University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame Presidents' Letters

 6/01   c Georgie; F.A. Manzanares; Baca; Charles E. Freese;     1874/07
 6/01   c W.C. Hedges; John G. Gallet; Lawrence;                 1874/07
 6/01   c Clarkson Brothers (Barry); Teresa A. Carmon;           1874/07
 6/01   c A.E. Christy; J. Burnside; Richard Barden;             1874/07
 6/01   c Ben. L. Evans; Daniel Green; David J. Herlihy;         1874/07
 6/01   c Joseph A. Hoeveler; H.G. Wells; Oliver Gove;           1874/07
 6/01   c Franklin Butler; E. Brady; James Nowlace;              1874/07
 6/01   c Joseph Bowman; J.M. Samben; M. Gusdorf; W.H. Heath;    1874/07
 6/01   c J.D. Callery; Sister Mary of the Cenacle;              1874/07
 6/01   c Andrew McIntosh; H. Heifoner;                          1874/07

 6/02   c Justice I. McCarty; Martin Howard; Maurice Lyons;      1874/07
 6/02   c Lain W. Mattingly; C.G. Munn; C.A. Logan;              1874/07
 6/02   c Thomas Fitzpatrick; M.T. Garvin; William R. Walter;    1874/07
 6/02   c James McMahon; John McGunniff; Daniel Green;           1874/07
 6/02   c H. Meissner; Samuel Maher; Samuel Frazrin;             1874/07
 6/02   c J.Q. Burbridge; M. Howard; J.A. Girard;                1874/07
 6/02   c John M. Cassil; Bernard Mathews; Willie G. Morris;     1874/07
 6/02   c Thomas H. Grier; Ben. F. Egan; James Connor;           1874/07

 6/03   c H.J. Babcock; John McEvitt; Mrs. Mary M. Coffey;       1874/07
 6/03   c Irvin W. Brevelsick; Neal Brislin;                     1874/07
 6/03   c H. Bainbridge & Company; Gibson; James M. Greene;      1874/07
 6/03   c Antonio Joseph Baca; J.S. Perea;                       1874/07
 6/03   c Glasgow Brother And Company;                           1874/07
 6/03   c B.E. Cassilly; T.A. Carter; Thomas Murray;             1874/07
 6/03   c Joseph A. Hemann & Company; H. Walker; J.E. Obert;     1874/07
 6/03   c Thomas Cashin; Melvin Hard & Son; Simpson;             1874/07
 6/03   c P.L. O'Meara; Edward Garrigan; C.W. Walter;            1874/07
 6/03   c M. McCormack; Peter Gallagher; David E. Maloney;       1874/07
 6/03   c George Braham; Ott; Maurice Brown; B. Camillus;        1874/07
 6/03   c C. Gove; Georgie; Thomas A. Logan;                     1874/07

 6/04   c Dennis D. Finerty; James E. Flanigan; M.S.J. Baasen;   1874/08
 6/04   c William Cochrane of the Western News Company;          1874/08
 6/04   c Paulin Fougeu; W.J. Fullerton; Q.A. Clark;             1874/08
 6/04   c A.H. Newman; C.A. Kimball of the First National Bank;  1874/08
 6/04   c Dewitt J. Lipe; C.A. Logan; Albert S. Blake;           1874/08
 6/04   c Benjamin F. Gumey; A. Eickhoff; Father Edward Sorin;   1874/08
 6/04   c Emma C. Cojuard; Belfried D. Fevre; L.D. Gleason;      1874/08
 6/04   c Joseph A. Hemann & Company; Mrs. Mary English;         1874/08
 6/04   c James Maguire; Father Granger; William Meyers;         1874/08
 6/04   c A.J. Mooney; Brother Marcellinus; E. Hermine;          1874/08
 6/04   c Ben. L. Evans; M. Ott; Mrs. H. Minton;                 1874/08
 6/04   c Miss Carma Budd; E.S. Woodward; Lawrence G. Murphy;    1874/08
 6/04   c Mrs. J.H. Greenleaf; William H. Barr; J.L. Bonn;       1874/08
 6/04   c Joseph O'Connell; Gilmore, Dunlap & Company;           1874/08
 6/04   c Jonathan Boyle; P.E. Brady; P. Logue;                  1874/08
 6/04   c Louis Leonhardt & Company;                             1874/08

