University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame Presidents' Letters

46/     X Invitations & Responses to ND's Golden Jubilee, 11-13 June 1895

46/01   L Printed Invitation to ND's Golden Jubilee, June 1895   1895/????
46/01   L AM(?) to Rev Bishop Placide Louis Chapelle of Santa Fe 1895/0116
46/01   L ______? to Monsignor Satolli                           1895/????
46/01   L AM to ____ [Mss Invitation to ND's Golden Jubilee]     1895/????

46/02   L A.H. Abbot & Co.(drawing supplies) to AM               1895/0414
46/02   L J. Adam (Vicar General of Los Angeles) to AM           1895/0414
46/02   L Brother Adjutor to AM                                  1895/0416
46/02   L Sister M. Agatha B.V.M. (St. Aloysius School) to AM    1895/0610
46/02   L C.E. Agnew to AM                                       1895/0610
46/02   L P.J. Agnew to AM                                       1895/0509
46/02   L U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to AM                    1895/0527
46/02   L Edward Allen (President Mount St. Mary's College) to AM1895/0604
46/02   L W.A. Amberg to AM                                      1895/0607
46/02   L David P. Todd(?) (Amherst College) to AM               1895/0520
46/02   L Eugene T. Arnold to Editor Notre Dame Scholastic       1890/0824

46/03   L Rev. P.A. Baart to AM                                  1895/0602
46/03   L William T. Ball to AM                                  1895/0801
46/03   L Rev. Clement Burger to AM                              1895/0626
46/03   L James Barker to AM                                     1895/0528
46/03   L John Canon Barrett to AM                               1895/0610
46/03   L Rev. Michael J. Barry to AM                            1895/0611
46/03   L Thomas Barry to AM                                     1895/0513
46/03   L Louis Bastrup to AM                                    1895/0610
46/03   L Thomas D. Beaven (Bishop of Springfield) to AM         1895/0412
46/03   L A. Beaudel (Vicar General C.S.C.) to AM                1895/0504
46/03   L Frank A. Becker to AM                                  1895/0529
46/03   L Thomas Bender to AM                                    1895/0518
46/03   L Aug. Bessonies (Vicar General of Indianapolis) to AM   1895/0603
46/03   L Aug. Bessonies (Vicar General of Indianapolis) to AM   1895/0430

46/04   L P.J. Blankinsop S.J. to AM                             1895/0610
46/04   L F.M. Boff (Diocese of Cleveland) to AM                 1895/0510
46/04   L Charles C. Bonney to AM                                1895/0608
46/04   L President and Faculty of Bowdoin College to AM         1895/0518
46/04   L Denis M. Bradley (Bishop of Manchester) to AM          1895/0415
46/04   L F(?) Lee Br____ker(?) to AM                            1895/0510
46/04   L William P. Breen to AM                                 1895/0213
46/04   L William P. Breen to AM                                 1895/0211
46/04   L Homer P. Brelsford to AM                               1895/0709
46/04   L Andrew Morrissey C.S.C. to The Northwestern Catholic   1895/0511
46/04   L Martin O. Brennan to AM                                1895/0610
46/04   L John R. Brondel (Bishop of Helena) to AM               1895/0426
46/04   L Timotheus Brosnahan S.J. to AM                         1895/0519
46/04   L Denis J. Broughal to AM                                1895/0527
46/04   L Charles ____? Browne to AM                             1895/0604
46/04   L Chris M. Browne to AM                                  1895/0527
46/04   L James T. Brown to AM                                   1895/0609
46/04   L Thomas J. Broydrick to AM                              1895/0530

46/05   L D.?. Br____(?) to AM                                   1895/0607
46/05   L J.M. Buckley to AM                                     1895/0610
46/05   L J.J. Burke to AM                                       1895/0511
46/05   L M.F. Burke (Bishop of St. Joseph) to AM                1895/0412
46/05   L Thomas M.A. Burke (Bishop of Albany) to AM             1895/0529
46/05   L Charles H. Burr to AM                                  1895/0513
46/05   L A.J. Burrowes S.J. to AM                               1895/0605
46/05   L E.A. Bush to AM                                        1895/0503
46/05   L L. Bushart, S.J. (Pres. Marquette College), to AM      1895/0509
46/05   L William P. Breen (?) to AM                             1895/0520
46/05   L William P. Breen (?) to AM                             1895/0529
46/05   L Thomas Sebastian Byrne (Bishop of Nashville) to AM     1895/0412
46/05   L (?) A. Byrne (?) to AM                                 1895/0819

