University of Notre Dame

The Story of Notre Dame
Brother Aidan's Extracts


Notre Dame Student's ages ... Brownson and Carroll Music Department.

"From the first, the students of Notre Dame had been separated into divisions according to ages. Those over 16 were called seniors; those between 12 and 16 were called juniors; those under 12 minims. The seniors since have been called Brownsons, in honor of the great philosopher; and the Juniors, Carrolls, in honor of the first Bishop of Baltimore.

"Whoever leaves Notre Dame hopes to see it again." Catholic Review, Patrick V. Hickey (1879)

"In the kindred art of music Notre Dame has always excelled. Indeed, the Music Department has ever been one of the most distinguished of the University. The veterans of this department were Professor Girac and Brother Basil...the latter still with us to make more holy and beautiful the world in which he still lives... Brother Leopold has long been one of the choice musical spirits."

‹— Brother Aidan's Extracts —›