 6/05   c Lawrence G. Murphy; Kiren Cash; Antonio Joseph Bara;   1874/08
 6/05   c Baca; Father Granger; Valentin Hilsengegen; Kurtz;     1874/08
 6/05   c Mrs. B.C. Carpenter; C.C. Campau; James Brady;         1874/08
 6/05   c Mrs. E.L. Huffman; James Burns; John Barber;           1874/08
 6/05   c John Griswold; M. Weliga; John Egan;                   1874/08
 6/05   c Mrs. A.J. Turtley; F.A. Force; Thomas J. Murphy;       1874/08
 6/05   c P.H. Monahan; Thomas H. Stratton; Father Spilliard;    1874/08
 6/05   c Samuel Gillfoy; Christian Brother;                     1874/08
 6/05   c Mrs. J.H. Greenleaf; Washington Hesing; M.B. Goff;     1874/08
 6/05   c Patrick McPharlin; L.E. Eyandon; D.J. Egan;            1874/08
 6/05   c John D. Carnerer; Jonathan C. Gault                    1874/08
 6/05   c Jonathan P. Broderick; Miss Emma Budd; Samuel Engel;   1874/08
 6/05   c P.H. Brown; James Maguire; Evers; Mrs. J. Clapp;       1874/08
 6/05   c St. Mary;s Academy; F.B. Shephard; R. Martimare;       1874/08
 6/05   c P.E. Brady; James E. Hogan; J.B. Crummey;              1874/08
 6/05   c John P. Hoffman; Herman Schnelker; Frank Schluik;      1874/08
 6/05   c William Stichtenoth;                                   1874/08

 6/06   c W.H. Riley; Michael Maloney; John F. Nickins;          1874/09
 6/06   c P.I. Campbell; A.E. Christy; Nelson Shaul;             1874/09
 6/06   c Instructors; E.S. Bryant; Richard H. Barrett;          1874/09
 6/06   c E. Larkin; D.J. Egan; Maggie Mobley; W.H. Canavan;     1874/09
 6/06   c Lakeside Publishing & Printing Company;                1874/09
 6/06   c James W. Brady; T.R. Ottaway; C. McHays; F.E. Moran;   1874/09
 6/06   c N.S. Mitchell; John E. Blaine; A. Hoven;               1874/09
 6/06   c William C. Hedges; D.P. Canoll; B.L. Carpenter;        1874/09
 6/06   c Timothy E. Byrnes; T.G. Haydel; Willie Byrne; Lyons;   1874/09
 6/06   c C.H. Buckman; John Meagher; P.H. Brown; McBride;       1874/09
 6/06   c J.B. Weisenburger; Erwin Upp & Company; I. Rilliken;   1874/09
 6/06   c G.C. Budd; Mr. & Mrs. C.A. Wand; M. Burge;             1874/09
 6/06   c Mrs. S.L. Woodward; T.P. Ottaway; William A. Harwood;  1874/09
 6/06   c Catherine Breeman; John Manning; Thomas Fitzpatrick;   1874/09
 6/06   c Jonathan C. Gault;                                     1874/09

 6/07   c H. Campbell; Richard H. Forestal & Company;            1874/09
 6/07   c Thomas A. Logan; Sera Fisher; Hake; Adolph Leitelt;    1874/09
 6/07   c Brother Marcellinus; Mrs. Olcott; William C. Hedges;   1874/09
 6/07   c John  McCunniff; Orville T. Chamberlain;               1874/09
 6/07   c Geory Berringer; Jacob Wile; Citizens Bank of LaPorte; 1874/09
 6/07   c Mrs. William Lawless; Father Sorin; J.W. White;        1874/09
 6/07   c P.H. Brown; C.H. Brickman; M.H. Lynch; Charles Cluff;  1874/09
 6/07   c J.M. Monohan; James W. Murphy; Timothy Hogan;          1874/09
 6/07   c P. McDonald; Evan B. Rushing; A.C. Greenebaum;         1874/09
 6/07   c Willie Lindsay; Jansen, McClurg & Company;             1874/09
 6/07   c Mrs. C.C. Hopkins; Purdie; C. Welty & Brother;         1874/09
 6/07   c Bernard Mathews; Thomas Hoops; I. Walsh;               1874/09
 6/07   c Western News Company; Richard H. Forestal & Company;   1874/09
 6/07   c C. Hess; W.J. Barney; Davis and Toscans; John Byrne;   1874/09