46/06   L Rev Thomas J. Campbell SJ to AM                        1895/0510
46/06   L Thomas Canott to AM                                    1895/0523
46/06   L James Caren to AM                                      1895/0713
46/06   L C.A. Carlisle to AM                                    1895/0529
46/06   L J.C. Carraher (?) to AM                                1895/0612
46/06   L Joseph C. Carrier to AM                                1895/0607
46/06   L Francis E. Carroll M.D. to AM                          1895/0604
46/06   L Charles T. Cavanaugh to AM                             1895/0216
46/06   L Mother M. Cecilia to AM                                1895/0610
46/06   L P.L. Chapelle (Archbishop of Santa Fe) to AM           1895/0121

46/07   L F.J. Chatard (Bishop of Vincennes) to AM               1895/0419
46/07   L Josephine Chatterton to AM                             1895/0515
46/07   L Fred B. Chute to AM                                    1895/0611
46/07   L Fred B. Chute to AM                                    1895/0602
46/07   L Louis P. Chute to AM                                   1895/0513
46/07   L W.R. Chanton to AM                                     1895/0812
46/07   L Alfred Clark to AM                                     1895/0607
46/07   L George E. Clark to AM                                  1895/0415
46/07   L Rev. D.A. Clarke to AM                                 1895/0524
46/07   L W.W. Cleaver to AM                                     1895/0514
46/07   L W.W. Cleaver to AM                                     1895/0511

46/08   L Thomas J. Conaly to AM                                 1895/0520
46/08   L Rev. James N. Connolly to AM                           1895/0530
46/08   L Michael Cooke to AM                                    1895/0511
46/08   L J.J. Corbley S.J. to AM                                1895/0510
46/08   L M.A. Corrigan (Archbishop of New York) to AM           1895/0411
46/08   L M.A. Corrigan (Archbishop of New York) to AM           1894/0201
46/08   L Joseph Costa to AM                                     1895/0518
46/08   L Henry Cosgrove (Bishop of Davenport) to AM             1895/0410
46/08   L Joseph B. Cotter (Bishop of Winona) to AM              1895/0503
46/08   L Franciscus Conrad (Abbot, Abbey New Engelberg) to AM   1895/0508
46/08   L M.M. Crowe to AM                                       1895/0511
46/08   L S.S. Curtis (Bishop of Wilmington) to AM               1895/0419

46/09   L Augustin Daly to AM                                    1895/0610
46/09   L H. Gail Davis to AM                                    1895/0608
46/09   L W.L. Dechant to AM                                     1895/0628
46/09   L Angelique Delande to AM                                1895/0611
46/09   L Louis De Goesbriand (Bishop of Burlington) to AM       1895/0420
46/09   L I.S. Delang (St. Patrick's Rectory, Fort Wayne) to AM  1895/0525
46/09   L G. DeRegge (Diocese of Rochester) to AM                1895/0513
46/09   L Humphrey J. Desmond to AM                              1895/0625
46/09   L B.J. Dever (Church of Immac. Heart, Chester, PA) to AM 1895/0605
46/09   L Rev. John R. Dinnen (Rector, St. Mary's Church) to AM  1895/0525
46/09   L G.A. Dion (C.S.C) to AM                                1895/0513
46/09   L G.A. Dion (C.S.C) to AM                                1895/0428
46/09   L A.D. ______(?) (Benziger Brothers) to AM               1895/0603

46/10   L O.P. Doane (?) to AM                                   1895/0509
46/10   L P.J. Donahue (Bishop of Wheeling) to AM                1895/0508
46/10   L Ella Loraine Dorsey to AM                              1895/0515
46/10   L James J. Dougherty (Mission of Immac. Virgin) to AM    1895/0511
46/10   L John P. Dove (Holy Name Cathedral) to AM               1895/0607
46/10   L Odo Dowod (Germany) to AM                              1895/0721
46/10   L James ?. Donovan(?) SJ (Boston College) to AM          1895/0516
46/10   L James P Donovan (Diocese of Hartford Chancellor) to AM 1895/0412
46/10   L Adolph Dueber to Brother Paul Hermit                   1895/0505
46/10   L James G. Duffy to AM                                   1895/0608
46/10   L I. Thomas Duhomel (Archbishop of O'Harov) to AM        1895/0418
46/10   L R. Dunne to AM                                         1895/0607

