University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, August 9, 1981

Destitution in Poland

Famine, people standing for hours in line just to get basic foods; mothers on the streets begging for what they desperately need for their children - these images have shaken up the conscience of the American people. The Polish Congress in Chicago organized a telethon today, asking for help for Poland. The response has been overwhelming. Within hours, a million dollars have been pledged, which are now available for the relief of Poland.

August 10, 1981

Chaos in Transatlantic Air Traffic

The strike of air traffic controllers that has been going on for weeks is carried out with great bitterness and obstinacy. As employees of the federal government air traffic controllers on oath are not allowed to strike. After the ultimatum by the government had not been observed, President Reagan recently fired more than 12,000 air traffic controllers without notice. That triggered chaos in the transatlantic air traffic. And, as the Canadian air traffic controllers today also called a strike in sympathy with their American colleagues, the entire civil aviation between Europe and America has come to a standstill. Closing the control tower in Gander on Newfoundland has an especially serious effect. About 50,000 passengers are presently stranded at airports in Europe.


After three days, only when the Canadian air traffic controllers, under pressure by their government, had resumed work, did air traffic normalize again. In the meantime, tired travelers, especially at the Heathrow Airport in London and the JFK in New York, have been patiently holding out.

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