sabbatum : sabbath.
sacculus : purse, little bag, little sack.
sacrificum : sacrifice.
sacrilegus : sacrilegious, impious.
saepe : sepe : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saepe : sepe : hedge, fence, enclosure, haye.
saepenumero : repeated, again and again.
saepius sepius : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saeta : hair.
saeta equina : horse-hair.
saevio : to rage, be furious, take violent action.
sal : salis : salt, wit.
salsus : salty, witty.
saltem : adv, at least
saltem : at least, at all events.
salus : health, safety, well-being, salvation / salutation.
saluto : to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to.
salutor : visitor, caller.
salveo : to be well, be in good health.
salvus : safe, sound.
sanctifico : to sanctify, make holy.
sanctimonia : purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness.
sanctimonialis : nun, sister.
sanctus : holy, sacred, / saint.
Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.
Sanctus Eleutherius : St. Eligius.
Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.
sane : rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure.
sane : (adverb) rationally, soberly / really, indeed
sanitas : health, soundness of mend, sanity.
sano : to heal.
Santiago : st. james.
sanus : sound, healthy, sane.
sapiens : (subs.) a wise man, philosopher.
sapiens : wise, judicious.
sapienter : wisely, judiciously.
sapientia : wisdom.
sarcina : bundle, pack, burden, load.
satago : have one's hands full, have enough to do.
satago : to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor.
satio : to satisfy, sate.
satis : enough, sufficient / sufficiently.
sato : to sow, plant.
satura : satire.
saturo : to fill, satisfy.
satus : origin, start, beginning / planting, sowing.
scaber : scabby, rough.
scabies : the itch, mange, a rash.
scaccarium : chessboard, game of chess.
Scaldus : Scheldt.
scamnum : bench, stool.
scaphium (sciphus : Herimann, cap. 24) pot, bowl, drinking vessel.
scapulare : sword-belt.
scapulus : the shoulder.
sceleratus : scelero : to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc.
scelestus : wicked, accurse, infamous, criminal.
scelus sceleris : crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness.
schola : school / elite troop of soldiers.
scientia : knowledge, science, skill.
scilicet : evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, assuredly.
scilicet : rightly, it is just
scindo : to cut, rend, split/ divide, separate
scio : to know, understand.
scisco : investigate, ask, inquire/ vote, ordain, resolve.
scribo, scripsi scriptum : to write, compose.
scrinium : bookcase, case for papers.
scriptor : writer, author, scribe.
se astringo : to commit oneself to.
se gero : to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on.
se habere : to keep oneself.
secedo : to go apart, withdraw.
secerno secrevi secretum : to separate.
seco : secui : sectum : to cut, hurt, wound, amputate, divide, part.
seco : to settle (as to settle an argument).
secundum : (+ inf.), following, after, during, according to.
secundum : (adv.) after, behind.
secundum : accordingly, in an accordance with
secundus : second.
securis : axe, hatchet, battle-axe.
securus : safe, secure, free from care, unworried, unconcerned.
secus : non secus, haud secus: just so.
secus : otherwise, not so.
secus : wrongly, badly, not as one would wish.
secus + atque or quam : differently from, otherwise than.
secuutus : follower, pursuer.
sed : but/ and indeed, what is more.
sedeo sedi sessum : to sit.
seditio : dissension, quarrel, insurrection, mutiny, rising.
sedo : to settle, smooth, calm, allay.
seductor : seducer.
seges : wheatfield, wheat crop, field of wheat.
semel : a single time, for the first time, even once, once, ever.
semen-inis : seed, kin
semper : always, ever.
senectus : old age, dotage.
senex senis : old, aged, old man.
sensus : feeling, sense.
sententia : opinion, thought, way of thinking, meaning, purpose.
sentio : feel, perceive, experience, hold an opinion,
sentio : to judge, suppose, vote.
seorsum : apart, separately.
sepelio : to ruin, destroy, bury.
septem : seven.
sepulchrum :grave, tomb, sepulcher.
seputus : buried, sunk, immersed.
sequax : following, attending, pursuing.
sequor sequi secutus : to follow, trail.
serio : seriously.