46/11   L K. Edward (Abbey of Gethsemani) to AM                  1895/0420
46/11   L D.J. Egan (St. Anne's Church) to AM                    1895/0606
46/11   L P.A.L. Egan (St. Leo's Church) to AM                   1895/0510
46/11   L William Henry Elder (Archbishop of Cincinnati) to AM   1895/0328
46/11   L Walter Elliott to AM                                   1895/0527
46/11   L Walter Elliott (St. Mary's Church) to AM               1895/0511
46/11   L Peter Engel (O.S.B. Abbot, St. John's Abbey) to AM     1895/0424
46/11   L Doctors Erkridge to AM                                 1895/0509
46/11   L L.J. Evans to AM                                       1895/0520
46/11   L L.J. Evans to AM                                       1895/0514
46/11   L L.J. Evans to AM                                       1895/0514
46/11   L L.J. Evans to AM                                       1895/0513
46/11   L L.J. Evans to AM                                       1895/0502

46/12   L Mary L. Faber to AM                                    1895/0605
46/12   L Edouard Charles (Archbishop of Montreal) to AM         1895/0417
46/12   L Brother M. Farley (St. Gabriel's Church) to AM         1895/0417
46/12   L James J. Farrell to Notre Dame University              1895/0606
46/12   L F.P. Faust to AM                                       1895/0612
46/12   L P.A. Feehan (Archbishop of Chicago) to AM              1895/0416
46/12   L Edward A. Ferry (St. Ann's Church) to AM               1895/0608
46/12   L Fidelis C.P. (St. Michael's Retreat) to AM             1895/0609
46/12   L L.M Fink (Bishop of Kansas City) to AM                 1895/0411
46/12   L F.J. Finn (S.J., St. Mary's College) to AM             1895/0606

46/13   L Edward Fitzgerald (Bishop of Little Rock) to AM        1895/0419
46/13   L John Fitzgerald to AM                                  1895/0513
46/13   L Marcella A. Fitzgerald to AM                           1895/0607
46/13   L Thomas J. Fitzgerald (St. Louis University) to AM      1895/0607
46/13   L James E. Fitzmann (St. Charles Borromeo Seminary)to AM 1895/0524
46/13   L John T. Fleming to AM                                  1895/0521
46/13   L S.B. Fleming to AM                                     1895/0605
46/13   L Gibbons, Foley to AM                                   1895/0610
46/13   L John S. Foley (Bishop of Detroit) to AM                1895/0423
46/13   L Thomas Follen to AM                                    1895/0529
46/13   L C.W. Fram to AM                                        1895/0607
46/13   L J.P. Frieden (S.J., St. Stanislaus Seminary) to AM     1895/0528
46/13   L H.B. Frissell to AM                                    1895/0511

46/14   L H. Gabriels (Bishop of Ogdensburg) to AM               1895/0428
46/14   L H. Gabriels (Bishop of Ogdensburg) to AM               1895/0418
46/14   L P.W. Gallon (Holy Name Church) to AM                   1895/0527
46/14   L Thomas F. Gambon to AM                                 1895/0509
46/14   L T.M. Garnier (Chancellor) to AM                        1895/0517
46/14   L P.J. Garrigan (Catholic University of America) to AM   1895/0513
46/14   L P.L. Garrity to AM                                     1895/0519
46/14   L J. Gibbons (Cardinal of Baltmimore) to AM              1895/0323
46/14   L Judge John Gibbons to AM                               1895/0219
46/14   L Gibbons, Foley to AM                                   1895/0610

46/15   L P.J. Gleeson (Vicar General) to AM                     1895/0519
46/15   L William Gleeson                                        1895/0510
46/15   L A.J. Glorieux (Bishop of Boise) to AM                  1895/0417
46/15   L Tiburtius A. Goebel (St. Peter's Church) to AM         1895/0628
46/15   L James M. Golrick (Pro-Cathedral) to AM                 1895/0514
46/15   L James M. Golrick (Pro-Cathedral) to AM                 1895/0610
46/15   L Rev. F.W. Graham (Pastor, St. Patricks Church) to AM   1895/0518
46/15   L Edward Lee Greene (Catholic University) to AM          1895/0716
46/15   L Peter Grein (St. Michael's Church) to AM               1895/0607
46/15   L Thomas Griffin (St. John's Church) to AM               1895/0606
46/15   L William H. Gross (Archbishop of Oregon) to AM          1895/0530
46/15   L John Guendling (St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum) to AM      1895/0520
46/15   L John Guendling to AM                                   1895/0509

