association. The pamphlet outlines the scheduled talks that will go on throughout the day with a list of the participants. ~ 06/18-20 ~ Chicago
- CZHN 2/02036 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1970
After rereading Gordon's manuscript, he sees that the text begins somewhat abruptly--it needs some reworking.
- CZHN 2/02358 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1970
They are looking foward to reading Gordon's comments re: the NCR Lenten series. The writer hasn't heard from Dick Carbray yet, but expects to soon.
- CZHN 2/02339 Correspondence : A letter to Gordon. 1970
They would like Gordon to join them at Cornell from April 17-19 to "plant flowers and sing hope" witht heir friends from all over. The immediate occasion is the jail threat hanging over Dan Berrigan.
- CZHN 2/02314 Correspondence : Adolse (it seems) 1970
A letter to Gordon (with an attached table of contents to the book). ~ Prentice-Hall is going to publish Adolse'e book THE GERMANS. He asks Gordon to review the book. He will be going to Denmark in the accompaniment of a priest-sociologist from a Swiss missionary society to do a study of pornography.
- CZHN 2/02345 Correspondence : Aja, Kalu 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Patrick Opara has applied to be considered for appointment as Professor in the Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Gordon has been named as a reference. They would like Gordon to offer relevant information regarding the applicant.
- CZHN 2/02388 Correspondence : Andrews, James 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thought the session went very well--although he was a little bombed at the time. He wants to know if Gordon wants the other check sent to the Catholic Peace Fellowship.
- CZHN 3/03507 Correspondence : Anton, Ron 1970
A letter to Zahn. ~ Anton has been approved for his alternate service and has decided to volunteer at Long Island Hospital.
- CZHN 3/03541 Correspondence : Banaitas, Tony 1970
A letter to Zahn. ~ Banaitas is distributing ninety copies of his statement regarding his rationale for applying for CO status. He sent one of these to Zahn. He is applying to be a CO after being in the army for five weeks then being AWOL for 34 months.
- CZHN 2/02326 Correspondence : Batson, Ruth 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Mary Lou Kaufman has applied for a position as social worker in the filed of Community Mental Health in the Boston Univ. Catchment Areas. They would appreciate Gordon's frank appraisal of Kaufman and her aptitude for work in their community.
- CZHN 2/02342 Correspondence : Best, James 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He remembers that a number of years ago John Heidbrink had been in touch with Gordon about the story of Dr. Max Josef Metzger. Best wants to know if Justus Lawler and Gordon were once working on a manuscript that would eventually become Metzger's biography.
- CZHN 2/02041 Correspondence : Bier, William 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thinks Gordon's footnotes for the paper on the Conscience of the Soldier are perfect. They are just what he thought Gordon's article should have for the benefit of the reader.
- CZHN 2/01771 Correspondence : Bill 1970
A letter to Gordon (with letters attached). ~ Eileen is interested in the proposal but with practical reservations.
- CZHN 2/02278 Correspondence : Boardman, Elizabeth 1970
A letter to Gordon Zahn (with attached correspondence). ~ She says that Gordon's letter in the GLOBE in support of Dan Berrigan was fine. Gordon's mention of amnesty and the need for some motion in that direction caught her attention at once.
- CZHN 2/02331 Correspondence : Bordelon, Marvin 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He aks Gordon a favor: to look at the attached paper and phone or write him re: Gordon's impressions. The paper is to be delivered in Moscow at the Second Ecumenical Consultation of the USA/USSR church leaders meeting to discuss the role of the Churches here/there in disarmament.
- CZHN 2/02310 Correspondence : Bordelon, Marvin 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He mentions the limited role in making appointments as delegates. Gordon is invited as an observer and at some point he may be transferred to delegate status. He looks foward to meeting Gordon.
- CZHN 2/02307 Correspondence : Bordelon, Marvin 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He says that the United States Catholic Conference is in no way sending official delegates. He refuses to make a decision on Roman Catholic participation. Gordon's name did surface and was transmitted to the nominating committee. He thanks Gordon for his continuing role in trying to secure peace now.
- CZHN 2/02270 Correspondence : Brick, Allan 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Gordon says that it is still premature to contact anyone re: the Dai Dong project.
