University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


"Bishop Loras sought from the beginning of his episcopate to secure an order of religious men for his diocese." Archbishop Beckmann in INTRODUCTION TO CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE DIOCESE OF DUBUQUE, 1837

"The fact is that for three years I have endeavored in vain to obtain some religious institution for my diocese, although I have made special application. Some problems have been made to me." Bishop Loras to Rev. T.J. Donaghoe, St. M. Church, Philadelphia, IN THE EARLY DAYS, p. 69

" . . . in Dubuque in 1843, the history of organized educational work, in the diocese really begins. Efforts were made to establish teaching Brothers in the diocese, the Brothers of St. Joseph being sought from Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1844, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools from Europe, 1851; but in neither case were the establishments permanent." -- Burns: THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES, p. 148, 1843

(Bishop Lomas of Dubuque -- Sorin, Ap;ril 25, 1844:) "In answer to your letter I shall express my cordial satisfaction at the prosperous condition of your excellent institution. It is most probable that these pious, zealous, and humble Brothers will do an immensity of good in this country and will counterbalance the evil which results from many Methodist schools.

"As for my opinion on the three points which you ask, it is, first, that in large towns no girl should be taught by men; and that with the express permission of the Superior General they could be allowed in country places to teach small ones, with proper precautions." Provincial, Archives, 1844

"Second, the idea of free school hurts very much the feelings of the people, and besides some money must be raised to pay the $40 and travelling expenses, so it seems to me that the schools could not be precisely free of charge. Third, by all means the good Brothers ought to be sent all over the United States and further if possible.

"Since you have been so kind, Sir, as to promise me two Brothers in September, next, I have been disappointed in the arrangements for two foundations in Iowa for our good Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin. It may be that they will be enabled to teach our boys in Dubuque next winter as well as the girls, as they have done at Philadelphia. I cannot determine anything positive on this subject previous to the return of the Reverend Mr. Donaghoe, their superior from the East." 1844

(The Bishop's letter is addressed to: "Rev. E. Sorin, Superior of the Brothers of St. Joseph") August 5, 1844: "I am happy to inform you that the strong opposition which was raised here by the enemy of God against our schools in nearly over . . . .Could you, Reverend Sir, send us early in September one or two good Brothers of St. Joseph, according to your kind promise? We will conform faithfully to all the rules. One of them should be a pretty smart scholar in order to give the Order a good name out here. Excuse me for this remark, but above all they must be good religious in order to lay down a solid and lasting foundation.

"We have here a young man from Ireland, who has for several years been a teacher in the public schools in Philadelphia, and who is highly recommended for talents and great piety; he has some notion of joining the Order. I shall neglect nothing to encourage and cherish his vocation. The Brothers may come by stage to Galena and Dubuque. In the fond hope that you will grant my request, I remain, dear Sir., Your humble and devoted servant in Christ." "Matthias, Bishop of Dubuque", 1844

(Bishop Loras -- Sorin) "Since Rev. C. Petiot has visited your excellent institution I have conceived the great desire of introducing into my diocese some of the Brothers of St. Joseph. As you told the gentlemen that it was probable that you could spare some of them next spring in our behalf, I take the liberty of begging you the favor of obtaining two of them to teach a good school under my eyes in Dubuque.

"The Very Reverend Joseph Cretin is the bearer of this and will plead powerfully for the good cause of Christian Education." Mathias, Bishop of Dubuque, 1844

(Bishop Loras -- Sorin) (November 11, 1844) "I have found a good young man who will probably join excellent and very useful order in spring. But in my opinion nothing is better calculated to manifest and cherish religious vocations than the presence of those who are happily engaged in them. This is the reason why several young ladies are making application to join the Sisters, because we have among us the excellent order of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will be the case with the Brothers, I feel confident. So I hope you will be able in early spring to send us two Brothers, who will either live together in Dubuque or in two different places according to the spirit of the order. I shall continue to look for Novices. But I will be thankful to you if you inform me as soon as possible of your good intention and position as well as a positive determination that I may prepare the way for them. I anticipate a great deal of good from their presence in my diocese and I shall neglect nothing to take of them the greatest care." 1844

(Fr. Marivault -- Moreau) "Bishop Loras of Dubuque has 30,000 Sioux, most of them infidels. The Vicar General of Dubuque came to get two Brothers. He was accompanied by the same priest who last fall was here on a similar mission. Now the priest brought us a postulant. But we had to refuse the request, as we did not want to send Brothers who weren't well formed in the religious life. The visit confirmed us in the idea that the American bishops were well satisfied with Notre Dame but said if they wanted subjects we should have to spread outside Indiana. However, Notre Dame must satisfy the needs of the Bishop who called them." 1844-5

(Sorin's Foundation at Dubuque) (Mar. 23, 1845) Sorin made foundation at Dubuque in spite of the refusal of the Bishop de la Hailandiere to allow him to make foundations outside the diocese. Asks Moreau to stop it according to contract.

"Moreau, after conferring with the Council, asks Chappe to write Sorin the decisions: -- 1) make no more foundations without the decision of the Council; 2) follow vigorously the terms of the treaty with Bishop Hailandiere made at Le Mans; Moreau asked the Bishop to allow Dubuque foundation, but Hailandiere refused; hence Sorin must withdraw it; 3) Sorin must not extend his work until subjects are well-formed in a religious way." April 5, 1845, Ch -- Sorin, GENERAL ARCHIVES, 1845

"Before the close of 1844 the energetic Vicar-general, Very Rev. J. Cretin, established an academy for boys in Dubuque, under the direction of the Brothers of St. Joseph from Notre Dame, Indiana." SHEA, Vol 4, p. 244, 1844

"Academy for boys at Dubuque. This academy is conducted by the Brothers of St. Joseph, from Indiana, under the direction of the Very Rev. J. Cretin." THE METROP. CATHOLIC ALMANAC AND LAITY DIRECTORY, 1485, p. 120, 1845

(Bishop Loras) "the saying of Archbishop Hughes, 'First the schools, then the church', was not forgotten by the bishop, if, indeed, it was not original with him . . . ."

See (Bishop Hailandiere -- Sorin) (29)

See (Bishop Hailandiere -- Moreau) (57) (62) (63) (85)

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›