46/16   L Clarence T. Hagerty to AM                              1895/0724
46/16   L Clarence T. Hagerty to AM                              1895/0715
46/16   L J.H. Halpin (St Francis De Sales, Herkimer NY) to AM   1895/0528
46/16   L Matthew Harkins (Bishop of Providence) to AM           1895/0419
46/16   L William R. Harper (University of Chicago) to AM        1895/0515
46/16   L E.F. Tibbott to AM                                     1895/0409
46/16   L Thomas F. Hart to AM                                   1895/0525
46/16   L William R. Harper (University of Chicago) to AM        1895/0510
46/16   L Rev. F.M. Hayden (Church of the Assumption) to AM      1895/0530

46/17   L AM to Mr. Hogan                                        1895/0295
46/17   L M.J. Henehan (?) to AM                                 1895/0513
46/17   L Kate M. Henneberry to AM                               1895/0608
46/17   L Archbishop Hennesey to AM                              1895/0610
46/17   L John J. Hennesey (Bishop of Wichita) to AM             1895/0417
46/17   L Bishop Hennesey to AM                                  1895/0611
46/17   L Hugh T. Henny (St. Charles Seminary) to AM             1895/0526
46/17   L Washington Hesing to AM                                1895/0625
46/17   L T. Heslin (Bishop of Natchez) to AM                    1895/0417

46/18   L Walter H. Hill (S.J., Sacred Heart Church) to AM       1895/0607
46/18   L D.J. Hogan to AM                                       1895/0205
46/18   L J.E. Hogan to AM                                       1895/0531
46/18   L J. Hogan (St. John's Ecclesiastical Seminary) to AM    1895/0604
46/18   L W.P. Hogarty to AM                                     1895/0530
46/18   L I.F. Horstman to AM                                    1895/0611
46/18   L Ignatius F. Horstmann (Bishop of Cleveland) to AM      1895/0503
46/18   L Timothy E. Howard to AM                                1895/0607
46/18   L Timothy E. Howard to AM                                1895/0603
46/18   L Timothy E. Howard to AM                                1895/0602
46/18   L Timothy E. Howard to AM                                1895/0404
46/18   L Sisters of Notre Dame to Rev. Daniel E. Hudson         1895/0607

46/19   L John Ireland to AM                                     1895/0315
46/19   L J. Ireland to AM                                       1895/0419
46/19   L John Ireland to AM                                     1895/0410
46/19   L AM to Rev. John Ireland (Archbishop of St. Paul)       1895/0308
46/19   L Nepomuck Jaeger (Abbot, St. Procopius Abbey) to AM     1895/0420
46/19   L J. Jaufsen (Bishop of Belleville) to AM                1895/0510
46/19   L F. Janssens (Archbishop of New Orleans) to AM          1895/0412
46/19   L Bro. Justin (?) to AM                                  1895/0604
46/19   L Rev. Josting (Manhattan College) to AM                 1895/0606
46/19   L Richard Malcolm Johnston to AM                         1895/0627
46/19   L Ed Joos (Vicar General) to AM                          1895/0501

46/20   L John J. Kain (Archbishop of St. Louis) to AM           1895/0415
46/20   L Katzer (Bishop of S.L. Potosi) to AM                   1895/0425
46/20   L John J. Keane (Catholic University of America) to AM   1895/0410
46/20   L John J. Keane (Catholic University of America) to AM   1895/0503
46/20   L E.D. Kelly (St. Thomas' Church) to AM                  1895/0611
46/20   L J.J. Kennedy (St. Mary's Church) to AM                 1895/0523
46/20   L Rev. J.J. Kennedy (Church of the Assumption) to AM     1895/0521
46/20   L D.W. Kenrick (St. Vincent's Church) to AM              1895/0611
46/20   L William Kieran (St. Patrick's) to AM                   1895/0608
46/20   L E.B. Kilroy (D.D., St. Joseph's Church) to AM          1895/0530
46/20   L E.B. Kilroy (D.D., St. Joseph's Church) to AM          1895/0522
46/20   L E.B. Kilroy (D.D., St. Joseph's Church) to AM          1895/0429
46/20   L E.B. Kilroy (D.D., St. Joseph's Church) to AM          1895/0203
46/20   L AM to E.B. Kilroy                                      1895/0202
46/20   L W. Kittell to AM                                       1895/0531