- CZHN 2/02672 Correspondence : Brick, Allan 1970
A letter to Members of Executive Comm. ~ Brick says that on the basis of the Chicago meeting, in the judgement of ourselves and other related pacifist and peace organizations, it is recommended that they go ahead playing the full role indicated by the December National Council resolution.
- CZHN 2/02681 Correspondence : Brick, Allan 1970
A letter to those who received Brick's proposal for nonviolent training in the context of T. D. A. ~ He explains that the memo he sent to members, based on the analysis that Nixon's policy of intransigent backing of the Thieu government and now the Cambodia government, that he wrote a paper which presented strategy and tactics for the nonviolent community-oriented anti-war movement that would relate to what he believes is the highly probable situation of students engaging in widespread disruption of community functioning on "the day after" any such escalation took place. He welcomes differing viewpoints.
- CZHN 2/02378 Correspondence : Christensen, Diane 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ She apologizes for not enclosing the evaluation forms--Dr. Moberg is currently out of town.
- CZHN 3/03450 Correspondence : Cifrino, Paul 1970
A letter to Zahn. ~ Cifirino is thanking Zahn for his assistance in helping him to attain CO status. Cifrino was classified as a CO and during a routine physical it was discovered that he had Hodkins Disease. Now that it is "cured" he will obtain a medical discharge and return to school.
- CZHN 2/02315 Correspondence : Cott, Jeremy 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He sends a copy of TRIAL POEMS by Berrigan and Lewis.
- CZHN 2/02356 Correspondence : Crouch, Jerome 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for the review of the Merton manuscript. They think Gordon's point about broadening the appeal of the manuscript is a good one.
- CZHN 2/02395 Correspondence : Cullen, Mike (it seems to be) 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ The date of the trial has been set. They don't have a particular date set for Gordon to speak yet.
- CZHN 2/02412 Correspondence : Cullen, Mike 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He wants to know if Gordon would be willing to participate in a trial which stems out of the Milwaukee 14 action. He asks Gordon to participate because his book on Franz Jaegerstaetter has deeply influenced Cullen's life. He hopes to use Franz's life "to show resistance as the right thing to do regardless of its consequences for their own future."
- CZHN 2/02316 Correspondence : Cupples, John 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Through a South Vietnamese student now at Harvard, Ngo Vinh Long, he's got a line on six priests from Saigon who are willing to come to the United States to speak in a national tour on the whole issue of the blood bath and the myth of reprisals against Catholics if the U.S. were to withdraw. The problems are the mechanics of the trip and its financing. He asks Gordon to help in either respect.
- CZHN 2/02279 Correspondence : Cupples, Kraus, Diekman, Webb 1970
A letter addressed: "Dear Friends." ~ The group has designated itself the "Amnesty Co-ordinator of New England. " They have decided to establish this loose confederation and at the same time keep their separate identities with their own religious agencies. Some ground work will be presented at the next meeting such as a report from the national office of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam.
- CZHN 2/02268 Correspondence : D'Antonio, William 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He would like Gordon to serve on a committee with Tom Imse of the Holy Cross. Much of the work of Local Arrangements occurs well ahead of the meeting.
- CZHN 4/04893 Correspondence : David Riesman 1970
Letter to Gordon Zahn ~ Compliments on Gordon's article "Terrorism for Peace and Justice" in COMMONWEAL (?) Disappointed by Stuart Meacham's letter and his "Moscow subway" rationalization. Seems to David that more and more friends are sliding into the "fear of giving ammunition to the enemy". More political talk about how we criticze the Right Wing Conservatives and yet those on the Left do exactly the same thing in terms of not "curbing" themselves. ~ 11/30 ~ Cambridge, Massachusetts
- CZHN 2/02408 Correspondence : De Roo, Edward 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He would like a copy of Gordon's speech "Catholics and War." He would also like a list of Gordon's books on the same subject.
- CZHN 2/02300 Correspondence : Deats, Paul 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He has returned from a CCADD meeting in Germany. Gordon was missed there. Bo Wirmack from Sweden says hello.
- CZHN 2/02402 Correspondence : Deats, Paul 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He thanks Gordon for taking the time to meet with his seminar. He has heard good comments about the discussion that took place.