serius : serious, grave, solemn.
sermo : discussion, talk, common talk, conversation, rumor.
sero : to sow, plant. Also, late, at a late hour.
servio : (+ dat.) to be a slave to, serve.
servitus : serviude, slavery.
servo : to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve.
servus : slave, serf.
sese : himself, herself, itself, =se
sesqui : one and a half times
sesquimellesimus : 1500th
sessio : sitting down, loitering, hanging around / chair, seat.
seu : conj : or if...,
severitas : severity, rigor, sternness, strictness.
si : if.
sibimet : to them themselves.
sic : so, thus / yes, that is so, that is right.
sicco : -are, to dry up, out
siccus : dry, thirsty/ sober, temperate.
Siclinium : Seclin.
sicut : as, just as, as it were, (+verb in subj.) just as if.
sidus : constellation, star.
signum : sign, seal, indication, sign/ mark / token.
silens : silent, still
silenti etc : the dead.
silentium : silence, stillness, quiet, repose, obscurity.
sileo : to be still, silent/ (+ acc.) be silent about / rest.
silex silicis (med. cilicis) : hard stone, sharp, rock, flint.
siligo : siliginis : wheat, wheat flour.
silva : woods, forest.
similis : -e like, similar, resembling
similis : similar, like, resembling.
similitudo : likeness, resemblance/ uniformity.
simplex : simple, unaffected.
simul : at once, at the same time, together.
simul : together
simul atque : as soon as.
simulatio : pretense,
sine : (+ abl.) without.
singularis : alone of its kind, solitary / machless, unique.
singularis : alone.
singulariter : adv, one by one, exceedingly, especialy
singuli : one each, one apiece, single, separate.
singultim : stammeringly.
singultus : sobbing, gasping, death rattle.
singulus : single, separate, one at a time, one each.
sino : allow, suffer, permit, let.
sinus : curve, fold, bend / pocket, lap / bay, gulf / inner feeling, secret heart.
siquidem : since, indeed
sis : (=si vis) if you wish, are willing, want, prefer
sis : (2nd person present subjunctive of sum) you may be.
sitio : to be thirsty.
sitis : thirst, dryness, drought, eager desire.
sive : conj, on the one hand, but if, if...or if.
sive seu : or if.
slowness, apathy, sluggishness.
socer : father in law.
socius : partner, comrade, associate, ally, fellow.
socius : sharing, associated, allied.
socius-i : m, companion
socus : plowshare
sodalitas : fellowship, companionship, secret society.
sol solis : sun.
soleo : to be accustomed, be used to.
solio : ? Herimann, cap. 28.
solitas : lonliness, solitude, being alone.
solito : to be accustomed, to have the habit of, the make a practice of.
solitudo : solitudinis : loneliness, solitude.
solitus : accustomed, usual, habitual, ordinary, customary.
solium : chair of state, throne / bath-tub.
sollers : clever, skillful.
sollicite : anxiously, worriedly.
sollicito : to stir up, incite, arouse.
sollicitudo : concern, anxiety, solicitude, worry.
sollicitudo : uneasiness, anxiety, disquiet, apprehension.
sollicitus : troubled, anxious, concerned, worried.
sollicitus : uneasy, worried, anxious, restless, agitated.
solum : (adv) alone, only.
solum : land, country, soil, ground/ bottom, floor, foundation.
solum : non solum ... sed etiam: not only ... but also.
solus : alone, only, the only.
solutio : loosening / payment / solution / explanation.
solvo : to loosen, untie, release, free, dissolve, break up.
somniculose : sleepily, drowsily.
somniculose : sleepily, drowsily
somniculosus : sleepy, drowsy
somniculosus : sleepy, drowsy
somnio : to dream /(+ acc.) to dream of, imagine foolishly.
somnio : to dream /+ imagine foolishly
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream / foolishness, nonsense.
somnium : a dream, fancy / foolish nonesense
somnus : sleep.
sonitus : noise, sound.
sono : to make a noise / sing / celebrate/ (of words) to mean.
sophismata : falso conclusions, logical fallacies.
sopor : deep sleep.
sordeo : to be dirty, appear vile.