46/21   L A.A. Lambing (St. James Church) to AM                  1895/0511
46/21   L John Larmer to AM                                      1895/0510
46/21   L J.C.K. Laffaurmer to AM                                1895/0514
46/21   L Samuel Spahr Laws (Presb. Theological Seminary) to AM  1895/0531
46/21   L Leander (Archabbot, St. Vincent's, PA) to AM           1895/0529
46/21   L Walter Leeky to AM                                     1895/0614
46/21   L M. Ledochowshi (Cardinal of Propaganda Fide) to AM     1895/0518
46/21   L J.M. Legare (College de L'Assumption) to AM            1895/0610
46/21   L Lemarie (C.S.C., Congregation de Sainte-Croix) to AM   1895/0530
46/21   L Patrick J. Lennon (Sacred Heart Church) to AM          1895/0607
46/21   L John M. Littlejohn (President, Amity College) to AM    1895/0605
46/21   L Luke Lonergan to AM                                    1895/0528

46/22   L Mr. and Mrs. D. McAlister to AM                        1895/0604
46/22   L W.G. McCloskey to AM                                   1895/0412
46/22   L Charles J. McElroy (St. Mary's Church) to AM           1895/0524
46/22   L Thomas McGovern (Bishop of Harrisburg) to AM           1895/0501
46/22   L Rev. J. McGowan (St. Augustine's Church) to AM         1895/0605
46/22   L John B. McGrath to AM                                  1895/0701
46/22   L John B. McGrath to AM                                  1895/0611
46/22   L Rev J.M. McGucken (University of Ottawa) to AM         1895/0605
46/22   L N.N. McKinnon (S.J., St. Lawrence's) to AM             1895/0514
46/22   L E.J. McLaughlin to AM                                  1895/0525
46/22   L E.J. McLaughlin to AM                                  1895/0209
46/22   L AM to Father McLaughlin                                1895/0219
46/22   L Rev. William McMahon to AM                             1895/0608
46/22   L Callie McMechen to T.E. Howard                         1895/0325
46/22   L William P. McNally to William Corby                    1895/0611
46/22   L F. McNichol (Mission of the Immaculate Virgin) to AM   1895/0522
46/22   L George F. McNulty to AM                                1895/0521
46/22   L W. McNulty (St. John's Rectory) to AM                  1895/0606
46/22   L William P. McPher to AM                                1895/0703
46/22   L P.J. McSwerny (Pastor, St. Brigid's) to AM             1895/0518

46/23   L John M. Mackey to AM                                   1895/0522
46/23   L J. Mackin to AM                                        1895/0515
46/23   L Thomas Mackin (St. Joseph's Church) to AM              1895/0511
46/23   L Macmillan & Co. to AM                                  1895/0513
46/23   L Edward MacSweeny (Mount St. Mary's College) to AM      1895/0608
46/23   L Camillus P. Maes (Bishop of Covington) to AM           1895/0604
46/23   L Camillus P. Maes (Bishop of Covington) to AM           1895/0520
46/23   L Camillus P. Maes (Bishop of Covington) to AM           1895/0413
46/23   L Rev. J.R. Magnan (Pastor) to AM                        1895/0528
46/23   L A. Magnen (St. Mary's Seminary) to AM                  1895/0506
46/23   L William Maher (St. Mary's) to AM                       1895/0605
46/23   L Charles A. Mair to AM                                  1895/0613
46/23   L Rev John W. Malaney to AM                              1895/0520
46/23   L C.A. Malone to AM                                      1895/0524
46/23   L C. Manjay to AM                                        1895/0509
46/23   L J. Mangin (University of Ottawa) to AM                 1895/0512
46/23   L Brother Marcellius CSC to AM                           1895/0604
46/23   L Brother Marcelian  (Christian Brothers College) to AM  1895/0530
46/23   L M.J. Marsile (C.S.V., St. Viateur's College) to AM     1895/0508
46/23   L Bede Mater (OSB, Priest's Euch. League) to AM          1895/0527
46/23   L Claude Matthews to AM                                  1895/0717
46/23   L Claude Matthews to AM                                  1895/0404
46/23   L Rev. S.S. Mattingly (Rector, St. Mary's Church) to AM  1895/0518

46/24   L Eleann C. Meehan to AM                                 1895/0531
46/24   L Rev H. Meissner to AM                                  1895/0607
46/24   L W.F. Merrill to AM                                     1895/0527
46/24   L A. Messmann to AM                                      1895/0511
46/24   L S.F. Messmer (Bishop of Milwaukee) to AM               1895/0607
46/24   L S.F. Messmer (Bishop of Green Bay) to AM               1895/0411
46/24   L William S. Michaud (Bishop of Burlington) to AM        1895/0519
46/24   L W.J. Meihan (P.P.) to AM                               1895/0624
46/24   L John Moffitt to AM                                     1895/0513
46/24   L John J. Molloy to AM                                   1895/0611
46/24   L Joseph F. Mooney (Vicar General's Office) to AM        1895/0705
46/24   L John Moore (D.D., Bishop of St. Augustine) to AM       1895/0424
46/24   L George Montgomery to AM                                1895/0424
46/24   L W. Morrin (St. Columba's Church) to AM                 1895/0517
46/24   L William J. Morrison to AM                              1895/0509
46/24   L Warren E. Moslur (Catholic Summer School of Am.) to AM 1895/0517