- CZHN 2/02282 Correspondence : Deats, Paul 1970
A letter to William Loos. ~ He thinks that former CRIA participants, some foreign affairs specialists, and church leaders / seminar faculty should be oriented to the central thrusts of the programs and then divided into three tasks: (1) Seminary study of ethics and foreign policy, (2) Advanced dialogue on Ethics and foreign policy, and (3) Raising the level of knowledge and critical public discussion in and through churches.
- CZHN 2/02384 Correspondence : Dittes, James (of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion) 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He says that Gordon's paper gives a thorough descriptive account; however, the absence of theoretical interpretations and implications make it difficult to publish the paper in their journal. He suggests the Journal of Pastoral Care.
- CZHN 2/02103 Correspondence : Dohen, Dorothy 1970
A letter to Gordon (with the attached article by Gordon). ~ She says that it was good to see him. SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS is planning a special issue which will concentrate on the state of the sociology of religion. She wants to know if Gordon would like to contribute an article.
- CZHN 2/02336 Correspondence : Donahue, Hugh 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Donahue is researching the topic of the American Pacifist Reaction to Fascist Revolutions specifically dealing with the Spanish Civil War. He would like Gordon to send him any reference material he might have dealing with Catholic Pacifism.
- CZHN 6/08504 Correspondence : Dr. Gordon Zahn - Letter to James Forest, with attached note from Gordon 1970
Clearing the air with James on certain key issues that almost brought Pax Cristi to a halt. Note from Gordon addresses that he had to type from the original carbon copy because it was so faint. He changed nothing.
- CZHN 2/02385 Correspondence : Dr. Helle 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ On behalf of the Steering Committee, he invites Gordon to the colloquium entitled 'Technology and Society.' He also invites Gordon to join them in a social function. If Gordon cannot attend, they would even like to have a written document submitted by Gordon.
- CZHN 2/02302 Correspondence : Ebrling, Albert 1970
A postcard to Gordon. ~ He read Gordon's letter in the TIMES with much interest.
- CZHN 2/02301 Correspondence : Etzioni, Amitai 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He fully supports Gordon's letter to the TIMES. If Gordon composes and initiates the ad, Etzioni will be happy to endorse it.
- CZHN 2/02341 Correspondence : Fisher, James (of the Catholic World) 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Fisher tells Gordon that to read the books he sent for enjoyment, and only consider reviewing them if they seem significant in terms of casting some light on contemporary issues.
- CZHN 2/02387 Correspondence : Fisher, James 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He wants to send Gordon two books: ELEVEN AGAINST WAR by Sondra Herman and THE ORDER OF THE DEATH'S HEAD. Since Fr. Sheerin is reluctant for the CATHOLIC WORLD to review historical books, He does not ask Gordon to review the books unless he is inclined to do so.
- CZHN 2/02663 Correspondence : Francisco, Jose 1970
A postcard addressed: Dear Fathers. ~ He wishes them a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
- CZHN 1/00606 Correspondence : Fuiri - A letter to Gordon. - A letter to inform Gordon that Leonard Doyle died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital in Albany (Minn.) 1970
- CZHN 2/02368 Correspondence : Furfey, Paul Hanly 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He received Gordon's book and attached letter. As soon as he finishes the book, he will write Gordon with his verdict. The other day a chaplain came to him and said that he was "agonizing" over the war--he thought it was unjust. P. H. F. could see that this man was a devout priest and he loved the men he served, but the central issue came down to whether or not he should desert his boys or give the impression that he approved of the war.
- CZHN 2/02272 Correspondence : Garrison, Karl 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ He would like Gordon to send a copy of the paper he presented at the American Sociological Association meeting in Washington earlier in the month.
- CZHN 2/02338 Correspondence : Goldman, Jack 1970
A letter to Gordon (with attached correspondence). ~ Dan Berrigan gave Goldman the good word that Gordon will be joining them for the "America is Hard to Find" Weekend at Cornell, April 17-19.
- CZHN 2/02037 Correspondence : Golenski, John 1970
A letter to Gordon. ~ Due to an unforseen schedule conflict, Weston College has been obliged to change the location of the Province Day on War and Nonviolence. He hopes that this does not inconvenience Gordon.