University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame

America - Europe

A Transatlantic Diary 1961 - 1989

Klaus Lanzinger

South Bend, January 8, 1987

Notes at the Beginning of the Year

Two days ago the 100th U.S. Congress convened for its first session. The Democrats have a majority in the House and in the Senate. President Reagan presented a budget, which goes beyond the 1 trillion dollar limit. And today the Dow Jones Index exceeded 2,000 for the first time.


[On February 8, 2001, President George W. Bush proposed to Congress, based on the precalculated budget surplus, a tax cut of 1.6 trillion dollars spread over a ten year period. At that time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average or Dow Jones Index (DJI) fluctuated between 10,500 and 11,000. On November 20, 1995, the DJI had reached 5,000, and on March 29, 1999, it crossed the psychologically important 10,000 bench mark.]

January 25, 1987

German Elections Went Off Smoothly

Today’s elections to the German Bundestag went off smoothly. As the re-election of Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been taken for granted, there were few commentaries in the American press or on television.

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