46/25   L P.J. Muldoon to AM                                     1895/0518
46/25   L L.W. Mulhane (St. Vincent De Paul's Church) to AM      1895/0615
46/25   L St Clair A. Mulholland (U.S. Pension Agency) to AM     1895/0703
46/25   L John F. Mullany (St. John's Rectory) to AM             1895/0521
46/25   L John F. Mullany (St. John's Rectory) to AM             1895/0513
46/25   L T.B. Mullen (Bishop) to AM                             1895/0502
46/25   L John J. Mullen to AM                                   1895/0604
46/25   L Fintan Mundwiler (Abbot, St. Joseph's Monastery) to AM 1895/0425
46/25   L C.J. Murphy (IN State Board of Commerce) to AM         1895/0509
46/25   L Charles J. Murphy to AM                                1895/0604
46/25   L J.E. Murphy (Pres., Col. of St. Francis Xavior) to AM  1895/0612
46/25   L E.F. Murray (St. Michael's College) to AM              1895/0605

46/26   L Secretary of the Navy to UND                           1895/0528
46/26   L Frederick Emil Neef to AM                              1895/0814
46/26   L Emil Neef to AM                                        1895/0611
46/26   L Emil Neef to AM                                        1895/0610
46/26   L Neuilly to UND                                         1895/0611
46/26   L College of Notre Dame to AM                            1895/0611
46/26   L James Nugent to AM                                     1895/0516

46/27   L C. O'Brien (Archbishop of Halifax) to AM               1895/0429
46/27   L Denis J. O'Brien (Secy to Bishop of Portland) to AM    1895/0528
46/27   L Rev F.A. O'Brien (?) to AM                             1895/0522
46/27   L Patrick O'Brien to AM                                  1895/0611
46/27   L Rev. Patrick O'Brien to AM                             1895/0506
46/27   L William K. O'Connell (IN State Auditor's Office) to AM 1895/0510
46/27   L Denis O'Connor (Bishop of London, Ontario) to AM       1895/0413
46/27   L W.L. O'Hara (Mount St. Mary's College) to AM           1895/0512
46/27   L Patrick F. O'Hare (St. Anthony of Padua's Rect.) to AM 1895/0510
46/27   L J. O'Keiffe to AM                                      1895/0610
46/27   L D.P. O'Leary to AM                                     1895/0521
46/27   L Austin O'Malley to AM                                  1895/0625
46/27   L Hugh O'Neill to AM                                     1895/0601
46/27   L Dr. M.J. O'Neill                                       1895/0502
46/27   L John Orb
46/27   L Father O'Rourke (St. Patrick's) to AM                  1895/0602
46/27   L W.F.M. O'Rourke (Holy Angels Church) to AM             1895/0515
46/27   L Carl G. Ortmeyer to AM                                 1895/0221
46/27   L Joseph Oster (Provincial, Holy Ghost College) to AM    1895/0608

46/28   L W.O.B. Pandow (D.J.) to AM                             1895/0517
46/28   L Brother Paulian (Christian Brothers College) to AM     1895/0518
46/28   L R. Phelan (Bishop of Pittsburgh) to AM                 1895/0509
46/28   L R. Phelan (Bishop of Pittsburgh) to AM                 1895/0426
46/28   L Perey A. Phillips to AM                                1895/0518
46/28   L John N. Poland (S.J., St. Xavier College) to AM        1895/0608
46/28   L William L. Poole (St. Rose's Rectory) to AM            1895/0523
46/28   L Joseph L. Patton (Pres., College of New Jersey) to AM  1895/0528
46/28   L John F. Power to AM                                    1895/0606
46/28   L Frederic B. Pratt (Secy., Pratt Institute) to AM       1895/0520
46/28   L Robert J. Pratt to AM                                  1895/0604
46/28   L Helen Quinne (Ed-in-Chief, St. Xavier's Academy) to AM 1895/0607
46/28   L J.J. Quinn to AM                                       1895/0627

