University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, August 2, 1978

Coming Back to America

After an absence of two years, one sees many things which are typical of America and determine life here. Among these are: 1) The peace and easiness of everyday life; 2) the discipline on the roads, observing the 55 mph speed limit; 3) the general stability; 4) the abundance of consumer goods offered in department stores and supermarkets, which shows the common affluence of the country; 5) compared to previous years, the pacified social scene, the progress made on the racial issue; and 6) the public atmosphere, which has remained untouched by terrorism.

August 12, 1978

Mourning for Paul VI (1897-1978)

Pope Paul VI passed away on August 6. It is not saying too much that the entire world is mourning for this Pope. In the spirit of the Vatican Council, he deepened the understanding among Christians and with people of other faiths. He evoked social conscience and exemplified through his own life modesty and humility.

August 26, 1978

John Paul I

In surprising unanimity, the conclave in the Sistine Chapel elected today Cardinal Albino Luciani, the Patriarch of Venice, as Pope. He assumed, after his immediate predecessors John XXIII and Paul VI, the double name John Paul I. The new Pope will certainly continue the tasks of the Second Vatican Council, but he will most likely give the Catholic Church a conservative character.

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