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1803 Oct. 13
Fortier, M(iche)l
to Father (Thomas Hassett Fortier, Captain of the Artillery states that with his consent his daughter Julia (Porter), widow of Fran(cis)co Ayme, and Adelard Fortier, her uncle, petition for a dispensation to marry. Haste is necessary to avoid scandal in a large and distinguished family and he asks (Hassett) that this marriage be performed in strictest secrecy.
V-4-b A.L.S. (Spanish) 2pp. folio (1803) (Oct. 13)
Hassett, Father (Thomas) There is an assistantship vacant in the Cathedral and today Father Juan Pedro Kon presented himself. He had served a parish in Santo Domingo. Hassett has examined his papers and found him qualified and orders that a letter be sent to Manuel de Salcedo asking that Kon be assigned to this place. Nar(ci)so Broutin acts as secretary. D.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas
to Manuel de Salcedo If Salcedo agrees, Hassett will assign Kon to the Cathedral of St. Luis. Kon is French. Copy (Spanish)
Salcedo, Manuel de
to Father Thomas Hasset(t) Salcedo has no objections to Kon's appointment. L.S. (Spanish)
Hassett, Father Thomas Hassett appoints Kon and gives him the necessary faculties. Copy (Spanish)
Hassett, father Thomas
to Juan Ventura Morales Hassett sends Kon's license to be registered in the treasury and returned. Copy (Spanish)
Morales, Juan Ventura
to Father T(h)omas Hassett Morales returns the appointment as requested in Hassett's of the 4th which reached Morales on the 8th. L.S. (Spanish)
V-4-b D.S., Copies, L.S. (Spanish) 7pp. folio and 8vo.