46/29   L Joseph Rademacher (Bishop of Fort Wayne) to AM         1895/0407
46/29   L J. Rainer (Provincial Seminary of St. Francis) to AM   1895/0610
46/29   L Joachim Rake to AM                                     1895/0524
46/29   L A. Ravoux (P.R.) to AM                                 1895/0605
46/29   L Hannah Reid to AM                                      1895/06
46/29   L L.W. Reilly (A.M.) to AM                               1895/0626
46/29   L L.W. Reilly to AM                                      1895/0607
46/29   L Rev. F.P. Reilly (The Young People Co.) to AM          1895/0604
46/29   L M.J. Reinhold to AM                                    1895/0518

46/30   L Rev. W.J. Ries to AM                                   1895/0509
46/30   L H.L. Richard to AM                                     1895/0515
46/30   L J. Havens Richards (SJ, Pres., Georgetown Col.) to AM  1895/0510
46/30   L Josephus Havens Richards (SJ, Georgetown Univ) to AM   1895/06
46/30   L Louisa Hohnan Richardson (Secy., Carleton Col.) to AM  1895/0522
46/30   L Henry Joseph Richter (Bishop of Grand Rapids) to AM    1895/0415
46/30   L D.J. Riordan (Bishop) to AM                            1895/0521
46/30   L D.J. Riordan (Bishop) to AM                            1895/0205
46/30   L D.J. Riordan (Bishop) to AM                            1895/0121
46/30   L D.J. Riordan (Bishop) to AM                            1895/0511
46/30   L D.J. Riordan (Bishop) to AM                            1895/0509
46/30   L AM to Archbishop Riordan                               1895/0116

46/31   L F. Robert (St. Vincent De Paul's Church) to AM         1895/0603
46/31   L James Jeffrey Roche to AM                              1895/0603
46/31   L R.J. Roche (St. Mary's Church) to AM                   1895/0516
46/31   L James Rogers (Bishop of Chatham) to AM                 1895/0606
46/31   L J.C. Rodgers to AM                                     1895/0522
46/31   L F. Ryan (St. Michael's Cathedral) to AM                1895/0608
46/31   L F.C. Ryan to AM                                        1895/0520
46/31   L James Ryan (Bishop of Allen) to AM                     1895/0418
46/31   L P.J. Ryan (Bishop of Philadelphia) to AM               1895/0508
46/31   L S.V. Ryan (Bishop of Buffalo) to AM                    1895/0417
46/31   L Martin A. Ryerson to AM                                1895/0604

46/32   L Anna T. Sadlier to AM                                  1895/0611
46/32   L St. Mary's Academy Salt Lake Utah to AM                1895/0611
46/32   L St. Mary of the Woods Vigo County IN to AM             1895/0518
46/32   L H. Satolli (Archbishop) to AM                          1895/0328
46/32   L Frank Scales to AM                                     1895/0219
46/32   L S. Scanlan (Bishop) to AM                              1895/0608
46/32   L S. Scanlan (Bishop of Salt Lake) to AM                 1895/0502
46/32   L Richard Scannell to AM                                 1895/0412
46/32   L Elmer Alexander Scherrer to AM                         1895/0530
46/32   L Elmer A. Scherrer to AM                                1895/0507
46/32   L Godfrey Schlachter (C.PP.S.) to AM                     1895/0516
46/32   L Adam Schmitt (American Book Company) to AM             1895/0514
46/32   L Ellis Schneider to Rev. D.S. Hudson                    1895/0527
46/32   L P. Scholl to AM                                        1895/0522
46/32   L James Schwebach (Bishop of La Crosse) to AM            1895/0417
46/32   L D.B. Scully to AM                                      1895/0614
46/32   L Rev. Scully to AM                                      1895/0515

46/33   L Robert Seton (D.D., St. Joseph's Rectory) to AM        1895/0511
46/33   L Thomas J. Shahan (Catholic U. of America) to Fr. Zahm  1895/0514
46/33   L E.J. Shea (St. Kevin's Church) to AM                   1895/0515
46/33   L S. Sherin (Secretary, Pan-American Congress) to AM     1895/0606
46/33   L T.E. Sherman (S.J.) to AM                              1895/0512
46/33   L P.T. Sherman to AM                                     1895/0603
46/33   L I. Singenberger to AM                                  1895/0629
46/33   L N.J. Sinnott (Umatilla House) to AM                    1895/0531
46/33   L Sisters of the Holy Cross St. John's School to AM      1895/0608
46/33   L Sisters of the Holy Cross Sacred Heart Academy to AM   1895/0513
46/33   L The Sisters of Notre Dame to AM                        1895/0527
46/33   L Edward F. Slattery (St. Catherine's Rectory) to AM     1895/0515
46/33   L Rev. J.R. Slattery to AM                               1895/0509
46/33   L Hoke Smith (Secretary of the Interior) to AM           1895/0603
46/33   L Michael P. Smith (Ch. of St. Paul the Apostle) to AM   1895/0518
46/33   L E. Smulders (CSSR, Ch. of Most Holy Redeemer) to AM    1895/0610