sordes : filth, meanness, stinginess.
sordesco : to become dirty.
sortitus : casting lots, deciding by lot.
spargo sparsi sparsum : scatter, strew, spread.
spatior : to stoll, walk around, take a walk, amble.
specialis : secret, confidential / initimate or special friend.
specialissimus : very strange, peculiar, individual.
specialitas : special friendship / peculiarity, special quality / speciality.
speciosus : beautiful, handsome, imposing / specious plausible.
spectaculum : spectacle, show.
specto : to look at, watch, see/ aim at, tend towards.
speculum : mirror.
specus : cave, cavern, grotto, den.
spensa : storehouse
spera : ( hopes
sperno sprevi spretum : to scorn, despise, spurn.
spero : to hope for, hope.
spes : hope.
spiculum : sharp point, sting, spear, dart.
spiritus : breath, breathing / life / spirit.
spoliatio : plundering, looting, stripping, robbing.
spolio : to strip, plunder, despoil, rob, loot
spolium : spoils, plunder, booty.
sponte : willingly, of one's own accord, unaided.
St. Richarius : St. Riquier.
stabilis : firm, stable, steadfast.
stabilitas : firmness, stability, durability.
Stabulaus : Stavelot.
statim : adv, instantly, immediately
statim : firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once, immediately.
statua : statue, image.
statuo : to cause to stand, establish, place, set up.
statuo : to give a ruling, make an arrangment, decide.
statuo : to hold, to establish
status : stage.
stella : star.
sterilis : barren, useless, unproductive, vain/ + gen., deprived of.
stilla : a drop (of liquid).
stillicidium : dripping moisture, rainwater from the eaves.
stilus : a pike, pale / a stylus for writing / writing.
stipatio : a crowd of attendants, a following.
stipator : an attendant of a nobleman.
stipatores : following, retinue, attendants, bodguard.
stipes : log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club.
stipo : to compress / to press around, gather around / attend (a person).
stips : stipis : small coin, gift.
sto : steti : statum : to stand, stand still, stand firm.
stolidus : dull, obtuse, dull-witted, dumb.
stolide : stupidly.
strages : massacre, bloodbath, carnage / debris.
strenuus : brisk, active, vigorous/ turbulent, restive.
strues : piles, heaps, masses.
studio : (+ dat.) to study, pursue eagerly, be eager for.
studiose : eagerly.
studium : eagerness, zeal.
stultus : foolish / a fool.
suadeo : to recommend, advise (a person)
suasoria : persuasive discourse.
sub : (+ acc. or dat.) under, up under, close to, beneath, below.
subcribo : subscripsi : subscriptum : to write beneath, sign / prosecute, accuse.
subcriptio : subscription, signature / register.
subdo : subdidi : subditum : to subject to.
subiecto : to put down, to put under.
subito : adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.
subitus : sudden, unexpected.
subiungo : to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate.
subjectio : forgery, falsehood
subjungo : to join, yoke
subligo : to bind below, bind on.
sublime : on high, aloft.
sublimis : lofty, raised, elevated, sublime.
sublimitas : loftiness, height, elevation, sublimity.
subluceo : to gleam faintly, glimmer, glow.
subluo : to wash beneath /(rivers) flow beneath.
sublustris : faintly glimmering, faintly gleaming.
subnascor : to grow out of.
subnecto : to bind on beneath, to tie.
subnego : faintly deny, partially refuse.
subnixus subnisus : propped up, supported.
subnoto : to mark beneath, notice secretly, write underneath.
subnuba : a rival.
subnubilus : partly cloudy, somewhat cloudy.
subo : to be in heat.
subobscenus : risque, faintly obscene.
subobscurus : somewhat obscure.
subodiosus : rather unpleasant.
suboleo : (3 persons only) to give off a smell/ to make onself noticed.
suboles : shoot, sprout, offspring, progeny.
subolesco : to grow up, mature.
suborior : to arise in succession.
suborno : to furnish, equip, provide / instigate secretly, suborn.
subrepo surrepo : to creep up or crawl up from below.
subrideo subrisi subrisum : to smile.