 6/08   c Thomas P. White; William Stichtenoth;                  1874/09
 6/08   c Augustine Ginter; Maria A. Lynch; Frank Whiple;        1874/09
 6/08   c C.C. Lane; Mrs. David E. Ordinay; William C. Hedges;   1874/09
 6/08   c Squire T. Harvey; C.A. Logan; William H. Hamlin;       1874/09
 6/08   c Thomas Grace; Timothy Hogan; P. McDonald; P. Corcoran; 1874/09
 6/08   c D.C. Smith; P.H. Kelly; Cobb, Andrews & Company;       1874/09
 6/08   c John Foley; Father Colovin; William White;             1874/09
 6/08   c H.A. Keenan; Father Granger; T.H.M. Hoyne;             1874/09
 6/08   c Dennis Clarke; J.W. Murphy; L. Goldsberg; John J. Ney; 1874/09
 6/08   c C. O'Brien; F. Hubert; M. Brennan; Lawless;            1874/09
 6/08   c Bryne Mattimore; T.P. Ottaway; Father Mayer;           1874/09
 6/08   c J.O. Barrett; F.A. Manzanares;                         1874/09

 6/09   c Squire T. Harvey; Mrs. Charles A. Wand;                1874/10
 6/09   c Mrs. Bridget Leonard; S.L. Woodward; P. Lauth;         1874/10
 6/09   c R.H. Forestal & Company; B.S. Higgins; P.D. Norris;    1874/10
 6/09   c Bryne Mattimore; Thomas A. Logan; J.O. Barrett;        1874/10
 6/09   c William J. Murphy; Father Granger; William C. Hedges;  1874/10
 6/09   c Patrick Ney; William Stichtenoth; Ellen R. Bearss;     1874/10
 6/09   c Anne F. Bonner; S.L. Willis; Jonathan Foley; Siebert;  1874/10
 6/09   c Maria A. Lynch;                                        1874/10

 6/10   c P. Lauth; Doherty; Edward Cook; T.P. Ottaway;          1874/10
 6/10   c P.J. Colovin; Thomas Nestor; Orville T. Chamberlain;   1874/10
 6/10   c Dr. Rodman; Mrs. S.J. Callicart; Marietta Haworth;     1874/10
 6/10   c M.D. Brag; William Stichtenoth; Siebert;               1874/10
 6/10   c A.L. Krisihganis; Samuel Frazier; Earls;               1874/10
 6/10   c N.Y. Blank Book Company; L.C. Duff;                    1874/10
 6/10   c Cobb, Andrews & Company; John  Byrne;                  1874/10
 6/10   c William Cochrane; C.A. Wand; J.M. Burge;               1874/10
 6/10   c John A. Elison; Pomeroy & Lieuty; William Mathews;     1874/10
 6/10   c John B. Waters; Andrew Geyer; M.A. Lynch; C.A. Logan;  1874/10
 6/10   c John J. Murphy; Howard Coleman; James Marks;           1874/10
 6/10   c E. Byenley; P.H. Brown; Maria A. Lynch;                1874/10
 6/10   c Smith & Holloway; Boovum & Pease; Ann F. Bonner;       1874/10
 6/10   c John M. Lookey; S.L. Woodard; J.P. Hunt;               1874/10
 6/10   c Lizzie E. Callahan; Rev. Editor - Ave Maria;           1874/10
 6/10   c F.S. McHugh;                                           1874/10