46/34   L Henry J. Spaunhorst to AM                              1895/0706
46/34   L Rev D.J. Spillard (CSC, Ch. of the Sacred Heart) to AM 1895/0524
46/34   L D.J. Stafford (St. Patrick's Church) to AM             1895/0513
46/34   L Eliza Allen Starr (St. Joseph's Cottage) to AM         1895/0607
46/34   L John L. Steffan (CR, Pres., St. Mary's College) to AM  1895/0608
46/34   L J.A. Stephan (Bureau of Catholic Indian Mission) to AM 1895/0518
46/34   L G. Steunou (CSC, Congregation de Sainte-Croix) to AM   1895/0607
46/34   L Rev G. Straniero to AM                                 1895/0522
46/34   L George B. Streit to AM                                 1895/0521
46/34   L Clem Studebaker to AM                                  1895/0613
46/34   L Ed Sugg
46/34   L Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sullivan to AM                  1895/0607
46/34   L J.H. Sullivan to AM                                    1895/0603
46/34   L J. Sullivan (M.D.) to AM                               1895/0520
46/34   L J. Sullivan (M.D.) to AM                               1895/0509
46/34   L J. Sullivan (M.D.) to AM                               1895/0501
46/34   L J. Sullivan (M.D.) to Sister                           1895/0501
46/34   L Mother M. Augusta (St. Mary's Academy) to AM           1895/0504

46/35   L Joannes R. Teety (St. Michael's College) to AM         1895/0609
46/35   L Charles S. Thornton to AM                              1895/0525
46/35   L J.P. Tharp to AM                                       1895/0417
46/35   L Rev. Thomas F. Tierney (Church of Holy Name) to AM     1895/0531
46/35   L U. Tracy (OSB, St. Bernard College) to AM              1895/0526
46/35   L James Augustine de Paul (Bishop of Trenton) to AM      1895/0412
46/35   L David Turpie (US Senate) to AM                         1895/0508

46/36   L Faculty of U. of Pennsylvania to U. of Notre Dame      1895/0510
46/36   L I. Vertin (Bishop of Marquette, Michigan) to AM        1895/0425

46/37   L B.F. Wade to AM                                        1895/0509
46/37   L John Brisben Walker (Cosmopolitan Magazine) to AM      1895/0701
46/37   L John Walsh (Archbishop of Toronto) to AM               1895/0528
46/37   L John Walsh (Archbishop of Toronto) to AM               1895/0417
46/37   L W.E. Waters (Wells College) to AM                      1895/0511
46/37   L W.H. Wathen to AM                                      1895/0625
46/37   L W.H. Wathen (M.D., Kentucky School of Medicine) to AM  1895/0626
46/37   L John A. Watterson to AM                                1895/0611
46/37   L F.W. Wayrich to AM                                     1895/0522
46/37   L Thomas A.E. Weadock to AM                              1895/0603
46/37   L W.H. Welch (Secy., Western Newspaper Union) to AM      1895/0511
46/37   L C.E. Wheeler to AM                                     1895/0425

46/38   L W.M. Wigger (Bishop of Newark) to AM                   1895/0507
46/38   L Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wilkin to AM                   1895/0601
46/38   L John Willemsen (Rector, American College) to AM        1895/0531
46/38   L John J. Williams to AM                                 1895/0521
46/38   L J.W. Williams (Archbishop of Boston)                   1895/0415
46/38   L Williams and Rogers to AM                              1895/0520
46/38   L Msgr. Ernest Windhorst (St. Peter's Church) to AM      1895/0503
46/38   L Innorentins Wolf (Abbot, St. Benedict's Abbey) to AM   1895/0610
46/38   L Innorentins Wolf (Abbot, St. Benedict's Abbey) to AM   1895/0516
46/38   L Jacob Woolverton to AM                                 1895/0515
46/38   L C.A. Yanzer to AM                                      1895/0603
46/38   L C.M. York (Secretary to Chief Justice) to AM           1895/0604

‹— Notre Dame Presidents' Letters —›