Research Resources
The University Archives has made a number of items from its collections available online. Also included in this section are a number of popular reference works.
ND Quick Facts: Frequently asked questions about Notre Dame and its history. Here researchers can find lists of commencement speakers, laetare medalists, honorary degree recipients, campus buildings, and more.
Sports Research: This page provides researchers with a brief description of the types of sports-related materials found in the Archives. It also gives tips on how to navigate the wealth of information available online through Athletic Departments website.
Online Exhibits: Discover more about Father Basil Moreau, Notre Dame history, and George Barnard Civil War photographs.
Full Text Publications: This section contains full text books, articles, letters, and other materials, organized by subject areas.
Notre Dame's Libraries: The library system at Notre Dame includes the Archives. But when you search our pages, you are not searching the main library catalog (and vice versa).
This page was last updated March 18, 2025