University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, December 2, 1974

Just Like in the 1930s

As the Chrysler Corporation has stopped its entire automobile production from Thanksgiving to January 6, the number of unemployed in the auto industry has increased to about 200,000. Detroit is especially hard hit by it. The lines before job centers and at soup kitchens are getting longer. These images bring back memories of the 1930s during the Great Depression.

South Bend, December 8, 1974

Chancellor Schmidt before the American Press

In the NBC Sunday noon program “Meet the Press,” the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was prepared to answer questions of the American press. The discourse concentrated on the economy and the price of oil. Schmidt proved to be a very versatile politician. He not only spoke in fluent English, but he also adapted his answers so adroitly to the American mentality that they could have come from an American politician. He tactfully advocated rescinding trade restrictions and sounded optimistic in regard to the economic development worldwide in the years ahead if the present price level of crude oil can be sustained. Questions about common defense and troop reductions were not touched.

South Bend, December 19, 1974

Nelson Rockefeller Vice President

After long and hard hearings, the Senate approved nearly unanimously, the House on the contrary with only a close majority, the nomination of Rockefeller as Vice President. Nelson A. Rockefeller was sworn in today as 41 st U.S. Vice President. It was a short but cordial ceremony. Therewith, the transition from the Nixon-Agnew to the Ford-Rockefeller Administration has finally been put into effect. It speaks for the strength of the American democracy that this transition, following the Watergate drama, was carried out without revolt or dissolving the government. For the first time in American history, a President and a Vice President are in office, who had not been directly elected by the people, but who have been confirmed by Congress.

[Nelson A. Rockefeller, grandson of John D. Rockefeller, was born in 1908; he was Governor of New York, 1958-73; and U.S. Vice President, 1974-77. Rockefeller died in January, 1979, in New York.]

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