University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


Provincials, 1864; List of the Religious in America eligible for the office of Provincial. Salvatorists.... Josephites: (Here follow names of some 45 Brothers. Moreau Letter, 2:340.

"A condition was that candidates had to be professed four years."

Provincial Chapters of 1865; 1861; See in large file under Provincial.

(Three Provinces, 1865) "The three American Provinces were united into one by the annulled Chapter of 1865, were established anew, with their respective novitiates...." Life of Moreau, Book 4, p. 21

(Early Provincial Prospects, 1860... Sorin) "The establishments of the Province were gradually becoming more regular and were growing more and more productive for the Provincial House, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, and Zanesville, Ohio, were beginning to have the spirit of foundations with good future prospects."

(Province of Indiana 1872-80) See report in large files "Province".

"Sorin and Father Saulnier proposed that a provincial should be chosen for America in order to manage American affairs, because the Chapter said that experience showed that the Mother House could not govern properly. A plan was drawn up, but not sent as the Mother House might take alarm. Ultimately the proposal was shelved until next year." July, 1847.

Province in U.S. founded in 1852; Sorin named Provincial. "Congregation divided into four provinces; France, Canada, U.S., and Bengal" General Chapter. 1866.

"Provincial Council was organized August 30, 1857, by Father Moreau, who was present, conformably to the new Constitutions. Father Sorin, President, Father Granger, assistant; Brothers Amadeus, Provincial Steward, and Brother Stephen Treasurer at Chicago. Fr. Force, Superior at Chicago; Sorin is Vicar Provincial."

Reorganized: 2 Aug. 30, 1857, according to new Constitutions: Sorin Vicar, presided; Granger, assistant, Gillespie, Director of Studies; Father Force, Superior at Chicago; Brothers Boniface, Edward, Dominic, Benjamin, Bernadine, Joseph, Father Letourneau."

"To meet every year before General Retreat at N.D. to examine if ordinance of Superior Generals visit has been fulfilled; to report to St. Croix to examine accounts of the Province; petition expulsion of professed members, maintain uniformity of teaching in our schools."

"Very Reverend Father General forms the Provincial Chapter, as follows: conformably to the new Constitutions, Rev. Fr. Sorin, Vicar, President; Rev. Fr. Granger, assistant; Rev. Fr. Gillespie, Director of Studies; Fr. Force, Superior of Chicago; Brother Boniface of Columbus, Ohio; Brother Edward, Director of Cincinnati; Brother Dominic of Hamilton, Ohio; Brother Benjamin of Milwaukee; Brother Bernard Joseph of Chicago, also Rev. Father Letourneau."

"This Chapter will assemble every year before the General Retreat at Notre Dame"

-- Minute Book: Provincial Archives. 1857.

Provincial Chapter; Personnel: "Fathers Sorin, Provincial; Granger, B.J. Force, L.J. Letourneau, N.H. Gillespie, Sec'y; Bros. Boniface, Lawrence, Edward, Benjamin, Bernard Joseph." 1858

-- Provincial Assistants: "Authenticated letters from the Very Rev. Father General are produced by Brother Vincent, newly arrived from France, by which he is named assistant of the Rev. Father Provincial for the Josephites, and Rev. Father L. Letourneau assistant of the same for the


-- Local Council. Sept. 27. 1858

1864: Provinces of US., Louisiana, and Canada united.

-- 1863: "The three vicariates of America are united into one province for the present until the Sacred Congregation of Faith shall decree otherwise." General Chapter, Le Mans, 1863, approved by Cardinal Barnabi, Sept. 26, 1864. Archbishop Purcell to carry it out.

"Decree of Holy See uniting provinces of Indiana, Louisiana, and Canada into one; fixing seat of and novitiate of U.S. province at N.D. thus giving hopes of seeing established soon not only peace and harmony, but also the union desired by all. On this occasion Moreau invited conjointly by Bishop Luers and Sorin to preside at future Chapter."1863.

1866: (Sorin) "The General Chapter divided the Congregation of Holy Cross into four Provinces: France, the U.S., Canada, and Bengal."

1865: Provincial Chapter -- an extraordinary one. Presided over by an Apostolic Delegate in the person of Bishop Luers of Fort Wayne. Sorin elected Provincial."

Provincial Chapter (Council), 1865: "The Provincial Council met and organized Friday, August 12, under the presidency of Very Rev. E. Sorin, Provincial; the members present were Father Granger, Brothers Edward, and Vincent, and Mr. O'Brien."

-- Minute Book 1865

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