 6/11   c James A. O'Reilly; W.J. Clarke; M.R. Flint;            1874/10
 6/11   c First National Bank; J. Miles; John Willis;            1874/10
 6/11   c James Maguire; Father Colovin; Mrs. Flanigan;          1874/10
 6/11   c R.H. Forestal & Company; Hunt & Congdon;               1874/10
 6/11   c Charles McGavin; John James MacCarthy; G.I. Obert;     1874/10
 6/11   c Sister M. Euphemia; Katie Claffey; H.J. Falkenbach;    1874/10
 6/11   c Joseph Evans; John O'Meara; Mrs. J. Goldsberry;        1874/10
 6/11   c My Dearest Boys (Frank & Sam); J. Murphy;              1874/10
 6/11   c Murphy's General Printing & Publishing; John Cochrane; 1874/10
 6/11   c Hamilton B. Box; Hibernian Banking Association;        1874/10
 6/11   c George H. Bliss & Company; Hill; Ann F. Bonner;        1874/10
 6/11   c J.C. Osgood; O'Brien; Father Sorin; George S. Hebard;  1874/10
 6/11   c L. Harmon; Swifson; McGrath; Conolly;                  1874/10

 6/12   c P. Lauth; M.A. Lynch; Samuel Frazier; Father Colovin;  1874/11
 6/12   c William Stichtenoth; William Stichtenoth, Jr.;         1874/11
 6/12   c Dr. H. Webster Jones; Father Sorin; Ann F. Bonner;     1874/11
 6/12   c Hamilton B. Dox; Hiberian Bank; J. Cochrane;           1874/11
 6/12   c John Bugner; Mrs. Elizabeth Lilly;                     1874/11
 6/12   c Mrs. Julia Flanagan; E.G. Walker; Moses H. Bonner;     1874/11
 6/12   c F.C. Young; First National Bank; Thomas Mullen;        1874/11
 6/12   c Commercial National Bank; Joseph Colwell; Smith;       1874/11
 6/12   c Mathew E. Campion; George I. Gross; A.C. Greenbaum;    1874/11
 6/12   c W. Lindsay; Benjamin M. Bedford; H.H. Muhlenberg;      1874/11
 6/12   c Farmer's National Bank; Obert; Mrs. Charles A. Wand;   1874/11
 6/12   c P.D. Norris; John F. Burnam; Nicholas C. Lonstorf;     1874/11
 6/12   c George Rahlfs; Weber; Thomas Nelson; H.E. Hunt;        1874/11
 6/12   c Brother Gregory; Thomas Cullen; May A. Culliton;       1874/11
 6/12   c Edward M. Courtney;                                    1874/11

 6/13   c Jonathan McGault; J.M. Lambin; Father Colovin;         1874/11
 6/13   c E.M. Brown; Lucas; Ann F. Bonner; H. Clipfell;         1874/11
 6/13   c U.S. Express Company; B.W. Sinon; T. Cooley;           1874/11
 6/13   c First National Bank; McCormack; Anna Mitchell;         1874/11
 6/13   c I.M. Mosser; John Bryne; Hiberian Bank;                1874/11
 6/13   c Hamilton B. Dox; Hunt; J.T. Mahoney & Company;         1874/11
 6/13   c John Bogner; C. Hutchings; John Culliton;              1874/11
 6/13   c James Harvey; George I. Gross; T.H. Whipple;           1874/11
 6/13   c J. Pinofer; Hesing; Glasgow Brothers & Company; Perea; 1874/11
 6/13   c Mrs. H. Minton; Maria A. Lynch; Father Sorin;          1874/11
 6/13   c Davis & Toscona; Barrett; Father Brown;                1874/11
 6/13   c John McCunniff; A.P. Bray; S.L. Woodward;              1874/11

 6/14   c James Brady; Father Colovin; A.T. Stephenson & Sons;   1874/11
 6/14   c P.R. Ewing; S. Mingenbach; M. Ott; Frank Canon;        1874/11
 6/14   c P.D. Norris; P.U. McLaughlin; Mrs. Julia Flanagan;     1874/11
 6/14   c Frank B. Whipple; Bernard Mathews; George E. Washburn; 1874/11
 6/14   c I.G. Duffield; Mrs. J.J. McKinnon; George S. Hebard;   1874/11
 6/14   c Thomas McGratto; McCunniff; J. Hackett;                1874/11
 6/14   c Joseph Hackett; William Schultheis; P.F. Buecker;      1874/11
 6/14   c Brother Leander; David B. Gould; H.C. Lawrence;        1874/11
 6/14   c Father Sorin; Hiberian Bank; Hamilton B. Dox;          1874/11
 6/14   c Culliton; A.H. Newman; M.P. Edwards; W.J. Barney;      1874/11
 6/14   c Ann F. Bonner;                                         1874/11

