University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, August 1, 1972

The Eagleton Affair

For one week, America has been spellbound by the revelations about the clinical history of Senator Thomas F. Eagleton, the Democratic candidate for Vice President. As had been found out by the press and then was admitted by Eagleton, he had to undergo clinical treatment for depression several times. The public pressure got so strong that even from the ranks of his own party doubts have been raised. McGovern finally had to advise his running mate to withdraw. Eagleton followed that advice and resigned from his candidacy.

August 8, 1972

Today the delegates of the Democratic Party met in Washington, D.C., to decide on a successor for Thomas Eagleton. It was a repetition of the National Convention in a smaller form. The delegates elected Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr., who was nominated by a nearly unanimous vote as candidate for the office of Vice President. Through his wife, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Sargent Shriver is related to the Kennedy family. As Director of the Peace Corps, 1961-66, and as U.S. Ambassador to France, 1968-70, he has become known worldwide. The Democrats are now running on the George McGovern - Sargent Shriver ticket.

South Bend, Wednesday, August 23, 1972

The Republican National Convention in Miami Beach

In the same Hall in Miami Beach, where the Democrats had held their National Convention a month ago, the delegates of the Republican Party assembled for the same purpose. It was a short, lackluster National Convention because the nomination of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew for reelection was a given from the start. The real event of the Convention was the acceptance speech of President Nixon. The speech was emphatically bipartisan, more addressed to the national television audience than the assembly in the Convention Hall. Nixon reinforced his concept of world peace that is based on the strength of America as well as on his readiness for cooperation.


At the beginning of this campaign for the presidency, Nixon is leading by a wide margin over McGovern. Opinion polls showed that 76% of the electorate is convinced Nixon will win this election. The Republicans succeeded in gaining swing voters to their side. Although Nixon is not very much liked, he is respected. He is trusted to execute his duties in the White House well.

South Bend, August 29, 1972

Permanent Residence

Today my family and I were issued the green cards by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Hammond, Indiana. There was a big sigh of relief. Only if one immigrates oneself, one becomes aware of how many people under different circumstances have gone through a similar experience. Immigration remains a part of American life that cannot be dismissed or forgotten. Every other family has an immigration story to tell.

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