subrigo, subrexi subrectum : to raise up, elevate.
subringor : to make a face.
subruo subruti subrutum : to undermine, overhtrow, destroy.
subseco : to cut away, pare.
subsentio : to notice secretly.
subsequens : P.A.P. of sequor, ensuing, following
subsequor : to follow after
subservio : to be subject to, comply with.
subsidarius : in reserve.
subsidium : reserve troops, auxiliary troops / support, help, assistance.
subsido : to crouch down, settle, sink, subside / stay remain / lie in ambush
subsilio : toleap up, spring up.
subsisto : to stand, withstand / stop, halt, cease / stay, remain.
substantia : substance, essence, means of subsistence, property.
substerno : to spread out beneath, lay under, set out, provide.
substo : to stand form.
substrictus : narrow, contracted, small.
substringo : to draw together, bind up.
substructio : base, foundation.
substruo : to build beneath, lay a foundation.
subsulto : to spring up, leap up.
subsum subesse : to be near, close at hand, be under, be subject.
subter supter : below, beneath, underneath.
subterfugio : to escape.
subterlabor : to glide away, flow under, slip away, escape.
subvenio : to come to the aid, succor, relieve, help, assist.
subvenio : to come up to aid, relieve.
subvertio : to destroy, overthrow
succedo : to approach, submit, etc. etc.
succendo : to kindle, set afire from below.
successio : succeeding, succession, descent, descendant.
succurro : to run up under / aid, assist, help.
sufficio : to be sufficient, suffice, be enough.
suffoco : to strangle, choke, suffocate.
suffragium : vote, franchise / approval support, aid, assistance.
suggero : to bring up, supply, provide, add, attach. place next.
sui : himself, herself, itself.
sulum : each, every.
sum fui futurus : to be, exist.
summa : the highest part / whole, sum.
summisse : humbly, softly, calmly, modestly.
summissus (from summitto) : let down, lowered, gentle, mild.
summitto : (se) to condescend, submit / raise, rear, make grow.
summitto : to send as help / to send secretly.
summitto : to let down, lower / subject, subordinate
summopere : very much, exceedingly.
sumo : to take, choose, obtain, buy./ take for granted, assume.
sumptus : expense, cost.
supellex supellectilis : furniture, apparatus, gear.
super : (adv.) over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining.
super : (prep.) (+ abl.) over, above / concerning, about, besides.
superabundo-avi : to be very abundant
superbia : pride, arrogance.
superbus : overbearing, arrogant, haughty, proud.
superficies : surface, top.
superfluo : flow over, overflow, be superfluous.
superna : northeast by north wind.
superne : from above, above.
supernus : above, superior.
supero : to be above, have the upper hand, surpass, conquer, overcome.
superstes : survivor of another's death
supersum : to be superfluous, to remain.
superus superior supremus or summus : above, upper, high.
supervacuus : superfluous, unnecessary, extra :
supervenio : to arrive, come up, arrive unexpectedly.
suppellex suppellectilus : ornaments.
suppellex suppellectilus : household articles, furniture, goods.
supplanto : to trip up.
supplex : kneeling, entreating, suppliant.
supplicium : punishment.
suppono subpono : to put under, subject / put next to, add.
suppono subpono : to put in place of, substitute, forge.
supra : (+ acc.) above.
surculus : shoot, sprout.
surgo surrexi surrectum : to get up , arise.
sursum : upwards.
sursum deorsum : up and down.
suscipio : to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive, undertake.
suscipio : take up, support, raise / accept / undertake, begin
suscitatio : -onis : f, rekindling, awakening
suscito : to stir up, arouse, excite.
suscriptor : the signer of a document.
susicivus : left over, to spare, extra, superfluous.
suspectus : suspected
suspendo suspendi suspensum : to suspend, hang.
suspicio : to look upward at, esteem, respect / to suspect.
suspiro : to sigh, draw a deep breath / long for, yearn after.
sustento : to maintain, sustain
sustineo : to hold up, sustain, endure.
sustituo : to put next, put under, put in place of.
suus sua suum : (refl. poss. adj.) his, her, its, their own.
synagoga : synagogue.