 6/15   c James A. O'Reilly; Haskill; George H. Campbell;        1874/12
 6/15   c Jonathan Gault; Father Colovin; First National Bank;   1874/12
 6/15   c F.C. Young; Thomas Mullen; Nat Faxon; M. Brennan;      1874/12
 6/15   c William Lawless; S.N. Caldwell; Bernard Mathews;       1874/12
 6/15   c W.J. Edward; Mrs. Julia Flanagan; P.M. Cleary;         1874/12
 6/15   c George J. Anderson; Father Sorin; John P. Hoffman;     1874/12
 6/15   c Joseph P. Evans; Thomas Mathews; H.E. Hunt;            1874/12
 6/15   c McCully & Miles; William Cochrane; Mrs. Mary Lawless;  1874/12
 6/15   c B.C. Carpenter; Thomas Fitzpatrick; John H. Nicholas;  1874/12
 6/15   c John Holland; E.G. Woodward; Mrs. Julia Flanagan;      1874/12
 6/15   c John Foley; N.B. Rappleye; Nathaniel Newele;           1874/12
 6/15   c Vannamee; Harvey J. Hollister; Leitelt;                1874/12

 6/16   c Dr. Henrotin; H. Kinson; Father Colovin;               1874/12
 6/16   c J.J. Mackinnon; James Maguire; Squire T. Harvey;       1874/12
 6/16   c Peter Grumling; M. Brennan; Lawless; C.H. Brown;       1874/12
 6/16   c McGavin; McBride; Charles F. Buecker; Thomas A. Logan; 1874/12
 6/16   c T.H. Whipple; John Lane; Len R. Hartman; J. Beegan;    1874/12
 6/16   c Geneuve Dickendorf; Maria Agnes Lynch; Lilly Larr;     1874/12
 6/16   c Sister Mary Milina; John Foley;                        1874/12
 6/16   c Mrs. Eliza Blaine Walker; William A. Hamlin; P. Faste; 1874/12
 6/16   c William K. McAlister, Jr.; Richard Magee;              1874/12
 6/16   c Mrs. E.L. Hackett; William Schultheis; P.H. Brown;     1874/12
 6/16   c Cassedy; A. Gribling; Mrs. J.B. Priott;                1874/12
 6/16   c Catherine Brennan;                                     1874/12

 6/17   c Joseph Gilott & Sons; Henry Guetig; Father Colovin;    1874/12
 6/17   c William Stichtenoth; William Stichtenoth, Jr.;         1874/12
 6/17   c A.H. Newman; N.W. Jones; Daniel Falls;                 1874/12
 6/17   c John Byrne, Jr.; P.W. Cononass; W.J. Barney;           1874/12
 6/17   c Frank Mathews; John S. Graham; Simeon Baker;           1874/12
 6/17   c Daniel W. App; Mrs. Fullerton; Mrs. S.A. Beall;        1874/12
 6/17   c P.S. Campbell; Timothy Greens; William C. Gustine;     1874/12
 6/17   c S.L. Willis; P. Schuyler, Jr.; Joseph Brown;           1874/12
 6/17   c Mary Lawless; Celestine Villeneuve; R.W. Barrett;      1874/12
 6/17   c William Cochrane; Cleary; Hackett; Charles F. Buecker; 1874/12
 6/17   c C.F. Campau; Coley Campau; Frankie Campau;             1874/12
 6/17   c T.H. Corcoran; John C. Brett; R. O'Grady;              1874/12

 6/18   c Emmal C. Cojuard; Daniel Corby; Campau; Father Sorin;  1874/nd
 6/18   c Mrs. M. hughes; Unsigned; A.M. Mosser; Thomas O'Toole; 1874/nd
 6/18   c D.F. McGinnis; M. Hancy; P.J. O'Connell; Harry Fearon; 1874/nd
 6/18   c Papa; Harry; Mrs. S.L. Woodward; M. Richmond;          1874/nd
 6/18   c Mary S. Foote; P.M. Gaar;                              1874/nd
 6/18   c Richard H. Forestal & Company;                         1874/nd

‹— Notre Dame Presidents' Letters —›